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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 129 KB, 1200x675, flinders-street-station_mel_r_1460109_1600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9749662 No.9749662 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wanna do something /lit/ in Melbourne this weekend?

>> No.9749736

I'm in melbourne but I'm going to the snow this weekend. also internet meetups sound like a meme. By the way, what did you have in mind? what /lit/ things are there to do in melburne?

>> No.9749783

Creep on /lit/ alternative girls in the CBD area.

>> No.9749795

Clover if you are here please respond to this post.

>> No.9749796

go to bookshops, record stores, film stores, maybe see a movie

occasionally there's a book market or a festival or something

>> No.9749797

as long as you guys aren't marxist cunts.

>> No.9749802

i hate those SA guys, back where i used to work they'd come into the store and leave their pamphlets all over the place and id have to chase them out and clean it all up

>> No.9749815

My mate used to tell me about how people unironically supported communism and marxism in Melbourne, I wish I had fucking listened...

>> No.9749820

I'm up for it, Anon. But I don't read too much these days.

>> No.9749824

If you try to discuss it with them they start screaming about how you're a fascist, it sucks

>> No.9749836

implying I'm not ;)

>> No.9749842

NAH BUT LIKE if you wanna go lurk thots, let me know.

>> No.9749844
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>tfw radical traditionalist Julius Evola superfascist
>live close to Melbourne
>can seldom talk in earnest about politics with others

>> No.9749856


>> No.9749859
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Thanks for the (You).

>> No.9749862


>> No.9749864

By "close to Melbourne" do you mean Melton?

>> No.9749866


Listening to someone play the dulcimer, reading some T.S. Eliot poetry and eating Vegemite toast.


>> No.9749868

I mean an hour or so's train ride on V-line.

>> No.9749885

Oh shit, pretty sure my neighbor has a dulcimer, might have to give it a shot sometime. I still haven't managed to get into vegemite since I moved here a few years.

Can't be fucked heading to coles at this minute so I'm just looking up this "superfascist" currently, I agree with a fair bit of what I've read so far but I'm a bit of a faggot and disagree with the ability to just openly rape thots. The majority of his "misogynist" remarks are spot on though.

>> No.9749898

>I'm a bit of a faggot and disagree with the ability to just openly rape thots

I only vaguely remember Evola discussing this -- where did you read that?

>> No.9749915

Can't sorry, I live in Tasmania.

>> No.9749919

Wikipedia lel

Evola also advocated domination and rape of women because he saw it "as a natural expression of male desire"; this misogynistic outlook stemmed from his extreme right views on gender roles, which demanded absolute submission from women.[11][12][5][13]

According to Annalisa Merelli, Evola "went so far as to justify rape" because he saw it "as a natural expression of male desire".[13]

>According to some thot he said these things

I should probably look into him a bit more before I believe random hearsay.

>> No.9749938

Don't trust his Kikepedia page on most subjects; a lot of the sources are second or third hand, and stem from academic (((studies))) or (((journalistic))) reviews of his works. His Wikepedia used to be fairly even, but when he became the darling philosopher of many openly Traditionalist/Far Right groups, it was subject to much change.


>> No.9749968

Haha figured (((they))) would be behind it, I'll for sure take the time to read all this after I head to coles quick.

You got wickr, email or some form of contact? I have only at best 1 friend, online or off that has remote interest in fascism. I'd be keen to talk some more shit.

>> No.9749986

>it's a "can't find anything because their cataloguing sucks" visit of city basement books

at least i got a hardcover copy of mason & dixon for cheap

>> No.9749987
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>> No.9749990
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>> No.9750026
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I’m sorry, I don’t speak Chinese and I’d rather not get bashed by the Sudanese.

>> No.9750042

>Anyone wanna do something /lit/ in Melbourne this weekend?
Yeah, I wanna kill myself. You aren't welcome.

>> No.9750092

If you didn't realise, Anon. I left my email in the name field.

>> No.9750135

Hi perthfag who moved to >Melbourne here, induct me into your /lit/ club

>> No.9750171

>Being such a weak cunt that sudies even hassle you to begin with
Holy shit, go back to Brighton. Faggot.

>> No.9750200

>the snow

Posh cunt.

>> No.9750251

whyd you move to melbourne friend

>> No.9750287

Moved in with mates for cheaper rent and to get closer to lit scene or whatever I dunno. Melbourne is so art city

>> No.9750445

how are you finding it so far?

>> No.9750476

hope you're well sheepo

come back to discord

>> No.9750519

is this gonna be like that /fit/ thread where two guys arranged to meet up outside the state library and go hook up

>> No.9750527

Oh man those lads are laugh, its like a religion.
I traveled over there for their marxism conference mainly for the books and mentally unhinged qts.

Great bookstores in Melbourne wouldnt want to live there though.

>> No.9750536

I dunno about you guys but I moved to Melbourne cause there were no other gay guys in my town, but all the guys in Melbourne are so undesirable

>> No.9750550
File: 80 KB, 300x300, Sweating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a music show in Melbourne
>sitting down with a friend of mine
>some asian kid wearing a beret comes and sits down with us, begins to talk about the usual things such as music, etc
>he gets up and walks away eventually
>okay, that was normal

>show ends
>I'm waiting outside the hall for my friend to leave
>this asian kid comes up to me, hugs me and kisses me on the neck
>perplexed, I'm not fucking gay

>see him again after the show on the train station
>give him my email address so that I can lead him on and silently make fun of him
>he never sends me an email

>> No.9750563

>your email
what is this, 2004? you should have favourited him on grindr ya ponce

>> No.9750566

>owning a mobile phone
Like I said, I'm not gay.

>> No.9750590

There's a /lit/ discord? Pls invite

>> No.9750742

you didn't do anything when he kissed you so that makes you gay

>> No.9750827

oi if there's any /lit/ qts here just know that I can be down in 2 hours to provide dick

>> No.9750853

ok. haven't put myself out there much. the city is quite an assault on the senses.

h-how the fuck did you know it was me
i'll get on sometime, message me

>> No.9751043

I feel like I know this exact kid please tell me it wasn't a red beret

>> No.9751490

girls or boys

>> No.9751510

what did i just read

>> No.9751517

im a qt girl pay me plane ticket and i'll suck ur ding dong

>> No.9751637

You wanna go do something /lit/?

>> No.9752900

Not all Melbourne is Dandenong...yet

>> No.9752930

What are some of /lit/s favourite bookstores, second-hand or new, in the CBD? I've only been to the basement one on Flinders St. Any other gems about?

>> No.9752939

/bris/ here
what are you reading?

>> No.9753040

Yeah sure

>> No.9753077

ill be at fed square 1pm Saturday. ill wear my pirate bay tshirt so you know who i am. Studying to be English prof.

>> No.9753197

what are you into mate?

>> No.9753394

what's there to do anon? I like philosophy and films alongside literature.

>> No.9753409

I hate Melbourne. Haven't been in 3 years, but every time I go there, it smells, the people are uncultured and aren't even Australian anymore.

Ballarat is better.

>> No.9753422

>and aren't even Australian anymore.
Australia hasn't been properly Australian since the British started landing white people there. The Australians are a small minority in their own country now.

>> No.9753435

*infects you wtih lice*

>> No.9753479

Has anyone ever actually met someone from /lit/ and if so how'd it go?

I met one dude who seemed cool once and he was a memey sperg who tried to suck my dick

>> No.9753553

Book grocer is going out of business so they're giving books away for like $10

>> No.9753556

Would probably go the same for any of us. I have a theory that there's a latent number of creepo fags on every board waiting to pounce on people.

>> No.9753589

> go back to Brighton
I'm in Brighton right now, enjoying all the perks of a wealthy, almost completely white suburb free of crime and degeneracy. Every time I go within 4 train stops of the CBD I remember why we always vote for the Liberals and why we actually like soaring house prices. Where do you live, cunt?

>> No.9753606

>referring to 350+ different cultures under the british-coined name that derives from a latin term
no, they were not Australian

>> No.9753614

What's the deal with book grocer? I only recently noticed them popping up everywhere, and now they're going broke? Did they just expand too aggressively?

>> No.9753621

This is bait, right?

>> No.9753660

> 350+ "different" ""cultures"" existing for over 40,000 years
> None innovated the written word, agriculture or the bow (and were the only peoples to not have done so)
> Whored away their wives and daughters in exchange for tobacco, whisky and guns when the British arrived to the extent that there are literally no fullblooded Aboriginals left
> Their "culture" now amounts to banging sticks near the Opera house for the tourists and begging for more funding whilst being abetted by rich Melbourne and Sydney Uni students
> "They could have reached the Stone Age/Bronze Age whenever they wanted, they were just too intelligent and had a connection to the land that was too strong to allow it! Didn't you see Avatar! Always was always will be!"
Those winnie blues won't buy themselves, thanks for voting Greens you white cunt

>> No.9753682

Probably, I saw Melbourne one open a year or two back and it looked good but lacked a good selection. Walked in a couple weeks ago and grabbed like 8 books for $70 which was pretty good. Friend went in last week and said they were clearing out lots of stuff so I wanna go back and get some deals.

>> No.9753702

they've been going out of business for like 2 years now

>> No.9753718

>something /lit
Like what, anon? Also, what are your credentials?

>> No.9753746

>Have closing down sale
>Drop prices so people buy stock
>People buy enough so you don't close down

Is book grocer playing Trump level 5d chess?

>> No.9753832

>dude ethno-nationalism LMAO
>except those people, fuck them

wew laddy

>> No.9753878

There are some good bookshops in the CBD, and Nova and the Astor show good movies from time to time

>> No.9754145
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Finished Idylls of the king and then against nature by Huysmans. not sure what to read next.
And you?

>> No.9754172
File: 340 KB, 1016x568, Ballarat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has history
>not packed with migrants
>weirdos everywhere
The place is great.

>> No.9754422

Sorry, I have a strict no meeting people off 4chan rule. It's just safer. But it's nice to know there's a few out there, for when I go to uni (I'm in year 12 currently).

>> No.9754531

you'll only know they exist if they spout memes tho

>> No.9755110
File: 29 KB, 314x475, manning clark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

The wikipedia page for Evola has become a travesty ever since that NYT meme about Steve Bannon being an Evolian traditionalist (something laughably false, it's a pristine example of how much of a fraud the press is).

Can this thread become an Aus/lit/ thread? Haven't had one of those in a while.

Currently reading Manning Clark's Short History of Australia.

>> No.9755254

poor cunt

>> No.9756548

about to finish Tree of Man by Patrick White. It's pretty much an australian Stoner, although not quite as concise. I've been meaning to get into aussie lit for a while so I just picked a random one from the chart, and thankfully Tree of Man is decent. It's a bit of a turnaround after just finishing Blood Meridian, though.
Probably going to read Fatal Shore next,apparently it's pretty good

>> No.9756573

don't blame you, /k/ nuggetfest is a bunch of anons meeting in the desert to shoot guns and fuck each other in the ass. it goes about as well as you think.