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/lit/ - Literature

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9754409 No.9754409 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I usually stick to pol, but I was compelled to write some free verse, and just wasn't sure where else to put it. I'm sorry if I've hummed up you're board. I only wanted to share.

>> No.9754415

The idea is to feel. Not to just experience the slight touch of emotion, but to truly feel. To embrace every thought that comes to mind. To grasp it in it's entirety, and try to understand it.
To be absolutely raw, and yet so structured and reserved at once. To see where every road is going, and take the one that best suits.

To go through the motions endlessly is to die a death that is simply prolongated. We are men. We are affected constantly, and yet unbound by the simple constraints of rationale. We only die when we can no longer afford to think about the unimaginable. We live when we follow that simple goal: we can be anything we set out minds to.

A life without restrictions is a life owned. A life of conquest is a life of accomplished potential. We fail when we no longer strive for anything; and therefore we must continue. I

We must see a new dawn in every day. We are obliged to endure every hardship, and overcome each mishap. We must continue, whether doubt or loss or hate overwhelm us; for this is why we are man.

>> No.9754426

Our measure is not simply based around out accomplishments, but what we compel others to do. For our lives are but one set in a continual development of the human person. We learn, build and die based upon one another; and that chain is one of constant maintainence. Our simple desire for success is based on the betterment of the future; this is the unspoken truth. Whether right or left, our design has always compelled us to move forward. And in this endeavor, we shall not be stopped.

>> No.9754432

It isn't bad OP, you should work on it over time and think about it when you aren't even working on it. The subject is quite profound so you'll want to give it a good amount of thought to get to the bottom of it. Also it wouldn't hurt to put some of your own lived experiences in there but that is my opinion only. I recommend reading some of the poems of DH Lawrence for inspiration, maybe TS Eliot too but his work can be a little intimidating I think, he was an Ivy League type.

>> No.9754439

This was just a bit of a drunk thought to myself. Again, I usually keep to /pol/ and shitposting, but, idk. Something overtook me to write tonight. I try not to bullocks up other boards, but there was no place for poetry (not that this is), and lit seemed to be a place to pour out thoughts. Again, I apologize for any intrusions. I did not intend to disturb.

>> No.9754458

No I think it's good to have people writing on here as opposed to threads about memes. If you feel compelled to write you should.

>> No.9754476

Haha, well, I do enjoy the memes. But I understand. And, although it may just be two of us in this thread, I appreciate your opinion, sir.
I feel as though, in recent times, we have killed our desire to write. Whether good or bad, we have indulged in the notion that convenience, above all else, must take precidence. This is why /pol/ appeals so much to me. /pol/, while the new /b/ of the chan, has that reserved element of consistency. That idea that there is still an unadulterated purity in things, whether it be race, religion, beliefs, or language. There is ano unabolished sense of purity in purpose with it that has me wholly enamored. A clarity of mind and goal. And, while not all may agree, it has its place. But, I feel, to speak. To write. To truly be, /lit/ seems to be the right place.

>> No.9754482
File: 29 KB, 340x444, corngod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what free verse is and think like a self help book. Fuck off retard.

>> No.9754494

I understand and even sympathize. Nationalism was initially inspired by literature and music, the romantic poets and composers were the initiators of nationalism throughout Europe in the 19th century. /pol/ would be a lot better if the people on there weren't so anti-intellectual. There ideas aren't as simplistic as they think they are. Then again /lit/ can often be the same. I feel like a lot of people who believe for instance that whites are superior don't even make use of the culture that makes Europe so great. What is the point of nationalism if all nations are the same, consumerist monoculture? If you want my opinion I think capitalism/consumerism has devalued all western values in favor of profit.

>> No.9754497

>thinks blank verse and free verse are the same
>calls others retards
>has a Nabokov meme on his computer
Kys my dude civil discourse is the only way forward.

>> No.9754511
File: 72 KB, 900x900, getting-high-from-david-foster-wallaces-infinite-jest-1455900747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free verse is just any cluster of sentences without the slightest semblance of metrics laid next to each other
>in this case, sentences that might as well be ripped from some testosterone equivalent of Eat, Pray, Love

i'm not confusing anything with anything, you cretin

>> No.9754522

Hey my dude, I getcha. I usually kinda shit post, honestly. Just tossing out some thoughts tonight. Again, I'm not much of a writer. I have a business degree, but English I haven't had much experience with.

>> No.9754529

>leather jacket
>converse sneakers
what the fuck

>> No.9754539

You're ridiculous

>> No.9754623

Boots were on the off. Didn't feel quite right with the show.

>> No.9756075

Free verse is indeed without rhyme and meter you intolerable pseudo intellectual.

>> No.9756369

This is either really good a bait or a really sad post

I mean whose picture is that? Lol nervously

>> No.9756377
File: 343 KB, 753x707, IMG_0981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea is to feel. Not to just experience the slight touch of emotion, but to truly feel.

>> No.9756651
