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9742352 No.9742352 [Reply] [Original]

I read a lot of Evola, Stirner, and Dostoevsky, and I feel like destroying things is part of BECOMING the OVERMAN that Raskolnikov talked about in Crime and Punishment or Kirillov talks about in Demons. A man must BECOME god and defy all natural laws in order to fully embrace nihilism.

>got a BJ from a transgirl(male) last night
>she(he) is texting me to "come back again soon :)"
>says next time I need to fuck her(his) boipussy(female)
>I'm not even gay literally just trying to become a god by decimating the natural laws of mankind
Thoughts on this??
Is this what Stirner meant?

>> No.9742365
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>>I'm not even gay

>> No.9742369

>being attracted to the female form and aura are gay
what did Anonymous #9742365 mean by this?

Really makes me ponder

>> No.9742372

Yes anon, of course that's what he meant. You can fuck that guy's ass in the happy knowledge that you are an enlightened human being.

>> No.9742376


>doing gay shit with a dude who likes to larp and then taking to the internet to publicly rationalize your motives back to yourself
really jogs the old noggin

>> No.9742496

Raskolnicov could have saved himself all that trouble by reading stirner and understanding spooks

>> No.9742500

>Is this what Stirner meant?

Not if you replace the natural laws of mankind with new laws - even if you create those laws

>> No.9742510
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>female aura
There's nothing feminine about trannies IRL. There's nothing remarkable about a dude sucking your dick.
t. Lived in San Francisco for a decade

>> No.9742524

>Reads Dostoevsky
>Wants to be like Raskolnikov.
>Starts fucking trannies.

>> No.9742528
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>It's a "anon throws around terms that he doesn't understand" episode

>> No.9742612


I think its more like the opposite

Even the lowest forms of life are capable of destruction
Mass destruction even I mean Mosquitos are better at killing humans than humans are

>> No.9742617

pls help
I thought Dostoevsky wrote about the essential suffering of a person to get a better perception and appreciation of life..isnt that what raskolnikov did?

>> No.9742624

Anon traps in hentai are one thing, but in irl they look like dudes and smell like dudes.

>> No.9742655

H-How does a below average nerd find eager traps to have fun with?

>> No.9742656

This. How the fuck did you get that from Dostoevsky?

>> No.9742661

>Thoughts on this??
I think you really need to finish your homework before using your computer privilege, my boy.

>> No.9742809

I'm a little more than a hundred pages into Demons and I have to say I expected a bit more. At first the way Dostoevsky describes his characters is great and I like how he tells a story. However the last 30 pages were a bore and I'm on the verge of quitting. When I read C&P, The Idiot and for a brief amount of time Brothers Karamazov at times I caught myself being a bit bored and forcing myself to go through certain parts. However with Demons I've barely read the introductory chapters and I'm already bored with the dialogues, characters and the way the story goes. Of course there were great moments and I've had several laughs, but I think I'm not really familiar with the characters maybe because they were all introduced in fewer than 10 pages at once. Does it get better? What made you finish this novel? There's a good analysis of the work that takes into consideration the author's biography, the historical context etc, but I'm afraid to finish it due to the possibility of it having spoilers. I'm looking for advice from the people who have read it. Thank you.

>> No.9742820

Like all Russian door stoppers it takes a couple hundred pages to get all the characters introduced and the basis for the action to be laid down.
This is especially the case in demons which has a lot of characters and historical background.
It is worth it though imo, the second half really picks up and you will be glad for the first half.
Make sure you read the censored chapter at the end of part 2. It will make stavrogin much more understandable.

>> No.9742836

Okay, thanks. Now I'll make sure I finish it.

>> No.9743017

Reading Crime and Punishment madee feel somewhat resentful towards Dostoevsky, because I am in part Raskolnikov. I immediately identified with him from the start. I still feel anger towards his treatment of the character, like he was mocking me himself.

>> No.9744050

Yeah, he made a pretty strange leap after Dostoevsky.

>> No.9744072

Woow guys, we've got an Ubermensch over here. Watch out or he'll kill you with an axe.

>> No.9744075

Is this bait? If so it's great, this is fucking hilarious.

>> No.9744365
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>> No.9744384

>smell like dudes.
What the fuck is this claim? What does a dude smell like?

>> No.9744390
File: 220 KB, 1291x1600, Dubsmocritus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>falling for the sexual pleasure meme

>> No.9744480

It's the pheromones. The reptile part of your brain will pick up on it and you'll know it's a dude.

>> No.9744491

...you know the point is NOT to embrace nihilism but find solace in the return to alignment with the natural order right?

>> No.9744707
File: 108 KB, 1424x1062, Screenshot_2017-07-11-12-18-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% legit my dude pic related, text from earlier this day, its kinda weird but she(he) is actually really sweet
Thoughts on the LITERARY value of this text??

>the point is NOT to embrace nihilism
>the point
the point of what me friend??

nah she smelled like vanilla

>replace the natural laws of mankind with new laws
why would I do that to myself? MY laws only apply to the weaklings I overpower and make my property. I do what I please
nah, mannerisms were feminine and voice was qt

Rask failed at becoming the OVERMAN and eventually submitted to the (((big dawgs of society))) and guilt
I myself will not fail

lol, its not even the "Sex" persay, the best part was the soft skin and feeling somebody's bodyheat

>> No.9745165

claiming you got fucking trannies from Dostoyevksy is the worst joke I've heard since my ex-GF said "I'll always love you"

>> No.9745170

>Rask failed at becoming the OVERMAN and eventually submitted to the (((big dawgs of society))) and guilt I myself will not fail
Yeah, become that ubermench one boypussy at a time. Just kidding kill yourself and get off /lit/

>> No.9745738

wow this thread was a wild ride ... ON THE TIGER

>> No.9745767

>nah she smelled like vanilla
My point exactly. A trans female who is actually committed to it will have a very girlish scent.

You have something good here. Enjoy, my friend.

>> No.9745770

Why do """straight""" people like fucking traps when they can get the real thing that actually has a pooce?

>> No.9745815

sexuality is a myth and psuedo science

>> No.9745827

this is the shit that I reserve this phrase for
end your life

>> No.9746375

Even Evola himself admitts in the modern world the only thing for an "aristocrat of the soul" to do is become and ubermench and spook destroyer until the end of days