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/lit/ - Literature

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9726455 No.9726455 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of literature does your dad like?

>> No.9726459

My dad told me his favorite book was Atlas Shrugged and I still haven't recovered

>> No.9726481

Clive Cussler

>> No.9726483

i don't know my father, and doubt that he has ever read a worthwhile book in his life from what i have heard of him. god damned niggers, i swear.

>> No.9726491

General phil, likes kant, rilke and a few others quite a bit. You guys would gasm at his bookshelf, i may post it when i'm home.

>> No.9726513

car magazines

>> No.9726517

"I failed my end of the year exam because I was just Arabian Nights. It was full of sex."

>> No.9726522
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My dad studied English at university, so he's pretty well read. He's busy these days but he reads mostly fantasy stuff or religious material, I assume working 100hrs a week requires drawing inspiration from somewhere. Don't know how he does it.

Pics of the dadshelf 1/2 (bottom is photo albums)

>> No.9726523

Journals by California gold rush-era miners and immigrants.

>> No.9726526
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Pic of the dadshelf 2/2

>> No.9726609

I think the only book he has ever read for recreational purposes was Tom Clancy's "Hunt for the Red October"

>> No.9726613
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The other day I visited home, and somehow DFW came up in a conversation. I learned my dad both hates Wallace and does a spot-on impression of him. I wish I could remember what he said; it had me in stitches.

>> No.9726618

He loves Stephen king.

>> No.9726625

Are all of you just here to refute your fathers? Holy shit, this seems like a compensation train.

>> No.9726629


Star Trek novels

>> No.9726630

Tom Clancy

>> No.9726632

Scifi, alternate histories/futures, Stephen King, Lee Child, etc. He was a big comic book reader in his youth. He tried but then threw away Infinite Jest (called it Infinite Book), and attempted Pynchon several times but could never really get into him. Loves history; got him that Stalin bio by Kotkin for Father's day.

>> No.9726644

He doesn't read at all

>> No.9726649


>> No.9726655

My dad reads mostly history, especially classic histories. Suetonius, Procopius. Ancient wars and political intrigue are kind of his thing. He also likes books about colonization, Thomas Pakenham is a favorite of his and he provided me with the beautiful bathroom book "The Great Explorers" from T&H.

>> No.9726657


Mark Twain, Jack London, James Herriot, anything about WWII he can get his hands on

>> No.9726658

it honestly breaks my heart to see what my dad reads. he's a straight forward alpha attorney that's starting to get frail. i found some fantasy shit about dragons opened on his night stand when i was last home. not sure why, but him unironically enjoying that made me want to cry.

>> No.9726667

this and power tool catalogs

>> No.9726675

'Who moved my cheese', Al Gore's 'an inconvenient truth', and a book about how Stephen King does writing are his favorite books.

>> No.9726683

>but him unironically enjoying that made me want to cry
Dragons are cool, anon, maybe you should lighten up.

>> No.9726705

Why lie?
I gain nothing from lying about his reading habits.

>> No.9726711

He reads nothing but national geographhic.

>> No.9726719

Most people aren't well read, dads are no exception.
That doesn't mean I don't love him.

>> No.9726738

Orson Scott Card, Clive Cussler, JK Rowling's male nom de plume, when he was young, Robert Anton Wilson, flight manuals, Isaac Asimov and Philip K Dick

>> No.9726747

My dad only reads chess and technical literature.
Over and over again cuz he forgets a lot.

>> No.9726827

Yeah you're right, i was/am stupid.

>> No.9726920

Count of Monte Christo, the Bible, Jules Verne, Tolkien. You'd all hate him, though.

>> No.9726951

My dad is quite intelligent and has read just about everything there is to read about WW2 but for some reason also loves Stephen King and similar trash.

>> No.9726952

Not literature, but he likes travel guides, history stuff (civil war and pre colonial America) and the bible. Southerners so that might have something to do with it.

>> No.9727049

pleb detected

>> No.9727050

the only good book my father ever read was "underworld" by delillo, which i gave him as a birthday present

>> No.9727068

Audiobooks of Tom Clancy knock offs, which he listens to on the rare occasions he uses his rowing machine

>> No.9727075

He literally only reads opera librettos, not even memeing.

>> No.9727083



>> No.9727101


Primo Levi and Evelyn Waugh are my fathers favourite 2

>inb4 aristajew

>> No.9727127 [DELETED] 

No one gives a shit. This thread is retarded, and no one cares about your stupid fathers. Please return to reddit where you came from. I will repeat, no one gives a flying fuck, and your post meant NOTHING to anyone. Fuck you all.

>> No.9727147

Did your father beat you or something?

>> No.9727152

Fatherless negroidaloid detected

>> No.9727164

fuck off nigger

>> No.9727167

Why do the most butt-mad faggots always tell other people to "go back to le /r/eddit!!!!"? lol

>> No.9727175
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Whatever my 10-16 y.o. female cousins are reading. Has been described as "200 pages of foreplay." pic related

>> No.9727176

Non-fiction and stoicism.

>> No.9727187

well, my daddy likes lolita.

>> No.9727239

Spy novels. Special ops non-fiction. Old adventure novels. He's a money guy, and actually turned me on to Taleb, Taibbi, Lewis, etc. I cannot really fault him. He's a good dad (a widower, he frequents whores which I don't care one way or the other about because he doesn't try to hide it, but drives my sister bats) and reads all the time.

>> No.9727265

The only thing I see him read regularly is a Confederate separatist magazine. He also likes Robert Burns.

>> No.9727276

golf course architecture

>> No.9727297
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>he frequents whores which I don't care one way or the other about because he doesn't try to hide it, but drives my sister bats

>> No.9727328

None. He doesn't read. Except perhaps for Shogun, and part of Tony Blair's memoir.

>> No.9727344


Dad doesn't read.
He had The Hunt for Red October on the table next to his chair for like 10 years and only made it about 15 pages in.
When I was growing up he thought my mother and I were "smart" because we read big books (Harry Potter)

These are my origins.

>> No.9727353

>he frequents whores which I don't care one way or the other about because he doesn't try to hide it, but drives my sister bats)

I wish my family was this lit
There would be no end to the shit I could write.

>> No.9727384

That's fair, and more painful than I'm perhaps even now willing to admit-- or why mention it at all, right? tfw To be completely powerless in the face of the death of what once was a rather strong family dynamic.

>> No.9727390

It does help for that. But all decent things come to an end.

>> No.9727399

My dad is dead

>> No.9727567

His favorite novel is Shogun. He reads a lot of Japanese History. He also likes John Le Carre.

>> No.9727580

tolkein and l. ron hubbard

>> No.9727591
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Not literature. Trash noir by Spillane, Brett Halliday, and Richard Prather

>> No.9727615

The bible. Not much beyond that. He was never much of reader.

>> No.9727616

Stephen king

>> No.9727628
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>> No.9727636

A strange mixture of what are basically airport novels on the one hand and then huge amounts of history and "Patrician Tier" Literature. He said to me once that he likes to read books like by Lee Child because "I can't beat the shit out of the corporate idiots who I work with" (he also said this is why one of the nicest men I know plays very violent video games form time to time). He's a pretty sick guy desu, born really poor then travelled the world as a musician when he was younger, now works as a pretty successful financier. Not unconvinced he doesn't hold me (his weak, inherited money, faggot, academic bookish son) in a certain level of contempt.

>> No.9727789

He barely reads books anymore. He said he liked Henri Charrière's Papillon when he was young.

>> No.9727809


Also, mine said he was big into Bradbury beyond that i don't much else he favored He did go to Catholic school so he barely knows some Aquinas.

>> No.9727849

He doesn't read fiction, barely stands still long enough, left school at 14 to become a craftsman. He reads something at hand if it's related to history he's interested in which I normally feed him, so some local poetry or non fiction, autobiography.

>> No.9727870
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My dad was a trucker who never graduated high school and exclusively read running and sprint car magazines.

>> No.9727874

My father is an English teacher with a master's in English but I don't even think he reads anymore. What a depressing man.

>> No.9727891

Mostly biographies and history books... Is my dad a pleb?

>> No.9727968

My Dad is a carpenter/mechanic/electrician/stay at home dad etc. Yet he's also quite well read. He tends to read more non-fiction than fiction, ranging from Chomsky on language to Marx to Fanon to Lucretius. His favourite book from what I can tell is By Grand Central Station I Sat Down And Wept, he's probably told me to read it 100 times. He recently read The Worst Journey in the World, PKD's VALIS, and a biography of Ayn Rand. Ever since he got internet he's read fewer books, but he still tells me constantly about all sorts of wacky articles he finds there. And there's all sorts of pictures of him reading those big cardboard picture books to me as an infant (literally since I was able to hold up my head). I have a childhood book about a recycling truck that he wrote all kind of jokes to himself on the trucks that I didn't notice as a kid, since he got sick of reading it so many times.

>> No.9727982

My dad owns every novel and story that has won a hugo or nebula

>> No.9728050

Probably some Asimov shit or lotr
Boi loves his sci fi

>> No.9728078

fucking pseud "im a pureblood intellectual thread"
fuck your daddy.

>> No.9728083

Pretty niche desu

You know you can go hoes and then write about, right?

Then do it

>> No.9728883
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He doesn't read to much, he's a busy man.

Seen him read a John Irving novel once, he has books about wine and lots of in-depth literature about his field.

>> No.9729080

>Then do it.
Sorry thought noone was interested, i will as soon as i'm home again.

>> No.9729651

My parents don't read at all. (maybe some bible verses and that's it)

>> No.9729656

Conspiracy theories such as chariots of the Gods.
Gardening books.

>> No.9729661

Bukowsky. I think he has his whole work.

>> No.9729673

You sound like a massive faggot.

>> No.9729689

Ahem, "libretti"

>> No.9729694

Both are valid plurals.

>> No.9729695

no you do anon.
His post was actually really funny and insightful. Far from a faggot.

>> No.9729699

Historical novel
and Dan Brown (recently)

>> No.9729712

>crying because your father isn't a tryhard elitist like you
>insightful or funny


>> No.9729729

Literally reads things like atlases for fun and then acts like you're fucking retarded for not knowing how many square miles in Zimbabwe were covered by farms in 1996.

Jokes on him though, he set the standards so high that I pay him back by failing even the lowest.

>> No.9729736

no it's funny that an aged straight-laced lawyer still reads the lowest of fantasy (which i assume you also like you fucking twit).
If you knew anything about lawyers you'd know that many of them are basically professional children. That's why it's funny.

>> No.9729806

The same sort of shit I and /lit/ reads, the reason I got into reading was that of him.

Right now he is reading Proust, which I recommended to him

>> No.9729812

*was because

>> No.9729908

His favorite fiction author is Herman Hesse. He also reads nonfiction books about banking, economics, and the history of the American revolution. He is Peruvian but I don't know what his favorite Spanish-language books are.

>> No.9729978

The Bible (I think)

>> No.9729983


>> No.9730133

He reads almost excursively Christian philosophy and such stuff. Sometimes he goes so obscure he reads some Coptic monks' manuals.
Not sure if that's patrician or just weird as shit.

>> No.9730141

My dad claims to be dyslexic, even though I've explained to him countless times why dyslexia doesn't actually exist. Naturally he doesn't read anything.

>> No.9730144

exclusively *

>> No.9730789

Shit. My grandmother is the only patrician in the family.

>> No.9730928

As long as most people here don't know about it, it's patrician.