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File: 40 KB, 330x316, Dawkins-Faith-Atheist-330[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9726032 No.9726032 [Reply] [Original]

Which books trigger believers?

>> No.9726044

>implying The God Delusion is a good book

>> No.9726055

>annoying theists=the work is good
Where did they say this?

>> No.9726056

>yfw Dawkins is spending an eternity in hell

Stay cucked

>> No.9726065

Somebody got butthurt about the other thread lol

>> No.9726066

new atheism is the second reformation, god delusion doesn't count

>> No.9726070

The bible

>> No.9726072

>Implying you can empirically prove God doesn't exist.

>> No.9726077

You are right. I would get angry if I saw that someone was reading that.

>> No.9726078

>implying Dawkins implied that
Aw bless

>> No.9726079
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Unironic answer.

>> No.9726083

t. Riggered

>> No.9726107
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>> No.9726419

>Implying you can empirically prove i'm not God.
Adore me.

>> No.9726622


as a Catholic (real, not just cultural, I got to mass every sunday), the books (although to be sincere they tend to be papers, not books) that can give me a crisis of faith are of textual criticism of the bible. Different translations, (the different codex, septuagint, masoretic text, death sea scrolls etc).
And the exegesis of some bible passages.

Stuff about atheism does nothing for me.

some of the things that have given me problems

Genesis 1:1 Is it "In the Beginning (of all)" implying creation ex nihilo by God, or would a better translation be something like "When God begun to create the heaven and earth" which doesnt imply God existed before the universe?
From what I read both translations are possible.

other passage that gives me problem is the Isaiah prophecy that has "a maiden (young man) will give birth" instead of "a virgin will give birth" in all hebrew texts, and it was confirmed in the dead sea scrolls.
The gospel treats it as a prophecy of the virgin birth of Jesus, because the writers used the Greek translation (septuagint) that has virgin instead of maiden.

other thing is the "this generation shall nos pass before..." passages, because the generation of the apostles passed without the second coming. There are many rationalizations by Christians of those passages.

In spite of that (of the doubts they make me feel), I continue reading a lot about these issues.

>> No.9726627
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>> No.9726639

top kek, is that real?

>> No.9726653


>> No.9726703

>assblasted faggot detected

>> No.9726731

New atheism is unproductive desu, atheists and christians should work together to exterminate muslims.

>> No.9726833

A triggered believer is an oxymoron. If one can be shaken by Dawkins' doleful prose, he lacks faith.

Faith in itself implies that one believes in an entity who is beyond our imagination.
Hence, faith is rationally absurd. No amount of argument can really waiver a true believer's faith. Nice try, atheistfag.

Here's a question to trigger atheists: why live a meaningless existence which ends in meaningless eternal sleep, and everything you do, and suffer, counts for nothing?

>> No.9726877

Christians and Muslims are the same cancer, though.
Same God. Same Judeo origins. Same backward stupidity.

They're both ridiculous cults that, were they not ingrained in 2000 years of tradition, be laughed at, like the Mormons and Scientologists.

People are just too stupid to question what they've been raised on.

We don't have to choose. We can eliminate both cults. Christianity is dying in the civilized world. Its numbers are only propped up by conversions in Africa and Asia. Islam is only growing in the West because of immigration.

In a few more generations, the West will probably be 90+% Atheist.

>> No.9726889

>Here's a question to trigger atheists: why live a meaningless existence which ends in meaningless eternal sleep, and everything you do, and suffer, counts for nothing?

>implying meaning can't be inferred from biology
>implying we can't create our own meaning
>implying that belief in an afterlife doesn't make this life meaningless in comparison, because you're just being a good little boy until you can die and go to haven
>implying atheists don't have a stronger track record of doing public good than the most prominent theists these days

Apparently this theist got triggered.
You're eternally triggered at that.
So what if there is no meaning to reality? Can you not handle that? So what pointless suffering exists? So what if you die and just cease to be? So what if there is no supernatural reward after death?

How childish must you be to require those things to go on living? How pathetic is that? Examine yourself and ask what kind of person you must be if you'll embrace absurdity simply because it gives you happy feelies and eases some existential dread.

That's called delusion.

>> No.9726964

The Muslim problem needs to be solved first, though. Christianity will die out by itself without immigration.

>> No.9727058

none, my faith is not so easily shaken
Only God can make me fear or tremble, although I may tremble on behalf of others whom I have seen fall into grievous sin or blasphemy

>> No.9727064

>afraid of the Bible
like pottery

>> No.9727069

*tips cross* *throws holy water* have at you!

>> No.9727087


Have you read The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross and if so what do you think of it?

>> No.9727100

>a maiden (young man) will give birth
A true miracle. Jesus brought forth from a trap.

>> No.9727980


>> No.9728178
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>>implying atheists don't have a stronger track record of doing public good than the most prominent theists these days

>> No.9728185

there was some french asshole during the enlightenment who was opposed to atheism despite agreeing religion is bogus, his argument was basically atheism just takes away something of values from peasants that costs the ruling class nothing to provide, so just let them keep believing it, i think it was rather wise

>> No.9728193

more like genius.
atheism is just religious materialism anyway.

>> No.9728195


> "a maiden (young man) will give birth"
>Old English mægden, from a Germanic diminutive meaning ‘maid, virgin’; related to German Mädchen, diminutive of Magd ‘maid,’ from an Indo-European root shared by Old Irish mug ‘boy, servant.’

The bible supports mpreg. I've been cured of my atheism.

>> No.9728198

Well it makes sense. God gives life meaning to the lower class and religion itself acts as a way to preserve moral tradition and keep society in order. You don't need to believe in a God to see the value religious systems have offered

>> No.9728214

isn't that too rationally absurd and so should not be unintelligible to you?

Does not the "eternal sleep" have meaning? Presumably, it's the cessation of your consciousness, I would think that would be of great concern to most conscious beings that can anticipate it.

Honestly, at a conscious level it does not bother me that our lives could be construed as meaningless, because subjectively it does seem to have meaning, i.e. relevance.Sure it's a trip to think about and probably incomprehensible ( death being beyond our imagination).

>> No.9728219

Yeah it's good for the poor-minded.

>> No.9728226

The good delusion triggers believers in the same way postmodern philosophers trigger physicists. Someone who thinks they can expand their narrow expertise to eliminate an entire other field that they in no way understand ends up irritating people who actually know what they're talking about.

>> No.9728232

Lot of spooks in this thread.

>> No.9728236

>Which books trigger believers?

Well based on what Ive seen on the internet and irl the most triggering texts are those which misrepresent their faith/belief or those which attack it on flawed grounds.

>> No.9728238
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>Yeah it's good for the poor-minded.

Most of society is poor minded

>> No.9728244


>> No.9728256

Thinking all societies are the same or static is poor-minded.

>> No.9728266

you're poor minded, faggot

>> No.9728269


You've manifested and made yourself less than transcendent thus you can't be.

>> No.9728270

>Being this sensitive
Are you having your period?

>> No.9728290

>he thinks calling someone else a faggot always means you're being serious

it's called bantz. am I supposed to be serious? this thread was a meme when it started

>> No.9728321

>it's called bantz
is this the new "I'm just trolling"?

>> No.9728595

It's the "i'm fresh off of /pol/ or /b/" vocabulary that only serves to reduce the quality of any conversation they ever engage in.

>> No.9728605
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>> No.9728606
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>never spoken to a brit, irishman or aussie before

It is literally a way of life and always has been it's not their fault that you're no lad.

>> No.9728625

As a Christian, the "God Delusion" nor "God is not Great" triggered me, as the arguments they offer are very juvenile, and have been answered thoroughly for many centuries, they were just too arrogant/lazy to look them up. They engage in incessant eisegesis - the biggest no-no in biblical interpretation (hermeneutics).

>> No.9728639

lel this

>> No.9728675

> In a few more generations, the West will probably be 90+% Atheist.

Sounds awful.

>> No.9728786
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>We don't have to choose. We can eliminate both cults. Christianity is dying in the civilized world.

>In a few more generations, the West will probably be 90+% Atheist.


>> No.9728920

Posting on 4chan is poor-minded

>> No.9728924

God is already dead in the west.

>> No.9728973

studying epistemology will trigger your deconversion
prove me wrong

>> No.9729009

>>implying meaning can't be inferred from biology
No it can't. Fuck off, filthy materialist utilitarian.

>> No.9729013

>laughing at Mormons
Their beliefs and social stability might be questionable but their integrity is often impressive. Living in an entirely Mormon state probably wouldn't be that bad. Worst case scenario you're a grill and you end up in a pseudo-arranged marriage with Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.9729062

>donating your blood money to a "refugees welcome" ngo is (((public good)))

>> No.9729107

I am literally Australian, using it with m8s and using it in a literary discussion are two different things.
Just throwing in faggot after what's essentially "no u" evinces you as a retard from the trash boards of this already trashy site.

>> No.9729115

I am also Australia. Every time I see somebody justify shit posting (not shitposting, different things) with 'fukken bantz maaaayyte' I wish I could go back in time and kill infant moot. Nobody anywhere would ever consider this kind of thing proper in this context.

>> No.9730403

>eschewing the only legitimate church and body of Christ just to adhere to a collection of manuscripts that, despite being inspired by the holy spirit, are still faulty and prone to misinterpretations

God acts through the Catholic church, not your petty, autistic anglo club

>> No.9730519
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>> No.9730658

I have seen Liber L vel Legis trigger the bejesus out of LOADS of fundies and even protestants. The Evangelicals, particularly. Comment sections, videos, IRL.

>> No.9730668

You should look into Kabbalistic exegeses of the bible, and perhaps check out The Zohar and some other Kabbalistic texts. Not to trigger you, but I think the Kabbalists have some great analyses of scripture, and it's amazing how much of the stories is hidden in plain sight, once you know 'what to look for.'

>> No.9730751
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does not compute

when you take away all religions, people don't suddenly become max stirner, nietzsche, descartes, christopher hitchens, ayn rand or sam harris. they instead become gullible and paranoid halfwits who will believe in anything that will give them The Answer. and they will chew the skin clean off the bones off of heretics and disbelievers.

think hipsters in drag being chased through abandoned shopping malls by leatherface clones. think fury road. think thirteen-inch plastic dildos with shark decor. think the 6th century with dwindling wi-fi feeds this side of the doomsday luxury condos.

>In a few more generations, the West will probably be 90+% Atheist.
kek. this would be the kind of thing that Las Vegas would charitably not allow you to place bets on. the West will be 90% something but it sure won't be atheist. even barbarians have gods. they always do.

there are no atheistic primitives.

>> No.9730785

>not coming from a Catholic country
>not having fun cults which are basically pagan with a saint slapped on
>not getting drunk and pretending it's for God
lapsed Protestants are the worst

>> No.9730816

How can there even be heretics and disbelievers once you have already taken away religion?

>> No.9730826

>the Bible is flawed
wew lad
also who said im a prod

>> No.9730830
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Christians seems to get genuinely annoyed that there's a load of kickass non-canon gospels

>> No.9730831
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>be postapoc wasteland hermit
>see literally anyone
>they're stronger than me: probably flee
>they're weaker than me: ???
>push: let's parlay. my god > your god

the axial age did nothing wrong


>> No.9730849

>"My god > Your god"

How does this happen? Wasn't your first assertion in this hypothetical that religion has been taken away? Did you just mean organized religion? I thought you meant the concept of religion because you were responding to the other anon who was talking about atheism. If that's not what you meant, your entire post makes less than no sense (unless I am misreading) because the whole premise was "what the world would be like populated entirely by atheists."

>> No.9730881

>continuing the cycle of the abrahamitic civil war
No, the west needs a new deal. A philosophy that sheds dualism. I propose monistic hermeticism mixed with dharmitic and daoistic philosophy.


>> No.9730923
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Pre-axial age religion is different from post-axial age religion. The AA is a major chapter in human psychosocial development for this reason: what happens if we take all of our gods and stick them together in cities?

You can dismantle a religion but you can't dismantle religious*ness.*
>and good luck trying to dismantle a religion anyways w/o producing martyrs and radicals. one of the interesting things about religious psychology is that the more you persecute the stronger they get
>for better and for worse

>Wasn't your first assertion in this hypothetical that religion has been taken away?
Yes. *Organized* religion. Which organizes all the "disorganized" religions: the infinite panoply of mythic/tragic polytheism. There are different ways of organizing this as well, keeping the reigns relatively tight (Islam) or loose (Hinduism).

>the whole premise was "what the world would be like populated entirely by atheists."
My point is that this never has happened, nor is it likely ever going to happen. There are no atheistic primitives. Mythology is proto-psychology. The axial age urbanizes all of these and produces all of the great World Thinkers and wisdom traditions we have today. Which are now getting the shit memed out of them.

The word for primitive religion today is ideology, the Big Other. We're just more repressed, more sublimated, more interconnected, more mimeticized.

>> No.9730935

reins, not reigns

>dem freudian slips

>> No.9730941

Oh. I-I-uh...Ok.
By AA do you mean A.'.A.'.

>> No.9730945
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pic rel

comparative religion is dope yo

>> No.9730952

Dawkins isn't dead yet though, you're thinking of Hitchens.

>> No.9730977
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So the Christian god 'thus can't be' in the way christians believe since he manifested making himself less than transcendent too.
Good to know that Christian god is just as transcendent as that anon then.
Love you anon God <3

>> No.9731355
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>Here's a question to trigger atheists: why live a meaningless existence which ends in meaningless eternal sleep, and everything you do, and suffer, counts for nothing?

That's really not a valid criticism of atheism or non-theism. Just because someone doesn't follow the same system of values as you doesn't mean they don't believe in value itself. I personally believe purpose and meaning are generated from our awareness of the nothingness that you speak of so negatively, however the difference between how we both speak about this same thing is that I don't see it as a bad thing.

>> No.9731880


The Bible

>> No.9731941

>this meme
He says "Boy", not "Well."

>> No.9732112

This was fun to read.

>> No.9732184

Those courses would be much better if they didnt cost 400 or so dollars.