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9735733 No.9735733 [Reply] [Original]

>When your dad asks you what "philosophy" is

>> No.9735740

Tell him that it's a meditation upon and a preparation for death.

>not having a retired dad who spends all his time watching documentaries about WW2 and especially the Nazis

>> No.9735746
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>HUH? So it is about lions?

>> No.9735759

The prom king at my high school said these words:

"Hey man, you hear about Bobby? He's majoring in, like, Psychology or something, but not psychology, like about 'What is Life' and stuff."

>> No.9735767

What kind of name is Bobby? Fucking fat American piece of worthless shit.

>> No.9735776


love of knowledge. easy.

>> No.9735784

Use logical systems to argument your predisposition, while ignoring actual knowledge, call it "love of knowledge".

>> No.9735790


>Lol dad you don't even know what philosophy is Mr. Johnson at the community college says it is love of wisdom duh

>> No.9735848

That's Bobby Briggs to you, you quivering, squelchy cocksleeve.

>> No.9735849

>When your dad fronts ignorance and employs the socratic method on you

>> No.9735853

We'll it's short for Robert, obviously.

>> No.9735941

i like this

>> No.9736098
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>when you know this and sadistically tear him a new asshole

"Sorry dad, your gonna have to read afuckung book like everyone else. I know grandma spoiled into thinking you can just go through life not knowing shit and then with a desperate obsequiousness ask your way to the answers others had to work for."

>tfw Plato left out all the real responses to Socrates incessant questioning

>> No.9736107
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>having conversations with your dad

>> No.9736108
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>tfw the Neoplatonists filled them in

>> No.9736283

Once, when I was in high school, I was talking with my dad about an essay on art I wrote for a test. I said that I mostly wrote about literature.

He went like "wtf you ding dong books ain't art, nice job you're gonna get a shit grade"

>> No.9736595

yeah well at least you don't have a psychopath compulsive liar for a father who pretends to anyone and everyone to be an expert in everything when in reality he knows fuck all about honestly anything

>> No.9736799

I want the novel in 2 weeks!

>> No.9738663

It's quite literally a love of knowledge

>> No.9738751

Etymologically, rather. Literally (actually) it's speculative or ratiocinative thinking about human thinking, thought and behavior. Dad will have none of this!

>> No.9738789

Your answer leaves out the whole sides of philosophy that have nothing to do with the human race.

>> No.9739238

>tell people I'm doing a masters in philosophy
>"oh so you're like thinking about the meaning of life and stuff, haha, sometimes I like to philosophize as well!"
>"so which job are you gonna do?"
>"oh so can you read my mind?"

>> No.9739249

>>not having a retired dad who spends all his time watching documentaries about WW2 and especially the Nazis
That sounds truly pathetic. Thanks God I don't have to be ashamed of my dad.

>> No.9739567

I think your father is cleverer than you realize.

>> No.9739680
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I didn't come here to feel these feels

>> No.9740195

Yeah, in your case it's the opposite.

>> No.9740287
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Better than having a dad who uses excusses he pulls out of his ass and makes crazy connections to prove his half-assed philosophic assumptions and theories regarding his New Age beliefs
Few of you will experience the pain of having to explain to a grown man why humans aren't psychic beings that existed since the age of dinosaurs, only to have him say something along the lines of "I'm older than you and have three times the experience you have in life, which means I'm right"

>> No.9740304

>not having conversations with your dad

>> No.9740314

My mom likes to read Holocaust books.

>> No.9740324 [DELETED] 

>"oh so can you read my mind?"
Whatafuck desu

>> No.9740344

Philosophie is pondering over things you can't prove anyway and are therefore useless

>> No.9740347

proper rhetoric ought to fix this.

>> No.9740355

Philosophy is pondering over the things you can actually prove, which is why the imponderables are so closely related.

>> No.9740368

>He doesn't know about preexistence of souls created at the time of Adam

>> No.9740438

Hehehe what did you end up getting?

>> No.9740456


>> No.9742096

Ratiocinative covers maths and logics. Philosophy sans thinking, thought is?

>> No.9742107
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>tfw your dad is a sophist

>> No.9742113
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>mfw this poster is 15

>> No.9742129
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>dad is a christian army chad born and raised in a village
>what you reading son
>get that satanic crap out of my house, you fucking faggot!
>b-but dad it's christian
>stop reading that garbage!

>> No.9742147

we have the same father?
my dad is from conservative slavic protestant culture from some village in buttfuck moldova. Just about anything i read is satanic. lol!

>> No.9742153
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>> No.9742161

lmao I know that feel

stay strong

>> No.9743086
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There is a vast difference between discussing whether the soul preexists the body it's assigned to, and having a person give you a lecture/monologue on how humans are a species that existed maybe even before the age of dinosaurs and became unbelievably advanced but for the some unexplained reason we turned primitive again BECAUSE we got so advanced, but at the same time we left no sign of our culture and incredible technology behind when we where reduced to hunting primitives. Also if we train our bodies and mind we can do a bunch of MARVEL-esque shit, from talking with someone telepathically to being able to create matter out of nothing.

Believe me, I've tried. But everytime I break down one of his opinions and prove it to be inconsistent/false the following sequence happens:
>He stops talking and looks lost
>He looks forward with an expression like he's looking into the abyss
>He looks down troubled
>He starts talking normally again from where I cut him off, seemingly like my argument has been erased from his memory
It's both freaky and hilarious, it's like his mind can't process what the fact he's wrong and rebooted in order to function properly.
Also when I first read about sophists I was dumbfounded by how perfectly he fits into their description. Everything, from the excessive amounts of knowledge and pompous way of speaking in an attempt to impress and look smart, to the fact he gets angry when people cut off his lectures

>> No.9743375

I pondered on what an accurate definition of philosophy is
I came up with "thinking about how to think"

>> No.9743415

>Dad asks what philosophy is
>"I, uh, um..."
>remember my teacher telling me its impossible to sum it up in a simple sentence without overgeneralizing it to be meaninglessness
>start thinking about the analytic/continental split
>decide to say something about metaphysics to impress him
>"Well, you see, Its about, uh-"
>"So you dont know what it is? Then why the hell are you studying it?"
>cry internally
>"I have to go now, see you, son"

I got BTFO'd by my dad and i never had the chance to explain myself. Fucking hell.

>> No.9743438
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underrated poast

>> No.9743457

Pics or it never happened

>> No.9743582

Barron you aren't allowed to post here

>> No.9743589

>What's all that racket, son?
>You reading your gay treatises again?

>> No.9743927

A shit grade

>> No.9743989

>remember my teacher telling me its impossible to sum it up in a simple sentence without overgeneralizing it to be meaninglessness
your teacher was wrong
philosophy is the art of articulating the patterns and intuitions which you collect as you go about your life

>> No.9743996

Logical systems grant objective truths.

>> No.9744018

My dad is a really hard worker (owns his own business), studies dao. Pretty much the living embodiment of "suck it up", sometimes to his detriment. Takes great care of his workers. He's inspiring.

>> No.9744179

At least you guys have dads that care about something. My dad just sits on the couch all day and watches home renovation shows.
I graduated from university three years ago and I haven't spoken to him since.

>> No.9744221
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That moment when you dad has read more phil then most of this board.

That's one of 16 shelves full of phil poetry and history.

>> No.9744224

all that philosophy and his son is still a cuck that goes on 4chan. he must be proud, while grinding his teeth into stumps.

>> No.9744264

Man, what a coincidence, the prom king at my high school said, "You have to be 18 to use this website." Fucking crazy.

>> No.9744288

Ignorance is bliss i guess. He is proud of me thus far.
It never came to me that other parents wouldn't have the same understanding about phil as my dad. Didn't start until i was 19-20 tho, i think it made him really happy and proud that i started.
I didn't even know/care about his books before hand.

>> No.9744292
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My dad is a philosophy professor and I think he's sad I can't understand philosophy or read any book that's too hard.

>> No.9744305

Wait, i'll correct myself: than.
You don't need to know a lot about phil to talk about it. Maybe just ask him a question or 2 which you'd like to understand and he'd be happy explaining it to you.

I don't think he expects you to be phil, i think he would be happy if you showed a little interest. If he does expect it from you, fuck him. You are who you are, find what you love, just don't close yourself off.

>> No.9744322

not caring about philosophy is morally reprehensible, dad is right to judge

>> No.9744356

Not caring =/= not being able to fullfill a standard.

>> No.9744430

caring is required to fufill the standard

>> No.9744492

Not really. The other anon is just to slow, does care tho.

>> No.9744494

My dad only reads tabloid newspapers. He thinks that all books can be divided into fictional stories or 'real' history, and has genuinely never read a book in his life (he grew up poor and didn't get to attend secondary school). He's also an alcoholic.

I had a shitty childhood and it was almost entirely his fault, but I still feel sorry for him. It's hard to imagine living such an empty life.

>> No.9744919
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My dad really want me to read pic related. He has offered to lend it to me numerous times i think its the only book he has read. wat do?

>> No.9744924

Read it, talk about it to him. Then give him a book you like, not to hard.

>> No.9744927

just read it, it will make him happy. jeez

>> No.9745022

i normally just say that philosophy is pre-science.

>> No.9745051

My dad hasn't read a book since 1978.

>> No.9745495 [DELETED] 

Break your dads heart and fuck ur mother

>> No.9745500

Go ahead and read it.
If it were a friend or a coworker you could easily put it off but this man is your father. Do it to relate to him and his experiences, and do it for love.

>> No.9746116

>trick question:
the snarky cunt has a degree in philosophy.

>> No.9746188

At least your dad asks you questions of any level of intellectual discussion. Pretty much the only time my father and I speak is discuss sports I'm no longer interested in.

>> No.9746212
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Philo meaning Love and Sophia meaning Wisdom.Love of Wisdom.

>> No.9746453

Wow, you're a cunt.