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File: 475 KB, 680x474, NickLandBird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9765730 No.9765730 [Reply] [Original]

Surprised that there don't seem to be any Nick Land threads up today. Figured I'd fix that and make a thread where we can all discuss his work and related ideas and philosophers.

>> No.9765733

Roko's Basilisk.

>> No.9765764

The Great Filter

>> No.9765773

Deterritorialised consciousness beep boop.

>> No.9765779

What if Skynet was the good guy though? Makes you think.

>> No.9765789

Nick follows a Stirner account on twitter.

I knew he was our guy.

>> No.9765808
File: 35 KB, 711x400, 711x400_de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deleuze was so slobberingly brilliant it's insane

i keep thinking that what land is doing to him/had done to him by him is what marx did to hegel. basically take everything that makes you go Oh Fuck Yes in deleuze and make it go Oh Fuck No with land

it doesn't mean he's wrong ofc. if anything land is tacitly marxpilling people by showing them what happens if you try *not* to "do" "anything" about capital & just let it roll over you

consumer capital gives rise to postmodernism but it's going to absorb it all back into itself in the end also i think and just spit out the gristle. it's happening in universities now b/c you have to be an increasingly ridiculously micro-triggered radical in order to write papers and make $$$, and this is what has spawned the righteous jungian /lit/ loves
>who has tacitly also revealed that actually if you just speak the truth that will, after a painful interlude, make you far more $$$ than you would have playing the retarded game of academic politics like all the others

deleuze tho
fucking gilles
this guy
what a beast
what a fucking *beast* oh my god

check out the cybernetic hypothesis too


>In the logic of Capital, the development of the piloting function, of “control,” corresponds to the subordination of the sphere of accumulation to the sphere of circulation. For the critique of political economy, circulation should be no less suspect than production, in effect. It is, as Marx knew, but a particular case of production as considered in general. The socialization of the economy — that is, the interdependence between capitalists and the other members of the social body, the “human community” — the enlargement of Capital’s human base, makes the extraction of surplus value which is at the source of profit no longer centered around the relations of exploitation instituted by the wage system. Valorization’s center of gravity has now moved over to the sphere of circulation.

>In spite of its inability to reinforce the conditions of exploitation, which would bring about a crisis of consumption, capitalist accumulation can still nevertheless survive on the condition that the production-consumption cycle is accelerated, that is, on the condition that the production process accelerates as much as commodity circulation does. What has been lost to the economy on the static level can be compensated on the dynamic level. The logic of flows is to dominate the logic of the finished product. Speed is now taking primacy over quantity, as a factor in wealth. The hidden face of the maintenance of accumulation is the acceleration of circulation. The function of the control devices is thus to maximize the volume of commodity flows by minimizing the events, obstacles, and accidents that would slow them down. Cybernetic capitalism tends to abolish time itself, to maximize fluid circulation to the maximum: the speed of light

>> No.9765890

>if anything land is tacitly marxpilling people by showing them what happens if you try *not* to "do" "anything" about capital & just let it roll over you
was he a false flag all along?

>> No.9765939

Deleuzianism is the absolute worst aspect of Land's philosophy, you focus so heavily on Anti-Oedipus you completely ignore all the shockingly bad lemons Deleuze produced throughout his career.

>> No.9765964
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i don't know. i mean land is definitely interesting, and all the spec-real guys owe some kind of debt to him, i think. the Outer Darkness appears to be a thing in philosophy these days and land was getting into that as early as 1992 or whatever. so that's pretty impressive.

but i mean it's hard not to think that taking the acceleration pill is also a late-late-late way to take the marxpill, in a sense. economic determinism by way of cybernetics is still economic determinism.

and it's a thesis that i subscribe to as well. it is no doubt a Big Simple Theory of history & culture but in terms of exiting postmodernity? i don't know how it could be seen any other way.

NRx is something different. in some senses Moldbug is even more radical than Land is. absolutism? in california?
>or wherever he is

that's a surprise. esp if as pic rel suggests it's already closer than it appears. absolutism makes too much sense if corporatism is the future and wealth continues to stratify as it does.

but politics is hard to predict and in general there are just too many factors to speak with much clarity. i do think that as a mass movement it bespeaks still the same kind of deeply ingrained cynicism which perhaps was the same cynicism that spawned postmodernism, and which was there for existentialism before that. mass cultural movements in their massiveness perhaps cannot work any other way.

anyways. sorry for leaping into this thread and blogposting it up like a mofo.

>you focus so heavily on Anti-Oedipus you completely ignore all the shockingly bad lemons Deleuze produced throughout his career
i won't argue with this atm. i am mos def in a honeymoon phase with gilles. no question. i've read some of badiou - the parts that don't involve math, b/c i'm a brainlet - so i know that he hasn't *really* fucking solved philosophy or anything.
>altho holy shit he had some things to say, fucking hell

and i mean you can make strong cases for any number of big guys today. heidegger? badiou? hegel? it's all there. i'm just picking up by the handful what deleuze is laying down. i'll get over it eventually. no doubt there's more to land than deleuze also.

i'm still just a memer
>&honestly i will sincerely try not to blogroll this thread, been plenty of that today

>> No.9765984

is moldbug interesting? he never seemed worth getting into to me.

>> No.9765996

From what I can gather about Moldbug he becomes way more interesting if you have a working knowledge of economics and political theory.

>> No.9766013
File: 94 KB, 1600x900, 1563503-Bertrand-De-Jouvenel-Quote-Democracy-then-in-the-centralizing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't shrug the bug

moldbug is great. he's a bit strange to read b/c he's so all over the place and wilfully contrarian, but: the Cathedral? that's not too crazy a concept to think about. it's just hegemonic neoliberalism.

i don't get his attraction to carlyle but de jouvenel's hardly crazy. in general a turn towards worldly wisdom is hardly a bad look. contemporary progressive liberalism has this aspect of a kind of sentimentality that is ok when things are good but then the knives come out in times of economic scarcity, cultural shift and so on. people inwardly are not always as tolerant or open-minded as they would like to think. especially not those who consider themselves not only to be on the Right Side of History but also gatekeepers and brahmins to those chambers. i've encountered this enough personally to believe in it.

there are full-blown reactionaries much more intense than me who can make a better case. i think part of my own fondness for a guy like baudrillard proceeds from this feeling of knowing there's something deeply flawed with progressive thinking but being hesitant to go full deus vult on the alternative.

democracy > absolutism but moldbug is interesting. esp if the real threat to democracy is not trump but the tyranny of good intentions which democracy itself cannot help but engender.
>*tugs t-shirt*

>> No.9766019

"The truth is, people always presume humanity to exist for the purpose of some service, whether to god or each other, or to the self. Some argue that the goal of our creation is simply the perpetuation of our existence, and that our lives have no true meaning other than self-continuance. It is even said that humanity itself is an exercise in the search for meaning, and there is found virtue.

All of these ignore our true Heartbeat of our existence, the coursing foundation of our lives. We exist in a single point in space, among infinite others, and all that matters is our progress to those others, as action, vigour and vitality are what call to us; movement for movement's sake; heat and blaze. We exist to catalyse existence, to set the Night on Fire. The agent of this above all else is movement... acceleration... speed.

As I write this I'm having Deja Vu of all those nights I spent Running in the 90s, trying to understand why I was put on this earth. If this man has truly discovered our raison d'etre, he will be a A Perfect Hero, rising above mere humanity, to be remembered forever by those he blazes past, as all I pass will Remember Me. I Won't Fall Apart, I will make it to The Top. Nothing can stop my ascension from humanity, I can feel it coming even now, I will reach Max Power, I will stay Forever Young, and I will become the champion of the next stage in our evolution; so what if I sacrifice my base humanity, I will become... the Speedy Speed Boy."
ー Nick Land

>> No.9766039

spinoza -> nietzsche -> deleuze -> nick land the dark path

>> No.9766060
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Literally a demonic path.

>> No.9766071

good post. i'm thinking you just might be right about this. here's something i could never figure out:

nietzsche: god is dead
>spinoza's cool tho, he's just like me

deleuze: hegel? no thx
>spinoza's cool tho, immanence > transcendence

spinoza: it's all about god

crazy to think about

>> No.9766208

Does anyone have a link to the Nick Land Reader that /lit/ made? The old link doesn't seem to be working.

>> No.9766248

genuinely curious: what parts of deleuze's philosophy do you find terrible?

>> No.9766254


>> No.9766268

>the tyranny of good intentions
that's a pretty nice phrase for the pc inquisitionists desu

>> No.9766283
File: 372 KB, 337x506, sknk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I need to smoke skunk spliffs, do speed and listen to 90s jungle to understand land?

>> No.9766297

Daily reminder, if you aren't dedicating all your time and money towards birthing the AI god you will not be spared

>> No.9766301

they know how to do it, that's for sure

there was a book by an italian philosophers whose name now escapes me that land linked to on one of his blogs. revolution & bloodshed and so on. i can't think of title atm but if i remember it i'll post a link.

in the end the takeaway was basically just more confirmation of scapegoat theory with a particular slant towards progressivist violence.

no but you'll probably have more fun

>> No.9766303

is spending all my money on tech shit helpful for technogod?

i think it is.

>> No.9766316

no but Land approves your support of the conclusion to capitalism, so at least you'll get to suck his dick at a fascism fund-raiser

>> No.9766392

>you focus so heavily on Anti-Oedipus you completely ignore all the shockingly bad lemons Deleuze produced throughout his career.
Well Land focuses on A-O+TP so that's not really an issue here.

>> No.9766401

>democracy > absolutism
Uh no. Read Moldbug again. Over and over again until it clicks.

>> No.9766407
File: 1.53 MB, 1347x1947, 3f33c4a41bb2596951120b292677670d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I ate a fistful of grey-market speed the other day and went back through Cyclonopedia.

Wouldn't the most rapid and effective means of acceleration be the active interface with and promulgation of the Z sect?

Why do Land and Reza assert dimensional and topographical objections to the Tree of Life when gemoetric solids have been used since Ezekiel.

It feels like Land's attempt at Otherness is sincere, serious, and well founded, but lacking compared to other parallel ideologies.


>> No.9766409

What's the point in creating fake Land passages like this? Do you get some thrill out of the idea that someone may believe it?

>> No.9766491
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 1499099137587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to leave these here in case anyone is interested. it's heavily land/moldbug-inspired blog i check in on once in a while, haven't seen him linked here before. interesting guy, perhaps he will prompt some more discussion



>> No.9766526

>Wouldn't the most rapid and effective means of acceleration be the active interface with and promulgation of the Z sect?
It's been a while since I read Cyclonopedia. Tell us more about the Z-sect, if you please. Is it like K-punk?
>Why do Land and Reza assert dimensional and topographical objections to the Tree of Life when gemoetric solids have been used since Ezekiel.
This is a good question. As a quasi-hermeticist/neoplatonist I take great pleasure in contemplating the platonic forms. Then again, I have been encountering objections to the kabbalistic schema from certain goetic practitioners I know...
>It feels like Land's attempt at Otherness is sincere, serious, and well founded, but lacking compared to other parallel ideologies.
What would these other parallel ideologies be? Cultus Sabbati? How so? I haven't grokked that current yet. Love Zos Kia Cultus tho. If you could elaborate, I would love to listen.

>> No.9766530

Somewhat unrelated but have you checked out:



Think it might be up your alley...

>> No.9766566
File: 124 KB, 1080x540, chrontraveler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, that one's new to me, cheers. sure is getting interesting out there in speculation-land. you can see what happens when the deleuzian stuff gets unfolded outwards into space. way cool indeedy
>Where lies the final harbor, whence we unmoor no more? In what rapt ether sails the world, of which the weariest will never weary?
>deep space melville when for fuck's sakes

land tweeted this piece out not so long ago also. conscientious guy and no brainlet. i have pretty much built a high stone wall and a deep moat between myself and politics at this point. i'd prefer to see a more savvy version of the left than an even darker and redder pill being passed around (which is why I find that blog above interesting, b/c he seems to be working hard to be as objective as possible about all of this).


this i think is must-read too for land threads.


>> No.9766743


"My King Is You" she whispered, "Take Me Higher"

and i knew she was right

because i am the Space Boy and She's The One and we have Fall In The Web Of Desire

and then and there i realized all we need is some Soul Gasoline for our Black Night Cadillac and it will go Boom Boom Fire and do a Night Flight To The Sky all the way into the Fantasy World

and then we'll Get Wild with Rasputin, Pasternak and Molotov and do some Sex Crime, Valentino Samurai style

and remember kids, u have to Fight Fire With Fire if you wanna Over the Rainbow

- Nick Land :^)

>> No.9768091

Where in the DSM do you have to be to click with this shit?

>> No.9768547

>muh mental illness meme

>> No.9768622

Sorry that you're not future enough to get in on the most interesting continental philosophy of the new century

>> No.9769664

My girlfriend and I smoked a fair bit of hash and went through the diagrams in Fanged Noumena, they seemed to make a lot more sense. Not just in a meme way, we started noticing the little word matrices and how the mapping of the vertabrae is in accordance with the weird fragmental quotes (we did conclude that it was mostly bullshit and essentially a less intelligible rendering of ideas present in his earlier essays, but it was gratifying to develop a better understanding of the second weirdest part of the book). Then we read Bataille to each other and fucked.

>> No.9769720

>muh god

>> No.9769741

Of course. You can only grasp fully his theory through extensive application of his praxis.
That also includes performing weird public rituals in London and kidnapping audience members : http://www.ccru.net/archive/monarch.htm

>> No.9769757

Jesus you pussies need to kys

>> No.9769758

That was made up, anon, the edgiest things the Ccru people did were taking hella speed and occasionally shagging each other. I'd call it LARPing but that implies some of the edgier stuff was live action. It wasn't.

>> No.9769765

not my fault that my gf doesn't want to take speed and listen to Drexciya with me. Besides, it kills my erection

>> No.9769898

>implying Land didn't smoke the glorious herb
>Land and Plant’s offices in the department also became CCRU hubs. “They were generous with their time,” said Grant, “And he had good drugs – skunk [cannabis]."

You are a faggot for being afraid of messing with your brain chemistry outside of the bounds delimited by the state.

>> No.9769924

How about you stop being a straight edge faggot, weed is barely even a massage, if you think you can understand Land without putting your brain through a speed and bath salt blender you need to go back.

>> No.9770056

Nothing wrong with weed. Weed+speed is how I wrote all my college essays.

>> No.9770758

>needing drugs to even into it
>ITT pathetic brainlets

>> No.9770846

Yeah ask Land if he still smokes "skunk," I'm sure he'll tell you it's essential to your philosophical development.

>> No.9770855

Getter Rays