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9762352 No.9762352 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a homosexual who loathes 99% of gays and 99% of gay culture.

Recommend me a book.

Hard mode: Not the Bible

>> No.9762360

Pascal "Pensées"

>> No.9762363


>> No.9762364

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.9762366

Zero To One

>> No.9762372

Thank you

My techno-fascist moment has passed. Thiel got boring.

>> No.9762384

A biography of Ernt Rohm and the works of Yukio Mishima.

>> No.9762385

Besides, I don't share Theil's optimism that innovation will continue. I think we're seeing a drop off in the return on investment for new discoveries. Genuine science and intellectualism is rapidly becoming unprofitable (welcome to late stage capitalism).

>> No.9762393


>> No.9762397
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>> No.9762399
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>> No.9762407

Read Augustine's Confessions. He's not gay but you may find yourself sympathizing.

>> No.9762416

theil is a hypocrite and a bit of a dumbass, but i'm just saying he's a gay guy who doesn't have anything to do with gay culture so if you want a role model

>> No.9762419

That's like telling someone who's right wing that Hitler is the perfect role model.

>> No.9762447

Baldwin's Giovanni's Room
Isherwood's A Single Man

I'm not gay but the protagonists of these books are and they're goddamn scathing at times. Isherwood takes jabs at women constantly and Baldwin takes jabs at everyone including himself. Both are great but G'sR is notably better

>> No.9762480

the quran

>> No.9762493

when Baldwin's describing trans / crossdressers in Giovanni's Room its fucking cutting

>> No.9762503

Hitler is authoritarian/centrist

>> No.9762510

Confessions of a mask by yukio mishima

>> No.9762536

Giovanni's room is easily my favorite novel.

Confessions of a Mask is easily my second.

>> No.9762537

how is your sexuality relevant to your literary preference

complete works of edgar allen poe

>> No.9762543

Not the sexuality part so much as the loathes the majority of my identity group part

My other identity is Italian-American, so I'm screwed either way

>> No.9762549

janet mock book. it's great. teaches you life. it's not about being gay, but teaches you that trans life is hard and you should love those people not the crazy ol things u be hearing on fox news bout trans people in the bathrooms.

>> No.9762552

hey man me too. i think being gay is easier for us because guido culture is so metrosexual and like we do our eyebrows and can work out.

you should read oscar wilde.

>> No.9762555

hey, bisexual here (or I guess pansexual these days), and I pretty much agree with you. "Gay Culture" sucks. I can't stand the clubs anymore, I can't stand the superficial obsessions with fashion, food, bad music, etc. So I can understand your position, or at least I should be able to, but consider the following.

Ahmadinejad, former president of Iran, said "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country." On it's face, this is an absurd statement. There are surely men fucking men in Iran, just like every other place on earth. But what he probably means is that there is no 'homosexual culture' and therefore no 'homosexuals'. And he's totally right about that. Homosexual culture, like it exists in the West, is absent from many places on earth, while homo-butt-sex continues on without a problem.

Consider that 'being gay' doesn't have to be your identity. You might enjoy sex with men, but by no means do you need formulate your own identity around this. I enjoy masturbating. I enjoy watching Star Trek. I don't consider myself a 'Masturbator' and I'm definitely no Trekkie either.

So I don't have a text for you, because I don't know what you are.

>> No.9762558

ey what are you talkin about you get to wear wife beaters unironically and spent 15 minutes in front of the mirror like travolta

do you talk with your hands

>> No.9762560

The ancient roman novel "Satyricon" is both Italian and gay. It's pretty good too.

>> No.9762561

>I'm a homosexual who loathes 99% of gays and 99% of gay culture.

good, now go full 100% and start hating gayness, getting poop on your dick is not "love" despite what the magazines and tv shows have been telling you.

>> No.9762569

>Construction of Gay Identity in the West

this is what Foucault wrote about in History Of Sexuality Volume 1, in fact op should read it, as should everyone

>> No.9762572

No, I'm talking about the dominance of cultureless, nihilistic Capitalism in the Italian-American subculture that's paired with a watered down, pathetic imitation of the Catholic Church dancing on the fresh carcass of tradition.

>> No.9762573

Is it too much to ask for a nice boy to kiss at night?

>> No.9762578

oh. that's a sad lot m8. Mexi-merican lapsed Catholic here, sorry for your loss. at least my people have not adopted the late capitalism meme.

seconding Satyricon.

>> No.9762580

>wearing fine Italian made garments is "nihilistic"

so if Italians switched to wearing made in china walmart jorts like a trump voter they wouldn't be "nihilistic" anymore? you just sound mad that you can't afford that gucci gucci

>> No.9762588

I'm talking about ethnic Italians who immigrated to America and underwent a cultural transformation - essentially embracing the culture of Walmart. What the fuck are you talking about Italian suits for?

>> No.9762591


>>9762578 here. I find it incredibly humorous that an intelligent gay man laments the loss of influence of the Catholic Church and the fading of tradition. Here's to a future where gay marriage means lots of kids and hard-working partners WHO NEVER GET DIVORCED NO MATTER FUCKING WHAT. Love ya bro. We need more like ya.

>> No.9762598

Gay marriage is a joke on straight people that politicians took waaay too seriously

The Catholic Church was perhaps the only genuine force to good the world has ever seen. It was the only institution I've ever read about in history that successfully combined utopianism with realism. I'd get back in the closet if we could get the real deal back.

>> No.9762599


Donovan: The Way Of Men

>> No.9762602

Symposium by Plato

>> No.9762604

The categories were interesting, the writing was shit

>> No.9762605
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Gucci makes street wear too you awful plebeian

>> No.9762624

>Gay marriage is a joke on straight people that politicians took waaay too seriously

I dunno m'dude, the tax protection seems awfully handy.

>The Catholic Church was perhaps the only genuine force to good the world has ever seen.

This simultaneously makes me sad and proud. Sad we've fallen to defending pedophiles, proud that it could be compared to an organization that works towards the common good worldwide, like a non-secular Starfleet.

>> No.9762630

I don't defend the modern Catholic Church. Francis is a joke. Benedict did nothing wrong.

>> No.9762633

JP2 has a posse. Fuck these nothingburgers.

>> No.9762643

People who use the term "nothingburgers" deserve to die

>> No.9762645

anything by Jean Genet

>> No.9762648

Guess I'm doomed to die, eh fuckface?

>> No.9762651

A Rebours

>> No.9762659

I need to learn French first

>> No.9762995

i'm italian, gay and christian and i totally agree, benedict xiv was one of the best popes ever

>> No.9763004

Giovanni's Room

>> No.9763041

there are at least 2 English translations; Against Nature; Against the Grain etc/

>> No.9763105
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idiot bitch
repost my pics

>> No.9763166
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Read Androphilia. The author's main point is that desire between men has been blown up to a whole identity including lots of aspects that are actually harmful for males. He suggests leaving that baggage, as he calls it, behind and invites the reader to focus on being good at being a man, rather than being a gay man first and not letting the feminised, fetishised, infantilised gay identity affect or change you simply because you love men.
I'm in a similar situation as you, I always hated pride parades and the effeminate appearence of most gays, but when i started coming to terms with my attraction to other men, i started to think the whole gay identity was something directly , inheretly related to my sexuality, but it isnt.

>> No.9763209

It's not that innovation won't continue, but rather that it will cease to benefit the majority of the population.

>> No.9763212


>> No.9763215

Is homosexuality love? Bathhouses and Grindr - these are not tools of love, but of lust. And criticising them makes me a self-loathing gay, apparently.

>> No.9763219

You're talking about promiscuity, not homosexuality. If homosexuality is practiced in a healthy and restrained way, I don't think it's necessarily all that bad.

>> No.9763230

I agree, but in my experience the promiscuous homosexuality seems to be the predominant one. Like, if you go to a Pride parade, the focus on sex is shocking; I have never met a gay man (as I know) who doesn't use or has used Grindr.

>> No.9763260


>every other homo I see is down to fuck all the time this is the worst

Champagne problems desu. You don't even have to put work in like regular straight dudes do. You have that front on ez mode and still you cry.

>> No.9763265

Because sex doesn't bring you happiness. Even the most rampant hooker uppers I know admit that.

>> No.9763289


This is the equivalent of a wealthy person going up to a load of regular people living from paycheck to paycheck and crying about the fact that they are surrounded by nothing but rich people who are all miserable despite their fruitful economic options and you hate being so rich because money doesn't bring you happiness in the end.

Those people you're crying to agree with the sentiment and all but they are still the ones trying to live from paycheck to paycheck if you get what I mean.

>> No.9763351
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It's just a different kind of problem. There are gay guys who are stewing in resentment and jealousy of all the straight guys that are starting successful families, producing kids, passing on their genes and leading normal lives while they get buttfucked by some craigslist stranger for the nth time

>> No.9763496

Grasshopper Jungle

>> No.9763557

You could always just kill yourself

>> No.9763577

>"I'm a homosexual who loathes 99% of gays and 99% of gay culture."
>makes a thread specifically around this identity

>> No.9763595

A Single Man broke my heart. Have you seen the film?

Also OP, "Faggots" by Larry Kramer takes a hard look into the gay culture preceding the AIDS epidemic and how the promiscuity ruined the scene

>> No.9763610

Read Marguerite Yourcenar's works. We've mentioned here recently a few times on here, aristocratic lesbian lady, amateur of Mishima and Evola and ancient Rome and the Middle Ages. Enough said. Read her Memoirs of Hadrian and The Abyss, great novels entirely, and I dislike gay shit and women writers in general.

>> No.9763711

omul meu vlad

>> No.9765320

>"Faggots" by Larry Kramer takes a hard look into the gay culture preceding the AIDS epidemic and how the promiscuity ruined the scene

Shilts' "And the Band Played On" depicts how Kramer got around to writing it and then some too.

>> No.9765334

how did promiscuity ruin the scene?

>> No.9765336

>I'm a homosexual who loathes 99% of gays and 99% of gay culture.

My kind of faggot. Straight as a pole, but I'd hang out with you anytime.

- Master and Commander -

>> No.9765341


>> No.9765346

not op but A Single Man was probably the best film I saw all year. Never knew it was a book.

>> No.9765389


Eh? I'm just saying Shilts' book talks about how Kramer was inspired to write "Faggots" - I didn't make any statement beyond that.

>> No.9765391

Well, unprotected sex ruined the scene and many men fought for the "right" to continue, a lot of guys refused to believe that having sex could kill them.

>> No.9765544

Dang, this is a pretty decent thread.

Figured /pol/ would have swamped it by now. What could that mean, that they haven't?

>> No.9765687
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Don't worry, his writings will live on and shape the Church for centuries to come. Actually, on that note, maybe some works for OP to read are Benedict's "Jesus of Nazareth" books.

>> No.9766091
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>I'm a homosexual

>> No.9766228


>> No.9766278


Literally read the thread, you fucking faggots.

>> No.9766290

Making a thread about being gay is pathetic regardless, doubly so if you base in on how 'not gay' you act. OP should kill himself

>> No.9766346

>Bathhouses and Grindr - these are not tools of love

And yet if Claggart had Grindr, Billy Budd would probably still be alive today.

>> No.9766444


The thread is not a about being gay, but about books related to 'non-conventional' 'gayness'.

>> No.9766450

nice to see Baldwin getting props on here.

it's a quick read and fucking comfy and fantastic

>> No.9766482

this thread is about being gay you retard
if op wanted to read books about non conventional gayness he wouldn't have mentioned his sexuality

>> No.9766509

Turn straight out of spite. Have many kids and just accept it.

>> No.9766562

Grindr is a means to an end, guys are voracious when it comes to sex and that app allows them to utilise it. I've met some good honest guys on the alternative apps like Scruff etc because there you can flesh out a profile and not have to waid through constant dicks.

Though, at least in my experience sex can become quite vanilla and a lot of guys seek to find more transgressive sexual outlets, such as groups, public etc. There is a subset of guys in the community that are straight up deviant and degenerate

>> No.9766641


The OP is how the thread topic was established. You should read it as 'I'm gay but not a silly faggot: recommendations?' The implication being OP is looking for writers reflecting upon their own uneasy fit within the category and the social milieu of faggotry. No one else had difficulty understanding this.


>> No.9766695

and no one's mentioned Samuel Delany or Dennis Coopers's books...

>> No.9767162
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>I'm a homosexual

Mere Christianity

>> No.9767176

Guise what advice would you give to a bicurious passive guy who wants to play with dick but not have his played with

>> No.9767341


>> No.9767343

>Hard mode: Not the Bible
This is too hard for lit.

>> No.9767458

Berlin Stories by Isherwood.

>> No.9767482

He could literally have written 'what are some books with nonstandard gay characters' but he didn't because this thread isn't about books, it's about him wanting to talk about gayness

>> No.9767546

Promiscuity exists for any gender combination you can think of. However, it became a more permanent aspect of gay culture because homosexual love was seen as entirely physical and lustful, and had no way of social expression. It's no mystery that you embrace hedonistic consumerism in opposition to heteronormative society, when most people in that society think you're incapable of romantic attachment.

>> No.9767578

>having an identity
Read some Hume

>> No.9767777

Just kill yourself and save us all from having to see your terrible threads you diseased, AIDS-ridden sodomite.

>> No.9767816

>nonstandard gay characters
thats retarded and wouldn't have even yielded any replies. fuck off retard.
*infects you with treatment-resistant lice*

>> No.9767828

Giovanni's Room for a self-hating faggot like you.

>> No.9767921

>Recommend me a book.

>> No.9767954

Gore Vidal is your guy. He never believed in Homosexuals or Heterosexuals- rather, he believed in gay and straight acts, with everybody on a sexual spectrum. You should just pick up his essays and books, they're very readable.

>> No.9768387

It would've yielded worthwhile replies. ITT he's gotten a bunch of people discussing sexuality, which apparently he didn't want

>> No.9769676

War and Peace

>> No.9770968

Alfred Kinsey

>> No.9771308

city and the pillar you fucking queer

>> No.9771424

yeah, it's not gay if you're not gay, it's just budsex.

>> No.9772821

Keep telling yourself that silly.

>> No.9774476

Capitalism does not have a late stage--states do. The inevitable conclusion is not the end of Capitalism but the end of governance.

>> No.9774489

The male body is so fucking disgusting, how do you guys do it?

>> No.9774492

the bible anyway

>> No.9774495

I'd bash your fuckin head in if you ever said that to me IRL m8

>> No.9774498

Are you a closed heterosexual?

>> No.9774821

Irredeemably plebeian.

>> No.9774919

>he thinks the 'male body' is the idealized muscular body of the statue of David