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/lit/ - Literature

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9749953 No.9749953 [Reply] [Original]

>Lewis, arguing that Jesus was claiming to be God, uses logic to advance three possibilities: either he really was God, was deliberately lying, or was not God but thought himself to be (which would make him delusional and likely insane). The book goes on to say that the latter two possibilities are not consistent with Jesus' character and it was most likely that he was being truthful.

>> No.9749963

I haven't read this book but it sounds like Lewis almost has to make a whole bunch of unfounded leaps about vague personality complexes in relation to whether a person is a pathological liar or is suffering delusions.

>> No.9749967
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>I haven't read this book but it sounds like...


>> No.9750069

Now if we only knew for certain Jesus actually claimed he was God. Spoiler alert: We never will and have to rely on a leap of faith for either position.