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9749539 No.9749539 [Reply] [Original]

any books that have a twin peaks vibe ?

currently reading thomas ligotti but anything else?

>> No.9749544


Not sure about Twin Peaks but Pinecone is a lot like Lynch a lot of the time

>> No.9749550

maybe Bruno Schulz? depends on what you mean

>> No.9749552

Roland Topor: The Tenant.

>> No.9749555


i'd prefer a small town, rural setting. i'm looking more for similarities in atmosphere than qualities desu senpai.

>> No.9749575


never heard of either but from what i've looked up very interesting. i'll check them out for sure, but i want something a bit more modern.

you guys wouldn't happen to have links to either works tho?

>> No.9749593

you're beginning to sound like some kind of a spastic, OP. I suggest you shell out for cheap s/h paperbacks, of which you will find plenty for both books listed above. I know, since I have them.

Alternatively, learn how Libgen works. They have Schulz's Street of Crocodiles and Sanatorium on there, asbut no joy on the Tenant.

Also, be sure to read Ligotti's recommendations in his Conspiracy. (Yes, he mention both Schulz and Topor)

>comes on /lit/ asking for recommendation
>has never heard of recommendations
>doubts recommendations


>> No.9749603

Just read the Typhonian Trilogies and you can live Twin Peaks.

>> No.9749615

my mistake. by modern i meant as in setting/time/place. i already downloaded the both available - i just figured i'd ask while i searched in case i couldn't find them.

>> No.9749902

Nigger one of the books reommended to you is from nineteen sixty four.
Unless it's a work by the memesters themselves (Pinecone and DFW, Joyce was already dead by then) or lower echelon memes (Bolaño, Houellebeq, Gass, etc.) you won't get anything more modern than that from /lit/

>> No.9750559

Did you try google? There dozens of "similar to twin peaks" book lists.

Me, I always thought the closest literary Lynch-kin was Kafka, in terms of eery atmosphere and absurd humor. Becket also comes to mind. But it all depends which aspects of twin peaks you want from a book.

Twin Peaks is a post modern hodge podge of genres: Crime/mystery, Horror, Romance, Surrealism, SciFi, Absurd comedy, Alternate realities and so forth. It will be next to impossible to find a book that contains the same blend.

My recs tho:

The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien - Surreal, Kafkaesque, Absurd humor, Crime story, Whacky police officers, rural small town setting, eery alternate realities and intense velocipedophiliac eroticism.

Maldoror by Comte de Lautreamont / Isidore Ducasse - Surealism extreme, gothic horror, murder and very very dark humor.

>> No.9750594
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Twenty Days of Turin

>> No.9750639

Not OP but thanks for this: hadn't heard of it before and may not otherwise have come across it since I don't keep up with literary news bar the shitposting on /lit/.

>> No.9750693

I always forget that this was a novel before a film. Need to check it out some time.

>> No.9750699

yeah the film's not bad, although it's that perv Polanski (maybe that makes him more than qualified to play the lead, for all I know).

There's a new edition with intro by Ligotti plus other stories by Topor.

Pity the lad never wrote more - I have a bunch of his stuff in French and it cracks me up every time.

>> No.9750736

ben okri - astonishing the gods

>> No.9750881


It's short and pretty good. In context it functions as a criticism of fascist political violence in Italy but if you don't care about that it's just a creepy, surreal novel that I think would appeal to TP fans.

>> No.9750998
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pic related if you want a comfy collection based around eccentrics in a town. there are no spooky entities or crime tho. its pretty wholesome.

>> No.9751024

If you're looking for some intense, dark, rural stuff, then I can recommend Liam O'Flaherty's novels, "The Black Soul" and "The Wilderness".

Not gothic, or all that eerie, but certainly intense, on a level that exceeds most writing.

>> No.9751615

>founding member of the Communist Party of Ireland
>Sounds awesome
>Nothing on #bookz

>> No.9751687

stop forcing this
newfags fuck off

>> No.9752091

there's tissue in the bathroom if you need it

>> No.9752107
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If you like the disorientating, uncomfortable, human-but-not-really-human vibe of Twin Peaks you should get into Samuel Beckett. Especially his Malone trilogy of novellas and almost any one of his plays (Godot, Endgame, etc.)

Another vote for Kafka too.

If you want a more horror direction, check out Brian Evenson's short stories. They're horror where you never get to see the scary part (so it's just badly unsettling and really sticks with you)

If you just want the donuts & coffee vibe, just read Douglas Adams or Harry Potter or whatever

>> No.9752201

roberto bolaño - monsieur pain

>> No.9752910

the communist thing was a joke from what I've heard from people who knew him - he was very much a dandy. Get the cheap paperback reprints online.

Also, another work of interest is Hamsun's Hunger and his Mysteries too.