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File: 3.11 MB, 3648x2736, finnegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9727803 No.9727803 [Reply] [Original]


What did Joyce mean by this?

>> No.9727805


Why do people do shit like this?
Going through the motions, writing your little notes.
What happens when you close the last page? What did you gain?

>> No.9728257

There comes a point when you aren't reading anymore. When you've given more thought to the work than the author did and you aren't enjoying reading for what it is.

>> No.9728272


so is there a version of Finnegans Wake you can purchase with exhaustive footnotes that explain every single word for unintelligent babies such as myself who need their hands held?

>> No.9728274

Thunder word

>> No.9728275

This one actually has a legitimate and (relatively) well known answer

>> No.9728278

Don't make fun of others just because you don't enjoy what they do. It's not nice.

>> No.9728281


I've never actually read finnegan's wake, and I didn't know until now. Wow. How do you read something like that if you aren't completely immersed in the author's culture?

>> No.9728394

>When you've given more thought to the work than the author did
And how do you know you've given more thought to it than the author? Can you read his mind?

>> No.9728400
File: 446 KB, 7724x961, 4c joyce thunderwords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9728411

>Brekkek Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax!
>Brekkekkex koax koax: the refrain of the chorus of frogs in the comedy The Frogs by the Greek playwright Aristophanes

>> No.9728471

not that guy but anyone who writes on the level of analyzing every sentence and slotting in references they have to look up is going to be fucking shit.

>> No.9728475

Yeah bro, that's why Joyce is one of the most highly regarded authors of all time. Suck it.

>> No.9728492

my point is joyce was that good you fucking idiot. i doubt he did that and i doubt you can provide any proof of that. there's a reason joyce is considered a genius and you're some fucking weirdo who spends an hour reading one page because you're scribbling notes for every sentence like a fucking NERD.

>> No.9728495

There's a website that's functionally better than what you've just described

>> No.9728504

It's called Fweet

>> No.9728523

Why do people come on here if they don't know how to read properly and actually retain the information?

I doubt any of you fucks remember anything you've read if you don't take notes and annotate.

This board is trash.

>> No.9728559


>> No.9728571

>read properly
fucking nerds ruin everything.

>> No.9728579

Suck. My. Dick.

>> No.9728583

fuck off limpdick nerd.

>> No.9728588

one time I brought in some green beans in a can to eat because I get hungry and when I sat down in the theater I pulled out my can opener and started opening my can and these black people started staring at me and then one said "yo nigga you eating green beans" and started laughing so I decided to be alpha for the day and set my can in the cup holder and looked him in the eyes and bent my head down and said very sternly and slowly "Don't. Mock. My. Food." but they weren't intimidated and yelled out "DIS NIGGAH EATIN BEANS" and I got nervous because people were starting to turn around and I just ran out without my beans and never came back in case someone recognized me. a couple days later I was walking around the local mall and I heard someone shout "BEANS" and I didn't know if they were talking about me but I never went back there either

>> No.9728609

you see you try to imitate what you percieve as joyce's substanceless ramblings when in reality he knows exactly what he's saying and you miss the point entirely and you just ramble without substance.

>> No.9728660



>> No.9728681

Okay, so you admit that Joyce is deep and that >>9728257 made a stupid post. What is the conflict here?

>> No.9728686

What? I agreed with him and said your post was stupid.

>> No.9728723

Once you 'decode' this piece of shit there's really nothing interesting about this book.

>> No.9728731

Writing helps you process and retain information.

>> No.9728740


>the mind as machine

This explanation just increased my confusion because what exactly are you "processing?"

If you can read then why would you need to write to help read?

And what are you "retaining?" There's no way the owner of that book has memorized all of his notes, not even just the notes on that one page.

>> No.9728742

No, you agreed with me and said his post was stupid.

>> No.9728751


>> No.9728755

>t. pseuds

>> No.9728757

Unsurprisingly you have some mental illness.

>> No.9728772

It's a portmanteau of various thunder-related words from languages all across the globe; in this context it represents Eve's tragic fall to Satan and the subsequent collapse of Eden. It is perhaps the single most important, emotive, and creative word ever spoken in the entire history of human speech, literally transcending language, and you cannot even read it.

>> No.9728858

Unsurprisingly you have some mental illness.

>> No.9728989

>abloo bloo bloo transgenders trigger me so i'm going to call everything a mental illness

>> No.9729017

Welcome to the age of the emperor's new clothes.

>> No.9729103

That comparison is completely inappropriate in this situation.

>> No.9729123

>brings up trannies out of nowhere
mmm that's good projection

>> No.9729233

>uses the slur "trannies"
Looks like I hit the nail on the head.

>> No.9729246

you're being too obvious

>> No.9729258

You're being too stupid.

>> No.9729275

Its finnegans wake you fucking idiots

>> No.9729518

I jerk off to face sitting videos.

>> No.9729611

How long? I did it for mounth and now it's just don't feel that good anymore.

>> No.9729629

how long until suicide?

>> No.9731236

Well, I can imagine if you jacked off for a month it wouldn't feel that good. I usually jack off for about 15 to 20 minutes at the most.

>> No.9731435

Yours? Probably after your orange idol is impeached.

>> No.9731445


>mfw nobody ever talks about the other thunders
>was about to whip this bad boy out
>oh wait

Nice to see somebody using my OC :^D

>> No.9731547

dubs confirm it

>> No.9731693

You didn't made this, I found it on Reddit.

>> No.9731792

Here we find Baba (Arabic, father), phonetic Abba (Hebrew,
father), phonetic Canbronne (the general who so appropriately
said merde when asked to surrender the territory), phonetic
Gaelic scan (crack: of thunder or of the anus), ronnen (Germanic,
excretion), the suggestive orden implying both Germanic
medal for valor and English ordure, etc. The terrifying FatherGod
elsewhere "Makes his manuvres in open ordure" and
preaches all the anal-authoritarian values: "No cods before me...
Thou shall not commix idolatry... Love my label like myself."
He is the villain of the "goddinpotty" (garden party)—the trickster-god
who set the baited trap in the Garden of Eden; the ego
internalized in toilet-training (potty); the god of thunder and
wrath (god-din).

>> No.9731867

>phonetic Gaelic scan (crack: of thunder or of the anus)
Brap, you say?

>> No.9731871
File: 477 KB, 1897x928, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I most certainly did make it. I originally posted it here maybe a year+ ago, and periodically since then. It doesn't surprise me that it's made its way to the other place, though. If anyone there claims to have made it, then they are lying. You're determined not to be convinced in any event, but here's a taste of the original spreadsheet file.

Not that any of this matters, of course.

>> No.9731898

Yeah I was just shitposting, don't have a cow man.

>> No.9731904


But what about a nicuns moocow and a very nice cowe it was too?

>> No.9731908

stfu faggot I made that chart lmao

how pathetic do you have to be to take credit for something you didn't make on 4chan

>> No.9732462

t. white man

>> No.9732552


>> No.9732571

finnegan's wake reminds me of the shit that went through my head doped up at the hospital after my appendix removal

>> No.9732657

>Joyce has a mustache
>Scatman John has a mustache
>The two of them were never seen in the same place
Really makes you think.

>> No.9732752

What's the point of spending so much time and effort on reading such a cryptic piece of litterature ? That time would be better spent reading classic litterature or learning another language.

>> No.9732756


>if you read Finnegans Wake aloud, it will all make sense

>> No.9732781

Joyce is better.

>> No.9732806

It is written like that to emulate a dream, where not much makes sense and hidden meanings jump out of the woodwork. It's pretty enjoyable, even if you do not understand every word, and you get bits and pieces of the story alongside vivid images and references as if you were indeed remembering a dream. I have never experienced a similar sensation in literature.

>> No.9733316


>> No.9733355

You're not being at all.

>> No.9733456


>> No.9733471

>this thread

So this is the average Joyce reader. Really activates your almondiermandels.

>> No.9733509

>/pol/ meme
Go back.

>> No.9733536

Writing helps you see what you think. You also for some reason believe the brain is a computer hard drive, when it's far more complex and superior.

>> No.9733647

The average person uses 10% of their brain capacity. Today I will hit 100%.

>> No.9733697

k, average anon

>> No.9733707

It's the sound of Nora's fart.

>> No.9733713

>I don't read: the Posts

>> No.9733741

Who is Nora?

>> No.9733766

His wife whose farts her loved to sniff while eating her ass and fucking her or something. Google it.

>> No.9733774

Sounds like a true patrician.

>> No.9733793

Update. I found them.

>I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

>> No.9734356


>> No.9734402

*farts sagely at you*

>> No.9734508


>> No.9734553

How many languages did Joyce know?

>> No.9734586

You do know Joyce spent seventeen years writing this book, don't you?