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9735508 No.9735508 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly gathering opinions here.
How does it make you feel that there are high schoolers who can't read, yet they receive a diploma?
There were three kids in my graduating class who couldn't read. One admitting he's never finished a book.
Literary privilege is real.

>> No.9735534

I don't care.

>> No.9735537

I think in a couple hundred years or so we'll have returned to a sort of medieval situation where only a tiny minority is literate.

>> No.9736262

My only male friend has only read one book in his life and has a bachelor's degree. He is disgustingly bad at reading and just doesn't know many words in general.

>> No.9736265

many very successful people are actually very dumb.
Intelligence isn't inherently value. It often makes people unpleasant and useless.

>> No.9736269


>> No.9736303

All of my male friends are iliterate
Most of my female friends read (they read shit though)

>> No.9736441

me too

>> No.9736464

Just be glad you have the attention span and the desire to read.

>> No.9737125
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Corporate feudalism is already establishing itself firmly. Corporations are just mobile, technologically advanced feudal states. The more deregulation, the closer we get to neofeudalism. It sounds cool but it's bloody awful.

>> No.9737126

when do we get to corporate nationalism?

>> No.9737146
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There is no corporate nationalism because corporations are feuding entities. If they band together under nationalism, especially ethno-nationalism, it becomes fascism.

>> No.9737261

A diploma means literally nothing beyond the fact that you obey like a good peon. That is exactly what the state wants from you. Now you'll go on about your life, work for people that don't give a shit about you beyond how much profit can be made from you, you'll obey the law, you'll have your nice little home an hour's commute from your shitty job, and then you'll die and be forgotten. Maybe you'll get married and your generic boring wife will shit out another human into this shitty capitalist world so that another human repeats the cycle.

>> No.9737293

I meant more like people voluntarily taking pride in their identity as subjects of Apple or Google

>> No.9737312

>The more deregulation, the closer we get to neofeudalism.
Except it's the opposite? The medieval society was founded on massive amounts of regulation, right down to the way you dressed. Hang yourself, you ignorant shithead.

>> No.9737788

This sounds wrong.The state structure for such oppressive regulation didn't exist. The closest you would have gotten was some of the Chinese dynasties but I'd hesitate to classify them as feudal.

>> No.9737797

p comfy desu

>> No.9739165

>caring about a high school diploma

>> No.9739173

except corporations actually rely on regulation to prop themselves up, are you one of those retards that thinks walmart is actually worth billions of dollars?

>> No.9739181

Well, at the very least it means this person was essentially certified by the government to either go on to higher education, or go out into the world and begin adult life. And the nigga can't even read!

>> No.9739192
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>certified by the government
theres your problem

>> No.9739210

Sounds fucking terrifying.

>> No.9739245


>> No.9739763


A hellish nightmare of consumerism and sameness

>> No.9739774

You might not understand what "regulation" is.

What's it like being this retarded? Must be nice, imo.

>> No.9739818

>oh there are too many things for people to consume now, how will humanity survive this?!?!?
>oh everything's standardized and mass produced, allowing for incredible levels of productivity and wealth, how will humanity survive this?!?!?!
God you fucking retards have the mindset of a helicopter parent except applied to all of humanity. People will just go on living, in sometimes different and sometimes familiar ways, always. What is with you and your neurotic messiah complex? Humanity doesn't need salvation, it finds a way to save itself most of the time in the end.

Transcendental miserabilism, not even once.

>> No.9739826

Humanity has found a way to survive so far exactly because of that mindset though.
And what about when it doesn't?

>> No.9739848

>Humanity has found a way to survive so far exactly because of that mindset though.
Helicopter parents are probably harmful to a children's development by not allowing them to make the mistakes that give them maturity and a sense of what their limits are, and anyhow their effectiveness is extremely low - a good portion of personality is more due to heritability than experience, and relationships with their peers and not their parents. You really don't want your children to be completely dependent on you.

>And what about when it doesn't?
Massive top-down political experiments to change human society have been the most singularly massive exponents of destruction in human history, yes.

>> No.9739854

In english, please.

>> No.9739856

Have you run out of arguments or what?

>> No.9739861

>can't talk to any of my friends about books because even though they all have successful jobs, they never read anything
>one friend who does read is too liberal and everything devolves into political discussion
>trying to convince girlfriend to start reading, all she does is watch trash tv
>dad used to read constantly but now plays words with friends for hours every day
>no one at work reads, only want to talk about capeshit movies and bad TV shows
>classmates in MBA class don't read, "literally no time to do anything"
>realize I'm the only person I know that has a full time job and doesn't spend all of their free time watching trash.

Anyone else?

>> No.9739863

I wasn't arguing with you at all that was my second post in this thread.