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/lit/ - Literature

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9764407 No.9764407 [Reply] [Original]

>Growing up dad was always distant and stoic
>Recently discover that he's very well-read after we connected by talking about literature

Feels good man :')

>> No.9764423


>> No.9764431
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Talked to my sister for the first time in a year
They know I am alone
They keep wanting to talk to me but I'm never in a good mood
Live alone, make good money, rich and miserable
At least she sent me pictures of the family
Sometimes I never know if leaving home
Moving half way across the country was a good idea

>> No.9764433

>Growing up dad was always distant and stoic
>Recently discover that he just doesn't like me very much and also isn't my real father

>> No.9764436

Not literature related. Fuck off to /r9k/, losers

>> No.9764452

If you only discovered recently that he reads books he must have been different continent tier distanced.

>> No.9764460

>live alone, work a meaningless but decently paying job, no friends, miserable
>drown my sorrows by reading and losing myself in the worlds creative by great writers
>brother is the only one who still makes an effort to connect with me

>> No.9764464
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>Stressed out in school
>Feel the urge to learn, so read a few books, barely understood them
>As the stress piles up the manic episode starts
>Send ranting e-mail to school that I want to become the overman and change the world
>In it I namedrop Ayn Rand, Nietzsche and Machiavelli
>At least I understood Machiavelli but the choice of namedropping these writers is still retarded
>I only read Nietzsche once without understanding it well, and learned the rest of it from Wikipedia pages
I guess it would be slightly better if I namedropped Stirner instead of Rand, amor fati I guess

>> No.9764484

All of his books are PDFs, and he reads a lot less now than he did in his 20s and 30s. I guess we never really talked all that much.

>> No.9764547

>father is the most stereotypical pleb labourer that one could imagine
>mother is dead and never read anyway
>big brother is the most stereotypicla stemfag one could imagine, spends his money on tech gadgets that collect dust after 2 weeks and spends all his time watching anime
>not one /lit/ friend
>not one /lit/ acquaintance

If not for you guys I'd seriously just give up and try to enjoy the pleb life even if it always made me feel depressed.

>> No.9764565

we love you friend

>> No.9764637

why has my precious anime been appropriated by STEMlords who just like watching the same show every season.

>> No.9765337

>read books to attract cutie friend who loves to read
>she fucks some chad she met off tinder

what's the fucking point

>> No.9765353

>father is dead
>elder brother is in prison for heroine dealing
>little sister has 3 kids
>all my friends graduated and move
>stuck at a soul-destroying engineering desk job
>only person I talk to outside of work is my mother
>impotent due to sexual trauma I had as a teenager

Honestly, I just read to pass the time and keep off the existential dread, but I feel ready to die. Even eternal sleep would be better.

>> No.9765359

>first time together with the whole senpai (mom, dad, sis) in months
>go out eating
>have hour long discussions about Nietzsche, Wagner, Weimar classics and morality in literature
Feels good man :')
I really needed that I haven't had a genuine conversation in forever
>inb4 get friends
I have friends but all we ever talk about is some superficial bs (which is also fun sometimes but becomes hardly bearable after a long time)
>inb4 get new friends
/lit/ friends are hard to come by these days :<

>> No.9765364

Dad left after I was born.

>> No.9765374

If you are only reading /lit/ to attract some qts - stop now
you'd have better chances hitting the gym and idk doing whatever chads do in their freetime

>> No.9766079
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>switching majors to Literature after one unhappy hell of a semester in CompSci
>already alienated from most of my friends
>only supportive family member is grandma, have little to no contact with anyone else
>she is super sweet and my mother figure, but practical af and not interested in lit
>my closest male figure growing up was a neurotic, narcissistic lit teacher of an uncle, and I'm already showing signs of becoming like him
>read while trying to distract myself from the fact my grandfather probably wanted to molest me a couple years ago
Future looks bleak senpai.

>> No.9767251

Is there a single well-adjusted person on this board?

>> No.9767263

well arent you an asshole then

>> No.9767277

Same, before I was born actually. I had my sister's dad (who left too when I was six) who only stuck around because he felt an affinity for his daughter and because the courts ordered him to pay child support for us both. I spent a good amount of time with him as a child and he actually quite solidly helped form my taste in art. He showed me 2001: A Space Odyssey as a child and encouraged me to read The Lord of the Rings and Dune. Unfortunately as a teenager I mostly used him as a gift-giving machine and I think he resented me for that. The last time I talked to him was when he sent me an email wishing me a happy 21st birthday. I replied but he never answered back. I'm 23 now. My half-sister keeps in constant contact with him however.

>> No.9767284

Molest your grandfather.
That'll fuckin' teach him.

>> No.9767291

Do you live in that pic?

>> No.9767292

Which job?

>> No.9767294
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>studied theology and fanboys aquinas
>can't argue for shit
>gets angry when called out for inconsistencies
>virtue signalling yokel
Christposters will be christposters. Not that I'm tippin it. He's just a dumbass choleric and at the same time probably the best anti role model I could wish for.

>> No.9767500

>have a very successful 2016, write lots, win a bunch of money in a number of short story competitions
>2017, rejected from every single thing I've submitted to, even the competitions I won last year

I'm not too bummed out, I've prepared myself to fail 1000 times before I succeed, just a shame to lose that momentum tho

>> No.9767556

>Sometimes I never
Well memed

>> No.9767622

You can't be well adjusted if you actively read the works of fucked up authors

>> No.9767931

why would anyone want to be well-adjusted in a diseased society?

>> No.9768153

Y'all need to get your hands on some acid.

>> No.9768472

Well-adjusted people don't come to a Sumerian script society for their social interaction.

>> No.9768480

>Sumerian script society
I like this one
I hope it is original

>> No.9768625

I hope so as well, otherwise I'd be subconsciously stealing.

>> No.9768650

>who just like watching the same show every season
I haven't watched anime in a long time, but I regularly check the seasons schedule to see what they're adapting now. I find it both hilarious and sad that 95% of the season is literally just the same anime as something from the previous season with a different title. I swear there's at least one copy of that gay as hell swimming anime every season now.

>> No.9768659

Don't give up anon. I won a few competitions earlier this year, but I haven't been able to write for the past couple months due to crippling depression. Getting back into things now, and I'm more ambitious than ever. We're gonna make it.

>> No.9768682


Go to law school. There is shitload of work in rural communities, and your family will all think you're the shit.

Then, like the other guy said, molest your grandfather and become the new patriarch of the family.

>> No.9768771

>just finished homeschooling my highschool education
>just turned 18
>Have debilitating OCD
>going to community college because I homeschooled and haven't taken my SAT or ACT
>into philosophy (obsessed with sellars rorty mcdowell and brandom)
>dont want to do philosophy for a living though
Idk what to do. I have a gf and my social life is ok. I have no clue as to where I should shift my attention professionally. Im aware Im young but my 20's are approaching quickly and I have far too much anxiety to go into them blind.