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9755178 No.9755178 [Reply] [Original]

Sum up what you've learned from reading this year. Show that your time wasn't wasted.

>> No.9755188


>> No.9755200

i learned what a Pooka is.

>> No.9755207

I learned a great deal about the world from non-fiction.

I experienced a great deal from fiction.

>> No.9755211

I learned nihilism is one of the worst and most destructive (for yourself and the people around you) mindset. I learned that it doesn't matter we might have absolutely no purpose in the grand scheme of things, and should be instead be happy, grateful and cherish what we DO have instead of whining like toddlers about all of it being chemicals and having no purpose. In short I learned to love my life and escaped a downright retarded philosophy.

>> No.9755219
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>> No.9755220

I was just in bed watching the ceiling, sometimes I got up to browse /lit/ and go to work. I read only 2 books and a "booklet", I'd say, by Cioran.

I learned nothing.

>> No.9755222

so you learned how to be a car salesman, i assume, what with all these great deals

>> No.9755239

Aw the Reddit meme. A go-to for brainlets.

>> No.9755242


I know exactly what you mean.
I decided that I would rather achieve my own set goals just to prove it to myself.
The concept that a higher power is needed to cast true 'meaning' on anything seems inane now that I am working on achieving my goals.
I know it's a total meme on this board but Stoicism seems GOAT philosophy.

>> No.9755247
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I learned a great deal about faggotry from 4chan.

I experienced a great deal from this post.

>> No.9755250

I don't consider time enjoyed to be time wasted. If you spend all your time reading in order to achieve some goal and not enjoy any of that time spent and then never reach that goal, then I would call that wasted effort.

>> No.9755264

>I don't consider time enjoyed to be time wasted.
Spoken like a loser.

>> No.9755280

This but unironically.

>> No.9755304

I've been reading a lot about Australian histroy, and it essentially has been a depressing experience as I realise how shitty Australia is today. A country whose unique culture has died in the face of Americanism and Asianism. Just fucking depressing.

>> No.9755571

>t. reddit maestro

>> No.9755704
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>> No.9755762

The hubris of man seems to know no bounds, and people in the past over used the trope to justify their plot.
I think the hubris of man is too little ambition, if men were more ambitious then necessarily we would also be more forward thinking. Instead we are haphazardly stumbling through our ambition like children in the dark.

tl;dr people of the past were scared foo'

>> No.9755792

Some ideas

>No fortune is innocent
>People become heroes only if they have nothing to lose
>Freedom is the most important thing we can have
>Female writers born in the 80s or later are all crap

>> No.9755835

I've learned a lot about the history, evolution, and constructs of philosophy.

“According to Kabbalah, every human action here on earth affects the divine realm, either promoting or hindering the union of Shekhinah and her partner-the Holy One, blessed be he. God is not static being, but dynamic becoming. Without human participation, God remains incomplete, unrealized. It is up to us to actualize the divine potential in the world. God needs us.” - Daniel C. Matt

>> No.9756124
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>"No fortune is innocent"

>mfw tried to think of a clever situation where a fortune can be innocent but realize that it's probably true and agree with you now

>> No.9756135

When Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound Prajñāpāramitā, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they were all empty, and crossed over all suffering and affliction.

“Śāriputra, form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form. Sensation, conception, synthesis, and discrimination are also such as this. Śāriputra, all dharmas are empty: they are neither created nor destroyed, neither defiled nor pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. This is because in emptiness there is no form, sensation, conception, synthesis, or discrimination. There are no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or thoughts. There are no forms, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, or dharmas. There is no field of vision and there is no realm of thoughts. There is no ignorance nor elimination of ignorance, even up to and including no old age and death, nor elimination of old age and death. There is no suffering, its accumulation, its elimination, or a path. There is no understanding and no attaining.

“Because there is no attainment, bodhisattvas rely on Prajñāpāramitā, and their minds have no obstructions. Since there are no obstructions, they have no fears. Because they are detached from backwards dream-thinking, their final result is Nirvāṇa. Because all buddhas of the past, present, and future rely on Prajñāpāramitā, they attain Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi. Therefore, know that Prajñāpāramitā is a great spiritual mantra, a great brilliant mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, and an unequalled mantra. The Prajñāpāramitā Mantra is spoken because it can truly remove all afflictions. The mantra is spoken thusly:

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā

>> No.9756147

Consciousness is eternal, humanity is fleeting, virtue is a worthwhile pursuit, men who attend to their children's education have a hand in the future, the truth is always persecuted at first

>> No.9756159

I read a lot of chinese fantasy novels, and I learned that everyone courts death, the main character is trash, and I cannot reach the apex.

>> No.9756168

have you read fengshen yanyi?

>> No.9756177

This year I've delved into Islam, communism, socialism, immigration, Rome's history, feminism, activism, sociology

and what I've come away with is a healthy contempt for woman and weak men.

>> No.9756181

No, I read the chinese fantasy novels on novelupdates.com

I haven't read classic chinese fantasy like fengshen yanyi, but I read a lot of reincarnation wish fulfillment harem stories with surprising amount of rape (that turns consensual). I still read them.

>> No.9756199

I learned that history SJWs are the best. It's an entire discipline that I have not yet terrorized with the socratic method.

>> No.9756208

I want to comment on this further. I think reading on these things were a mistake. I've become not anti-woman but I see their fingers everywhere it's a syndrome or something like pointing out the jew, instead I'm finding myself pointing out the jew. From the fall of rome to the recent destabilization of Libya women are there right in the thick of it pulling the strings. You can call it mysgony but I will call it the helen of troy syndrome

>> No.9756277

It's a combination between understanding myself, the people around me and what i am supposed to do in life.

A little bit about music, what boundaries are good for, also where talent stems from. What love is.
Quite a bit more, which only comes to me when confronted with the themes at hand.

>> No.9756320

i learned that the expansionism is the same that land robbers