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/lit/ - Literature

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9734766 No.9734766 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw wagecuckery inhibits me from pursuing my literary ambitions

Wat do, /lit/? I don't want to be a 9-to-5 monkey.

>> No.9734781

Write while you're at work and edit at home. That's what I do. I'm about as productive at work as my coworkers too, so it doesn't really interfere with anything.

>> No.9734782

Get money to survive through either begging or stealing. Be homeless.

Or move home to your parents or friends, where you don't have to pay rent, work all you can for a year and save everything, then take a few years off

>> No.9734783

Even Kafka only worked from 7 to 3

>> No.9734790

This concept doesn't exist. Stop being a bitch. "Monday" isn't real. "Tired" isn't a real adjective. "Sleep schedule" isn't a real function. Stop being a retarded bitch.

>> No.9734793

>only worked from 7-3
That's still an 8-hour workday.

>> No.9734797

Move to a country where you can live off welfare

>> No.9734799

Yeah, it's a whole lot better than a 12 hour work day.

>> No.9734807

>I don't like work--no man does--but I like what is in the work--the chance to find yourself. Your own reality--for yourself not for others--what no other man can ever know. They can only see the mere show, and never can tell what it really means.

>> No.9734809

Stirner that you?

>> No.9734824


I don't know if you know what that word means.

>> No.9734830




>> No.9734835

Shut up anon he literally worked 16 hour days and only slept for half hour a night

>> No.9734847

I heard that nigger worked 20 hours until he literally collapsed on his desk.

>> No.9734874

Okay, NEET. When you decide to finally become an adult, then we'll talk.

>> No.9734879


So, how would anti-capitalists solve this problem? Could they maintain current standards of living, or make them better, while having us work substantially fewer hours? If so, how?

>> No.9734882

I find free time at work and work on writing, or at least do research for my writing. I keep an evening a week free to work on it, but if plans fall through its borrowed time.
Also, cutting out my time waters at home has helped, so I don't really play videogames or watch tv anymore. I still come here, though.

>> No.9734892


>> No.9734902
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>tfw doing admin for a health trust
>my whole day's work amounts to 1 hour, which I break up over the span of the day to seem busy and to justify my job
>in reality I spend most of my time reading

Who else knows this feel?

>> No.9734917

>Or move home to your parents or friends, where

I hope for you that it will last a long time, but you may be in deep shit when you have to find another job

>> No.9734919


>> No.9734931

I hate working life so much

>wake up at 6 AM
>cant enjoy the morning at all because thinking about my shitty boring job
>have to get dressed in tight, uncomfortable clothes, have to tuck my shirt in (seriously, why the fuck is it the standard we have to wear the most uncomfortable clothes possible to work?)
>have to drive and wait in traffic which is surprisingly infuriating
>have to be at the office and act happy even though inside I feel terrible
>after 8 and a half unbelievably tedious hours, have to drive home in traffic, which is basically like another hour of work
>when i get home I'm super tired and depressed, don't feel like doing anything, know I only have 4-5 more hours to get anything out of the day at all
>repeat 5 days a week

>> No.9734936


>When you respond to the wrong post but your response still applies

>> No.9734940

the problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money

t. economics 101

>> No.9734953

>So, how would anti-capitalists solve this problem?

Sharia law and the enslavement of white males/heterosexuals

>> No.9734956

>unironically uses meme words like wage cuck
>unironically holds meme views like socialism

>> No.9734970

>not doing a shitty translation job from home

>> No.9734977

Yeah, OP fails to mention that a beta ideology like socialism would almost immediately end up being dominated by something like Islam. It's exactly what happened in Iran and in houellebecq's Submission.

>> No.9734979

how would pro-capitalists solve the 1% problem? Ask them nicely to stop making money and hope it goes back to the 99%?

>> No.9734986

Economic inequality is not a problem in itself.

>> No.9734987

by stealing white people's hard earned dosh and redistributing it among rapefugees, ghetto dwellers and heroin addicted crustpunks

>> No.9734990

Opening up your asshole for your corporate boss is real alpha.

>> No.9734992

Nothing is a problem 'in itself', fat retard

>> No.9734996

better than opening your asshole for the purple haired marxist tumblrblob at diversity and human resources.

>> No.9734997

Stick with it OP, don't quit your job, you'll regret it. In 10 years, providing you live in Western Europe or a CANZUK country UBI will kick in and you'll have all those sweet NEETbucks.

>> No.9734998

The fact that you think most poor people work infinitely harder than rich people shows how much of a deluded yuppie you are. I swear, lit is the largest congregation of retards on the entire internet.

>> No.9735003

don't work harder*

>> No.9735006

>for your corporate boss
You sound like a parody of a hippy. Have you ever actually had a job?

>> No.9735009

Yeah, you sound like a real "hippy"

>> No.9735011

You can't make this shit up, go watch Louder with Crowder faggot

>> No.9735016

Holy shit, you just suggested me some fucking who and I like him up, and he's a fucking You tuner. What are you 12? Is your point to show me you're a 12 year old yuppie? You know who watches youtubers? 12 year old yuppies.

>> No.9735017

What is the problem exactly?

>> No.9735025

it's about working hard, but most of all its about working smart, about contributing something of real value to society. Think Google, think Elon Musk. The people who are innovating and truly bringing progress forward. Think me. I work hard. I've got a land rover a model tier girlfriend and a cabin on the shores of Lake Tahoe. I fucking earned all of this, 10 fucking years of hard work. Meanwhile you were sitting on your ass smoking pot and pretending to write a novel while living on money from your parents and complaining about capitalism on the internet.

>> No.9735028

10 isn't a very long time

>> No.9735032

These pictures make me annoyed. It's like, yeah I'm sorry you have to be a breadwinner and produce something because people won't give you free shit. The world's smallest violin plays for you.
I know there are a litany of people who think in some communist utopia they'd really be able to follow their dreams but they'd probably just waste more time online doing nothing like they already do because most people are incredibly unremarkable.

>> No.9735043

>Elon Musk
>something of value to society
You think fucking ELON MUSK has made anything of value? You think the internet is something of value to "society"? Progress? Have you read even the most basic entry level philosophers you fucking grade A faggot?

You know what, *breathes in* its fine its fine heheh not everyone is intelligent. It's okay. I should forgive you...

>> No.9735051

How's the water?

>> No.9735052

PayPal has made society better by introducing a model for online transactions you massive faggot.

>> No.9735056

Holy shit leftists are idiotic

>> No.9735060

PayPal has advanced the industrial society. Furthering the evolutionary mismatch of humans to their environment.

>> No.9735065

You think I'm playing your politics game? Yikes.

Get on my level, child. I'm mountains above

>> No.9735071

I'm sorry little man, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my yacht. I'm literally dictating this message to a maid who shitposts for me. I don't even read /lit/ anymore I'm so fucking wealthy. I just have this bitch read it to me. Your life is always going to be shit and you didn't earn anything. I inherited my money and bought a yacht with it. I didn't work for a single cent.

>> No.9735082
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what anticapitalist do not understand is that marxism did not lose the coldwar, but won it merely morphing into an all pervasive cultural marxism. equality no longer stands just for economic equality, but for the abolition of all traditional cultures, family, gender, morality, and individual identity. That's why leftists today are more likely to be found working with radical islamists and normalising pedophilia and other 'lgbt rights' rather than organising the workers.

>> No.9735083

What the fuck are you talking about? Humans are adapting to the environment. Paypal leads to more transactions happening without using phsyical goods. How Dense can you be?

>> No.9735092
File: 31 KB, 300x494, IMG_2208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a model for online transaction improve society? And further, how does society benefit the individual? But focus on one at a time, my dear friend.

>> No.9735096

>the Left wants to abolish all traditional cultures, family, gender, morality
>the Left works with radical Islamists

Pick one

>> No.9735098
File: 21 KB, 350x235, Stakhanov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I hate work! I wish I spent all day doing nothing, that's why I'm a communist."

Meanwhile, in communist countries:


>> No.9735106

leftists are not rational, they are driven by resentment and hatred of the west. To the leftist, whoever falls into the category of 'oppressed' is pure and blameless. Even pedophiles and islam are merely beautifully expressing their 'equally valid' cultures.

>> No.9735107

It reduces transaction costs and connects willing trade partners that had no ability to do so.
The individual benefits from access to trades that otherwise would have never happened.

>> No.9735108

Wake up earlier. Stop trying to date. Don't get married or have kids until you have a substantial portfolio. Work in a stimulating career. Don't go out most weekends, but stay in and write. Carry a notebook at work and jot ideas as they come.

You have more free time than you think. Quit your day job as soon as you have a reasonable belief you can live off of writing alone. DeLillo did exactly this, along with a handful of other successful writers

>> No.9735110
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Muslims are an 'oppressed minority' so leftcucks love them and they dont mind reaching out to extremists groups to help integrate them (lol) or to keep muslimyouth in check..

>> No.9735115

>I may be making double my income from 20 years ago, but my boss is making 210%!
The only problem is your envy combined with lack of ambition.

>> No.9735119

Pedophilia is part of traditional Western culture, "pedophilia is bad" maymay was started by feminists in the late 19th century/early 20th century

>> No.9735121

Meanwhile, in communist countries:


>> No.9735125
File: 66 KB, 431x450, IMG_2210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how does the individual benefit from access to these trades which otherwise never would've happened?

>> No.9735126

Too much discipline breh, all I wanna do right now is smoke dope and write poetry.

>> No.9735128

How exactly did you earn all of that?

Share some tips, Rockefeller

>> No.9735129

Calling things a meme just makes your argument less valid

>> No.9735134

Trade is mutually beneficial a prioi. People who trade demonstrate that they value the other thing more than the thing they're giving up.

>> No.9735140

Even this board is filled with right wing degeneracy

>> No.9735143

trade is voluntary exchange, to which the only alternative is coerced exchange, ie. government tyranny, marxism, famine, sharia and sjw

>> No.9735146

You should call your dad and apologize.

>> No.9735147

And by a stimulating career I mean something intellectual engaging, like law or academia, editing or journalism.

>> No.9735149


Tax the shit out of them.

>> No.9735150
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Holy fuck

>> No.9735156
File: 15 KB, 329x500, 31dAaWOs9cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you read even the most basic entry level philosophers you fucking grade A faggot?

have you read this baby? Thomas Sowell is THE based negro. imo.

>> No.9735157

>Right wing
>conservatism is degenerate
I think you'll find that it is impossible for traditional values to be degenerate, per the definition of the word.

That said, saged and reported. This thread has absolutely nothing to do with /lit/. If you would like to talk about politics, there is already a board for that


>> No.9735160
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>intellectually engaging, like editing

>> No.9735179

>the most uncomfortable clothes possible

This so fucking much. The shoes I wear to job interviews, marketed as "comfortble", cut open the back of my feet. The skirt is annoying to put on, it's difficult to walk in the shoes, the shirt is annoying, and I can't cycle in it, so I have to cycle in spats and a tank top even in freezing weather, then put the office clothes on over top. I don't even have a job, just tons of interviews. I hate those clothes so fucking much. And what I currently wear is hundred times better than a full skirtsuit. Blazers with padding in the shoulders... I ripped all the padding out in a hate-fueled spree. Have you ever walked 3 miles to a job interview in a fucking skirtsuit in half a foot of snow and 10 F weather? It was ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous. Why does it matter what I wear if I'm in a cubicle hell and not interacting with customers? RRRRRRRRREE. And they want me to wear makeup. I literally don't even know how to apply makeup, so I just dab on some skin-toned liquid stuff I found half price at the grocery store using my finger until it looks good. And pantyhose...fuck them! FUCK THEM.

Shoes that are uncomfortable to walk in are just torture devices.

And all that? Still unemployed because I'm "timid" (read: I have a soft voice and the normies are outgoing retards who think everyone should party on the weekends and spend all day texting like they do and have that annoying valley girl voice and fake nails.)

>> No.9735180

>overexploitation of work
>still starves

Truly the pinnacle of human socieconomical evolution

>> No.9735187


>> No.9735188
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>> No.9735194

Eliminate the worthless jobs in the service sector, competitive retail, advertising, finance, etc.. Let people share a less numerous but more essential collection of jobs. Reform urban planning and transportation to be less wasteful of time/energy. Concentrate most research and development on achieving full automation.

>> No.9735196

>he doesn't know the great depression was a product of excessive government intervention

>> No.9735204

>Eliminate the worthless jobs in the service sector, competitive retail, advertising, finance, etc.. Let people share a less numerous but more essential collection of jobs. Reform urban planning and transportation to be less wasteful of time/energy. Concentrate most research and development on achieving full automation.

Who is going to plan all of this? How are they going to plan all of this? How do they know if they're employing resources to their greatest valued use? Rational planning cannot exist without the signals given by a profit/loss system that comes from demonstrated preferences by consumers. Mises and Hayek won the social calculation debate, improve the world in their footsteps instead of regressing to failures.

>> No.9735206
File: 128 KB, 443x700, 1450390213354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can we stop the socialism meme?

>> No.9735210

communists want 'full automation' so they can spend their days absorbed in VR gay sex and nihilistic drug abuse. That's why Leftists are, imo, the epitome of Nietszche's Last Man. By abolishing masters they will create a world of slaves.

>> No.9735218

Join the military. Be a 0500-1800 monkey.

>> No.9735241

The Socialism meme is the best thing since sliced bread for ultra-capitalists, never before have people been so willing to embarrass their ideology so publicly.

>> No.9735247

>bro if we just like, fix stuff, stuff will be good

>> No.9735253

That retarded picture really compliments the childish mentality of your post. Very fine aesthetics desu.

I used to have the same outlook when I was a teenager, but becoming homeless greatly changed my perspective. I work 32 hours a week, emptying and filling trucks manually with heavy packages. It is a shitjob, but I like it – excellent coworkers, lots of excercise, no dealing with costumers, no mental gymnastics and no corporate scheming. Physical labour is the GOAT.

I have plenty of time to read, write, work out, play music, draw and generally having a good time. Work is work. You can be smart and realistic about it and come to terms with the structure of our society or you can be a daydreaming bitch. It sounds like your so-called literary "ambitions" have very little to do with the art of writing itself, but rather as a means to the goal of wealth and fame.

>> No.9735259

>Reform urban planning and transportation to be less wasteful of time/energy
We can't because of unions.

>> No.9735266

Planners decide on a desired standard of living and organize the products/services required for it, distributing it universally to the population. No bullshit trying to calculate constantly-shifting consumer preferences to make sure little Jimmy gets the latest fidget spinner meme toy. Production efficiency will aim to minimize labor time and use resources in accordance with their basic material scarcity.

>> No.9735270

>dude socialism is just like i don't wanna work man
Wage labour ruined work, working is not for helping and contributing to society now, it's just a gateway to income

>> No.9735276

Some wisdom

>> No.9735277

A job only exists if it is deemed to be a valuable allocation of labor by the market, which is just a fancy way of saying that it contributes to society in some way.

>> No.9735281

How to they get the information to rationally use the resources? They literally can't, forcing them to pull it out of their ass. The outcome is far less efficient than anything a market will lead to.
Why do you think Venezuelans rely on bitcoin market transactions to get basic necessities? Or North Koreans going through black markets as the only way to feed themselves? The market provides.


>> No.9735284

Yes but many people don't enjoy their jobs and could care less about their contribution to society, many just see work as an activity you must do in order to stay alive, instead of working for altruistic reasons, wage labour has turned jobs into something shallow and soul draining

>> No.9735286

>wealth and fame
>using literature as a means of obtaining said goals

If I wanted to be wealthy, I'd devote my entire life to wagecuckery, you dumb faggot. I'm unable to write as much as I would like because work takes up way too much of my time. Try spewing your drive elsewhere, friend.


>> No.9735292

People have a higher standard of living now than they every have in history. The wage laborers in a first world country live better lives than anyone pre-wage labor could have ever dreamed of.

>> No.9735293

lol assblasted commie detected

>> No.9735296
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>unironically advocating for a planned economy in 2017

Have fun with your planned chaos.

>> No.9735295

people are selfish and greedy by nature, people are not altruistic. this is why capitalism succeeds were communism fails. Capitalism makes public virtues out of private vices.

>> No.9735304

As opposed to what?

>> No.9735307

>>>/pol/ sweetie

>> No.9735309

There's not actual human nature, many primitive societies had some sort of communism going on, human nature is shaped by the environment you grow up and study in

>> No.9735311

Each individual job may be satisfying some consumer desire, but this doesn't mean the whole total of jobs in the economy is optimal in terms of value at all. People might rather sacrifice many jobs/services in exchange for less working hours -- they might consider this broader option to have more value -- but the market opposes the possibility for such collective decisions.

>> No.9735315

So basically just advanced slavery

>> No.9735318

Human nature is based on our genetics, it's unchangeable, just like IQ.

>> No.9735321

Explain in more detail

>> No.9735326

How in what way is voluntary labor slavery? How in what way is a voluntary system that leads to more leisure time, education, length/quality of life in any way like slavery?

>> No.9735327

then they should get better jobs

>> No.9735328

If things like income didn't exist work would be very different, obviously there would be lazy ass people who didn't want to do shit but i don't think most people would like to live a long life of doing nothing, but who the fuck knows, i'm an anarkiddie, the only modern anarchist communities have had some sort of wage thrown in

>> No.9735332

He thinks that government intervention in capitalism and actual socialism are the same thing.

>> No.9735337

This has to be some of the stupidest shit I've seen on this board

>> No.9735339

Then why did slavery and feudalism start so late in the history of humanity

>> No.9735340

People are not given the collective choice to, say, sacrifice the fast food industry and reallocate those laborers into existing jobs deemed more essential, reducing the population's total necessary working hours. Despite the possibility that most of society might actually find this more desirable/valuable.

>> No.9735342

how does one get a better job?
what qualifies as a better job?

>> No.9735343

In primitive societies, people were subject to face to face social pressure, and were all related to each other. Obviously, in such a situation, people share. But if you want a society that is more than you are your cousins wandering in the woods, you are going to have to establish a system of incentives and punishments. You don't get everything you see around you from mere altruism.

>> No.9735347

Why, please explain to me

>> No.9735351

Don't expect people to do much that is terribly elaborate or useful with no incentives.

>> No.9735353

Just become mutualist/anarcho-collectivist already, anarcho communism is fucking impossible

>> No.9735355

But people do have that choice - they stop buying fast food, the industry goes, and voila.

>> No.9735360

Why even have a label after anarchist?

>> No.9735365

i'm a heideggerean blanquist and I support immediate communisation to be carried out starting now by red guard flash mob cadres

>> No.9735367
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>he doesn't think about what he will write while he's working

>> No.9735369

What do you mean, there's anarchist that believe in rewards/vouchers for the amount or work done and the skill that it takes to do it

>> No.9735371

I like my roads though

>> No.9735376

Alright thank you for explaining to me why what i said is fucking stupid

>> No.9735382

Anarchism is a stateless society, I never get why people quibbled over the adjectives that come after. There is a state or not, what you do without the state is up to you. I suppose it gets down what people prefer without a state.

>> No.9735386

what like a gold star?

>> No.9735389

>implying I don't

You best get off my board, boy

>> No.9735401
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that's still alienated labor, labor abstracted from other aspects of life. I myself agree with Fourier regarding the necessity of truly impassioned work undertaken voluntary.

>tfw you will never live in a phalanstery

>> No.9735402

Market socialism/Titoism is the answer faggots

>> No.9735406

Only Jesus is the answer

>> No.9735409

Planners determine broad baskets of goods/services, with production/distribution organized around population statistics, adjustable somewhat based on feedback from inventories/consumption patterns (the same way big stores do today). Rational use of resources would be based on trying to match the mininum human labor hours calculated to be necessary for the production targets. The constant aim would be to maximize automation in the economy. This would be alongside obvious in-kind calculation aiming to use resources efficiently based on their physical scarcity (don't use gold where steel can be used, etc.).

>> No.9735422

Easy to say free markets and wage labour is pretty nice living in a first world country, fucking cunts

>> No.9735455

Our countries are first world precisely because of free market and wage labor.

>> No.9735457

If the cost to the planners is nothing (no risk of loss of profits), how can you say they're rationally able to make those determinations? They can get all the feedback that they want, but they won't be able to get what is a revealed preference which is what is ultimately guides entrepreneurs to figuring out economic calculations. Knowledge of consumption patterns without profits and losses is entirely different game than what we have now because they're too far removed from the situation without the signals markets give.
Market signals effectively show how much people want of a given good at given prices. With planning, you do not have these, which is why planning has never worked better than a free market.

>> No.9735469
File: 125 KB, 1200x800, 85d89c74a37e3aa98bf85c68f0bc22783b99247e72a4425a13d3ab10b3cfadf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you are gullible

>> No.9735476


More free markets virtually always correlates with higher standards of living. Most third world shitholes have extremely controlled economies.

>> No.9735479

Why don't you just avoid work and own some capital instead?

>> No.9735496

The cost of failure for the planners is waste -- waste of labor time and inefficient/wasteful use of scarce resources. This is measurable without any need for market signals. It's also unnecessary to "reveal" consumer desires or establish "fair" prices through the market. The result of all this might be less efficient than capitalism at creating a diverse/unequal market of consumer goods, but this would never be its goal, and it would be more efficient at preventing waste on a large scale and achieving automation.

>> No.9735500

until 25 you think about your pleasures ahead

at 25, you wonder whether hedonism or suicide is all there is to life, but you fail to find an escape, especially to find a solution on your own. So why not do what everybody else does, after it cannot be so bad if so many people do it?
But of course, you know that you are too scared to pull off suicide and even worse, you hear that ''suicide is for pussies'', plus you tell yourself that it would make your mom cry. So you stick to hedonism and try to make your life full of ''good moments''

you clearly despise to be alone
(this applies to men only, since women cannot be alone naturally)

at 30 you still have not seen anything outside hedonism, so you stick to it and strive for it.
You know that junk food and beer take their toll and you hit the gym but you notice that 25 yo men have been already the gym for a few years already while claiming that ''they do not do it for girls, they swear''

at 35 you fully know that trying to keep being a normie is draining and requires means that you do not have, even worse, means that other people have, more or less for free or without much effort, but not you [typically for housing, where the babyboomers have the power on the estate market and girls]

at 40 you begin to think that being a normie is worth it, especially if you think that 30-yo gf is not cucking you or bear ''your'' child

>> No.9735505

Why would preventing waste be the goal instead of raising people's general welfare?
People wait for food under planning, food waits for people under markets. I find the latter more desirable.

>> No.9735507


at 45, you wonder, jsut like your gf approaching 40 (but you do not know it), whether breaking up is not an option and you want to ''offer the best to your kids'', you go fantasizing about being a libertarian, as in dreaming about taxing 100% of the inheritance to have more equal society, mostly out of bitterness from the older generation (who "has it all"), but clearly, and you are even pride of this, you stick to playing by the rules of the game of the baby boomers so that perhaps, one day, you would have all their riches. (because if you would stop this game right now, you imagine easily being swindled wrt to the people who play the game, LIke the misanthrope who like the idea of the humanity dying, but ofc only if he is the last man to die.)

at 50, you just want to retire and see your daughter avoid marrying (whatever you put behind) ''the pleb'' but you are happy that some guy chooses to provide for her (just like you did at his age) or rather you build a sweet certitude that your daughter will do well without too much work on your side, nor on her side... You want your children to find a job instead of costing you money, especially the boy since boys end up too many times back to their room (for a few years) since girls find a way to shack up with whatever man is ready to pay the rent.

at 65, After some of your acquaintances have died or been ill, You fear cancer more and more and you think that, all those years, your wife was right to be a ball breaker about pesticides on apples and salads and that she better sticks to organic products.

you tell your children that it is worth it to be a normie and hope to die in your sleep with someone on your side.

>> No.9735509

just a student of history

>> No.9735523

The planners estimate a broad basket of goods/services before production begins. Inherent in this basket is the goal of satisfying/improving general welfare. The costs/risks of failure are then both outright failure to meet the necessary production targets and excessive wastefulness in meeting it.

>> No.9735527

A daydreaming bitch it is then. That's an unfortunate choice – the market isn't that hard to figure out; with a strong dose of research you can easily apply yourself to develop a skillset that gives you a good pay in exchange for some modest hours. Other jobs, like working overseas at an oil platform, allows you to work in bursts (work/vacation/work/vacation), while several contracted jobs are temporary and very flexible.

I assumed, due to your shitty anti-capitalism picture, that you were under the impression that you could live off your writing, in which case you either must be quite delusional or explicicitly catering to the popular market of mediocre genre fiction and YA novels. Unless you're an aristocrat or under the support of a wealthy patron, "wagecuckery", as you robots like to greasily stutter it, is an essential part of life for us peasants. No Utopian daydreaming and intellectual rebellion will change this. I may be a dumb faggot, but at least I'm not getting fucked in my sleep by reality.


Where do you work anyway?

>> No.9735533

All of these are created arbitrarily and have no sense of their opportunity cost.

>> No.9735579

The basket of goods/services isn't determined arbitrarily. The starting point would be data on what's required right now under capitalism, in terms of goods/services, to achieve a desired standard of living. This could be refined by large-scale polling to gauge preferences and whatnot. There'd be transitional groundwork necessary before a planned system could be fully up and running. The determination of efficiency wouldn't be arbitrary either. The basic measure of production efficiency would be how much labor time is minimized and how well resources are being used in accordance with their physical scarcity.

>> No.9735581

I support free markets, but I suggest that more fundamentally, first world countries are the way they are because of good government. What holds back countries is corruption - especially combined with excessive regulation. It's pretty hard to have a functioning market when entrepreneurs have to pay 50 corrupt bureaucrats just to get a permit to build a lemonade stand.

>> No.9735602

Large-scale polling leads to stated preferences, not revealed preferences. Mis-coordination from the beginning.
Minimized labor time is fine, but this requires everyone on board to follow their plan, as well as the abilities to meet those plans. This does NOT lead to incentives to create innovations that further reduce. You have to consider what you're comparing this planning system to, it does not hold up. What you're describing, even in its utopian sense, doesn't lead to results that a market, albeit hampered, currently does

>> No.9735605

Most employers may be reluctant to admit it, but the explanation is simple: they don't hire traps.

>> No.9735611

>thinking the economy is a machine that you can understand and "run" instead of an evolved organism that is forever causally opaque and that has to constantly adapt to an environment through decentralized computation
>building fragile systems on the basis of epistemic hubris

Read Hayek
Read Taleb

>> No.9735615

That feel when sleepless elite

>> No.9735624


Most retarded thing I've read all day. Congratulations. Did you get lost on your way to /r9k/? Please go back.

>> No.9735640

the economy is a parasite that comes from the future

>> No.9735648

>you go fantasizing about being a libertarian, as in dreaming about taxing 100% of the inheritance to have more equal society
yeah man there's nothing libertarians love more than taxes

>> No.9735649

I don't mind "people" (cattle) who exist to consume and make money. They have little value as individuals, but they do provide for the basic welfare and increased living standards that makes my life marginally more comfortable. What I do mind, however, is when they not only pretend to enjoy being a wagecuck, but actually demand that others share in their misery. It's deeply offensive and deluded. Just because you made horrible life choices, did what you were told to do, and are now trapped in a hamster wheel of monotony, bills and anxiety doesn't mean others should fail too. Because you are a failure as a human being if you are living just to work. You were given life and you chose mediocrity and a paycheck.

>> No.9735652

The internet may be the most important invention of mankind.

>> No.9735661

The planners wouldn't cuck themselves trying to find magical "revealed" preferences. They might include occasional polling to refine their production goals, but not much more than that. The closest they'd come to seeking "revealed" preference would be looking at automatic feedback from inventories/consumption pattern statistics. As far as everyone being on board to aim for minimized labor time, I don't think that'd be hard -- who the fuck doesn't want that? The incentive to innovate toward further automation would be active and direct, a conscious decision by society and the planners. That's a big difference between planning the market -- the market has to wait and hope such incentives arrive via its own internal workings.
The market is only one mechanism for decentralized computation. The real hubris is believing it's the only one (or the most efficient one) possible for all eternity.

>> No.9735676

capitalism is immensely wasteful as it is based on production for productions' sake. the payment of Interest rates demands unsustainable growth. The grain that is left to rot in warehouses every year is more than that which would be necessary to solve world hunger.

>> No.9735695

Yeah, imagine being a 7to4 factory slave , coming home with your brain turned into a jellyfish. At least i can read there on breaks

>> No.9735715

Just be more in tune with your nature fuck industrial society just do whatever you want fuck raging capitalist cucks man why you fighting just do whatever

>> No.9735723

Its not worth it, capitalist cucks just find every strawman argument in the book to defend their class cuckoldry

>> No.9735754

>production's sake
No it produces for the sake of profit.
>payment of interest rates demands unsustainable growth
No it's just a determinant of timed preferences between two parties.
>the grain that is left to rot in warehouses every year is more than that which would be necessary to solve world hunger
Yes, capitalism can produce more grain than people are able to eat. Surpluses are better than starvation.

>> No.9735771


No, capitalism is based on production for what people are willing to pay for. It's a much more efficient way of determining need than government-controlled markets.

>> No.9735775
File: 413 KB, 576x566, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surpluses are better than starvation.

why not both?

>> No.9735789

Anyone with the means to buy food will not starve. The number of deaths due to starvation in America isn't even recorded due to how rare it is.

>> No.9735885

Start taking psychedelics. Decondition your brain. Either you'll become motivated to radically change your life or it'll give you a different perspective on your seemingly hellish existence.

>> No.9735918

Capitalism has resulted in an obesity epidemic. Communism results in starvation.

>> No.9736054

>capitalists literally never starve

>> No.9736202

>Stop trying to date
lol ok duly noted haha

>> No.9736245

Quick reminder that if you were not born into wealth you are garbage. If your parents were not born into wealth, you are garbage. If your grandparents were not born into wealth, you are garbage. Learn how to act, please.

>> No.9736332

Who's making double their income? Is it the factory worker who lost his job to a slave in China?

>> No.9736417
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>mfw telling my coworkers that I admire their work ethic while I refuse to pick up my own slack unless it becomes absolutely necessary

>> No.9736432

I'm working on getting myself into this situation ,might take a few years of putting in work but once I'm there it'll be golden.

>> No.9736634
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>> No.9736704

Then what the fuck are you complaining about? Just go home and write it down and stop bitching you Bukowskite fagboi

>> No.9736732

Yeah this. I try to stay on everyone's good side, ally with the smokers, and take the George Costanza route of looking annoyed and having a bunch of shit on my desk so people assume I am busy

>> No.9736742

>Then what the fuck are you complaining about? Just go home and write it down and stop bitching you Bukowskite fagboi

It's not that simple, friend. I know I'm going to sound like a petulant faggot, but fuck it: I'm always burnt out after work, and when I arrive home I usually just take a nap and read. I write best early in the mornings, which I can't do because of work.

>inb4 write before work

You're outing yourself as a NEET if you think it's that easy, faggot.

>> No.9736763

>t's a much more efficient way of determining need than government-controlled markets.

efficient for whom? for capital? the rest of us get a bleak hyperatomised purposeless existence

>> No.9736782

too real