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/lit/ - Literature

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9764161 No.9764161 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/ I'm going on vacation. I've got 2 audible credits left. What should I get?

Here is what I'm considering:

Jerusalem -- Alan Moore
Snow Crash -- Neal Stephenson
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Omnibus
The Road -- Cormac McCarthy
2666 -- Roberto Bolaño


Give me some suggestions /lit/.

>> No.9764194

Jerusalem is shitty
Snow Crash is leddit tier
Lovecraft is kiddy shit
McCarthy in audiobook is a waste since his prosaic style is so strong youll miss most of the atmosphere
2666 is great but similarly not sure i would use an audiobook

tl;dr get some non fiction and learn something instead

>> No.9764209

I'd say Lovecraft off that list, but I haven't read the others. Jerusalem just seems terrible judging by the type of fans Alan Moore attracts imo.

>> No.9764222

Not op. What are some great non-fiction audiobooks? I occasionally listen to fiction on my way to work (books I've already read), but I'm looking to mix it up.

Even if you don't know which audiobooks are worth listening to, how about some general non-fiction you found interesting/worthwhile. No pop-science.

>> No.9764225

David Garnett's Aspects of Love
Max Beerbohm's Zuleika Dobson

>> No.9764252

>Jerusalem is shitty
It's ok that you didn't finish it desu you don't have to be bitter

>> No.9764264

Stop posting half naked harlots on my literature board.

>> No.9764283

>implying that reading absolute trash is worth it for the assumed merit of completing a book, rather than savouring a work of absolute genius in its stead
you sir, are a pleb of the highest order.

>> No.9764288

Well, what are you looking for more specifically? I'd listen to Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind it'd make for a relaxing work day.

>> No.9764296

i agreed

>> No.9764302

>Stop posting half naked harlots on my literature board.

Boobs with books is the only way to get good replies.

>> No.9764305


it sucks though, typical Moore drivel.

I used to like Moore, then I grew up and realised he's just an edgy manchild. Jerusalem was quite depressing to read, it made me go back and re-evaluate Moore's comics, and it turns out that his best work was at DC under strict editorial guidance

>> No.9764318

Agreed, naked hoes are a distraction this board doesn't need.

>> No.9764329
File: 6 KB, 250x164, 1499049050951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon want milkies!

>> No.9764413

you've made the terrible mistake of posting a picture more interesting than the topic of the thread OP

>> No.9764481


jesus christ what a trainwreck. can't make this shit up

>> No.9764491

>that pic
OP, you madman, there are americans on this board



>> No.9764501

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent women too.

>> No.9764506
File: 82 KB, 780x564, tP_Yon6FQHKjnx-zaTSWOMoMvVB8MhhaDnTSgd-50HQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect with that kind of picture? She's holding The God Delusion while laying down nude, and if she were to stand the breasts would sag to her ankles.

>> No.9764530

I hate that this has become a pasta. Everything that was great about this post is destroyed because one lamo can't think of something creative himself
Maybe try and make your own jokes even if it is based on something else

>> No.9764579

I HaTe thAt thiS hAs bEcomE a PastA. EvEryThiNg thAt waS gReaT aBoUt tHis poSt Is dEstRoYed bEcaUsE One LaMo cAn'T ThiNk Of sOmetHing crEatIve HiMseLf MAybe tRy aNd maKe YoUr own jokEs eVen if it Is BasEd oN sOmeThiNg eLse

>> No.9764591

Fucking hell anon...

Tell me there's a shortcut for what you just did.

>> No.9764707

Shibumi, great holiday reading, that.

>> No.9764777
File: 238 KB, 692x687, 1500204883631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's is a youngish MILF that I want to be breastfeded by
>In reality she is a disgusting old pinkhaired SJW that probably has blue armpit hair.

>> No.9764805

^ Mad that it applies to him

>> No.9764868

haha how do i upvoat this?

>> No.9764877

Thanks for shitting on those twats for me 'tis appreciated

>> No.9764906

Why don't you read?
If you listen to these audiobooks while being busy, you might as well don't read, since you won't pay enough attention.
The only kind of literature that migh be enhanced by being in an audio format is poetry, tbqhwy

>> No.9765074

What is her deal

>> No.9765081

>nerd, atheist, humanist, cat lover, and artist


>> No.9765129
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>> No.9765150

I would bet for Snow Crash or 2666, but since you seem to be a native English speaker, better Snow Crash than a translation.

>> No.9765157

Lovecraft obviously.


Why would you listen a work of quality prose?

>> No.9765197

I just checked this niggas twitter and holy shit he did not disappoint

>> No.9765258

I want her to hold me in her lap like as if she was my mommy and I was a little baby, so I can suckle on her nipple while she gives me a handjob at the same time.

>> No.9765311
File: 198 KB, 850x1202, 1492267942047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both, brother.
>tfw no woman will ever indulge my mommy gf fetish
>tfw KHHV forever

>> No.9765946

>Christianity is hateful
Can this dumb bitch justify any kind of harm to someone in the name of Christ or what he preached?
Yea, thats why atheism is a joke, stupid cunt

>> No.9765954

lmao at those virgins drooling for this chick, she looks like an old used up cunt, and I'm not even putting in count her cancer-tier personality

>> No.9766051

The audible version of The Monkey's Paw is god tier.

>> No.9766569

Who is this semen reamin demon

>> No.9766571

chill man it's been a year since a niggah got some slash

>> No.9766623

Which one? I just took a look and there must be about 10 different versions. Also it is only half an hour long so it is a waste of a credit.

>> No.9766672

The Road audio book is great, narrator is fantastic. Blood Meridian audiobook is also great.

>> No.9766772

B-b-but the Crusades and Catholics touching little boys!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9766821


>The God Delusion

>You're all old school Roman Catholics

Nice cognitive dissonance.

>> No.9766834

Clearly not someone people go to for genuine philosophy.

>> No.9767095

>not following the titcow movement
she posted her unclean udders yet or she just teasin my dick

>> No.9767270

>look how smart I am with my very basic denouncement of popular belief
>look at my analysis of religion
>its bad
>why are people asking me for tit pics?
I'd still scrub her rectum clean with my dick, but Jesus Christ.

>> No.9767286
