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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 1300x955, beaumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9746897 No.9746897 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a racist thread.

But I am genuinely curious as to whether there is or whether you think there is a great deal of Jewish influence in publishing today?

I know many in the industry are from privately educated backgrounds and so on, but there is any Jewish over-representation as there is in mainstream media etc?

Big fan of Kafka btw so I am not anti-semitic.

>> No.9746909
File: 59 KB, 675x450, 1493874004107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is not a racist thread.

kek this thread is gonna be such a shitfest

>> No.9746920

probably, but less so than in mainstream media
perhaps 1.5x representation rather than 4x

>> No.9746927

Lululuulululululu ah ha ha

>> No.9746931
File: 30 KB, 500x359, 1499664291092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to >>>/reddit/ big nose

>> No.9746942

Since this thread is going to be shit we might as well shitpost.

What is the most literary bird?

>> No.9746954

Secretary bird.

>> No.9746976

Whether or not there's any kind of stereotype playing into it or not, now is a time where people -
oppressed minorities especially, are finally finding a platform. And since these platforms are exploding at an exponential rate, it's a hot topic, people are TALKING about it, whether it's doing anything or not. It's just smart business to cater to the climate. So if you imply that your business or corporation is anything other than heterosexual/white/christian, that's just smart. But of course, that doesn't mean shit, really.

>> No.9746985
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>> No.9746992

Raven, obviously.

>> No.9746993


>> No.9746997



>> No.9747015

This thread is going to be a nightmare.
>in b4 "shlomo"

>> No.9747160



Its got to be an Owl.

>> No.9747305

Jews will slither their way through any institution, nepotistically take over it, purge the people who created it (white men) by hiring women and non whites and slandering whites who confront them on it as racist, then use that institution as a jewish propaganda organ that attacks the people who created it and promotes jewish filth and degeneracy. Jews do this over and over, and the publishing industry is no different. These people have a kind of reptilian brain that is wired to obtain power by any means possible and then weaken and destroy everyone around them. It's the human version of a parasite that will kill you if you don't remove it or kill it first.

>> No.9747313

>This is not a racist thread.

Protip: This is where anyone interested in decent discussion hops off

>> No.9747434

I wish I had that Ernie and Bert meme about underage girls at Hanukkah parties saved to my phone.

>> No.9747442

This is not a racist post.

I really, really, really hate niggers.

>> No.9747449

Definitely should check out >>>/pol/

They're really intelligent and have done a lot of scientific research into the matter. I'm sure they could help you!

>> No.9747452

Where were the Jewish thinkers before the 19th century? Lots of Jewish intellectuals nowadays, but it seems like they didn't come up of the woodwork until the rise of liberalism gave them the means.

>> No.9747472

And being so intellectually behind after generations on the stetl shows. There's always something perverted and distorted in jewish thought.

>> No.9747502
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>> No.9747513
File: 136 KB, 500x517, as-ernie-ranted-on-about-how-jews-controlled-the-entertainment-18527928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go anon.

>> No.9747527

I don't know what this is, but you appear uneducated on this matter. Here's something relevant to your pic and your continuing education on the jewish problem:


>> No.9747548

>are finally

>> No.9747559
File: 14 KB, 202x354, bird-hoopoe-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9747562


Jewish people are 2% of the US population, a similar percentage (or even less) of the EU population. Thus any industry or component of an industry with a Jewish population of over 2% is one in which they are overrepresented.

No moral judgments are required to acknowledge this statement.

>> No.9747603


>> No.9747659

what's wrong with his beard

>> No.9747662


>> No.9747960

Owl, because Horus and the general allure of the wisest of all birds. Close runners up include the Crow, the Raven, and the Nightingale.

>> No.9748023

Wow you fucking racist

>> No.9748091

Owls are what normies think of as literary. They're dumb as bricks.

Also wasn't Horus a falcon?

>> No.9748104

>genders and ethnicities are normally equally represented in every subset of the population
what did he mean by this assumption

>> No.9748176

You see this is the way you filthy marxists faggots try to win debates against us. You build ideological structures on foundations of clay and then try to bait us into arguing against said structure. You confuse your adversaries by stating prepositions so obviously false that makes them mad and then you declare that you've won because you've hit a criteria that has been conveniently enstablished by some zionist communist. what you are doing right now is trying to produce a red herring to avoid confronting the main topics of /pol/ head on. Why are you so scared of opening you ears and listen to us? If it is true that your ideology wasn't the product of century long marxist propaganda you wouldn't be so inclined to defend would you? What's the matter, did I hurt your feelings? Well get used to it, because the world isn't a magical land of ponies and rainbow. This reminds me of another thing that I despise immensely about /lit/. it's subverted gayness. You can read in between the lines of the threads here that there is a systematic brainwashing that has rendered the modern man more feminine and prone to irrational thoughts. The way people pretend to be so devoted to reading some cuck-tier novels because they want to "feel" more just fucking disgusts me. Are you really so immature that you cannot have an objective point of view? Fuck off.

>> No.9748178


>> No.9748203
File: 32 KB, 580x579, this means absolutely nothing, you fucking nazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I'm sure overrepresentations of 1000% or more mean absolutely nothing :^)

>> No.9748237

despite sjw propaganda telling you over representation in a given subset of the population is unnatural and haram, there's no reason to ever expect anything other than that, as that's nearly always been the case for anything ever.
as it turns out, ethnicity and gender have an effect on cause and effect.

>> No.9748252

I think the female overrepresentation is the more potent force. It's absurdly high

>> No.9748255

I agree, but why is it that we hear so much about white privilege when jewish privilege is clearly even more blatant? 33% of American billionaires were Jewish in 2014

>> No.9748256

Jews are over-represented in intellects fields because the highest average IQ in the world. It's that simple

>> No.9748281

Isn't that only true for a subset of European-descended Jews?

>> No.9748303

It's not that simple because jews are a nepotistic tribe of middle easterners. This is why jews like Elena Kagan promoted only jews to Harvard's law school staff during her time there. Europeans think individualistically, jews think tribally.

>> No.9748311



>> No.9748314

>europeans value family and friendship
>b-but jews think tribally
sounds like jews are just better europeans m8

>> No.9748321


>> No.9748334

Jews are inbred and mentally sick people that engage in parasitic behavior; Europeans are responsible for 97% of all scientific achievements and have created a culture of high art like that celebrated on this board for millennia.

There's no debating which if the two is "better."

>> No.9748337

you sure convinced me now that you put that way

>> No.9748341


>This is not a racist thread.

Whatever is said before the word 'But' is a lie.

>> No.9748345

Seriously though, this, nearly all first readers are women straight out of university, more often than not unpaid with zero opportunities to climb the corporate ladder to a paid position.

>> No.9748354
File: 26 KB, 437x396, uhohhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's another frothy, paranoid /pol/ rant against the joooos

>> No.9748358
File: 186 KB, 1024x775, 15528165404_68d56ec554_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously the swan, you uncultured swines.

>> No.9748362


/pol/ is an infectious disease. remove the cancer and the patient is cured. stop going to /pol/ and you stop believing this stupid shit. /pol/ fucking brainwashes underageb&

>> No.9748376

Of course, the reason being of course, that the Jews are the master race and goyim are cattle, just as niggers are to the white man, the white man is to the jew, no wonder they are on top.

>> No.9748380

Individuals like this, who think everything revolves around and can be explained by the inner workings of an imageboard, are remarkably stupid people. It's no wonder those who whine about pol this and poltard that are so intellectually limited in their scope of understanding. And it's quite comical how they project their idiocy onto others.

>> No.9748392

Projecting projection

Holy shit dude

>> No.9748407


>> No.9748412

Jews have never created anything and when they've been allowed to rise to power they've immediately destroyed everything. That's how we got the jewish bolshevik mass murder of Russians and our current state of degenerate Weimerican madness. Anyone pretending jews are some kind of supreme, smart people are kidding themselves. Jews are a parasitic people who cannot create or build, they can only destroy.

>> No.9748417

Not an argument.

Then why do I only see one "You"?

>> No.9748448

Jewish are just better writers, face it, jews wouldn't be overrepresented among celebrities, academia and the bourgeoisie if they weren't racially superior.

>> No.9748459

>when they've been allowed to rise to power
Sure thing bro, keep pretending that Jewish power is the result of non-Jews allowing it rather than something that Jews obtained through their own efforts. That way you can keep your fantasy going that Jews somehow are both ridiculously over-powered, yet not worthy of respect for this.

>> No.9748463

Jews are terrible writers because they are poor abstract thinkers which is a result of their semiticness.

>> No.9748477

The destructive nature of jews was known to European men until very recently so they were kept in check. It was only through the cultural inversion jews engaged in during the post war period that they were allowed to manipulate their way into power in European nations by calling anyone who questioned their authority racist and antisemitic.

>> No.9748500

Jews have contributed disproportionately to the sciences. Something like a quarter of all Nobel prize-winning scientists have been Jews

>> No.9748505

>poor abstract thinkers
>dominate the physical sciences

>> No.9748529

Jews in Hollywood are also well-known for giving each other awards. This is the previously mentioned nepotistic behavior in action.

Jews have had an enormously negative impact on European science. People like Lewontin and Gould set their fields back decades. This is the previously mentioned destructive behavior.

>> No.9748578

Anti-Semitism, black nationalism, and feminism all come from the same human instinct: the hatred tribes have of being outcompeted and legitimately dominated by their superiors.

I've been around Jews. They're fucking smart. They have an average IQ of 112. Einstein was a Jew. Von Neumann was a Jew. That New York kid who spoke over 20 languages was a Jew. They don't steal positions of power, they just have the intelligence to exploit good opportunities.

>> No.9748608

I don't think anyone's denying that jews have strong rote memorization abilities, but that this is the result of an authoritarian lust for power that usually involves manipulation and a distortion of the truth, along with a tendency to viciously attack and smear those who question them, which they use to further their tribal interests. There's also the matter of them engaging in this behavior in nations they are guests in, which accounts for why they have been so routinely given the boot.

>> No.9748694



>> No.9748700

what's this m prefix wikipedia

>> No.9748701


Straight up, can you even comprehend how profoundly stupid and ideologically inundated you sound? It's embarrassing, in a squirming in my seat kinda way.

Full-blooded aryan btw

>> No.9748707


Mobile site

>> No.9748739

>Full-blooded aryan btw
Then there is no excuse for you not being educated on the topic under discussion. I know why you have been conditioned to react the way you do; the issue here is that you do not.

>> No.9748747

If you're going to discuss the jewish question you need to read Henry Ford's the International Jew. It explains the issue perfectly. And this is /lit after all.


>> No.9748752

>ideologically inundated
Everyone is ideologically inundated you retard. It's just a matter of having an ideology different from yours.

>> No.9748761

>Everyone is ideologically inundated

>> No.9748765


how very post-modern of you

>> No.9748775

everything one does comes from an internalized philosophy which appears confining to someone who has internalized a different philosophy, is that better?

>> No.9748779


Education has nothing to do with it. You've equated IQ with rote memorization ability, which is one of the most moronic things I think I've ever encountered on this board. Taking Von Neumann, for example: inventing entirely new fields of mathematics, basically on your own, requires a capacity for abstract, synthetic, and original thought that it is difficult for even highly intelligent people to fully understand the possibility. The very idea that such a thing could be the product of simply regurgitating previously acquired information is ludicrous.

>> No.9748789

almost everyone in the modern world has some sort of post-modern mental framework. There are very few ideologies that aren't pomo.

>> No.9748791


scratching my ass right now with my left hand

care to elucidate what this reveals about the presuppositions I hold of reality?

>> No.9748793

having beliefs should not be a constraint on your ability to entertain ideas you don't agree with
being so resolute in your belief that you're unable to consider anything else will give others the impression that you're unreachable, at that point you'll be accused of being an ideologue, partisan, dogmatic etc

>> No.9748794

That's a pretty po-mo statement mane. You can't fathom a statement having a higher meaning so you drag it down with base things like ass wiping.

>> No.9748800


Scratching, not wiping.

>something higher

You're shit at so much.

>> No.9748807

aight mane. But really though, is it wrong to use fathom in that context? I want to know for future reference.

>> No.9748809

Education has everything to do with it because you're attempting to speak on a subject you aren't educated about. Jews do poorly on spatial IQ tests, which is a result of their inability to think abstractly. Please don't weigh in on things you don't understand or you will embarrass yourself as you are doing now.

>> No.9748815

>Jews do poorly on spatial IQ tests, which is a result of their inability to think abstractly
>spatial visualization = abstract thinking
not even remotely close, not even related

>> No.9748821

>which is a result of their inability to think abstractly.

Funny how so many Jews managed to become principle figures in theoretical physics, mathematics, computing, etc etc etc etc etc then, huh

>> No.9748824

If you're trying to prove my point that you don't know what you're talking about, you're doing a fine job.

>> No.9748830


you're mixing spatial metaphors

you try to fathom the depths of the human psyche

you soar to the highest reaches of the imagination

both those expressions are tacky and clichéd, but you should get the point.

>> No.9748843


There's not much worse than being too stupid to realize you are. Like purgatory.

>> No.9748872

You won't convince anyone you came out on top here since a minute ago you didn't understand the relationship between spatial IQ and abstract thought.

This is the part where you tiptoe out of the thread and create some personal justification for why you were right to save yourself the embarrassment of acknowledging that you're out of your league and need to, as I advised earlier, educate yourself on the jewish problem.

>> No.9748889

you equate spatial iq and abstract thought but spatial rotation is only a subcomponent of the abstract component of the iq test

>> No.9748891

>You won't convince anyone you came out on top here since a minute ago you didn't understand the relationship between spatial IQ and abstract thought.

The logical relationship certainly isn't an identity. Which brings me to

>> No.9748919

So you admit you didn't know what you were talking about. Good. Now extrapolate that with the greater conversation here.

Jews are not considered innovators in those fields, but to the extent that they are involved with them, they often gravitate toward things like quantum physics for reasons that backup what I've been saying.

>> No.9748920

Not really tho. If you stop encountering the /pol/ perspective your programming kicks back in and you just shake your head while you watch the world rip itself apart. At least if you are a /poltard/ you get to rip back. Also the Holocaust is a myth, but try publishing that and you'll see who is in control of our media, you might even go to jail for it...

>> No.9748932

All the great scientific achievements were done long before Jews even learned how to write. However, it is fair to say that there are Jews who have delivered some interesting insights in the last century I think that overall their worth is questionable, overhyped and that the net effect of their relativistic and ultimately racial supremacists political model of science is deleterious everyone especially themselves.

>> No.9748976

>Jews are not considered innovators in those fields

Cantor, Einstein, Bohr, Minkowski, Tarski, Von Neumann, Eisenstein, Jacobi, Mandelbrot, Schwartz, Landau

and on

>> No.9748979

Part of it is because Jews were some of the first people to be "literate" as a whole. The publishing industry also took shape at the late 19th, early 20th century in New York, which was largely Jewish. You also have to consider the Yiddish language publishing industry at the time.

>TL;DR: Jews are religiously obligated to be literate

>> No.9749013

Right, but a large part of the jewish cultural sickness stems from the fact that for centuries their children were forced to memorize and study really twisted ideas like those found in the Talmud, which is as demonic a book as there is. This shaped who they are today, and unfortunately for the rest of us, the bad side of that is a really fucked up kind of bad. Hence the jewish problem.

>> No.9749105

Oh so Jews are really just that much better than everyone else?

>> No.9749123

Everything brainwashes. Why is it that retards being brainwashed by /pol/ are any worse than retards getting brainwashed by MTV or CNN or tumblr?

>> No.9749125

200 years together official English translation.

>> No.9749167

>tfw hate kikes but already dated a jewess and a half-jewess
why are their women so pretty?

>> No.9749173


>> No.9749199


>> No.9749213

this. I'm jewish but am called a nazi by my family for saying the media tensd to represent a jewish perspective. Blacks are over represented in the NBA, arabs are overrepresented in taxi cabs, Jews are overrepresented in academia. This is not a conspiracy, its just true.

>> No.9749225

Because they're half Italian. Jewish people in general, including the women, are some of the ugliest people on the planet.

>> No.9749269

You see this is the way you filthy marxists faggots try to win debates against us. You build ideological structures on foundations of clay and then try to bait us into arguing against said structure. You confuse your adversaries by stating prepositions so obviously false that makes them mad and then you declare that you've won because you've hit a criteria that has been conveniently enstablished by some zionist communist. what you are doing right now is trying to produce a red herring to avoid confronting the main topics of /pol/ head on. Why are you so scared of opening you ears and listen to us? If it is true that your ideology wasn't the product of century long marxist propaganda you wouldn't be so inclined to defend would you? What's the matter, did I hurt your feelings? Well get used to it, because the world isn't a magical land of ponies and rainbow. This reminds me of another thing that I despise immensely about /lit/. it's subverted gayness. You can read in between the lines of the threads here that there is a systematic brainwashing that has rendered the modern man more feminine and prone to irrational thoughts. The way people pretend to be so devoted to reading some cuck-tier novels because they want to "feel" more just fucking disgusts me. Are you really so immature that you cannot have an objective point of view? Fuck off.

>> No.9750103


>> No.9750107

Good that you remind me: All major bombs created by Jews. Robert Oppenheimer the father of the atomic bomb, Edward Teller the father of the Hydrogen Bomb, Samuel Cohen the father of the Neutron bomb. Manhattan Project was Jewish to the bone. The destroyers of worlds

>> No.9750122 [DELETED] 

Quik quiz here /lit/

Which ethno-religious group am I referring to below?

1. They make up 0.02% of the Swedish population.

2. They own the majority of Sweden's newspapers, both major and regional.

2 They own Sweden's largest publishing company.

3. They own Sweden's largest television channel.

4. They own one of Sweden's largest telecommunication companies.

5. They occupy several key positions in the Swedish government.

6. Its members have routinely been appointed head of the Swedish Film Institute, where other members serve as film-makers, actors / actresses and screenwriters.

7. Its members occupy influential positions in major Swedish companies such as Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, SAS Group, SKF, AIK, Atlas Copco

8. Sweden's largest bank SEB has one of its members as its President

Just a quick tip, you are a RACIST and an ANTI-SEMITE if you get the answer right!

>> No.9750131


>Well get used to it, because the world isn't a magical land of ponies and rainbow.

It's amusing to see hysterical and obviously young /pol/ posters try to lecture anon on what the world is. As if an adolescent parroting memekid like you has the faintest.

Young precocious /pol/ posters who think they're redpilled but actually aren't are far and away the most tedious type of posters. I used to LARP as shareblue just to trigger emotional newfags like you. Kek.

>> No.9750148
File: 243 KB, 408x406, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my take

>Jewish people were historically merchants and moneylenders
>this is largely due to their marginalised status through a) anti-semitism and b) believing they are the superior race (chosen people)
>Jews accumulate large amounts of money this way
>ethnic nepotism due to factors a) and b) above
>Jewish people disproportionately wealthy and privately educated now

So therefore, yes; they will own a large amount of publishing houses and other industries and are hugely overrepresented in many fields. This is basically undeniable

>> No.9750149
File: 1.00 MB, 839x1199, green pill guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in a days work

>> No.9750195

>>this is largely due to their marginalised status through

Catholic virtues precluded intensive obsession with money, usury and so on. Jewish law had no such taboo and so they thrived in societies where money was often needed immediately for wars etc, and was subsequently loaned out at high interest by Jewish merchants and financiers who were not culturally indoctrinated to value humility, poverty etc.

>> No.9750472




>> No.9750491

>implying decency = anti-racist virtue signalling
Good goy.

>> No.9750502

yeah just read The Finkler Question for proof.

>> No.9750505

the operative term

>> No.9750601


>> No.9750614
File: 168 KB, 648x549, IMG_2485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9751292

Has to be blue bird. Those eyes are screaming for literature and endless knowledge.
Anyone who can guess the filename reference wins in life

>> No.9751298
File: 353 KB, 1600x1067, Xebec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9751611
