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9729818 No.9729818 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got some tips on where to start and what to read on Asian philosophy and in which order to read it?

>> No.9729842

Its just some feel good quotes, the french look like logical atomists compared to asian """""philosophy"""""

>> No.9729844

Asia's a big continent, famalam.

>> No.9729855
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>> No.9729862

Threadly reminder to double check that the author knows the relevant asian language before reading translations of original texts. You don't want to read twice butchered text.

>> No.9729866

This picture is really funny, what am i looking at?

>> No.9729889

You're looking at the new king of Thailand who spent most of his time as crown prince in Germany as a playboy.

>> No.9729891
File: 1.94 MB, 1838x2776, the-conference-of-birds_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china: analects, great learning, doctrine of the mean and ttc
japan: shobogenzo
buddhism: dhammapada, nagarjuna
persia: conference of the birds, rumi
india: bhagavad gita

Can't recommend an order, they're all good.

>> No.9730001

Anyone know a good flowchart for one or more of the areas >>9729891 outlines?

>> No.9730024
File: 48 KB, 300x313, 300_Julius_Evola_in_1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian philosophy primary texts
>not starting with an edgy right-winger interpretation of asian philosophy instead

>> No.9730277

I am also curious.

>> No.9730305

Obviously referring to East Asia. I'm Asian and we're mostly thought to analyze and study Western Philosophy because most Asian philosophy is honestly fucking useless. Like >>9729842
said. The strength of Asian philosophy is aesthetics especially the Japanese(ie Matsuo Basho). Guys like Lao Zu, Buddha and Confucious are nothing more than snake oil salesmen and doesn't really challenge anything the way Western Philosophers do.

>> No.9730385

You haven't obviously read Evola's commentary on Buddhism, It's one of the few books well received by everybody for high quality research in a then undeveloped and esoteric field.

>> No.9730397

And I'm saying this as somebody with a deep dislike of perennialism.

>> No.9730439

i've read the yoga of power and loved it, can't judge how good is the scholarship as i don't know anything about buddhism / trantrism beyond Evola, i have the doctrine of awakening in my pile, really like Evola's project but not sure how close he stays to the original letter

>The Buddha is an outstanding example of a royal ascetic; his natural counterpart in dignity is a sovereign who, like a Caesar, could claim that his race comprehended the majesty of kings as well as the sacredness of the gods who hold even the rulers of men in their power. We have seen that the ancient tradition has this precise significance when it speaks of the essential nature of individuals who can only be either imperial or perfectly awakened.

>> No.9730912

I know there is a lot of tibetan buddhist literature worth reading - isn't there also some later taoist litterature?

>> No.9730922

I'll sum it up for you
>one million year old pills lmao

>> No.9730967

>not taking the mercurypills
>or the tiger penis pills

>> No.9730980

No, despite Sinophiles want you to believe basically all the Taoist masters were killed all killed off in the 50's and most of their work destroyed, what's left are the dregs.

>> No.9730998

>not boiling a dog alive because the despair makes it taste better

>> No.9731001
File: 89 KB, 610x273, understanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be evola
>take chinese tiger penis pills
>fuck yeah tiger penis
>clearly must now fuck at least *one* (1) literal tiger with it

>> No.9731029

There are very few left, and they keep their books
and knowledge for themselves.

>> No.9731033

Indian Philosophy vol. I & II by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy by JeeLoo Liu
Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy by Philip J. Ivanhoe and Bryan W. van Norden

>> No.9731042

>and they keep their books and knowledge for themselves.
True, Taoist priesthood used to run in families, it was expected the son would take over from the father and they used to have their own version of the scriptures but again, this kinda breaks down when a entire generation gets put on the chopping block before teaching their children what the fuck "seven direction rainbow dam seeds" means.

>> No.9731321

>logical atomists

>> No.9731360

What's the tiger penis pill of Asian philosophy?

Himmler's favorite passages of the Bhagavad Gita?

>> No.9731993

China invented philosophy, fucking idiots.

>> No.9732043
File: 19 KB, 843x167, niga wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invented philosophy

Not sure if bait or just some deluded mongoloid who always exaggerates china's contributions to the world.

>> No.9732055
File: 30 KB, 300x225, oblomo_gontcharov_ivan-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Zhuangzi dream he's the butterfly, or does the butterfly dream he's Zhuangzi?

>> No.9732075

Is that even a thing? I know Zhuangzi had a story about a guy who could slice meat off cows without them even know by cutting the tendons so that the cow won't feel any pain and ruin the meat.

>> No.9732083

That is why their only period of philosophical flourishing was during the spring and autumn period.

>> No.9732093

For sure the Tao Tse Ching if u haven't read already

>> No.9732913


>> No.9732969

As far as I am aware it is true but I do not mean this to denigrate those schools of philosophy nor the subsequent histories of development, yet that is what remained; elaboration on the philosophies that were created at that time. I suppose you can include the Buddhist schools of thought that originated in China but I am strictly speaking here of philosophies that are original to China in which case Buddhism is not, it is a synthesis of Chinese and Indian philosophies and religions.

>> No.9732973

Is it just me or are all of the posters on Asian Philosophy and Buddhism threads extremely nice for the most part? I find this a stark contrast to the average thread on here.

>> No.9733077

It is possible, the topic of discussions in Asian Philosophy and Buddhism doesn't tend to lend it self to praising pessimism, depression, sycophancy and arrogance it also seems like this topic is sorely lacking in memes and so there is little community identity and cynicism that comes as a result of memes.

>> No.9733085

did this evola tiger penis pill meme come from anywhere or is it just one namefag forcing it?