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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 920 KB, 446x374, jbudxxifje9z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9761752 No.9761752 [Reply] [Original]

i was abused as a child and will probably live with this black hole inside of me for the rest of my life rec me some books for this feel

>> No.9761755

i had a happy childhood and my whole life is still a waste of time

>> No.9761829

There's a place for perpetual victims and this isn't it.

>> No.9762243

my diary desu

>> No.9762254

>not a place for perpetual victims

>> No.9762512
File: 454 KB, 638x912, 3351623-.alucard+healing+thanks+to+millions+of+free+lives+vol+9+(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20 and havent worked full time. I was silently fired in February because I couldn't keep up with the part time hours I had at my job. That was the only job I've ever done too. I can't bring myself to work or better myself in any real way. I come on /lit/ hoping to be inspired to read but I can't even read now because my anxiety fuels my ADD and its really bad lately. I just got ADD meds and I'm hoping it fixes this issue because I love to read. Not being able to focus on anything is an awful thing
Youre not alone OP. Especially here. I've been on 4chan for 9 years and it's easy to tell new people from older lurkers. Anybody who stays on 4chan longer than a few years has a serious problem. The way content works on this site, it gets exhausted pretty quickly after you've been here for a bit. I don't even enjoy it here anymore. But when I do encounter those few people still on here from the good old days it is nice because there's a silent understanding between us that we're both pathetic losers with nothing better to do. Hell Ive barely left my house (my dad's house let's be honest here) in the past 2 years. I have absolutely no friends and when I talk to family it's essentially just a pity party
My mind is so scattered lately I feel like my posts are difficult to read, so sorry if this didn't make any sense