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9765653 No.9765653 [Reply] [Original]

Cannonball gumdrop earrings and a Jerry curl
caught the last hound to Tucson.
The predator flew out the starting gate:
gait like a swollen pigeon,
stride like torrential sheets
(books cooked)
with banana peel feet
and a dried stick of meat.
The armchair cacti waved their cuffed hands
as they sang with the belly-dancing route 23's
skidoo jingle in the school-bus dungarees.
They were grateful to be listed in the credits
at the end of the never-ending slideshow.

And the pilot bound himself to the mastodon's mast
(we're still on the omnibus, to be sure)
gnawed at his tobacco rinsed gums
and ate the salt of his tired trajectory
looking up lost lovers in the directory
(he had none. Or was it one?)

A few recycled coughs, panoply of pardon-me's,
one invigorating brushing of the knees
(Oh baby won't you be my venereal disease):
now comes the melodically choreographed party favor

Somewhen, a star is born.
(think primetime television).

The sweeping corona, a Tourbillon yawn,
a rush of sweetwater from God's gills,
keeps the bookkeepers bookkeeping for Sunday's obits
as the uncut pinky hangnail tips Charon
and the cowboy saddled satellite tips
his hat as the chorus filibusters "My Sharona"
as they nosedive feet-first to Arizona.

>> No.9765717

After a night of dream-lit snows the air turned clear and still. There was a taut blue quality in the January light, a hardness and confidence. The sound of boots on packed snow, the contrails streaked cleanly in the high sky. Weather was very much the point, although I didn't know it yet.
I turned into our street and walked past men bent over shovels in their driveways, breathing vapor. A squirrel moved along a limb in flowing motion, a passage so continuous it seemed to be its own physical law, different from the ones we've learned to trust. When I was halfway down the street I saw Heinrich crouched on a small ledge outside our attic window. He wore his camouflage jacket and cap, an outfit with complex meaning for him, at fourteen, struggling to grow and to escape notice simultaneously, his secrets known to us all. He looked east through binoculars.

>> No.9765878

>There was a taut blue quality in the January light
do you mean 'the night was a taut blue'?

> and walked past men bent over
supergay bro, just letting you know

>Weather was very much the point, although I didn't know it yet.
you do know amateur meteorological discussion is the smallest of the smalltalk

>a passage so continuous it seemed to be its own physical law
velocity, momentum, movement, squirrel climb, any of the above

>different from the ones we've learned to trust
physical laws don't lie, no sane person even presumes they might

>his secrets known to us al
anon, this defies the very definition of secret
All that being said, what is this? is this a part of a larger piece, is it a standalone piece, or did you just scribble whatever popped into your head into the reply box then hit reply all willy nilly?

>> No.9765896

bonsai people

you snip the branches
prune the leaves
take out some of its roots
you do this for long time
until it's too old to grow again
'till it's bark is too hard
to change it's shape
this is how you make a bonsai
and this is how some people
are made
this is how I was made
not by cutting of leaves
but by isolation

my growth stopped
and I never learned
too many things to count
and I got old
and the bark of my mind
got dark and hard
and it got
too late to learn new tricks
and I'm stuck
as a stunted and stifled thing
unable to connect with people
unwilling to connect with people
incapable of understanding
all the little bullshit games
all the fake smiles
that people talk with
when you're stuck alone
in a tiny room
most of your time
the bullshit melts away
a moral gasoline fire
that strips the color
out of every thought.

I'll always be a midget tree.
my body may be outside
buying paper plates
but my mind
never left the room
and it never will.

>> No.9766065
File: 11 KB, 170x234, 170px-Johannes_Brahms_1853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jew sat across from me and my girlfriend, Ella. His eyes seemed to be angled down to her chest where he had been focused for the past few minutes. "Excuse me, sir but would your staring is making me uncomformatable. This is my girlfriend who's breasts you've been ogling for the past 2 minutes."
"I beg your pardon" said the jew in shock. I stared him down in silence until he scoffed and went back to his paper. That's better, I thought.

>> No.9766102

I can almost picture an obese pale american sitting in a room that has at least 3 swastikas/dixie flag somewhere in his room, his throbbing 6cm erection hardens at each word he types about browbeating jews, almost cumming from the excitement at that though, his dick not unlike a ripe cyst about to bust.

>> No.9766218
File: 46 KB, 640x639, 13310397_1715139558752241_8426593155666641883_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attaching a pic of the maestro himself to this crap is thoroughly triggering me

>> No.9766307
File: 13 KB, 460x266, 1478058698067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mustache wields its own flesh
sweatered in bone and caterpillar mesh
a panel of women praised its texture
in my dream of Bangladesh.

The mechanics of probability leave me strewn
like Brown's nightly brush with the moon
shaving only cheddar off the candelabra
and a simultaneous thunderous swoon.

The hotcakes sell softly by the deuce
and my mirror wobbles when I am loose
like the axial tilt of Saturn's wedding rings
succumbing to the king's shadowy mongoose

antagonizing the cobra's writhing in my fur
statistically tired fleeing from a rabid cur
off-kilter like 99 mis-blown candlesticks
to whom my death did not occur.

>> No.9766312

preface to the narrative

The game is treacherous. Many who find themselves unwittingly playing it fall into its jowls, only to be chewed up, broken down, and spit out as the fat they are. Its bounds have been lay down multidimensionally, spanning height as much as time. If you find yourself playing it, remember: half measures will get you killed. You may live on after failure, but inside you will be as empty as the vacuum of space. The rules are simple, and inscribed therein. One only need be able to see to read them. Many players remain blind. Of those who play, many will fail. As I write this, I play with a meagre hand; but I play as if the deck has been machined to my benefit, for the others can only guess the stock I carry by the way myself is carried. Cliches dominate the game—those primordial originals shall win. To despise thyself unto the game is the greatest step you may take in your terse painful life: to deny yourself a shot is eternal death—you will be forgotten. The rabble keeps score in the shadows, the referee pounds his gavel intermittently, decreeing at any moment that you be ejected, for all and good. Prayers won't help you; others won't help you; God will forsake you; you will perish if you do not play, with all you have to offer, with all you have to lose. Decide now your path. Choose wisely your fate, for in the end, your destiny will be determined by whether or not you opt to play—and how you do so, if at all. Godspeed.

>> No.9766328

So, gambling addict and a junkie? Also, not terrible, pretty good pacing. Not a big fan of symbolism in poetry, i think that poems are too short to really convey the context that you need to undertand the meaning of a symbol, but that'sa matter of taste.

>> No.9766355
File: 54 KB, 658x438, 09-ryan-gosling-hair-believer-3.w529.h352.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rate this critique of my own work a 3/10
You lose some points for lacking taste.
>racist and therefore has a small dick jokes
>"not unlike a ripe cyst about to burst"
This one is just terrible writing

You'll get there, anon

>> No.9766357

Ex-teller, Malcolm Forest, was having a bit of trouble finalizing thoughts. External events (alongside his fragile idiosyncrasies) provided the fuel to his frustrations. This situation threatened to add change to his life's comfortable ritualistic loops. He's about set to lose this job, everyone was. A thorough wash of confusion kept him off kilter. He was stuck between figuring out if the idea of being rid of this job, actually displeased him. At the same time the situation welcomed obvious human worries into his mind. On the outside of his head debate, Malcolm had assigned his eyes focus to the floor. He was looking at one particularly clean, white, ceramic tile. It was still glistening from the senile cleaner's early morning mop. The sterility of the tile contrasted with the means by which Malcolm looked at it. That means to say he could only see it through the hollow, fleshy hole in his manager's head. Kneeling on knees, still in a pathetic begging posture eyeless before him.

>> No.9766368

Damn, DeLillo BTFO

>> No.9766371 [DELETED] 

The end of the world as the Progenitors had known it had begun at exactly 11:03 a.m on a crisp sunny Sunday morning on the 26th of September, 2077. A young woman woke up when her alarm went off at 9:30 a.m. Almost instantly had she sat up, shut off the alarm and stretched loudly. Her normally long and straight red hair was awry on her head and she blinked repeatedly as sleep left her. She yawned and glanced at the blank spot on top of her dresser.
“It was just a dream.” she softly muttered. “A really beautiful dream.”
She smiled warmly as she thought of the talking hamster named Reginald, a common fixture of her dreams.
Her name was Susan Budd and she was a seventeen year old junior at Rosewood High School, located in the suburbs of Rosewood, Massachusetts.The truth be told, she preferred her old home outside of Warren, Indiana, but minor children usually have little say in where their family lives. Dressed in her normal flannel pajamas and white socks, she got up, stretched again and put on her ankh necklace. It was an heirloom from her aunt Allison, who had still lived in Indiana. She treasured it immensely as a memento of her old stomping grounds, where she intended to move back to when she was old enough.
She then plodded downstairs to find a simple handwritten note on the breakfast table:

Your father and I will be in Philadelphia for the day. Do the whites and towels and wash the dishes! We’ll be back around seven.
No visitors, young lady!
Love, Mom

Susan smiled as she read the note. She knew exactly where they were right then: stuck on the I-95 just outside of Philadelphia International Airport, where her dad was doing a slow steam over the amount of traffic he had to deal with, while her mother was doing her best to keep his temper from boiling over.
How she knew that was something Susan never told people about, not even her best friend Clarissa. Her father knew but that was because he was also something of a sensitive.
But in that regard, he was nowhere near her league.
Ever since she went through puberty, she could ‘sense” things about people, see things they never told others about even. For instance, she somehow knew that the next door neighbor—forty eight year old Humbert Humphries—had seen her naked once, that he liked what he had seen. She just didn’t know how he saw her that way, only that it had happened. The man himself was extremely polite and regularly hired her to do yard work. He never mentioned it to her or anyone else. He never said or did anything out of the way to her.
In fact, he didn’t even stare at her.
All the same, it creeped her out. But her father did warn her that the biggest problem with being a sensitive was that it “limited friends.”
When you can see what jerks most people were under the veneer they presented to others, it put you off to say the least.
At the same time, it was an effective weapon in dealing with crooked salesmen and aspiring cult leaders.

>> No.9766374
File: 142 KB, 457x750, →→→→→.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to highlight how bad this is, he switched it into 1st person:

Call me Malcolm Forest, ex-teller. I was having a bit of trouble finalizing thoughts. External events (alongside my fragile idiosyncrasies) provided the fuel to my frustrations. This situation threatened to add change to my life's comfortable ritualistic loops. I'm about set to lose this job, everyone was. A thorough wash of confusion kept me off kilter. I was stuck between figuring out if the idea of being rid of this job actually displeased me. At the same time the situation welcomed obvious human worries into my mind. On the outside of my head debate, I had assigned my eyes focus to the floor. I was looking at one particularly clean, white, ceramic tile. It was still glistening from the senile cleaner's early morning mop. The sterility of the tile contrasted with the means by which I looked at it. That means to say I could only see it through the hollow, fleshy hole in my manager's head. Kneeling on knees, still in a pathetic begging posture eyeless before me.

>> No.9766380

the tragedy of the leaves* becomes the tragedy of /r9k/**

I awakened to dryness and the ferns were dead,
the potted plants yellow as corn;
my woman was gone
and the empty bottles like bled corpses
surrounded me with their uselessness;
the sun was still good, though,
and my landlady’s note cracked in fine and
undemanding yellowness; what was needed now
was a good comedian, ancient style, a jester
with jokes upon absurd pain; pain is absurd
because it exists, nothing more;
I shaved carefully with an old razor
the man who had once been young and
said to have genius; but
that’s the tragedy of the leaves,
the dead ferns, the dead plants;
and I walked into a dark hall
where the landlady stood
execrating and final,
sending me to hell,
waving her fat, sweaty arms
and screaming
screaming for rent
because the world has failed us

**I rather liked the first stanza and a half of this, but starting with the line 'unable to connect' it seemed to morph from poetry to too on the nose prose spread out with reddit spacing.

>> No.9766412

/r9k/ is way to whiny for my taste but ill take a comparison with the greatest of drunks any day, even if its a joke. I've spent a lot of time working shitty jobs and living in tiny rented rooms, no friends or family. I cant relate to people anymore. Anyhow, thanks for the critique, its nice to know my english is good enough to communicate ideas.

>> No.9766443

"Don't you see that life is mostly suffering?"
Her cousin laughs. She’s always laughing.
“What? Are you serious? Of course it isn’t, Charla!”
Charla shakes her head. She doesn’t understand why Chloe won’t listen to her. Chloe’s always been pretty stubborn. She thinks she’s gonna strike it rich in Los Angeles, Charla remembers.
"You do realize that our only guarantees in life are to suffer and die, right? Sensations like pleasure, happiness, and joy are always destined to be fleetingly short. They can also bring their own share of problems. Boredom, frustration, disappointment: these are what make up most of our waking moments, the state all of us return to after whatever good time we have ends."
"I don't agree with any of that. My life's been pretty good. Why wouldn't my children's lives be too?"
"So, if I'm to understand you correctly, you're willing to have children based on how good you think your life is? You just assume theirs will be too?"
"Yeah! What's wrong with that?"
Charla simply sighs into her palm. Chloe reaches over and runs her palm up and down Charla’s back.
“There, there. It’s okay. One of these days, you’ll see things exactly as I do.”
“One of these days, you’re gonna be found in a ditch. Your hellspawn are gonna shoulder the excruciating burden of your hubris.”
Of this exchange, Charla always said that she felt sort of prophetic, for Chloe was found in a ditch after all. The cause of death was rather cliché; she was strangled by the father of her own child barely a few weeks into its life.
At her funeral, all Charla could think was: Was it worth it, Chloe? Was it worth it in the end?
What of her child? The last Charla heard, the baby was living out its days somewhere in Northwestern Ontario.
Just my luck, Charla would always shudder whenever she thought of the girl. She named the fucking thing after me too.

>> No.9766447
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The first law of thermodynamics is a guiding principle of our universe. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred. In its most relatable form it boils down to a simple concept; if you want something, you have to take it from somewhere else.
Survival itself is chained to this tenet. Our lives aren't self sustaining. We must slaughter pigs, harvest wheat, end the lives of other organisms to extend our own.
A farm is nothing more than a mass reaping of life force for our own benefit. A space in which living creatures are propagated for the sole purpose of sustaining our existence through the reaping of their life force.
It's curious isn't it? How strange it is that we've known about this law for over a century.
Yet we still wonder why God made us.

>> No.9766495

I knew it was bad but are any of the sentences remotely redeemable ?

>> No.9766541

Bake me a pie,
Papa said to Nana.
You bake it yourself
you filthy old goat.
How I miss that cosmic banter
long swept under the rug.
My mother told me Nana once modeled
but I couldn't see it under skin mottled.
Two lives fall in step and sometimes
the thunder precedes the lightning
but most often when rhythms collide
they cancel out like cannibalized companies
before the Anti-Trust Act.

The story doesn't write itself.
Hindsight falls short of 20-20,
the year almost come
the only year of our Lord.

>> No.9766543

The Sea Isn't Opaque Inside a Submarine

Tentacled foyers grope the
athlete's blues ridden rhythmless face,
covered in blankets sewn
from small-town facial hair, grown
by award winning trophy makers
for the Raiders, not the park
where crusaders grovel for
a ruined lost ark: a messy, meso
Mayan delight. (All prophecies are a
silly beverage, i.e. Sunny-D.) So sons of the
lightweight-less detergent, amidst
a mist of Googling gregarious gurgles,
stop at green lights just to shout–It's
the gargoyle! Now, hide the ribs from
snapping alligator gars, who beg not for
the begetting of aurora borealis, but
jamais vu: the ubiquitous nothing that is
visible; when everything unseen is,
eyes have you in their custody. So can
gloveless hands catch a home
run ball, a glimpse of odd-numbered
feet and feats and wins? (If I knew,
I might answer.) The running,
weary King George III feels
tickled. (Ears bleed, my dear deer. So
smear the blood from the jet. Leer.)
Now he says without showing fear:
Hear, hear! Hear, here!
The silence
sieges epileptic seizing: the wriggling
nervous capillaries forged by burning
limelight. Seething piles of human-less meaning:
slimy slats of slizz. Has the grapevine told:
The Jabberwocky is on trial for identity
fraud? Ixnay, so I pack three nines to defend
my moat with more than lead. No, not
just with bullets–I lead them to Victor's
place. Then lead them to mine:
disgrace, a forsaken space, and
ask: who forsook the big apple? Ay,
it is an addict of decay. (Thankfully,
though, I decide to mention nothing
regarding the cyanide in the seeds
at its very core.)

–so say the cephalopod
bow-tied in its own inked-up bullshit.

>> No.9766551
File: 39 KB, 330x267, Sonnet_18_1609_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're building up the bonsai tree metaphor, it works -- the words are taut and clipped. But then, where noted previously, you move away from the metaphor, and just kind of vent for most of the rest of the poem. And the taut, cramped feel of the language - which is a nice effect - becomes lax, mere venting, too on the nose, not poetry. Don't switch gears;* finish working out the metaphor, even if it wraps up in a line or three, which would probably be about right; condense the second half venting to a few lines with some bite and within the metaphor.

*Cf. pic related, if he'd just switched gears and baldly declaimed "you're beautiful, beautiful!" halfway through, instead of pressing the metaphor line by line to consummation, it wouldn't be #18, it would be ephemera, an effluvial.

>> No.9766847
File: 37 KB, 500x375, DE5JalmW0AEniM0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tryst
Tragic Romanticism
General impressions, criticism of style, all welcome.

Sample first paragraph:He arrived into the dimly lit foyer, the stench of alcohol on his lips. Solemnly and slowly he hung his dreary coat. He grazed his hand across it. Rough, dry, bumpy with lint. This was no way to present himself. He had been lucky enough to be invited to such a distinguished event and yet he still disappointed his peers. Appearance is everything; that is the law of business and even life itself. What does it matter to feel when you can fake it just as much? He wasn't a professional nor as suave as his peers. He imagined them now, at the backyard of the wide expanse that was this mansion, underneath the yellow lights, brows shaded and teeth gleaming, grinning at some obscure joke told in such elegant accents, their forms intermingling until they became indistinguishable and eternal. No, he wasn't professional nor suave and he could not fake it. A woman should've dressed him, but he had no wife and he could not live with his mother at such an age.

>> No.9767266

This wasn't too bad actually, still needs some work but it's on the right path

>> No.9767391

Ah, alright. I see what you're saying, this could have been two separate things, one the metaphor, the other the rant, instead of making trying to all fit in one place. Makes sense.

>> No.9767851

PATIENTS DIE and I still get paid. That’s all I can say for certain.
It’s around midnight when I’m called in to handle Mr D’Sablier. I’m standing on one of the hospital’s many mezzanines, watching over the azure sea that is the city lights. It’s quiet here, so it’s become my hideout – a place to collect my thoughts and prepare for any long night ahead of me. Whenever I need to brace myself for a shift, I watch the sprawl: the people, the hauling trucks and traffic lights, the deadness of it all, the movements of many towards shops and homes. And, somehow, I feel more energised as I see that great beehive in motion. I smoke, as is my custom, tightly rolled cigarillos. They’re hard to come by in this part of the galaxy, which makes them – like everything else on Magna – very, very expensive. But money isn’t a problem, nor is it on my mind. In fact, nothing is. Unlike any other day, there isn’t much to be anxious about. I relax my weight against the silicone railing beside me, inhaling an hourly rate. This is until my beeper goes off suddenly with a high-pitched frenzy, and thus my peaceful vacuity comes to a halt. Quickly and out of reflex, I pull the thing out from my satchel. It is black and menacing, and harsh tones bark out from it with ill temper, reminding me of my rounds to Mr D'Sablier. I switch it off with my thumb as I go to place it into my pocket. Its pierce goes on and on in my head. There is a sort of imaginary Doppler shift to it as the noise rings away into my memory. Or maybe I’m sinking into a state of deafness.

>> No.9767871

You Scottish?
I left a comment or two, nice going anon. It was great. Probably the best I've seen from here.

>> No.9768232


>> No.9769035

Not Scottish unfortunately, and thanks man that means a lot coming from an anon. All my friends said it was good and I sure as hell couldn't believe them.

>> No.9769149

Van Vliet is that you?

>> No.9769164

poem or pic

>> No.9769193
File: 95 KB, 669x869, 1496980444620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The merry-go-round goes merrily round
and round
and round
(ad infinitum)
and then

the conductor croaks.

>> No.9769199

>All my friends said it was good and I sure as hell couldn't believe them.

I wish my friends would say that about my work, but none of them even care for the most part. Even my own family could care less. Feels bad man.

>> No.9769200

The light bulbs were tulips and the blossoming began to bloom as streamers and poppers and confetti festooned–where? On the streets! Of course, the streets, where people meet and greet and deplete their woes and throes and lift up their noses, red; supping up dread reclined on a sunken-in bed full of transmogrified debt. But Barry Bojangles didn't despise the despicable, the reverent relevance of all that has fallen before the four score and seven sweaty, unheady, unready, unsteady, barely bare Teddy's had before: the more or less un-refined and defined, mummified tongue stuck to the black-bubbling-Texan-tar roof avoiding the light by plugging steroids into nodes and noids like androids cloying toys drowning in the void, type. No, he stood as wood would if wood could: firm and fernlike like cement on the turnpike, or how a petrified worm might, with might ignited by heavy light and light nights. Breaths of death; dearth’s belated hatred from Earth: The rubble rounded rabble rubbing round ripples of rhubarb and babble like a ldyslexic game of Scrabble now dabble and whittle with sublimating something sublime if only for a little: one time or for one rhyme such as La Paz, or a VIP pass with a subdermal sin-soaked soul's rash, festering like a red-rimmed gang slinging meaner slang than the green gang called Gangrene from Panang–depression bound to glee and gaiety and–and spontaneity! "I want to but–" What? A velleity: the existence of two opposing forces in simultaneity, in instantaneity: the lack of motion: the commotion prior to the notion of conation in the nation peeking down on the Haitians and all other patients without patience.

A funky bass line drops the ball into the bingo chamber churlishly charging our chest's best investment in vest's meant for protecting the elected, sadly uninspected, sanguine infected pump plump with red rum soon to be spilt and spelt in quill by a Scot in kilt–bagged, piped and hyped to the hilt–as murder (in the form of a four by four girder dropped like a bird's turd or entire curb or, in a sense, the essence of absurd).

>> No.9769253
File: 32 KB, 544x733, DEvjK8EXcAADlAn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this lyricism have any purpose beyond experimental/introductory. I mean you've got my attention but you're befuddling the hell out of me.

>blossoming began to bloom

Read that to yourself.

All in all its..purpleprose.jpeg

>> No.9769295

This is only a portion. I once read it at an open mic poetry night in Cambridge—they tried to politely usher me off stage, though I insisted on finishing. Definitely gave em giggles.

And I'd like to think the lyricism has purpose

>> No.9769833

Yeah my family sucks too so I don't bother showing them, plus they think writing isn't a respectable profession.

All we can do is try anon. Joyce, Faulkner, Eliot, they were all men like us.

>> No.9769846

Tell me it's purpose, and lemme see the full work.

Anon, at the end of the day writing is a machine, not a flower shop to be gawked at. It must serve a purpose. All art is purposeful. Tear those flowers from the gears of your machine and write something sensible for the love of God.

>> No.9770073

Usually write small poems that serve to fend my mind away from a lot of the nonsense that is going on in my life, a sort of therapy. This is one of them, I have others like it. I don't quite like it, but I think sharing it can help other people.


II (edit)

You're gonna carry that weight.
There's no one, nobody's gotta ask why,
because you're not made for happiness.
All the skies' beds'll drop your dream
since you're not made for happiness, Saturn.
Where off to, sunless, you've that jungle rain soul,
ain't no one who'll house a kink-in-a'-ring.
And you'll make be and move out forever.
You'll slingshoot the dark film, you'll be alone again.
Again and again.
And each second you'll be alone reminding yourself,
it'll be a cold forty-maybe years. Then?
There is no then.
You've got that load none's gonna ask you what for,
let the act yap tills it dries, do again do again.

And you're gonna carry that weight,
until there's no he or she left in the world to love.
Then you'll still carry on, loneliness ain't no less a vengeance.
And you'll die in sixteen languages,
but what does it matter, you'll sing till you're song,
even when you've no one to break the new day with in the morning,
even when you've no one to gaze at clouds with in the evening.
even when you've no one to warm the bed with in the night.
I'd rather be dead than do many things alone.

And you're gonna carry that weight alone,
until the black that bleeds through your white kills you slower.
That's because you aren't made for happiness,
otherwise I wouldn't send you so far away from here.
Day'll rain, does it. Day'll I come and drown it. Wrestle the canopy close and end it.
The sky'll press the dome in, malachite mad, and remedy this fault with open faucet.
With the calm dying, with the clothesline left drying, with snow and brazen thunder-glad
and the welterchildren whose syllables are now incomprehensibly sad, day'll thud on until
water and water can't fill me trying. Then, in ascending elan, drop the clouds name by name.
Adieu, butterflies. And adieu caterpillars, small in the consequence you are, I will not forget,
not the song of mice and bird, no little thing quits.

Is dark.
Is low.
The worst of it is it is.
I don't so much know what the feeling of her is.
And so much of her, so much good, that she deserves better than me.
I am content long as I make her happy.
World's between wonder, you say, and wander.
World between wonder and wander, I am alone.
Whirl on, though I'm alone to the World surround.
Wild, sophisticated, troubled, loud.
I can't hear out of the noise my self's music,
for, with every step, I lose it passo a passo, piu
piano. Only then do I remember, [X]!
I am all alone.
[X], I am alone.

You're gonna go, gonna carry that weight.
Time better hurry, best time not be late.
Time must not betray me.

And it'll be the end of you, Saturn.
No coffin can bear the weight of your ring.

>> No.9770186

Usually, when I'm in the mood,
I'd walk a little closer to Melody's.
And the thing is I don't even know her well,
but a lot of what she'd do'll reach in me.
I've got that peppermint candy hard,
and see, dunno why worth a flout.
She's got some nerve what's the hurry about
and I'll tell you there's pain and we're swimming both under.

>> No.9770715


>> No.9770741 [DELETED] 

Not even Jesus the carpenter would insist that a hammer be used exclusively for nails—given a bottle of beer that maxim would dissolve as quickly as sobriety.

It doesn't take an ornithologist to identify a duck.

You might have your own ad hoc classifications for the thing in which this sentence functionally lies, but that doesn't predicate the thing in and of itself (written language).

Rothko didn't paint tables.

>> No.9770748 [DELETED] 

Not even Jesus the carpenter would insist that a hammer be used exclusively for nails—given a bottle of beer that maxim would dissolve as quickly as sobriety.

And it doesn't take an ornithologist to identify a duck, it just takes a verbal sufficient seer to describe the walking quacking waterfowl.

You might have your own ad hoc classifications for the thing in which this sentence functionally lies, but that doesn't predicate the thing in and of itself (written language).

Rothko didn't paint tables—and furtively obfuscated replies I write not.

>> No.9770752

Every year around early December, the cold flows down from the Eastern Highlands and floods the Warrington Shire, creeping down from the hills like viscous lava. It’s always on some cloudless winter’s dusk, presaged by a rough gust which makes the gangling pines dance in that crazy way that reminds Dart of the airdancer outside the car wash on Jackson Street. Winter’s arrival is something Dart eagerly anticipates for no reason other than a desire for change—a change that he always bemoans in retrospect. As long summer days shrink and turn sad, Dart decides that the sting of hot bitumen is preferable to the bite of cold tiles, or worse yet, bed socks made wet by a frigid kitchen puddle.

>> No.9770761

Not even Jesus the carpenter would insist that a hammer be used exclusively for nails—given a bottle of beer that maxim would dissolve as quickly as one's sobriety does into getting hammered.

And it doesn't take an binocular toting ornithologist to identify a duck, it just takes a verbally sufficient seer to describe the walking and the quacking and water off waterfowl back.

You might have your own ad hoc classifications for the thing in which this sentence functionally lies (writing), but that doesn't predicate the thing in and of itself. It moderates itself, riding finger-brained stagecoaches.

Rothko didn't paint tables—and furtively obfuscated replies I write not.

>> No.9770796 [DELETED] 

Doth thou deliver lip service
to the serviceable lips down under?
Asketh the maiden made in Troy
with her tremulous locks of anodized muff-meat.
Hurrah, hurray, it seems it is I who hath come today,
she hear's him beckon belly and say
hither and thither as he spelunkers a-gain,
brandishing a sliver of silver to tickle her liver.
Above and betwixt the wainscoted irons of her midriff's drape,
the moat of musk steaming from taint to nape,
turning drool into the wine of finest ripest grape.
How can, I of worldly restraint and honor,
resist the desirous fluid rapids once on her?
The moans cancels out the screams and dreams
dissolve into a split splat of spittle and cream
as she lay her golden egg again
the sultry fantabulous queen of the monotremes—
they platypussy hath razed the stoutest of kings,
pounding skyscraper into rubble with each and every sting
as the caked earth givers birth syphilitic things
and the rhizomatic trailer park royalty sings
as the nuclear fission sets the codpieces to pieces
engendering the onslaught of a thousand thousand nieces
all of whom stand by the wayside
when our goddess donates the quiver of her creases
excreting upon all the earth a fathom of greases
the birthstone turnt amber of Dionysus
(the grandfather of ISIS).

>> No.9770825

okay, I laughed.

>> No.9771101

Doth thou deliver lip service
to the serviceable lips down under?
Asketh the maiden made in Troy
with her tremulous locks of anodized muff-meat.
Hurrah, hurray, it seems it is I who hath come today,
she hears he beckon belly and say
hither and thither as he spelunkers a-gain,
brandishing a sliver of silver to tickle her liver,
askew a headlong jettison of ravenous pythonic slither.
Above and betwixt the wainscoted irons of her midriff's drape,
the moat of musk steaming from taint to nape,
turning drool into the wine of finest ripest grape,
Atlas tights his grip upon Gaia’s waist.
How can I, of such worldly restraint and honor,
resist the desirous fluids floweth once on her?
The moans cancels out the screams and dreams
dissolve into a split splat of spittle and cream
as she lay her golden egg again upon my brow,
that sultry fantabulous queen of monotremes—
thy platypussy hath razed the stoutest of kings,
pounding skyscraper to rubble, defeating beams with beams
as the caked earth givers rejoice birthing syphilitic things
and the rhizomatic trailer park royal family sings
a fumigating styrofoam chorus of diamond benzene rings.
The nuclear fission burps, sets the codpieces to pieces,
engenders the onslaught of a thousand thousand nieces
all of whom stand by the wayside, bedraggled
when our goddess donates the quiver of her creases
excreting upon all the land’s fat a fathom of greases,
the birthstone turnt amber of Dionysus, the grandfather of Isis,
to finally learn from the coursing eruption what ice is.
Prithee, one maythe deign to know she biblically
only to eternally disengage umbilically
one fateful day-bream in Tripoli.

>> No.9771155

This reads like someone whose only literary communities are online. Like why the hell would you end a line on an article?

Also, you write like the kind of person who vigorously defends his own writing. Im really not in the mood for that.

>> No.9771160

More effort reqd

>> No.9771173

Wow arguing with critics, you must be fun at parties. Im just kidding of course because no one would invite you to a party.

>> No.9771180

Cute. Said condescendingly.

>> No.9771186


>playing the incredulous normie

your response was even worse than his posturing. good work..

>> No.9771268 [DELETED] 

>no one would invite you to a party.
not necessary, i'm the one who throws the parties

>>playing the incredulous normie
>even worse than his posturing
he's not playing anon, but with your strings of jealousy I'm playing


>you write like the kind of person who vigorously defends his own writing
yeah this isn't entirely wrong, though I am open to constructive criticism

congratulations, you've just been registered as a faceless purveyor of unsolicited douchebaggery

>> No.9771278

>no one would invite you to a party.
not necessary, i'm the one who throws the parties

>>playing the incredulous normie
>even worse than his posturing
he's not playing anon, but with your strings of jealousy I'm playing


>you write like the kind of person who vigorously defends his own writing
yeah this isn't entirely wrong, though I am open to constructive criticism

congratulations, you've just been registered as a faceless purveyor of unsolicited cockwankery

>> No.9771290


>with your strings of jealousy I'm playing
you must be a youngfag to think to partying is even worth trashtalking about. it's whatever. you get fucked up and have a laugh. maybe hook up if there's options and you're in good form. that's it. simply amazing bro you cracked tha code.

>> No.9771306


>tries to larp as le cool dude party man but deletes and reposts his posts when there are mistakes because he is le autiste

v dope.