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9763825 No.9763825 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the smartest person to have ever lived? My vote goes to this guy.

>> No.9763827

Yeah, Socrates was pretty smart, but I'd say Plato was smarter.

>> No.9763830

Recently? Nietzsche
All-time? Aristotle

>> No.9763832

elon musk desu

>> No.9763845

Define "smartest". Is it defined as having ideas no one has ever had before? Because at some point in human history there was a first man to ever formulate any given complex idea, and what makes some worth more than others?

>> No.9763851


>> No.9763875


In the sciences: a good theory can do two things: explain and predict. The theories of gravity (Newton), evolution (Darwin) and relativity (Einstein) are considered important because of this.

In non-science fields: there are also philosophical/sociological ideas which are highly valued because of their influence, like Plato's Republic, or Nietzsche's ideas in the Genealogy of Morals.

Notice how all these people I mentioned have been remembered for centuries. I think that's what all their work has in common, influence.

Meanwhile you can find hundreds of mathematicians who have won field medals and nobody outside of maths knows them because their work doesn't affect the average person in the slightest.

>> No.9763879

St. Paul.
That's Plato anon.

>> No.9763884

Rousseau, Plato, Wittgenstein, Spinoza

>> No.9763886


>> No.9763890


>> No.9763897
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>> No.9763903
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Why are Marxist theorists so fucking smart?

>> No.9763907

Leibniz, Wittgenstein, David Hilbert, John von Neumann.

>> No.9763908

The obvious answer is Tesla....

>> No.9763917


>> No.9763919

i know right

>> No.9763928

Either Leibniz or von Neumann

>> No.9763931

I wonder how many women their would be in this thread if they were allowed in academia back then. My bet is atleast 45%.

>> No.9763932
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Have you seen how he triggers feminists? I bet he has IQ above 160

>> No.9763945


>> No.9763961

Good post neet

I'd like to add how many assholes are remembered by chance influence and that if you write for idiots ur guaranteed a large audience. Where popularity/influence, and actual worthiness intersect you will find what OP is asking for

>> No.9763963

Newton the stuff that he discovered/created was light years beyond the contemporary understandings.

>> No.9763965

It's either Aristotle or Aquinas. People say a lot about Aquinas but I don't think they appreciate the incredible memory he had. Around the time his family kidnapped him and tried to buy him a prostitute he found himself locked in his room with nothing to do so he decided to memorize the entire bible, and he did it. It's insane.

>> No.9763977
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Tfw we know capitalism sucks the life force out of the poor and pumps it into the asses of degenerate egyptian slave runaways and people fetishize commodities because market psychology exploits our lovelocks, yet we live and act in the world according to it regardless of our staunch Marxism


>> No.9763984

Wow, a marxist that names the jew? That's something you don't see often nowadays.

>> No.9763996

Me, Im the smartest

>> No.9763997
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>> No.9764000

Euler desu

>> No.9764005

This, it's either Euler or maybe Newton.

>> No.9764008

me, desu

>> No.9764011

Newton literally copied most of his physics from existing academic work you twat

>> No.9764020

The Jew exists, except it's the Bourgeois and has little to nothing to do with Judaism

>> No.9764021

t. buttblasted Leibniz fan, probably a toothless continental European

>> No.9764035

My vote goes to Goethe. Some estimations place his IQ at a whopping 210 - I've seen others rank it higher. Many authorities believe he was the most intelligent human being to have ever lived. A polymath, wrote a story in 7 different languages when he was 10. Brilliance incarnate.

>> No.9764046

Hugo Grotius or Euler

>> No.9764050


>> No.9764053

Has it occurred to any of you that the actual person to hold this distinction might have eschewed fame altogether, or simply did not come into existence in a time where his or her achievements could have been recorded for posterity?

>> No.9764059

This post is pure Reddit
>Hehe...I bet these guys don't realize this one flaw in the discussion they're having. Better point it out for some easy upvotes. This will be epic!

>> No.9764061

Who hasn't thought that? And who also hasn't thought it pointless to think it? Tree falling in the woods and all that.

>> No.9764070

I'll invoke Carlyle here and say the great man can't avoid being a great man.

>> No.9764078

Sorry guys I just wanted a (You) or two, it's been a rough day.

>> No.9764082


Why are newfags so obsessed with (You)?

>> No.9764083

I thought of that. Could be some 20 year old in a year 200 village who died early of some disease.

But the person who is the smartest who have ever lived can never be objectively "the one", and this hypothetical village boy would only be the smartest depending on which definitions you choose for what smart means and how it's quantified. Raw processing power, capacity to make insightful abstractions, or achievements? This boy maybe because of his circumstances, while having great capacity, wasn't ever given the chance to achieve something truly great and be counted as the smartest. This boy could be the smartest in 2 out of 100 definitions you choose, unfortunate because of his circumstances, meanwhile Plato maybe is the smartest in 50 out of the same 100 different definitions you choose for what smart actually is.

>> No.9764091
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*ends this entire thread*

>> No.9764120

Your explanation makes a lot of sense, actually.

>> No.9764148

Thank you, thank you. Maybe we all are the smartest in one or two of those different definitions, some type of mathematical formula some AI comes up with in the future that incorporates every factor and quality that goes into a minds greatness? Amount of neurons, divided by the formula for life achievement times the amount of influential people in ones upbringing... But a million times more complex.

It's a bit of a rabbit hole to think of everything you'd have to account for when making as optimal a way to quantify smartness as possible

>> No.9764279

I don't blame you. If I were retarded I'd be upset constantly, not just some days.

>> No.9764294

Let me explain why I'd recommend this book to everyone: Plato is stupid.


And it's important that you all understand that Western society is based on the fallacy-ridden ramblings of an idiot. Read this, understand that he is not joking, and understand that Plato is well and truly fucked in the head.

Every single one of his works goes like this:

SOCRATES: "Hello, I will now prove this theory!"
STRAWMAN: "Surely you are wrong!"
SOCRATES: "Nonsense. Listen, Strawman: can we agree to the following wildly presumptive statement that is at the core of my argument?" {Insert wildly presumptive statement here— this time, it's "There is such a thing as Perfect Justice" and "There is such a thing as Perfect Beauty", among others.}
STRAWMAN: "Yes, of course, that is obvious."
SOCRATES: "Good! Now that we have conveniently skipped over all of the logically-necessary debate, because my off-the-wall crazy ideas surely wouldn't stand up to any real scrutiny, let me tell you an intolerably long hypothetical story."
{Insert intolerably long hypothetical story.}
STRAWMAN: "My God, Socrates! You have completely won me over! That is brilliant! Your woefully simplistic theories should become the basis for future Western civilization! That would be great!"
SOCRATES: "Ha ha! My simple rhetorical device has duped them all! I will now go celebrate by drinking hemlock and scoring a cameo in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!"

The moral of the story is: Plato is stupid.

>> No.9764300

Shit pasta.

>> No.9764324

Alex Jones

>> No.9764330


>> No.9764354

How do they estimate a persons IQ like that?

>> No.9764362

They make it up
Because he is a polymath they assume the IQ was very high

>> No.9764375


Plato is impossible to understand if you're autistic. Certain people just can't understand the dialogue format so things genuinely do look like "strawmans." I see a hint of this in Vox Day when he talks about how he doesn't like Plato and accuses him of "cheating," whatever that's supposed to mean.

I don't understand why people think like this. Plato generally isn't trying to portray the arguments of other people but is portraying his own views and the process that he took to formulate them. An additional purpose of the dialogue is to educate and instruct the laymen. All we currently have of Plato is the dialogues but that isn't all he wrote, there were all sorts of lectures that were lost. Aristotle is the opposite, all we have are his lectures and stuff like that while his dialogues were lost to time.

>> No.9764382

Da Vinci

>> No.9764387

shit pasta.

>> No.9764406
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>> No.9764442

Solid post

>> No.9764447

You don't have to be a Marxist to know this.

>> No.9764461

Jesus. He knew the unknowable.

>> No.9764463

Am also very fond of Francis Burton & Nabokov

>> No.9764471

I'm naive enough to believe that if a person has an important purpose then it will be fulfilled.

>> No.9764486

>pumps it into the asses of degenerate egyptian slave runaways
Those things don't have life force either. They abort nearly all of their unborn.

>> No.9764498

Once you realize that the NPCs are "strawmen", it all makes sense.

>> No.9764508

No he didn't, God knows the unknowable, but Jesus isn't God

>> No.9764524

>any of the greeks

They literally just got the low hanging fruits of the fields they were interested in. Just because they were at the start, doesn't make them smart

>> No.9764527

Jesus is God. Are you Jewish?

>> No.9764535

If he's God, why is he referred to as being God's son?

>> No.9764540
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This is the only answer

>> No.9764542

So you've never heard of the Trinity? Jesus is God but not the Father, and the Father is God but not the Son, and so on.

>> No.9764564

This guy, Newton, Von Neumann, Goethe always get my vote

>> No.9764569

No one even took this bait.

>> No.9764584

The Trinity is wrong

>> No.9765156

Not insane, it's actually pretty common in history for learned men to memorize entire texts, like the Koran or some epic.

>> No.9765186


You could add the Koran, the Iliad, and the Odyssey into one book and it still wouldn't be as long as the 73 book bible that Aquinas would have been using.

>> No.9765189


Came from nothing. Minimally educated. Born outside his nation. Wrote blueprint to turn his shitty nation around while utterly defeated in prison. Moves to his highly regimented, aristocratic nation and seizes power as a fucking nobody peasant. Nearly conquers the world and is only stopped by the most powerful nations on earth teaming up to defeat him.

Humanity lost when Hitler was defeated.

>> No.9765200


>> No.9765207

Just an example of multiple intelligence theory.

An incompetent in almost everything except interpersonal relationships.

>> No.9765214
File: 392 KB, 2242x1320, tfw hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except interpersonal relationships

Someone hasn't read about Stefanie

>> No.9765216

I am perfectly aware of that instance. It does not cancel out Rohm praising him with his last breath, to which Hitler probably rolled his eyes.

>> No.9765246

Plato, St. John the Apostle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Goethe

>> No.9765253


That's Plato idiot

>> No.9765256

>Nearly conquers the world and is only stopped by the most powerful nations on earth teaming up to defeat him.
He could have been assassinated multiple times but the allies knew that he'd have been replaced by someone who wasn't incompetent.

>> No.9765268

>Just because they were at the start, doesn't make them smart

>modern philosophy is still playing catch up with Plato

>> No.9765307


It is my understanding that Hitler became Reichskanzler because

1. At the time, Nationalism was widespread through the work of other parties that were not the NSDAP, but similar.

2. The doctrine of Fascism, which was adopted by the NSDAP.

3. The NSDAP appealed to the unemployed, who could easily become members of the SA. Indeed, the first members of the SA were the militia left over from the German army after the downsizing of said army, leaving several unemployed Freikorps soldiers, who eventually joined the SA under Ernst Roehm.

This is despite him never completing his Realschulabschluss. Indeed, if he had, he may have been an assistant to an architect or have worked in architecture somehow, only seeing Albert Speer from a distance. He was, however, an avid reader and because of this I must assume that he must have had reasonably exceptional cognitive ability.

I do not think Mein Kampf added much to the emergence of Fascism or a Fascist off spring such as National Socialism in Germany at the time. There was always going to be a Nationalist/ Fascist Il Duce in Germany, it just happened to be the leader of the NSDAP.

>> No.9765308

Gauss, Von Neumann, Newton, Knee-che and Aristotele.

>> No.9765438

All Jewish lies.

>> No.9765596

go to bed bloom

>> No.9765618
File: 246 KB, 576x738, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be LE STEM guy, but Gauss and Euler were clearly the smartest men who ever lived, so much that their career is borderline uncomprehensible even for the most talented mathematicians of our time: how the fuck is it possible that Gauss actually lived and walked on this Earth, doing what he did?

>> No.9765876


Underrated (shit)post

>> No.9765914


This desu

>> No.9765921

This, among a few other Mathematical geniuses. There's really no comparison once you reach a certain level, but math is the foundation on which all the giants stand

>> No.9765963


This guy.

>> No.9765969

Newton, Wagner, Shakespeare, Spinoza, Aquinas, Aristotle

>> No.9765972

steve jobs

>> No.9766038

What mathematician inspired millions to take up arms and kill and die for his vision of a better world? That is the greatest test of genius, everything else is a quaint hobby to pass the time while waiting to die in obscurity.

>> No.9766203

I think the American post-modernists are honestly some of the most intelligent and most talented people who've ever lived: Gass, Gaddis, McElroy, etc

>> No.9767025

I'd argue it's impossible define a single person as the smartest ever. Point being, several thousand years of human existence means that intelligence could only be gauged by standards relative to the particular time. For example, the Ancient Greeks could only comprehend things from learned from history up to what was being spoken about in their own cities, or time period.

Plato himself spoke about this. So I'll say that he wields the greatest influence over history from after his death to present day.

>> No.9767030

Me, because only I exist.

>> No.9767037

Ted Kaczynski is a perfect example of why you're wrong.

>> No.9767049

Mathematics is nonsense systematization. Any lover of nonsense is an idiot nonsenser themselves.

>> No.9767051

>genius is being a passive cuntwad and jacking off to bad logic

>> No.9767052

William Rowan Hamilton, John Von Neumann, Isaac Newton, David Hilbert, Goethe, John Milton

>> No.9767053

No, modern philosophy is moving away from the absolute trash that was Plato. Finally.

>> No.9767056

sorry add Carl Gauss and Blaise Pascal

>> No.9767060

The Bible is over 1000 pages long and in prose. The Quran is half of that and in a form of verse. The Iliad and Odyssey are also far shorter and in verse.

The difference between memorizing prose and verse is incredibly vast. Not to mention, Aquinas allegedly did it in a rather short amount of time (how long could he have been locked up?), whereas kids who memorize the Quran take a few years and have the advantage of being kids.

>> No.9767065

da Vinci

>> No.9767068

>philosophy is valued for influence
Fuck off
Science does not explain or predict anything, it merely forces one to see in such a way.

>> No.9767073

>Advantage of brain like a sponge
>Forced to learn the Quran

Perhaps the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals

>> No.9767075


>> No.9767079

Came here to post Neumann.

That guy was on a whole other level. People always talk about Einstein for the memes, but Neumann was the real smartest man alive.

>> No.9767086


>> No.9767092
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This is probably your best bet.

>> No.9767096

>no Liebniz

Delete your account.

>> No.9767101

Is that referencing Carlyle, "heroes and hero worship"? Would you recommend it? I want to read his history of the french revolution but am not sure I want to start with it. Any advice?

>> No.9767102

>le reddit meme

>> No.9767131
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>muh cultural influence
Whoops didn't realize this was the social science dumbass board. Explain again who gives a shit how many normies were influenced by whom? (Seriously though just fuck off)

Highest, purest intellectual creativity, feats of demiurge tier originality, the best of the best in each category

>Euler - Gauss - von Neumann
>Shakespeare - Goethe

Everyone else filler or muh cultural influence/historical importance/THAT GUY WROTE A LOT OF SMART STUFF THAT I LIKE XD itt.

>> No.9767146

Agreed for the most part.

You forgot Bach for music tho

>> No.9767174

Fiction writer: Dante
Philosopher: Aristotle or Kant
Scientist: Newton

>> No.9767183

Everybody you listed is a fucking idiot except Goethe occasionally.

>> No.9767185

I second this motion.

>> No.9767365


>> No.9767403

serious question:, I'm genuinely interested

Why Goethe?

>> No.9767409

Mozart had high music IQ and absolute pitch but he was socially retarded.

>> No.9767413
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You've read my CTMU, right?

>> No.9767419


>> No.9767586

>science doesnt predict anything
oh okay
i guess airplanes fly on philosophical ideas and not predictions made by physics theories

>> No.9767621

Napoleon. Conqueror, writer, legislator.
De Vinci. Architect, painter, mathematician.

I think the word "smart" can only really apply to polymaths.

>> No.9767631

weak bait

>> No.9767689

Pleb new to philosophy here. Why do you all assume Plato was smarter than Socrates himself?

>> No.9767702

I actually have no idea what that is I'm just here for the shitposts

>> No.9767769

Because we don't even know that Socrates was real, all we know about him is thanks to Plato.

>> No.9767780

Genius = greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results

R8 my definition

>> No.9767811


>> No.9767832


Nietzsche wasn't that smart

he just had common sense

>> No.9767833

We have Xenophon writing about Socrates, and an entire play by Aristophanes featuring Socrates as a main character and satirizing him.

>> No.9768423

Wrong on the Darwin front. The idea was coming up and up, he just put it out there. Though there are accounts that reach just short.

>> No.9768435

Are you fucking moronic?

>> No.9768440

Warner Erhard

>> No.9768446
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All memes aside, I think he's also pretty smart, being capable of rational thought and articulating it in a clear way is the reason he has many fans. The haters are just being disingenuous or sophists.

>> No.9768463
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[speedily spliffs junglistically]

>> No.9768465


I know that this is b8 but just the thought that there's a person out there who thinks sargon is smart makes me cringe.

>> No.9768467

smallness of means makes it too hollywood american dream populist.

you can be born at the top and still be great. in fact it's a lot more common, social mobility is rare.

>> No.9768478

well if we are to judge how smart someone is by how successful they are, you are an anonymous internet commenter and he has 600k subs doing videos literally saying nothing

>> No.9768483

This is a very good shot. I study engineering and my cousin has a degree in mathematics and in all the math/physics courses we have completed there was at least one thing named after Gauss. That's incredible.

>> No.9768632

He's why I'm right, fool. He's very intelligent, but still nothing more than a hobbyist. If he were a genius, he would be at the head of an army, not rotting away in prison.

>> No.9769409

It's truly saddening that people love to list Einstein as the greatest mind in physics and forget my man Maxwell.

I'll always love you, bearded islander man 'o proto statistical mechanics

>> No.9769583

He's an excellent writer with an incredible grasp on German. His writing comes from a tradition that he smashes. Romanticism is both accredited and rejected by him.

>> No.9769588

They don't fly at all.

>> No.9770162

> common sense
The thing he went against was common sense..

>> No.9770724

He lives in a time where it's near impossible to get away with what he done and what he wanted

Unless he has an entire nation behind him.
He's pretty fucking smart since he managed to last years without being busted.

In a few hundred years he may be considered a great ignored genius

>> No.9770737

if kazinzki was a genius he would have gotten tenure at harvard or whereever instead of having to become a psycho nut and hide in the woods

>> No.9770747


>if he were a real genius he would've taken to bootlicking like a duck to water


>> No.9770753

dude, it's so obvious the reason he had his "breakdown" or whatever is because he couldn't hack it academia and his charm as a "child prodigy" was wearing thin as he failed to produce any academic work of significance, come on man, if you can't see right through a herb like that u need to do more lsd

>> No.9770757

>if kazinzki was a genius he would have gotten tenure at harvard
nice bait

>> No.9770762

read Werner Sombart:

>> No.9770765


contrary to your insecure notions of success everything doesn't hinge on chasing appeals to authority. he very well could've decided to simply stop giving a fuck -- who knows what really happened.

>> No.9770770

yeah, well when you live long enough you start to notice a pattern of people "stop giving a fuck" right around the time they fail, before that they gave a fuck

>> No.9770781


>now he's making appeals to authority via age

i'm not a young man either, slick. just because you crave academic validation that doesn't mean that kaczynski was disingenuous or full of shit for deciding not to play the game.

>> No.9770784

he didn't decide shit, he lost the game, he couldn't hack it in academia

>> No.9770792


>he lost the game

these phrases you're throwing out are very telling and frankly confirming what i've been saying.

>> No.9770795


wew just realized that i wrote that in my last post.

please take your cock out and fuck my stupid face with it.

>> No.9770797

if he "didn't care" why did he try to work at harvard or yale or whatever place? you don't get to elite schools like that without "caring", he was a child prodigy, but as an adult he could never live up to his own hype, so he had to become a nut, the fact that you think some small time luddite terrorist is a genius says a lot about u lollll

>> No.9770830


you're projecting your own fears and apprehensions about the obligations that you are currently mired in onto k-dawg.

how can you not see this.

>> No.9770834

this is a ridiculous question. You soon find yourself going back to the first person to ever have a productive thought. Which has an infinite chain itself. The implicit presupposition in the OPs question is that the current state of affairs are immutable and/or "good".

>> No.9770839

whatever dude kazinzki was a loser

>> No.9770842


>w-whatever dude


>> No.9770844

add Gauss and Godel and end the thread. Game over gentleman, there is nothing left to discuss here.

>> No.9770848


hurr durr ur projecting

>> No.9770851


t. senior shambles

>> No.9770859

This is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever read. We know that the allies tried multiple times to get him assassinated because they knew that below him were multiple men who would fight over the top position. Killing Hitler would create massive in-fighting and basically splinter Nazi Germany into smaller groups throwing loyalty between certain people and not others.
Hitler never properly named his successor.

>> No.9770860

issac newton
da vinci
von neumann

these are all contenders, but the real answer is probably some turbo autiste no one ever heard of because he was so addled with mental illness and his various hangups that he was never able to make use of his gifts.

>> No.9770866

u never kno bro, people thought the same thing about lenin, but stalin consolidated power hard af

>> No.9770870

William James Sidis

>> No.9770888

>From writings on cosmology, to writings on American Indian history, to Notes on the Collection of Transfers, and several purported lost texts on anthropology, philology, and transportation systems, Sidis covered a broad range of subjects. Some of his ideas concerned cosmological reversibility and "social continuity".

Too bad he wasn't born later. He would've been the perfect postmodern author

>> No.9770938
File: 14 KB, 240x240, anaximander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.9770975

Listen, I love Uncle Ted. But the best parts of ISAIF are nothing but paraphrases of Ellul's The Technological Society--which is a far more brilliant, disciplined work. Still not genius though, as it has not created a movement millions are willing to stake their lives on. That leaves Hitler as the singular genius of our age, followed perhaps by Stalin and Mao (who were not nearly so original, having borrowed their visions from Marx, Lenin, and others). My case rests.

>> No.9771023

>was socially retarded
you say this as if it were a bad thing

>> No.9771031


>implying anyone actually wants to be retarded socially
I'm sperged out too but get real m8.

>> No.9771043

I'd trade my social intelligence for any other type of intelligence in a heartbeat, i don't know why anyone would be proud of being good at something so trivial as impressing other people.

>> No.9771047

>music IQ
Can you expand on this?

>> No.9771049

is this bait? all of your other "skills" are ultimately just to impress people, so why not just cut out the middle man and go straight to impress people with social skills directly instead of by playing some asspained instrument or doing some kind of boring research or whatever

>> No.9771077

>Still not genius though, as it has not created a movement millions are willing to stake their lives on
What the fuck does this have anything to do with genius, you fucking moron?

>> No.9771092


>> No.9771100

social intelligence bro

>> No.9771111


>I'd trade my social intelligence for any other type of intelligence in a heartbeat

Do you understand that there are men in the world that are both brilliant in their chosen field and socially adept as well, right? You wouldn't want the best of both worlds if you could?

Stop larping as some special snowflake who is so brilliant that he's above it all. You should be working to improve your social aptitude instead of convincing yourself that you've transcended other people now like a delusional tosser.

>> No.9771122

>all of your other skills are just to impress people
ah, the hallmark of a pseud.
Yes, who the hell cares about the arts, which can evoke stronger emotions than any social interaction ever could, or knowledge about the universe around us or the limits of human reasoning, why the hell should we be curious about any of this. People who claim to be are just pretending, what could be more important than a bunch of nobodies thinking how cool you are. Too bad we can't all be some quick sleasy bullshitter, so some people need to larp their entire life as academics and artists

>> No.9771124


I responded to the wrong anon by mistake but those digits are so tasty that I regret nothing.

>> No.9771138

yes, to be able to use your intelligence in a way that influences society you need to have both, I'm just saying that people could be interested in things not related to socializing just for thei own sake, and some form of intelligence is generally needed to persue these interests. Being good at something you like doing is in itself very fullfilling, even if other people don't know about it.

>> No.9771144

perfect example of a möbius shitter: one who has inserted their own cranium up their anus, again and again, ad infinitum, until the paradoxically tautological nature of their self-aggrandizing-indulgent-satisfying ego-mental masturbation has rocketed them into the 10th dimension of supraphysical reality allowing them to fully know God and snort at the mere mortal mention of the incomprehensible reprehensible idea of enlightenment (times two).

but yeah, brilliant guy

>> No.9771171

It's Euler or Gauss, easily. Maybe Newton

>> No.9771232

STEMshitting is the opposite of intelligence. Intelligence is iconoclastic, STEM systematically preserves and refurbishes icons.

>> No.9771249
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obviously depends on your metrics. each of these guys could easily contend for top spot in at least one dimension:

von Neumann
da Vinci
Tesla('s brother)
Ibn Sina
Siddhartha Gautama
Shakuntala Devi
William Sidis
Paul the Apostle
Kim Peek
van Gogh
whoever invented the wheel (and other unappreciated essentials)
Kanye West
the lost incandescendants
Warren Buffet
my friend Jesse the Jew
the superorganism known as 4chan

>> No.9771250

Actually, saying stupid shit is the opposite of intelligence

>> No.9771280
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I have this..

>> No.9771310

>Carlyle, "heroes and hero worship
What is that? Is it what I should have gotten instead when I bought The Hero with A Thousand Faces?

>> No.9771333

Alexandr Dugin

>> No.9771381


>> No.9771387

Wonder how he's doing now

>> No.9771393
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David Benatar

>> No.9771420


>> No.9771499
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it's 100% von Neumann

>> No.9771504

Goethe was smarter and had higher IQ

>> No.9771537

People like Neumann or Gauss are close to autistic savants, I would consider someone like Goethe to be a better representative of human intelligence.

>> No.9771548

Yes, like claiming STEMshit is anything more than a fanficiation and systematization of existence for clearly ideological reasons.

>> No.9771553

Can you give me some examples of this "human intelligence"?

>> No.9771565

I loved this pasta before having read Plato's dialogues. His assertions are only presumptive when taken out of context.

>> No.9771610
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Von Humboldt must have been pretty smart too. Goethe said of him that you could learn more in an hour of his company than in many days of studying books.

>> No.9771819
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>ctrl f
>noone mentions Fourier
you fucking plebs

>> No.9771826
File: 61 KB, 494x800, 4952340-quotes-on-the-nature-of-things-lucretius[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When going on sheer IQ, and not just "guy with 140 IQ that just discovered something mostly by accident".
Nietzsche, Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Goethe...
>Jacques Barzun
>Machiavelli, indirectly
>Piaget, Freud, Jung, Rogers

Top 10 mathematicians of last 200 years are all mostly equal, you can't really say one's smarter than the other. And most only proved or did one big thing.

>> No.9771849

I think there's a very clear distinction between wisdom and intelligence.
Autistic savants like Kim Peek and Daniel Tammet have much more sophisticated cognitive abilities than most of the authors in this thread.
Authors like Paul, Augustine and Calvin were among the "smartest" people of all time in my opinion, but only in regard to their wisdom/insight. And that obviously depends on what is actually true.

>> No.9771984

Tell me, where is modern philosophy moving to? What is it doing, currently?

>> No.9772010

Are you retards trolling by mixing up Gauss, Kant, Newton and the likes with fucking Shakespeare and Goethe?
What the fuck.

>> No.9772011

It's 'leonardo' or 'leonardo da vinci', not 'da vinci'.

>> No.9772237

>is this bait
no, but this is

>> No.9772256

>but the real answer is probably some turbo autiste no one ever heard of because he was so addled with mental illness and his various hangups that he was never able to make use of his gifts.

Ah, the William James Sidis meme

>> No.9772261

What's so special about that asshole?

>> No.9772286

In decreasing order:

Thales of Miletus
Tarquinius the Elder
Ma Chun
Hero of Alexandria
Archytas of Tarente
Christiaan Huygens
Philo of Athens
Cato the Elder
Philo of Byzantium
Shao Ong
Dionysus Thrax
Geminus of Rhodes
Marcus Tiron
Pliny the Elder
Ts'ai Lun
Apollonius Dyskolos
Isidore of Seville
Chang Hsu-hsun
Gerbert d'Aurillac
Pi Cheng
Gui d'Arezzo
Su Sung
Guido di Vigevano
Salvino degliArmati
Albertus Magnus
Leone Alberti
Thabit Ibn Quarra

>> No.9772490

Simply wrong
Goethe was likely smarter than everyone listed

Your list is complete dogshit

>In decreasing order

>> No.9772662


>> No.9772683

How come all of the smartest people were Germans?

>> No.9772695

he needed the money to build his cabin

>> No.9772698


>> No.9772703

Who the fuck are even half of those people?

>> No.9772744

>He doesn't know how a search engine works

>> No.9772771

Aristotle and Hegel, for the range of subject, critical analysis of their forebears and cataclysmic new theories.

I know Marble Drop, but I do not know timdeharis.

>> No.9772825
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Neil DeGrasse Tyson

>> No.9772840

>That's the point of the statement.

>> No.9772849

jesus christ

>> No.9773037

Aristotle (founded and contributed to a wide array of disciplines: Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Maths, Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics)
Descartes (for the first time ever in history synthesized Geometry and Algebra into Analytic Geometry, modern Philosophy began with the cogito, etc.)
Leibniz (independently invented Calculus, developed a novel philosophical system, coined the Identity of indiscernibles, wrote about "ratiocinator" which -- like most of the stuff he invented and discovered -- was ahead of his time; Leibniz idea of a "ratiocinator" was later realized by Frege)
Frege (founded and pioneered First-Order Logic -- logic that underlies all modern mathematics -- and Philosophy of Language)
von Neumann (von Neumann computer architecture, first one to come up with and implement the "merge sort", algorithm, founded Game Theory, contributed to most branches of maths of his time)
Kripke (proved the completeness theorem for Modal Logic while still in high-school, invented formal semantics for said Logic, single-handedly revived the reputation of metaphysics in the Anglosphere of analytic philosophy)

>> No.9773389

haha I remember this garbage. If I recall correctly they used to give away the game with sim city 3000

Can't figure out who that guy is either.

>> No.9773744

According to Harold Bloom it is Shakespeare, Frege, And Emily Dickinson.

According to me, it is John Von Neumann and Carl Gauss.

>> No.9773772

David Foster Wallace

>> No.9773778

Think I recall him saying Dante had more 'cognitive power' than Dickinson though. Dickinson was just one of the top ~3.

>> No.9773784

What's the argument for it being Shakespeare? His merit as a writer is obvious, but besides taht?

>> No.9773865

To its own death.

>> No.9773881

out of the way boys, real world's smartest person ever coming through

>> No.9773968


no kidding

lately i've been thinking a lot about how different things would be if people had decided to follow this guy's philosophy instead of christianism

his ideas about god as something trascendental are very interesting and not as easy to refute as other ones

i'd join a plotinus cult/religion if there were any desu

>> No.9774036

Any intelligence not directed toward the direct manipulation of human behavior and reshaping of civilization is not genius, but a mere hobby horse. Give up, your peabrain will never comprehend genius.

>> No.9774077

Jesus was the only prophet who's supposed to be literally God in human form.

>> No.9774101

Augustine was a great follower of plotinus and other neo-platonists, so Christendom itself followed him. Early Christians were neo-platonists for a long time

>> No.9774530

You're a moron mate

>> No.9774601

kierkegaard is surely up there, david hume also, schopenhauer

Rimbaud, Philip Sidney

I would also say the historical Jesus was smart

>> No.9774619

Gauß obviously grew up in a shitty family still being THE most significant mathematician

>> No.9774713
File: 35 KB, 757x524, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little over a century after Newton's "Opticks," Goethe wrote a book on his pet theory of light/colour, which among other things, described his beliefs that many optical phenomena arose from light interacting with darkness (as if it were a separate entity). See pic related from wiki.

Goethe was also an adamant Neptunist, to the point of making the demon Mephistopheles from Faust a Plutonist because he was so butthurt about someone disagreeing with his geological opinions.

I'm afraid Goethe was a brainlet pseud, sorry.

>> No.9774720

neumann was neurotypical you meme boi

>> No.9775173

Perhaps one day life will offer you a taste of real power, power over the lives of others, and you'll understand the nature of genius like I have.

>> No.9775297

prison officer detected

>> No.9775324

So what's the /lit/ consensus of the top 5 smartest persons

>> No.9775328

>it is John Von Neumann and Carl Gauss.

"At the age of 15, [Von Neumann] began to study advanced calculus under the renowned analyst Gábor Szegő.[22] On their first meeting, Szegő was so astounded with the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears."
What an absolute beast

>> No.9775737


>> No.9775771


Ask me anything

>> No.9775801
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Bait or literally retarded

>> No.9775816

>can't even understand washing your hands before eating will prevent sickness


>> No.9775828

>religion should be easy
>refutation is bad
Philosophers belong on the pyre.
And that was the saddest era for Christianity.

>> No.9775833

Newton was wrong, sorry!

>> No.9775842

It won't, that's a meme.

>> No.9776024


>> No.9776048

Kierkegaard and Socrates

>> No.9776064


He literally created Calculus because he was bored.

>> No.9776095

One thing's for sure, the smartest being on earth would not have spent time arguing who the smartest person was

>> No.9776165

I don't know about Goethe but Shakespeare is definitely there. We quite literally couldn't think the way we do now without him.

>> No.9776424

Socrates and Plato can in fact be talked about separately. Of course we only have Socrates through Plato's writing, but there is plenty of discussion about this within philosophy. Kierkegaard actually talks about Socrates separately from Plato. Read up on the Socratic Problem. To say they are the same ignores what is an actual historical problem.

"They say: In Socrates philosophy was still just (N. B. this 'still just')—still just a life. In Plato, however (in other words we have progress, we are moving upwards), it becomes (up we go) doctrine. Then it becomes science. And so it goes with philosophy, on up to our own time when we stand on the pinnacle of science and look back on Socrates as on a lower plane because philosophy was still only a life." -Kierkegaard


>> No.9776545

Goethe's IQ is estimated at 210, the highest ever


>> No.9776921

How can that estimation possibly be anywhere near scientific

>> No.9777061

Now THIS is heresy!

>> No.9777067

Only History can judge him, we`ll see.

>> No.9777074

John Dee is the actual answer

>> No.9777088

All good candidates except the no-names and
>Siddhartha Gautama
Those were real persons, but they´re famous for what people think of them. Skip.
LM fucking AO
>Paul the Apostle
Smart fella, but no genius. If we´re talking about the Church Fathers, I´ll take St. Thomas of Aquin.
>Kanye West
Same as with the sport guys.
>Warren Buffet
Sure, very smart, but certainly no genius.
A fucking beta with some oratory skills and a good crew, that´s all.
>the superorganism known as 4chan
Only correct answer. Weaponized Autism will rule the world!

>> No.9777200

Who is not supposed to be with who here?

>> No.9777582

>all this shitposting

is there at least a top-tier consensus?

>> No.9778211

I like Goethe. Eh

>> No.9778735
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>> No.9778778

Ahhhh kek

>> No.9778861

Define 'smart'

Because if we take smart to mean Wise - that is, holding a large amount of knowledge or information about the world through either study or inference - then the distinction is meaningless. Given that all average humans are equipped with the same sensory capabilities, there exists no distinction in terms of how much any given individual COULD learn, with the only limitations being speed of learning and recall capability, both of which can be artificially enhanced and so should be either corrected for or thrown out, which leaves only maximum lifespan as the deciding factor.

On the other hand, if we take 'smart' to mean Intelligent, or possessing the innate capability to learn and recall, then we are questioning only an individual's age - with limitations in lifespan averaged out or otherwise removed, we would see the Intelligent outperform others only when younger, and the Wise outperform the other when elderly.

>> No.9778896

Dante easily has the most 'cognitive power' out of any writer I've read. The amount of layers underneath almost every line of the Divine Comedy is insane, it's as if every single one contains a deep literary or philosophical signifier. And it's not like Joyce, who as a modernist prose writer has the freedom to throw all the shit he has in his head at the wall and have it stick, Dante had to fix it within a highly restrictive poetic form and narrative. It's insane what he accomplished.

>> No.9778976

It's most likely going to be shitposting all the way down. A lot of people don't like intelligence measurement at all, and will try to convince you it's impossible to compare people. Even if you try, IQ estimates on people long dead are dubious at best and fanboyism at worst. Also comparing people from different fields tends to buttblast a lot of people. You're going to have a hard time finding any kind of objective tier-list.

>> No.9779047

Genghis Khan

>> No.9779066

If you think wisdom is limited to knowledge you're pretty retarded. Same if you think the value of the capability to learn and recall is limited by age. A person with a good memory but no creativity or judgement, or with creativity but no ability to put it to use within a valuable context is not smart, just able in those fields. Being smart is at the same time being able to learn a lot, to use that knowledge or understand it, and to produce new knowledge or new perspectives that didn't exist before.The smart person outperforms others regardless of age or lifespan.

>> No.9779519


>> No.9779585

Fourier was smart no doubt and his contributions to modern mathematics were widely applicable, but if you'd go as far to even say Fourier I'd refute you and say Euler's impact is much more impressive...and the extent and creativity of Euler's work is downright insane.

>Euler's constant
>Infinitesimal calc/power series
>Help spawn number theory, complex analysis, graph theory (All of which are insanely useful branches of mathematics today)
>Complex numbers
>Zeta function etc.
>Integrated Leibniz into applied modern mathematics
>Basically paved the way for Guassian physics
The list goes on...also...LEIBNIZ > Fourier

>> No.9779606
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You're reading his post.

>> No.9779618


>> No.9781287

Gauss did more than any of them tho.

>> No.9781300


>Plato, because he was the most influential
by that logic Kim Kardashian is one of the smartest people on the planet

>> No.9781437

Only correct answer is Wittgenstein

Based Witty, super rich and throws off his aristocratic lineage, becomes a teacher who beats ignorant children, presents us with the end game to philosophy.

Sorry plebs if you wanted to contribute to philosophy you came late to the game, Witty ended it a while ago based Witty

>> No.9781604

r u dumb

>> No.9782371

Any answer other than Von Neumann is just grasping at straws

>> No.9782990

Why do pretentious faggots consider those useless philosophers to be smart?

>> No.9783563

my dad

>> No.9784442

thanks to euler