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/lit/ - Literature

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9736523 No.9736523 [Reply] [Original]

Prime Day is coming up, and I am interested in a Paperwhite but curious if /lit/ has any suggestions or warnings about buying one of these. I have head the Paperwhite recommended, so that's that, but is there a specific generation that is better than others or a good place to look for used Paperwhites? Also, if you got the one with ads ("special offers"...) can you do some hacky shit and get rid of them and skip out on the extra $40 tip they charge to have the device come without them? Any other suggestions, including suggestions for other devices are welcome.

>> No.9736539

The ads go away if you just leave it on airplane mode for a while and you just get a generic "visit the amazon bookstore" ad with a pretty background as your screensaver.

>> No.9736557

Oh, that's not that bad. Are the ads obnoxious? I had a Fire for a while, and the ads then would display themselves for a few seconds before they let you access your device which was annoying.

>> No.9736743

I recently got a PaperWhite.

When you put the device in sleep mode, a static ad appears on the screen which persists the whole time it is in sleep mode (this doesn't affect battery life cause e-ink). When you want to exit sleep mode, you push the power button and swipe the screen and you are immediately back where you left off, no ads play or anything.

It hasn't affected my experience too much.

>> No.9736772

I tried a paper white and the aesthetic senatorial feedback of a real book is unquestionably the superior reading experience.

>> No.9736774

Cool. I went ahead and ordered one since I had some credit, and it seems like one of the best way to read ebooks around. Thanks for the info.


>> No.9736780

That's supposed to be *sensorial.

>> No.9736803

I was gifted the paperwhite and I was worried about the "features", but a lot of things that may worry you can be turned off.

>Airplane mode
>turn off store as homepage
>no backlight
>no progress bar

I adjusted it to my liking and am quite happy with it now!

>> No.9736812

Nice, I am excited! I plan to read some pre-Socratic philosophers, and continue with Socrates and Plato afterwords.This will make that much more affordable.

>> No.9737205

Try asking support if they can remove the ads. I bought a new on a while ago to replace my old one that didn't have ads and asked if they could transfer me paying the fee on the old one and they went ahead and removed the ads for free. It's worth a shot.

>> No.9737430

1. PaperWhite is one of the best ~$100 purchases I've ever made. Definitely do it.
2. Just get the newest one especially if its on sale.
3. I paid to get rid of ads. It was $20. They aren't a big deal though and aren't visible when you are reading. I have heard of that hack but don't know any specifics about it.
4. I'm guessing maybe you know this but there are links to dl ebooks in the sticky. There is a program called Calibre you can use to convert other ebook filetypes (e.g. epub) to mobi (Kindle's supported format). Device will pay for itself in 2-3 months depending on how much you read.

>> No.9737434

I literally removed the ads telling them that they are useless for me desu.

>> No.9737660

Same. I can't wait- I actually don't have the money to buy it, right now, but goddamn, I really want a paperwhite, finally. Any idea how much off paperwhite will have?

>> No.9737662

Paperwhite is one of the best purchases taht I've ever made. However don't buy the more expensive ones, its not really worth it.

>> No.9737663
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Is there any reason to get the kindle Voyage over the Paperwhite? I kinda like the idea of flipping pages with the left sensor since I'm lefthanded but I don't think it's worth the 70 € in price difference, is it?

I still have the first gen paperwhite from 2012 - would it be worth it to upgrade to the current one?

>> No.9737777

>I kinda like the idea of flipping pages with the left sensor since I'm left-handed but I don't think it's worth the 70 € in price difference, is it?
Not in my opinion. Page turners on e-readers are super easy to use, regardless of your dominant hand (I regularly use left or right for hours, despite being a righty) and though I haven't tried paperwhite yet, I can't imagine it'd be much different. If you really want to use an analog page turner, then you can get a kindle 5 for 70 (less during a sale). I've been using it for 3 years and I haven't had a single complaint. Everything is super easy to use, battery life is super long, light weight, easy to hold, buying from amazon is easy, pirating is easier- but ultimately, the paperwhite backlight is the reason I'm trading up. Paperwhite adds backlight and touchscreen, and that covers everything anybody could ever want from an e-reader. They have to have options that appeal to the bourgeois (not memeing). The "I paid 200$ extra for something because it cost 200$ extra" demographic is a very profitable one, and that's what anything over paperwhite is for.

tldr; no, I don't think so.

>> No.9737838

If only it was 2 inches wider and could read epubs it would be perfect.

>> No.9737866


Well, epubs can quite easily be converted using Callibre

>> No.9737904

You mean if it could read PDFs better.

But I can't complain really, I'm just using it in landscape mode.

>> No.9737961

Hey anon, i'm interested in buying a kindle too

Also /poorfag/ here, so i wanted to use your thread to ask everyone's advice : is the built-in light really a must-have ? Or could i go with the basic kindle model (which has also a lower weight). I'd prefer to spend only 50 bucks on a kindle but I dont want to regret not spending 40 more

>> No.9738022

That always shits up the formatting.

>> No.9738072

that is 100% not true unless you are converting from pdf, in which case it fucks it up regardless. AZW3 is just drm'd epub, the conversion is lossless.

>> No.9738115

I'm telling you the format fucks up and long texts become separated into paragraphs. It's been a while though, it might be PDFs I was trying to convert.

>> No.9738135

I just want to bitch about the screen sizes.

I hate the 6" format. Needs another inch or two and it would be perfect. The Kobo Aura One is perfect, but it has these retarded non-adjustable margins which make it display the same amount of text as a kindle despite having an 8" screen.

Makes me fucking ree.

>> No.9738148

Landscape mode, familam. Stop being retarded.

>> No.9738157

There are hidden settings in a text file that fix that and let you get rid of the headers and footers. Also you should use koreader.

>> No.9738164

How does that change anything?

>> No.9738331

I have no landscape mode on my old kindle but I use briss to cut off borders and double pages.
I'm not sure it would do much for textbooks and other long books though.
Too bad every 8" reader costs a shitload of money, the only acceptable one I saw was called pocketbook 840 or something like that which was going for £150.

>> No.9738364
File: 930 KB, 2340x4160, IMG-20170411-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont usually visit /lit/ but saw this thread on 4chan homepage.

I bought PaperWhite 3 this winter and its really good my man. I read mostly technical documentation (programming, university assignments and so on), brainlet fantasy books and rarely manga. I use all the formats from typical ebook to .pdf, they all look sharp as fuck on PW3. Manga and images in general look veeeeery good, sharp lines, no pixelation. PDF files are a lot worse to read than ebook formats but they are still completely usable (if you are fine with small letters, zooming in and out all the time is a pain, takes some time for it to process).

10/10 buy easily.

Picrelated my Kindle when i was fooling around with web browser.

#bookz on undernet is a protip if you want good source of free ebooks.

>> No.9738365

Not OP but this thread has me interested, how easy is it to get books for this thing? Will I be saving money in the long run?

>> No.9738384

>>9738364 -> me

google "#bookz". its a special channel on IRC chat with bots that keep books. basically you find what you want and say a special command like:
!FlipMoran Cloud Computing 101 (2016) - George Haynes.pdf ::INFO:: 4.5MB
(these are returned when you search for titles so you dont have to type it out, just copy paste)
then you wait for your turn and bot sends you your book.

most non-tech books come in plenty of formats for ebooks.

just so you know how many books are there - ONE of the bots there has 140k books itself; the elusive FlipMoran whos online for few hours every day.

oh ye make sure to check if your bot is online with
!seen <nickname>
sometimes people spam commands for bots that arent there

theres an article of encyclopedia dramatica explaining how to use it

>> No.9738401

Do you have to download shit for manga on the paperwhite?
I've tried on my kindle5, but the details are always so fucking complicated and I never got around to actually giving a shit. Did they fix it? Or do you still have to manually install a reader?

>> No.9738444

How do you make notes on this piece of shit?

>> No.9738446

same way you do on a tablet

>> No.9738469

The kindle without back-lit is kind of like owning a physical book, in that you can't read at night without having to use an external light. Do you see yourself reading constantly at night? If so, i highly recommend you buy the built-in light.

>> No.9738555

Thank you friend

>> No.9738565

>Amazon prime day
>no discount on books


>> No.9738816
File: 13 KB, 214x174, OhMyGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just bought a paperwhite for 69€ instead of 119€
Just want to remind anyone planning on getting a paperwhite.

>> No.9738921


>> No.9738934

that it's prime day

>> No.9738943

>he doesn't get senators writing him about his goodreads account

>> No.9738982

It isn't yet, and the Paperwhite (most recen gen) isn't that cheap?

>> No.9738994

That's the normal Kindle price, maybe you are mistaken?

>> No.9739017

The kindle yes, the paperwhite no
it is in germany

>> No.9739033
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Any thoughts on the Oasis?

>> No.9739035

it's design makes me angry in ways I can't explain

>> No.9739044

very strange

>> No.9739086

Get 8 incher for pdf, stick with 6 if you only read epubs and similair low formated ebooks.

If you're not desperate you may even gamble a bit and wait whether CLEARink brings price drops. They're not coming out until 2018 though.

>> No.9739098

I've had one for over a year, honestly the one issue I have ever had is from downloading books rather then buying them. I tend to download them and buy the physical version if I enjoy them.

I've found that a lot of new release books just don't seem to get put on sites to download or they're taken down by DMCA requests etc.

I've also found that the format of like 20-30% of books you download is terrible and you either use the options in calibre to fix them or you've gotta fiddle with HTML to get the format right.

I honestly don't see a huge difference between a book and a kindle. I actually like the fact I can read in odd positions because I don't need to keep a book open.

>> No.9739102


>> No.9739120
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>buying botner

>> No.9739144

As far as I can tell, it's like e-ink, but in color.

>> No.9739150

I don't want it then.
Traditional e-readers are in black and white.

>> No.9739155

Yeah? And knives used to be made out of rocks.
I understand not wanting it, but I don't understand your reasoning.

>> No.9739157

DO NOT listen to this hack >>9738469

I've three einkers in my house and I rarely use backlight on two of them that have it. The whole point of eink is that it's glare free, by using backlight you're turning it into lcd. It's lcd with much longer batter life, but that's it, it's still as bad to your eyes as lcd.

Just go with the cheapest eink that you can lay your hands on. You won't regret it, I'm still using my 3th gen Kindle, it's got far worse resolution than my other two, worse contrasts, but you can hardly see the difference when they're next to eachother. You're buying it for eink and battery life, ignore back light.

>> No.9739189

And better refresh rate. Plenty of questions about them though. Battery life, weight, glare, resolution... Should be cheaper, they're apparetly using regular lcd production to make them.


>> No.9739239

DUDE! I just bought a paperwhite, like, an hour ago. Don't make me neurotic about it. I'll second guess myself and get a panic attack.

>> No.9739469

I use Kindle Comic Converter, it either takes folders with images or these funny comic extensions, all works automatically.

>> No.9739493
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>listening to a dumb fat fuck who literally accomplished next to nothing

>> No.9739606

I was just trying to be funny.

>> No.9739670


I'm so sad

>> No.9740448

What if it goes %50 off in three hours?? I ordered one yesterday!

>> No.9740593
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>he doesnt have an aura one
what a pleb

>> No.9740809

Is this true?

>> No.9741682

jokes on you, I already got it 50 bucks off

>> No.9741840

>read mostly at night
>have s7 with moon reader pro

guess i don't really need the paperwhite if the backlight just ruins the eink.

>> No.9742100

Just hold the button until a box pops up and hit "screen off" and it basically goes into sleep mode but doesn't display anything.

>> No.9743164

its not about the light...
problem with normal screens is that they emit blue light and refresh a lot per second, so its flickering.
e reader has none of that. its quite literally like looking at a book.

>> No.9744333

Does anyone know what the benefit is to letting the screen update on each page-turn? I feel like that would be better for the screen and it is only disabled by default cause it's glaring, but maybe I am wrong? Anyone have any input?

>> No.9744348

This. I turn my screen off all the time because it saves more power so I never see the ad.

>> No.9744352

>The whole point of eink is that it's glare free, by using backlight you're turning it into lcd.
This is wrong. There is no glare on the backlight. However, if you're reading it in a well lit area you won't need the backlight anyway. I like having the backlight as an option though, in case it gets dark.