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9749860 No.9749860 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books women will never understand

>> No.9750078
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>> No.9750080
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>> No.9750086

tfw you h8 women so much the thought of having sex with them repulses you

>> No.9750095

This is why true patricians either turn to hentai or traps.

>> No.9750099

traps have mental illnesses and hentai is degenerate plus ol donny is a degenerate but he is doing good work for the alt-right

>> No.9750100
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>> No.9750105


There's nothing wrong with traps. In fact, it's the most literary fetish

>> No.9750108
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>> No.9750109

decadent behavior will not be tolerated tbqhwyf

>> No.9750125

I have the whole Patrick O'brian Aubrey-Maturin series. Is it worth getting into? Do I need to know anything about the napoleanic wars?

>> No.9750130

buy the book: The Ship by some swede

>> No.9750144
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Whatever you say breh

>> No.9750152

Didn't know that movie was based on a book.

>> No.9750159

There are 20.5 books, or 21.5. Not sure

>> No.9750164

Is the movie just based on the first book, or what?

>> No.9750167
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tfw no qt trap "gf"

>> No.9750169

I really don't understand how anyone can look at that girl and not have a powerful sexual desire to be her.

>> No.9750175

parts of the first 3 i think, i never watched it

>> No.9750186

you either have no imagination or empathy

>> No.9750187

I see. That's especially weird since I'm looking into it and it's the tenth book in the series that's called "The Far Side of the World."

Either way, I've heard tons of praise for it on /tv/, which is saying something considering how much they hate everything over there. I'll have to try it and then read the series.

>> No.9750191
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There were supposed to be multiple movies but it flopped pretty hard. The books are "comfy" but the naval jargon can be overwhelming. This is the book btw

>> No.9750228

>not sea


>> No.9750231


You're just a pleb.

>> No.9751138

Just read/watch Hornblower desu

>> No.9751150

So you're gay? Gaymen can't understand any of this book, cuz gaymen have womaly brain.

>> No.9751191

In the middle of the first one now. Diggin it.

>> No.9751321

Mr. Midshipman Hornblower?

Mate, the fun hasn't even begun.

>> No.9751433

Yep. Off the French privateer he set aflame, and back aboard the Indefatigable-- about halfway through. Will knock it out this evening.
The duel drew me in quickly, really set the pace.
Also picked up the opening novel of Sharpe's Rifles. Any familiarity with that?

>> No.9751455

Did reverse image search and found no evidence that this is a trap

>> No.9751456

Didn't they sink it from the rice in the hold expanding from a hole below the waterline? The later Hornblower novels are much improved, some of the naval jargon is a bit overwhelming at times though.

I've read all of the Bernard Cornwell Sharpe books. Sharpe's Tiger? Yeah it's a good one, set in Mysore in 1799 with the Tippu Sultan.

>> No.9751478

I like to think that women understand more than they act on. I happen to do so to annoy others. I think it's a type of flirt; to pronounce your masculinity/femininity outwardly.

>> No.9751485

It is. She's called Eduarda Rodriguez.

You're welcome.

>> No.9751513
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I haven't read the books but I've seen the Hornblower movies. The writer (screenwriter?) is SO FUCKING LAZY!

Not fucking ONCE does Horatio himself do the difficult thing and pass judgement that the book/movie was building up to. For example: he learns that someone on the crew is trying to instigate mutiny and when he runs into said person in the woods and are obliged to execute that person on the spot some frenchies come out of fucking nowhere and shoots the bugger!
The movies are all like this!

Their well produced and all that, but any time he gets a chance to develop his darker side the writer robs him of it!

Pic related: better boats.

>> No.9751525

There's nothing a man can understand that a woman can't and vice versa

>> No.9751558

What's it like growing up with endless supply of free stuff based on your looks and sexual attraction?
What's it like having others pretend interest in you all the way? What's it like taking input through different filters? What's it like not being an outsider?

>> No.9751588

You think all women have the experience of young attractive women, but this is not true. You're like the reverse caricature of that cliché perpetuated here that women do not perceive the existence of non-attractive men.

>> No.9751631

I was talking about men. We live in a patriarchy. Just because they look like men, they get all these things we don't. They're in the society that's barred from us. They don't even know they are racists.

>> No.9751639

Seriously though.
Now that's bullshit. Only a genius knows what it's like, and even they might not. Being is confusing.

>> No.9751933

The ITV series does the novels a disservice. It's under-written and got a pretty low budget. I liked the opening episode but then went off them a bit from there on.The books are far more detailed and you actually read from Hornblower's POV so you understand his thought process a little more. I'd recommend the first novel, it's only about 250 pages long (if that?).

>> No.9752004
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I don't even bother talking to women about books anymore. It's either Harry Potter, Marx or they don't read.

>> No.9752015
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>> No.9752106

kek. the number of women I've started talking to who tell me how much "they love books" then want to talk about teen fiction.

Not to mention the number of times I've had to pretend to have enjoyed Jane Austen novels.

>> No.9752122

Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf desu. They were too good for their sex.

>> No.9752131
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In all my years of uni I have never met a woman who understood this book

>> No.9752132

Lent a gf Ham on Rye once. She got about 30 pages in before quitting - to her credit.

>> No.9752142

On the surface this may be true, however if we are to dig a little deeper it is not really the case at all. A woman might be able to understand the same material, but her her irrational nature makes her "unwilling" to learn or accept criticism. Men who try and give rational advice to their female colleagues get lambasted with cruel language such as "You're an idiot! You're a jerk! You just don't understand how women think!" etc...The claim is not that you are stupid, it's that you are closer to insane than we are.

>> No.9752156

Delicious tasty leftist bait on /lit/. Please keep posting.

>> No.9752166

>not liking Jane Austen

r/books-tier, high schoolish contrarianism

>choosing some genreshit about ships as a hill of male deepness to die on

How middlebrow.

>> No.9752171

Being redpilled is hard. Most of the women I've met in my life seem to be so conceited and unwilling to open themselves to anything slightly conservative that they plain repel me with their attitudes. It's easy to pander to these people but it gets tiresome after a month or so.

Masturbation isn't really that bad anyway..

>> No.9752175

>not knowing how to respond to a post.

Not fooling anyone here reddo.

>> No.9752180

You don't merit direct a response, cretin.

>> No.9752190
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ok senpai

>> No.9752194

>tfw you h8 women so much because you can't have sex with them


Lets not forget the fact that they don't actually read Marx, only talk about it, similar with hp

>tfw you know a girl that has read 1984 and Fahrenheit but you are repulsive to her

There aren't any books yet that women can't understand, because the only book which could be hard to understand for them would be masculism book, just like it's hard to understand feminism book for men.

Men are currently in worse situation then women before the feminism movement, maybe it'll stay like this forever.

>> No.9752207

Feminist literature is easy to understand, it just usually gets pretty insipid, so I avoid it. And don't start that "you can't understand because you don't know what it feels like to be a woman".

You can liken it to literature about any other form of inequality. They at least seem to boil down to the same themes.

>> No.9752222
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>> No.9752225


>> No.9752242


>> No.9752752


check em
kek em

>> No.9752824

*laughs and snorts*

>> No.9752943

Yes. But picked by a French privateer after a few days in a long boat. The boat H fires when the Indefatigable itself pursues it.

>> No.9753269

*snorts and sharts*

>> No.9754151


It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way, to go

>> No.9754160
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In all seriousness. I think only a man can feel any sort of empathetic connection with Kurtz

>> No.9754181

>tfw never had a negative experiance with women

Blessed lads

>> No.9754305

what was there to get?

>> No.9754311

Chekc and kek

>> No.9754406

*laughs in masculine*

>> No.9754427

Nah, that's not true, my girlfriend gets it.