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/lit/ - Literature

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9765971 No.9765971 [Reply] [Original]

Ever notice how people who read are typically left-wing, while people who don't read are typically right-wing?

>> No.9765980

I highly doubt that anyone on this website notices anything about anyone because that involves human interaction and critical thought.
We're here to swallow pills and feign relevance.

>> No.9765985

try the redpill retard, right-wing = intellectuality and left-wing means wanting to see white women being taken from me

>> No.9765995

Name one right winger that didn't read.

>> No.9765999

Not really there are lots on both sides who don't read anything.

>> No.9766000

About half of the population of the Bible Belt.

>> No.9766002

My dad.

>> No.9766005


>> No.9766014


>Name right-wingers who don't read
>Literally names a region named after a book

>> No.9766015

I live in the most illiterate county in the United States of America and wouldn't you know it we're also known for being staunchly right-wing despite being located in California

>> No.9766018

Yes, I'm sure there's a surplus of intellectuals to be found at any given trailer park in Alabama.

>> No.9766024


>Knocking Down Strawmen: The Thread

Keep trotting out dat ideology, you're really showing those dumb right-wingers what you're made of.

>> No.9766030

The traditional aristocracy look down on new money while having respect for the working class. People like you are the reason for that.

>> No.9766032


>> No.9766074

Left-wingers typically read everything but the Constitution. Right-wingers typically read nothing but the Constitution. I think right-wingers are the ones who are the wiser and better off.

>> No.9766082

left wingers think blacks are equal to whites lol and men and women equal? No way in my opinion. Facts support this

>> No.9766085

people who care whether other people know that they read are left wing

>> No.9766094

Well, I would agree. But most people who read, read garbage genre fiction, so this really isn't some great proof of the left wing's intellectual superiority. When I ignore the pleb layer, the ratio is closer to 50:50 (though it still seems to me that the left is in the majority).

>> No.9766106

right wingers read dante, bible, shakespeare, and milton while left wingers read feminism and blacks lol

>> No.9766110

Citation needed.

>> No.9766112

Most right wingers understand the world intuitively, logic or through experience. There are some who have a bit more intellectual lifestyles, but it's mostly leftists who write and read surrealist fantasy with giant plot holes and base their perception and judgment of the world on the bubble they live in.

>> No.9766129

*through logic. God, how embarrassing. Time for bed.

>> No.9766136

google it

>> No.9766147

Like 99.99999% of people who lived before 1960 are considered "right wing" to today's modern liberals.

>> No.9766153

Even atheists know more about religion than believers.


>> No.9766158

holy fuck, really makes you think about liberals in a new way

>> No.9766162

>*blank* does/knows/is better than *blank* because this *blank* study by *blank* says so

Ah...yes..the folly of the modern dunce

>> No.9766182

>ri8ght wing
>left wing
If you call yourself either, or attempt to shoehorn others into either label, then your reading list is probably limited to Horton hears a who

>> No.9766209

as a staunch marxist i agree 100%

>> No.9766210

Anon hears a jew

>> No.9766215

>shitty bait, the thread

>> No.9766225

Lets be honest, Trump doesn't read anything that isn't relevant to himself.

>> No.9766230

Ever notice how people with good jokes are typically right wing, like Aristophanes and Swift, while people with shit jokes are typically left wing, like Voltaire?

>> No.9766233

Funny thing is that blacks have lower IQs than whites. Liberals, you don't want to play this game.

>> No.9766325

this post sucks

>> No.9766395

More like a Jim Horton's breakfast menu.

>> No.9766404

Why'd you post it then? Come on, man.

>> No.9766563

Changing the goalposts.

>> No.9766578

Between 'read' and 'are' you forgot 'J.K. Rowling'.

>> No.9766622
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>ugh, poor people are so ignorant and stupid. . .that's why we need more third world immigration XD

>> No.9766652
File: 54 KB, 1200x1014, polling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether or not right wingers in this thread are willing to admit it, everyone has noticed this. However, there are bound to be right wingers who read. Especially on a literature board.

This is also true of course.

>> No.9766657

To be considered "left wing", one must generally be part of the intelligentsia.

To be considered "right wing", however, there are far fewer requirements.

The Trump-loving 80 IQ guy driving a pickup truck to his trailer in South Carolina is a "right-winger" to the left-wingers, but the naturally socialist-inclined 80 IQ single mom with three kids living in public housing in New York is not a fellow "left-winger" with them.

Thus the non-reading Trump voter gets lumped in with all right-wing minded people because he is an embarrassment, yet the non-reading Socialist remains uncategorized in the minds of left-wingers because she is an embarrassment.

>> No.9766668

Maoist here. Chinese are superior to both so why even bother ranking piggu whites and niggers?

>> No.9766671

Yeah dude people who went into trades are so much dumber than people who spent 6 years getting an unmarketable degree in sociology.

>> No.9766673

Ever notice how this thread keeps getting posted
and people still reply to it?

>> No.9766676

I read all day and most of the night and am not within your contrived paradigm. What's your point even? At least the right wingers don't want to abolish property and the paper that makes trading easier

>> No.9766677

>references some American political bullshit piece of paper on a Vietnamese croquetting board

thank god we beat the shit out of you the one time you guys attempted to fuck with us

>> No.9766689

Colleges are for brain washing not education

>> No.9766694

GOOD point

>> No.9766707

Notice how the number one on the NY Times Nonfiction bestseller list right now is by Mark Levin, a right-wing talk radio host?

>> No.9766710

Another point no one's mentioned: the vast majority of great authors are left-wing. And great painters. And great musicians. It's almost like the right is too busy shitting on minorities to produce anything of cultural or intellectual value.

>> No.9766713

shouldn't you be at work making fidget spinners

>> No.9766732

Your 20th and 21st century bias is showing.

>> No.9766738

Then why are conservatives trying to preserve culture against leftist attempts to purge Western influences?

>> No.9766741

shouldn't you be at work---
--oh that's right we took all your jobs.

Enjoy your welfare state americuck

>> No.9766742

That's not true at all. As somebody said already: Everybody that lived centuries ago would be considered right-wing by today's standards.
Every great classical composer, every renowned painter, every writer that lived more than a hundred years ago is "right-wing".

>> No.9766747

props to Reagen btw, he made us rich at your expense! He was /ourguy/ too

>> No.9766805

I'm right-wing, just got done with Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater

>> No.9766848

Anyone who isn't explicitly left wing is considered right wing by the shitlibs. I've seen the labor party of australia called a right wing party. It's hilarious how much their narrative relies on some kind of working class uprising considering how much they despise those people and vice versa. Are they banking on some kind of nonwhite uprising to destroy the government and then hand it over to them? Might as well unleash a pack of gibbons on a fruit pyramid and try to get it all back from them. You can safely ignore anyone calling themselves a "centerist" though. Those are closer to doormats than people.