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9760442 No.9760442 [Reply] [Original]

I've been playing a lot of video games (p-please no bully I read books as well) with a Lovecraft influence these days and I'm curious about his writings. Where should I start? I'm looking for something with pagan shit and sinners destroyed by their own vices but anything goes.

>> No.9760452

>pagan shit and sinners destroyed by their own vices but anything goes.
That's really not what HPL is about.

>> No.9760459

I thought there was a lot of "pagans triggering an old evil" shit in his writing. At least that's what a friend who digs Lovercraft told me.

Then what can I read that fills with that themes?

>> No.9760551

>I've been playing a lot of video games
dropped. fuck off, kid.

>> No.9760580

Given that the ancient gods they bring back are very real and the abrahamic one isn't, it hardly makes sense to call them pagans now does it? They know exactly what they're doing and it's neither sin nor vice. If god says hate-fucking your brain into shambling madness is good, then it is good.

>> No.9760614
File: 34 KB, 260x246, lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dunwich Horror is one of his best. You can get his entire collection for like 20 bucks at certain book stores. Really nice quality too...

>> No.9760705
File: 184 KB, 250x354, Call_of_Cthulhu_-_Dark_Corners_of_the_Earth_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9760736
File: 671 KB, 843x435, moon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You been playing Bloodborne, friend? I bought a version of the Necronomicon and that has sated my Lovecraft itch for the time being. I think there are different versions and anthologies of his writing around, but I'm sure you can't go wrong with whatever version you choose.

>> No.9760750

I see. Thanks.

Thanks anon.

Nah, Darkest Dungeon. I also finished Amnesia with my girlfriend a few days ago, the game was shit but it was more Lovecraft, so...

>> No.9760772
File: 102 KB, 1000x628, B&N HPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own this and it's a surprisingly good edition. A lot cheaper than your pic related, too. I bought mine for $20 USD (I live in Canada and yours costs about $40 CAD here).

>> No.9760809

most of lovecraft's stuff deals with man's insignificance and our relationship with the unknowable. to be real with you the best thing about him is the stuff that was influenced by his work. compared to what you're probably used to lovecraft might be a little inaccessible or embarrassingly baroque.

but hey, check all of this stuff out. it's pretty good.

mostly he’s just mined for ideas.

shadow over innsmouth, at the mountains of madness, the color out of space, shadow out of time, the music of eric zann, pickman’s model, the dreams in the witch house, rats in the walls, the dream quest of the unknown kaddath, herbert west reanimator, the whisperer in the darkness,

you might also dig house of leaves but it's polarizing. if you're not much of a reader you'll probably like it tho

>> No.9760810

I read the Shadow out of Time last night. This is my first Lovecraft work aside from the "Azathoth" and "Nyarlathotep" shorts. I got a very weird feeling from reading it; I love some of the things Lovecraft does and at the same time feel as though there are some things that cry "do something with me!"

For example, it would have been interesting to learn more about the Great races' planet (If I understood this correctly, Peaslee never referenced what planet they were inhabiting specifically.) in terms of the wild life and what not. He provided some interesting detailing here and there and it is a short, so I understand.

If I wanted an autistic, exposition on a Lovecraft being and their respective environment, what would I read? Nyarlathotep is the one that always interested me the most upfront.

>> No.9760828

I'm a big reader actually, I just never read his works. I mostly read non-fiction. Thanks for all these names.

>> No.9760879

no prob! sorry for the douchey elitism on my end

>> No.9760923

No problem m8, I often sound a bit elitist when I see someone who plays vidyas as well. I don't know why, I actually enjoy video games...

>> No.9762021

If you are a fan of his writing pick up some Nick Land, Michel Houellebecq, and China Mieville.