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/lit/ - Literature

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9763601 No.9763601 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9763607

You realise he's just fucking with you guys at this point, right?

>> No.9763613


>> No.9763620

It's not a review of Land.

He made the video two years ago.

>> No.9763628

I wish Cliff was actually intelligent enough to get depressed and kill himself

>> No.9763681

Sat on couch, he thought. Me, here. I'm him. And thought he him thinking out loud to the councillor, "I don't know, I just think he's dumb." And seethed he inside for the knowledge of that labyrinth that he could only exit by becoming smaller, talking. His tongue, that wide, wet, slivering worm, shrivelling first before his skull and the rest of his bones and flesh shrank to the size which the councillor measured him with her concerned eyes. Says he, "He's just stupid. But he's got good taste, sometimes." And I him determine I don't know why he says what he and I am or would suggest that he is I as I am him.

>> No.9763730

i'm sure he's a perfectly nice dude but why does he dress like he shops at some kind of yuppie hot topic

>> No.9763799

>going to china
think he met with nick?

>> No.9763829
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>has mentioned Jordan Peterson post-controversy
>owns fucking Fanged Noumena

It's so painfully obvious that he browses or at least knows about /lit/.

>> No.9763858

Who is this qt?

>> No.9763872

Pretty sure hes the one posting threads about himself.

>> No.9763876

>like he shops at some kind of yuppie hot topic

Probably because he literally does

>> No.9763885

Yeah. He's been doing it almost daily for quite a while now. This guy has no self awareness.

>> No.9764159

I've never been able to work out if we hate Cliff affectionately like /mu/ "hates" Fantano, or if we actually hate the guy.

His reviews are pretty surface-level, but at the end of the day, he's only trying to pique your interest in reading the books. At least he was honest about not liking Pynchon, unlike all the pseuds on here who complain about everything in Infinite Jest that's remotely Pynchoneque, but treat Ruggles as some inviolable master of 20th century lit. (I like Pynchon btw, so not shitting on the dude).

>> No.9764241

He rips off a lot of his ideas. He compared Beckett to some very obscure avant-grade guitarist in his review of "The Trilogy." Don't remember the guitarist's name. If you watch the video you can find it easily. Just google that guy's name and "Samuel Beckett" and you can find an article/blogpost that he ripped off almost word for word.

I would totally have a drink with the guy, but he's not a great book reviewer. But then again, I don't take any youtube book reviewer seriously.

>> No.9764261


>> No.9764303

When did he say he didn't like pinecone?

>> No.9764349

who is this semen demon??

>> No.9764383


>> No.9764403

You're better off not knowing.

>> No.9764434
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1483485925736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is filled with homosexuals.

>> No.9764512

>This board is full of frog posters from /pol/
Post your virgin insecurity somewhere else

>> No.9764516

>muh hivemind

>> No.9764830

Who is this cute?

>> No.9765536
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>> No.9766701

Cliff kind of seems like an attention whore and yes, he clearly browses /lit/. I am convinced that he makes the vast majority of the threads about himself as well. His reviews are not that interesting either. However, I wouldn't have the balls to post a video of myself "reviewing" the authors he discusses because its not like I'm some brilliant literary critic who has an opinion worth hearing. I think that he genuinely enjoys reading and I would probably hang out with him IRL. He's simply not self-conscious enough to refrain from making videos.

Ironically he mentioned in one of his videos that he was inspired by Fantano to create a youtube channel. Its likely he browses /mu/ as well and has aspirations of becoming a meme.

>> No.9766711

Nice try hiding by talking about yourself in the third person, but we all know it's you, Cliffy.

>> No.9766719

>anon thinks I'm Cliff
Actually laughed and I understand the paranoia as well because he clearly posts here. You'll never know :^)

>> No.9766729

Worst self-promotion gambit. Worse than icybitch, worser than Scruff McDuff.

Terrible haircut, too.

>> No.9767706

Bradley Cooper with AIDS looking goblin in his 20s though he looks 40+.

>> No.9767723

>hasn't even read the republic

>> No.9768044
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>> No.9768116
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His channel is a attempt to channel the persona of a portland hipster for a upcoming movie he will be starring in. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9768379

Funny he is from Portland, but his film dreams seem to be dead. No-one moves away from LA to Florida if someone wants to produce his shitty idea to film Story of the Eye

>> No.9768474

That didn't make much sense to me either. Why St. Pete? There's nothing there.