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/lit/ - Literature

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9770199 No.9770199 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw finished another chapter

How's YOUR writing coming, writers of /lit/?

>> No.9770206

good. getting published and shit. Haven't made a dime yet, but whatever. Been kind of blocked for the last week, so I might go out and steal some children's underwear or something to get back in the groove.

>> No.9770209

I've never written anything longer than 6 pages before throwing it out. Sometimes I write awful edgy high school tier poetry and hate myself for it :^)

>> No.9770212

How can I write when my writing is absolute shit. I won't be a competent writer for another 3 decades.

>> No.9770221

It took me about 3 decades to be decent at it.

If you're not willing to take however long it takes, then fuck off.

>> No.9770226

Non existent because I don't feel like writing in manuscript and my fucking douchebag hacker of a roommate will steal my writing and ideas if I leave it on my laptop.

>> No.9770229

Going well. Was in the groove and writing everyday but I slackened lately. Just can't seem to get myself in the right mind set. Simply don't know what to write about.

>> No.9770251

No u oldman. I'd rather read than write. Writing is inherently arrogant.

>> No.9770270

I'm currently writing a letter to a local filmster... hoping to get my screenplay some eyes as soon as I finish.

It's been going well lately... I made $125 a while back after one of my short stories won a contest (big name writer within my country was the judge). That story was published in a local literary magazine that's available to all members of our region's writer's guild (professors, school admins, other writers and editors).

I'm excited... but not gonna give into wishful thinking.

>> No.9770279


>> No.9770285

I finished it. Now, I have to fill it with More elements, check and correct it and repeat. Then, correct the grammar errors.

I have been writing this for 3 months and a half.

>> No.9770288

What did you write?

>> No.9770290

is it your open letter to red letter media about how their videos have victimized you?

>> No.9770293
File: 85 KB, 500x709, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making some progress. I've got the whole idea mapped out and stuff, but it's hard to for me to really get a lot done because I feel like I'm just making senseless teen-angst tier ramblings.

>> No.9770299

It took me a little more than a year from when I was 19 and aimless to getting my first short story published in a mag at 21. I had very little interest in literature and hated writing essays in school...

30 years, man? Really? Shit...

>> No.9770300

I wrote a few short stories a few weeks ago. But I felt like I did them all wrong. So I'm catching up on some reading to see how I can do things better.

>> No.9770312

a. you're most likely lying.

b. even if true, getting one thing published is hardly the mark of being a successful writer.

>> No.9770332

I'm a published scientific author but I can't write fiction or prose to save my ass


>> No.9770342

It's about a demon who meet Thanatos (Death) to go to the last circle of Hell because reasons.

It's like 80% Dante, 15% Clive Barker and 5% Lovecraft.

>> No.9770345

>b. even if true, getting one thing published is hardly the mark of being a successful writer.

What makes you say that? Sounds like clear resentment...

>> No.9770348

also not all publishing credits are equal. If someone said they were first published in the new yorker at 19, then yeah that's pretty impressive.

If you got published in your community college art magazine...then that's not really published published.

>> No.9770375

my brother has no literary talent at all, and he was published when he was in college, so what?

like said>>9770348 though, where you got published is way more important than just being published. Hell, back when /lit/ wen through that phase of starting their own lit mags, i bet half of posters on here got published in that, not that it means anything.

>> No.9770379

Post first sentence or paragraph and we'll tell you how shit it is.

>> No.9770383

and 100% pig shit

>> No.9770392

I wasn't published in a college mag. It was my region's writer's guild's magazine. Every year they host a contest, and this year they got some real big names in my country's lit scene to be judges. It was open to my entire country because of the names involved.

I guess our deterministic outcomes and base genetic abilities are a tough pill to shallow.

>> No.9770393

My mother language is Spanish. I don't want to translate the whole thing. Even if it's just the first part.

Exactly. You got it.

>> No.9770400


>> No.9770404

yeah dude, you're right. You got published once in a regional mag that nobody ever heard of and never did anything more with it, so you've obviously mastered the art of writing with your superior dna. I'm blown the fuck out.

>> No.9770409

There's always that one oldfag who spergs out to the young ones about how MUH LITERATURE IS HARD TO WRITE


>> No.9770415

>nobody ever heard of

Let me correct you.
>in a mag that's delivered to established members of the writing community, editors, publishing agents, professors and academic admins... but other than that, yeah it's only delivered to members of the guild, so of course no one else has heard of it.

Why are you people so bitter?

>> No.9770441

>Why are you people so bitter?

You being published once, in some third world country's premier regional mag that nobody would have ever heard of so obviously you can't prove it ever happened, and that's the peak of your writing career?

But whatever, you're carrying the torch now, master. instruct all these plebs as you know best.

>> No.9770468

I live in a first world, English speaking country.

This award had a very big name attached to it. I can see the clear difference in tone when I attach that little tidbit from literary agents whom I've queried about my work now. I have three agents who want to look at a manuscript, which I've been racing to get at least 2/3s done.

Oh my god, dude... phone your mom or something, shit...

>> No.9770477

I'm enjoying the "plan in my head" phase. It's the most enjoyable phase to be honest, soon I will have to move onto the "write a bit and realize my ideas are dumb and I can't write" phase.

>> No.9770486

>hating on being published in a college mag

You know Pynchon was published at 22 in his Uni's mag?
Why are people shitting on this? Because you've never had anyone tell you you're good? That's probably it.
This sort of thing really inspires younger people to really take a crack at it.

>> No.9770494

>Oh my god, dude... phone your mom or something, shit...
will do bro, everything you say is both successful and right.

>> No.9770495

Are you guy who said it took 3 decades to get "decent" at writing? If it took you that long, then I think writing's not your calling.


>> No.9770615

Any advice to continuous writing? I feel like I only start stories and never complete them.

Is there no advice but to just keep writing?

>> No.9770619

Try skipping ahead if you get stuck in a certain spot. You can fill the gaps later on

>> No.9770634

Submit to short story contests. You'll find a 2000 word limit easy to get to, and you'll train your editor's eye at what you cut out. It builds confidence with a style that's easy to adjust to.

>> No.9770635

Postéalo, anónimo, y te diré qué tal es.
Suena interesante

>> No.9770637

Not that guy, but you're not the first person I've seen mention short story contests. Are they really that good of an idea? I've mostly avoided them, preferring to submit to magazines and journals.

>> No.9770639

>have goal of writing two articles a day
>yesterday wrote 1.5 until 5 pm.
>today wrote 1.5 and it's now 10 to 1 pm.

I can do it!

>> No.9770647

link articles pls. I'm crossing the boundaries under the guise of philosophy.

>> No.9770660
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>his book is divided into chapters
>not writing a series of unconnected vignettes punctuated by footnotes
kek, do you even postmodernism?

>> No.9770760

Coming along nicely, actually. Just trying to iron out the kinks in the timeline. 1902 to 49,170 AD is a LOT of time to detail, you know.

>> No.9770794

Of course they are. People care about awards. Agents care about awards. Magazine people care about awards; it's just human nature... people are usually crap at figuring out if something is good or not, so attach an award or a name that said you were good, and it'll sway people's opinions like crazy.

>> No.9770801
File: 1 KB, 184x40, Count1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my first novel two weeks ago, pic related. Finishing it didn't make me happy, only stressed out to write a second, and sad looking back at how alone I was for the past year-and-a-half I spent on it. I have a retired editor looking at it, and am waiting for his comments before I look for an agent. I had a copy printed and spiral bound at kinkos so I could hold it in my hands and feel, which was awesome, but the next day my fulfillment escaped me and I became miserable and depressed.

Question, though, for anybody who cares. Is there room in the West for another sad love story? I'm fifty pages into my second novel, and half of the plot and narration revolves around the the main character recalling his meeting and failed relationship with a girl (who is now gone or dead), chasing a hallucination of her around Europe. The girl is supposed to represent the ideal of Rome/Unified Europe, and the story is a criticism, both implicitly and explicitly, of the EU's current attempt to formally dissolve and integrate its member states. Is this worth writing? Imagine a mix of Catcher in the Rye, Childe Harold's Pilgrimmage, and the Tuscon dialogues of Infinite Jest.

>> No.9770802

Also, another tip: if you're submitting to contests, try to go for one's with blind judging; people are fucky and will use anything in their arsenal to persuade themselves they don't like you're writing based on things that have nothing to do with your writing (i.e age, sex, political opinions, how new of a writer you are etc.)

Also learn as much as you can about the judges... what they like, how they write, what they believe in. You gotta cater to them sometimes to get a start. Ya gotta dance for your patronage, Artist!

good luck

>> No.9770805

What's your book about?

>> No.9770807


i have wine within me and extremely clammy hands due to THC withdrawal rn... forgive me

>> No.9770867

Good, I've finally been getting a solid grip on my poetry skills and I'm getting to the point where I'm confident to actually write out my outlined epic.

>> No.9770881

Sippin on a Citradelic and smokin on some OG Kush right now and it feels good, creative tincture is at a peak right now and I'm loving it

>> No.9771340

that sounds like ouehhh pleb sweaty obese teenager black metal fanboy would read to get his first erection hardly seen under his gut

>> No.9771349

good one is hard to write, everybody can write shitty 300 pages bout fuckin fanstasy shit

>> No.9771362

been there, then u got drunk and write a first chapter which is not that bad, but you kill your main character so you try to make this first chaper your last, but fot the fuck sake ist too weak to be the last so you put it in the middle and...
no idea where this comment is going

>> No.9771597

its ok. 25k words into my rough draft, have another 25k of outlining done. haven't written anything the past 4 or so days because my partner's home all day on vacation. i work slowwww

>> No.9771648

>write a short story
>it's sort of funny but probably childish and cutesy
>submit it to a competition
>win the competition
>refuse to even look at what I wrote
>feel immense shame and embarrassment because of it
>feel zero inclination to write anything else

Any advice?

>> No.9771823

Read it, note what you didn't like, get back to writing

>> No.9771840

this is what I fear that my book is... all it is

>> No.9772061

Why does everyone on this board speak Spanish?

>> No.9772086

There doesn't seem to be a point in saying anything

>> No.9772187

There is a Black/Death Metal scene at the end. The MC plays the guitar and Thanatos sings, and there is other two characters who play the battery and the bass. Sso you are not wrong.

>> No.9773580

Stuck on this essay for a philosophy class. What now?

>> No.9773584

drop out, start sucking off drag queens down by the landfill?

>> No.9773588

Give us a sample

>> No.9773615

fucking great
just got ANOTHER poem finished
if I keep at it, I'll have a book in NO time

>> No.9773628

Couldn't sleep so wrote some 3k words sleep deprived, woke up and wrote maybe 6k words. Been good.

>> No.9773644


Blocked by work obligations just when I started flowing after a year long hiatus Fml

>> No.9773651

About 15% done with the book. Working hard to make it beautiful and tell a story about life.

I know how the above sounds, but that is 100% my goal. This will be my third novel I've attempted to get publish. I'm putting everything I have into it. If it doesn't get published, I'm done with writing.

>> No.9773654

Only been writing in my diary (2 bee earnest), otherwise nada, niente

feels bad man

>> No.9773787

Um no. Begone from this board you foul degenerate!

>> No.9773859
File: 823 KB, 268x300, pika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got accepted to a somewhat legitimate anthology today, first time that's happened. But now I'm too excited to actually sit down and write the thing. Work can begin tomorrow.

>> No.9773880

>more rejections and stalls


>> No.9773891

you suck, or you're sending your stuff to the wrong people

>> No.9773953

>another sad love story
>"about" EU
Honestly i dont care abt plot elements or symbolism. If you can write good dialogue and narratorial interjections, then I'll find your stuff readable.

>> No.9773960

Give us an excerpt pls. If you truly have disowned it, then it shouldnt matter

>> No.9774086
File: 261 KB, 622x800, tumblr_oi5y86Tahn1s3hp12o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 149,370 words, somewhere like 394 pages... almost done.

I'm worried that my story is too slow. I've cut it down once, and I'm gonna have to cut it down again. The problem is, it's part of big series and the first book has a lot of character relationships to build.

It's basically a paranormal romance series, with the big underlying thing being the main character falling out of love with the guy she falls in love with in the first book, and eventually falling in love with the guy she mistrusts in the first book.

I just don't know how Draconian to be, with cutting out content to speed it up ... but still feel like she actually falls in love with the first guy.

I think about it every day that I write, like in the back of my mind.

>> No.9774212

good for you anon, even if its trash, you've still done more than most

>> No.9774218

I like it anon
Asking if there is room for a book about a sad white dude is asking if the literary fiction genre still exists

>> No.9774581

The main character discussed speaks in first person, so if you're referring to free indirect discourse, his entire narrative is free indirect discourse, which probably doesn't count, then. He relives memories and loses track of considerable amounts of time and distance as he makes his unintentional pilgrimage.

Side plots are in third person, and will probably be strictly kept there. Most of the dialogue and philosophical/political discussion will be in these sections.

That's encouraging! I'm definitely a sad white dude myself :( More of an Underground Man than a Gatsby, though... Hopefully things will change so I can die getting shot in my mansion's pool.

>> No.9775066
File: 165 KB, 610x477, LatD SNaO Considered Cover 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my 7th book, which is the 4th in the Living amongst the Dead series.


Pic related is the cover art. I think the back cover looks better than the front, which is probably the most bland front cover I've ever had. Gonna be good once I get enough disposable income to invest towards new cover art.

>> No.9775825

Wrote 60 pages of my novel before realizing how awful and cliché it was. I've decided to scrap it for now, but hey at least I got some practice in, and I've also got an idea for a new book that u think is alot better.

>> No.9776068

Finished yet another ageless masterpiece, everyone says it's great, the critics love it, and I already have an idea for the next, but I'm still poor and have to go to work tomorrow.

>> No.9776142


>> No.9776701

Better covers than usual but your back cover blurb needs a bit of work.

>> No.9777031

Oddly enough we seem to have differing opinions, polar opposites, but all good. Thanks for the input, and I'm glad you like the cover art. Or at least, like it more than the others it would seem. A fan of mine down in the US has been the first to buy it, which is something he actually insists I make sure of every time I release a book. Read it in a day even though it's over 40,000 words (Over 140 pages for the paperback version as I recall, he got the eBook version though of course), and told me he's going to leave a review of it on Amazon. Judging by the praise he was giving me in his most recent email, it's undoubtedly going to be 4-5 stars, and I'd actually be rather surprised if it were only 4 stars. He's huge into zombie survival books, and I genuinely think that my Living amongst the Dead series is his most favourite, possibly by a large margin.

Told me that most zombie books tend to have LOADS of ammo, LOTS of fast shooting, VERY little melee action, basically NO bayonets, and is just in general not very realistic. Mine takes a very nitty-gritty look at surviving the apocalypse, and in truth, zombies aren't really much of a big role. Of course they're often present, and must be dealt with from time to time, but largely they're a means of providing a SHTF/WROL scenario. That's Shit Hit the Fan and Without Rule of Law, for those who aren't into the whole 'prepper' or 'post-apocalyptic' thing. A lot of it is maintaining food, character development, traveling, survivalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if this series ends up going for over 10 novels, possibly even 20+. I have big ideas for it, both in reaching to the future when they finally settle down, as well as looking to the past when civilization was only just being lost.

In my books, the majority of threats are dealt with using melee. This last book... let me think... pretty sure it was 2 rounds of .45 ACP, 2 rounds of 7.62x38r, 3 rounds of 7.62x54r, and I think... 1 7.62x39? That's actually quite a lot of shooting for just one book, if I'm to be perfectly honest, even though it's only 8 shots fired. No wait! Sorry, make that 4 7.62x54r, so that's 9 shots fired. There was a surprising amount of action in this one, and quite consistent. Though then again Dark Days had the most zombie killing to my knowledge, and On the Road Again had a pretty big fire fight that actually lead to the death of one of the survivors from Dark Days... so I guess the books aren't as lacking in action as I thought? Anyways, I got 1420 words written for the 5th Living amongst the Dead this morning, also planning to write a sequel for Firearm Valhalla, and I'm extremely excited to continue this momentum I've gotten. I think I might be able to finish at least one more book before the end of August, which will be my 1 year anniversary of writing books. Around October 20th will be my 1 year anniversary of being a self-published author.

>> No.9777035

is this an attempt at pasta

>> No.9777036
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>tfw haven't written anything recently, but yesterday spent an inordinate amount of time designing my female characters in an online waifu-creator game

>> No.9777087

Nope, just me being me. Also, that review came. You can check it out on the Amazon page yourself, but I'll copy/paste it here. It's admittedly not the best-written review, but it's a fantastic one none the less. He also loved my book "Another One Please, to Dull the Pain" because he's been through some fucked-up divorces, and AOP,tDtP features a pretty fucked-up marriage and divorce. So yeah, I think my writing is going fairly well thus far. I look forward to becoming a full-time writer someday, and I most certainly believe it to be attainable.

5 stars "Best so far"

I never liked zombies. What a terribly lazy way to write on the apocalypse, assuming there are supplies to easily pick up for years as if the collapse is nothing more than a shopping trip with an unlimited credit card. But there are even worse than normal zombie tales, 99% of what is out there, and incredibly great zombie books and this series is in that 1%. But this series has nothing to do with zombies making it good and everything to do with the authors abilities. No matter what he writes, he is good. A natural talent. I’m a voracious reader and I know good and bad writing, and I’ve been writing myself for twenty-five or so years and I’m no natural. Only practice has made me less than wretched. I’m not jealous-I’m pleased. The natural ones are rare. Almost anyone you read, it is rote. A formula. A job. Not this guy. As far as this particular book in the series, I’d have to say it is probably the best one. The first, well, it was unique. It was long but it was good. I loved it. This latest doesn’t have the length. But, it also doesn’t have the navel gazing. The introspection was part of the characterization, and well done, but that was what accounted for the length. If that had been duplicated into the forth book it would have gotten too boring. Instead, what you see is the pace picking up, more characters introduced, more action than mulling. Each book in the series improves upon the last and the forth puts that on steroids. When it’s great to start, and just keeps getting better, what’s to argue about? Another must read.

>> No.9777112

>reviewing your own book on amazon

>> No.9777117

Heard that meme before. Next!

>> No.9777155


>> No.9777192

name of the game?

>> No.9777398

>wrote first 3 books in 2-3 months each
>4th is a god damned mess
>trying to work on it amounts to staring at the screen or angrily pgup/pgdn through pages of redactions and half-written garbage
>historical, so just the notes are 36k wordcount, feel like I can't organize them to be useful to me
>have read about 5 books on the subject and still can't visualize everything, complex period of history
>1/2 of what I wrote I had to redact, just left it in strikeout in draft
>most isn't written
>feel like I can't move forwards with it
>have to augment the historical timeline or I have an entire year where nothing fucking happens
>obviously will fuck everything up
>had to gas my outline and redo the first 4 chapters (10 total) completely, moving scenes around for presentation
>has big emphasis on ships and ship battles, how ships work may as well be magnets to me
>hard to find educational material on ships of this specific period

>3rd novel I shilled to 20 agents, up to about 12 rejections now
>"it sounds like you have a great story to tell but I'm not the right agent for this"
>was specifically targeting agents that have interest in my genre/themes
>what did he mean by this
>redid query and gave another edit to the whole novel, still hasn't improved my responses
>(query is a lot better now, though. Thanks /lit/.)

>> No.9777422

i would consider maybe switching the graphic to the front cover of the book, it'll catch people's attention much better

>> No.9777423

Not really a game I suppose, more a tool

>> No.9777424

disregard that, didn't see that you already commented on that yourself

>> No.9777427

A book every 2-3 months isn't too bad! With your 4th, what you could try is leaving it alone for a while and focusing on the theoretical 5th (though you might end up finishing the 5th before the 4th, but that's ok). You shouldn't edit before the first draft is finished. Write it all out, THEN edit/redact/whatever.

36,000 words is good, that's a very solid novella, approaching novel. Maybe what you should try is 'discovery writing' instead of 'outline writing.' I've tried both and I'm definitely more of a discovery writer; I start writing and see where it takes me, not knowing what will happen until it happens, and events have even caught ME by surprise and I'm the writer! But hey, if outline is your deal then you be you, but maybe what could help is looking forward and coming up with an ending? Just a thought.

Is it necessarily bad if a year is left without much mention? Could be room for a book in and of itself for that timeframe. Can't help with ships whatsoever.

12 rejections, right on, making progress! Impressive to be trying the traditional route! I just went straight for self-publishing, I have control of just about EVERYTHING, and I'm getting money fairly steadily. Nothing huge, but making progress with each successive book. You should try self-publishing them in the meantime unless you have some kind of contract with the agents or something, I don't entirely know how agents work.

I tell ya, anon. Self-publish. Try to get people reading it, get some feedback, some reviews, and see how that goes. Put the book on KDP Select, let people read it on Kindle Unlimited, make the book for free from time to time and just try to get people READING it. People will review/rate it eventually. Also use Goodreads, I've gotten ratings/reviews there, though two of them were 2-star reviews from what I think are probably feminists who are butthurt at one of my books having a feminist who is borderline raped and ends up falling for the guy who borderline raped her. She ends up saving his life in the sequel.

Any of this help, anon?

>> No.9777433
File: 147 KB, 611x477, LatD SNaO Considered Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree; the bit on the back looks beautiful, but it seems as though I'm unable to do that. In fact the bit on the back is the whole reason I chose it.

Pic related is what I was going to go with, but my book doesn't really have much in the way of mountains, so although I prefer the font I ultimately went with the nice image of the one I went with. Unfortunate that I can't switch the back to the front.

You're not being very helpful... I know good and well the cover looks very bland and the back-cover is where the beauty is. Doesn't matter either way; I anticipate getting quite a few sales over the next 4 days. I've got some decent marketing on the go, the promotional thing with a bunch of free books, people are steadily checking out the first in my series and some of them are doubtless to go for the sequels. Things are looking good, even if this cover is kinda boring on the front!

>> No.9777449

thought the same thing desu

>> No.9777460

get into therapy

>> No.9777495

How so? Just because it seems fairly well written and gets a lot of info across in a fairly short amount of time?

>> No.9777508

>36,000 words is good

That's just the historical notes for the period. It's not in any way a novel. The draft is about 20k words, but most of it is notes or redacted.

>don't edit first draft

If it clearly doesn't work, I strikethrough it.

>leave it alone

I did. Went about 2 months without touching it.

>discovery writing

I like really complex plots so I'm hardcore outline type. How I actually end up writing each section in order to accomplish its goals is where any "discovery" would take place.

I did try self publishing my first novel but it got zero hits so I took it down after 8 months.

I'm just being grumpy right now... I need to get into it. When I do write, I go for 8 hours a day type mania. Just need to get into that but IRL stress/needs are preventing it. I just took a trip to the beach for a week so I'll be better at understanding ocean...things now. I'll just keep at it I guess. I'll continue shilling my 3rd and maybe clean up my 2nd to send it out, since it has potential.

How many reads did you get and what marketing did you do?

>> No.9777513

i write 1 short story per week, it's going well, i'm noticing more improvement story to story thanks to the faster feedback loop than months/years of a long novel of the same quality

>> No.9777535


>> No.9777594

I've dabbled with writing on and off but I always feel like my writing is pretentious and soulless. Please tell me I'm not alone in this.

>> No.9777596
File: 220 KB, 754x594, No Yes Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the full cover, back and forth, and yeah it's my worst-selling book. Fairly blatant erotica, though with some story and backstory in it, probably my worst book but I dunno if I'd outright call it bad. Gonna have to read it again sometime, wrote it in late October to early-mid November 2016. 2nd book. I am also presently working on a compilation of erotica short stories and/or novelettes. I do enjoy writing erotica.

>more historical notes of the period than what's in the draft.
Should be fairly historically accurate then, good! Learn all you can of the period to make it as authentic as possible!

>First draft
Get the draft finished, first and foremost, but it's admirable that you're putting such importance into historical accuracy. Right on. Just keep working at it, but still after that first draft is finished you can then go through it for a 2nd draft in which you check all your historical notes and what not. Make sure it's all squeaky clean, and if it's not, then edit it, which is what the 2nd draft is for.

>like complex plots
Right on, keep doing what you're doing then, but I highly advise someday writing a book purly by discovery writing. No notes. Write it, finish the first draft, go over it, and edit as required, but most of my editing seems to be grammatical and perhaps adding bits of extra detail here and there. Nothing particularly substantial in my editing, when I edit.

>Zero hits with self-publishing
You need to market it too; that's on you, not Amazon.

>Need to get to it
Yes you do, writing isn't always easy. Sometimes I can pump out page after page after page; recently I wrote over 5000 words in just one day. Felt amazing, and I truly believe it was some VERY high-quality writing. If you're stressed and think it'll prevent you from writing, then don't, take it easy. Though at times I find that I can still write when stressed, like "Another One Please, to Dull the Pain" almost 28,000 words written with 5 days, 15,500 of the words were written within the first 24 hours. Very stressful time, but it apparently turned out very well. it's free on Lulu.

>> No.9777627


Do you make money writing erotica? Well obviously but how much? I did some ero greentexts for /a/ that people liked and saved. If it could get me some easy cash I wouldn't be sorry about it. I'm talented at perversion.

Also thanks for the advice. I'm historically accurate to a point, but I have to refrain from trying to please autists like /his/ and I keep in mind my target audience doesn't have detailed knowledge of the period. If it comes to where accuracy harms the story I say to hell with it.

How do you market it?

>> No.9777629

>How many reads did you get and what marketing did you do?

Can't say I fully understand. Basically when I market, I mostly just comment on things as usual, but if a book is relevant then I'll bring it up sometime usually around the end, sometimes providing a link but not always. Also I know a guy who has a blog about survivalism and firearms, which is right up my alley, and he LOVES my Living amongst the Dead series so he plugs the book from time to time. I've gotten many, many sales from his blog I think. I also go to some forums, and in threads like this on /lit/ or /k/ (/wfg/ in particular; Writefag General), etc. I also write a lot of Youtube comments, have been for over a decade I think, and I have a tendency to get lots of thumbs up. I use this to my advantage. The exact WRONG way to go about marketing is going to places and just saying "Buy my book it's good! Here's the link!"

I don't use FaceBook or Twitter though I understand that both would REALLY help me big-time for sure. Oh yeah, and Goodreads is a great site. Quite certain I've gotten some sales through that, and also some ratings/reviews. Through Goodreads is how I found my Australian fan I think, whom I put in the Acknowledgement section of my last book because he's been a big inspiration. We chat fairly often, both of us love history and firearms and stuff like that. He's been to Canada before, oddly enough around the area that Living amongst the Dead is based, though I've yet to see Australia. Might check the place out sometime.

For actual numbers, I think I've gotten around 60 ebook sales, perhaps a dozen though no more than 15 paperback sales, and around 350 free downloads which is another FANTASTIC way to advertise. Let people check the book for free. If they don't like it, too bad, but at least they didn't have to pay so they likely won't be too hurt. If they like it, they might check out my other books. If they REALLY like it, they might tell others. Capitalism at work; if you want to be successful, you have to provide a good product that the people WANT. If it's a BAD product, you will fail. I like this. Oh yeah, then there's KENP. God... I don't even know how many thousands of KENP I've gotten. Over 20,000 for sure. That's page reads. Worth around .42-.45 of a US penny per page these days. When I started in October 2016 it was worth about .52 of a US penny, which was much better. Unfortunately it's been going steadily downhill, but it's still income, that's the main thing. I think most of my money comes from KENP.

>> No.9777631

feels like shit, everything I write looks like the most overused bland crap. I'm trying to write a horror story based on a nightmare I had. It starts with a car on a road "more pulled than pushing forward". I caught myself in a shit cliche but there are so many more

>> No.9777643

Haha, honestly, right now the answer is 'no'. My erotica is a novel, over 40,000 words. That's not the kind of erotica that's profitable I don't think. Short stories. Something that lonely old ornery housewives can pick up, enjoy in one sitting, and then put down. My best bet to make money from erotica is probably to individually self-publish each short story or novelette, but I don't want to do that. So I'm going to write my little bits of smut and put them in a compilation to see how that does. Even if it continues not to sell though, I doubt I'll ever stop, because I just enjoy it. For "When her No means Yes", I literally think I got like one or maybe two sales, since last November, and few if any KENP. No way have I made so much as $5.00 from that book.

My Living amongst the Dead series is my main 'breadwinner' as it were, and Firearm Valhalla is the mots profitable of my non-LatD books of which there are only 3. I think my best non-LatD book is "Another One Please, to Dull the Pain" but that one has literally not gotten any sales at all and I don't think even any KENP. Wrote it in mid-March, but I love it, I want people to read it, so it's free.


So yeah if you want to get money from your 'perversion', the best bet might be short-stories and/or novelettes, put them on KDP Select so that they go on Kindle Unlimited for KENP. That's just not the route I want to take with mine, even though it's the most likely one to be successful from what I hear.