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9766570 No.9766570 [Reply] [Original]

Any famous ENTJ writer?

why is so hard for us to make art?

>> No.9766635

>falling for the Myers-Briggs meme
If you sincerely believe in that test you should leave this board immediately.

>> No.9766685

making art is hard for everyone though

>> No.9766951

not this shit again
it's not perscriptive, it makes no hypothesis or claim. it's purely descriptive.
the fucking abreviations are just collections of descriptive terms for fucks sake m8
just cause people like OP are retarded and think the terms define them rather than the other way around doesn't invalidate the myers-briggs personality types

also OP,
listen to

>> No.9767019


but to give you a possible answer, as an extrovert, you probably don't listen and observe as much as an introvert might so coming up with deep insights might be harder. idk.

>> No.9767032

Maybe it's hard for you to make art because you let an Internet personality test run your life.

>> No.9768629


>> No.9768692

Is there a reason non-INFPs try to create anything artistic? They're only bound for failure.

>> No.9768716
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>ENFJ in high school
>INTJ at uni
>drop out neet: INFP
>depression kicks in: INTP
What they mean by dat

>> No.9768724

Go back to the office normie. Art is not for you

>> No.9768732

that the test can differ very easily depending on what state of mood you're in and that means you shouldn't take it too seriously like OP.
The night my gf showed it to me I took it 10 times to see how often it shifted. INTP the first 5( took a small 5-10 min break to eat) and then INTJ the last 5. Not the greatest test of accuracy but gives u an idea.

>> No.9768756

The chances of your MBTI changing in six weeks is over 50%. Even if its only for descriptive purposes it is shit at it. It creates false pairings which imply you're either one or the other when any normal human is a mix of I/E, S/N, F/T, and J/P. At any given time you rely on one more than the other but they're not true dichotomies. The test itself is flawed as it relies on binary options, self assessment, and vague wording. People only like it so much because it only gives positive feedback and they think it defines their life. It's the pseudo-scientific version of a horoscope.

>> No.9768812

INFPs can only make edgy crap or muh fantasy world garbage. Nothing of quality ever came from the feel fags of the world.

>> No.9768850

Right, I'm back at INFP now but it's dead in the middle on the last two dichotomies, 49-51% respectively. Good shit. How will I ever know whether I'm more like (feelsy artist/existentialist) or (INTJ badass) now? The uncertainty is tearing me apart, I must transfigure and submit reality to my superior intellect to heal these wounds. History will remember my name.

Mark my words: I'm fucking dead inside kiddo.

>> No.9768851

that test is for normies to feel unique about their mediocrity likening their shitbrain personality to people who actually matter

>> No.9768858


INFP master race.

>> No.9768864

Go cry more and write poetry about how gay you are faggot

>> No.9769047

same. Not even a feelsy type tho. How explain