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9746269 No.9746269 [Reply] [Original]

i need to write my wedding vows and i don't want them to be full of clichées and sappy, oversued phrases.

can you help me out /lit/?
any excellent literature examples of expressing love?

>> No.9746273

Just do the Catholic ones, you are not a special snowflake. If you need to speak, do so at your reception and dinner.

>> No.9746280

Read Madame Bovary, it's a pretty good primer for your situation anon.

>> No.9746289

I vow to love you with all my heart and soul for all of eternity. However, if at some point I find out you're a pleb, I will not hesitate to divorce you.

>> No.9746291

we are both non-religious and there won't be a church ceremony.
the vows also won't be recited infront of the guests, they are only for my fiance to hear, but everything i come up with is so sickly romantic i feel like vomiting.

not sure if bait

>> No.9746303

kek, rude.

i already know he's a pleb. what now?

>> No.9746310

Well what kind of thing do you want to promise her? Write down vows you actually plan to fulfil.
It doesn't matter if they are cliche or romantic, if they cover how you intent to carry yourself as her husband it is all that matters.

>> No.9746311
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Whenever I speak in public I model my speech off of orations in Thucydides or Livy. I recommend you give an hour long oration in the same form, calling upon virtue, honor, civic responsibility, personal responsibility, and love.

Why not just rut in front of the assembled guests?

>> No.9746313

> he
Gay couples have a high divorce rate, don't even bother and instead try to cure your disease.

>> No.9746329

Give an oath of service and love. Make it classical ala >>9746311

>> No.9746335
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Just quote Sancho Panza when he speaks about Don Quixote. Your lady-friend will appreciate it.

>> No.9746342

Don't be ashamed to use cliches if they resonate with you.

>> No.9746370

Satan's tits, OP, you know the person you're marrying better than any of us ever possibly could. You have made the conscious decision to pair a part of your life to this (presumably) aesthetically pleasing up-monkey. You've decided that being without this person is unacceptable and that the only rational course of action is to be with them forever. If you can't come up with a few cursory expressions to convey the weight of meaning that must entail then I can't help you. No one can.
Speak from experience, speak about the dumb, innocuous shit that made you fall in love with him. If it's sappy and cliche then so be it.

>> No.9746681
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Why can't you write your own vows? How much do you really love her?

If you're worth anything to her, whatever you write down will be more than good enough.

>> No.9746739
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>he wants a bunch of sperg fucks to help him write his own wedding vows

good luck have fun

>> No.9746749

The epilogue of Crime and Punishment has some beautiful descriptions of the love between Raskolnikov and Sonya.

>> No.9746755

aho girl?

>> No.9746764


>> No.9746772
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You should try to make your vows something that you can actually do. Think of vows as like the marriage contract. They were the ancient form of prenuptial.



>> No.9746790

>what now?

I think we both know what. It might not be easy but it's the noble thing to do.

>> No.9746811

If you both are non-religious, then why the fuck are you even marrying? You don't have an objective purpose in life, you don't have a reason to exist and you don't see reason in anything, why bother with marriage? Why bother with life itself? Everything you and your wife do is meaningless and will only bring meaningless suffering.

>> No.9746812


>we are both non-religious and there won't be a church ceremony.
>the vows also won't be recited infront of the guests

Lmao what is even the point of this. You both sound like a couple of insufferable snowflakes.

>> No.9746936

>wedding vows
>not clichée and sappy
but that's the whole point of traditional marriage, you are not going to invent a new kind of institution for yourself but participate in a tradition. try not to be too cute at least with your cleverness.

>> No.9746949

are you implying his fiancee is a whore?

>> No.9747911

I can't go on. You must go on. I'll go on.

>> No.9747922

Read Ovid on love.

>> No.9747937

Listen to this guy OP, doesn't have to be catholic, but no matter how special you think you are if you do something non-traditional you're a self obsessesed faggot.

>> No.9747943

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you cheat on me, I'll behead you

>> No.9748940

What's the point of adhering to a christian tradition like marriage if you're going to desecrate it with your sacrilegious bullshit.

>> No.9749112

Lord Byron


>> No.9749989

Post her nudes already.

>> No.9750000

this /thread

>> No.9750060

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand'ring bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me prov'd,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.

>> No.9750305

just b urself

>> No.9750326

>le marriage is a Christian thing and not something that people all over the world through all of history have done maymay

>> No.9750346

you're almost attractive
barely adequate
your best feature
is your forgetabble
some days I wish for your death
everyday I wish for my own
I already regret doing this
I hate you
grotesque cow