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9725554 No.9725554 [Reply] [Original]

>quit your soul-destroying job
>leave the degenerate polluted city
>hike to an isolated rural location
>set up a small camp
>visit town once or twice a week to pick up food, drink and other necessaries
>spend almost all day every day reading and writing as you please

Why not do this?

inb4 "m-muh internet addiction"

>> No.9725561

Because I am not a little bitch, so I can handle the real world.

>> No.9725562
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>> No.9725564

>isolated rural location
>can just pop into town a couple of times a week

Well, you're still going to need money for supplies aren't you?

>> No.9725565

>I'm an ideologically-submissive normgroid

>> No.9725568

>leave the city

If you are a person of any value you would have avoided a degenerate (read: sociable) lifestyle and saved enough money to last for at least a year if all you consume are basic foodstuffs, water and coffee, and essential items such as batteries, matches and women's underwear.

>> No.9725570

>current year
>not exchanging your crazy hobo ranting manuscripts for food

>> No.9725580

>not going full north pond hermit

>> No.9725593

Withdrawing to the idiocy of rural life is just resentful and reactionary desu. The air of the cities is emancipatory

>> No.9725600

Spoken like a true cuckold of modernity.

>> No.9725608

Primarily, because I grew up in a rural location and spent most my youth outdoors. Secondarily, because I read Walden.

>> No.9725609

>but if i leave my concrete dump where will i find nigger cocks on demand

>> No.9725619

because there are laws against it

>> No.9725634


>> No.9725643

ayyy /out/ poster here

I live 20 minutes by bicycle outside of Drummond, MT in a hunting cabin my grandfather owns. It's small as shit (single bed etc) but it's super comfy and I really like it here. Lived in NY for six months and Seattle for a year (and other cities / large towns) before coming here but I'm set for at least another 2 years if I budget and shit like that. So far it's great, although dealing with bugs gets tiresome and the snow can be pretty annoying after the initial novelty wears off.

I can answer a few questions for the next like 30 minutes if anybody has them. Posting from a public library kek

>> No.9725646

>b-but mommy said no!

Grow a pair faggots

>> No.9725652

Really? Have you literally ever entered a stretch of woods? Have you ever tried searching a square mile, hell, even just a hectare of woods, within a few mile of wood? It's not like police comb random blocks of forest each day looking for survivalists.
Saying you won't do it because it's faint the law is like saying you won't collect rain water because it's against the law. Clearly you're a child and/or a city baby.

>> No.9725659
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>following the laws of man

>> No.9725669

what climate do you have there and how hard is it to manage bugs?

snow sounds ok, but having to worry constantly about pests may suck

>> No.9725674

is the lit career any better in the cabin

>> No.9725677

Sounds comfy as fuck. Do you own a gun?

>> No.9725678

>collect rain water because it's against the law
i'm glad I live in ancap utopia
(bosnia and herzegovina kek)

>> No.9725682

>It's not like police comb random blocks of forest each day looking for survivalists.

That's a great image for a contemporary dystopian novel.

>> No.9725685

Cold cold cold in winter and hot hot hot in summer. Right now it's about 95 degrees which I hate but it's tolerable enough. Sun cream is actually one of my biggest expenses.

>> No.9725690

Your idea brother, get writing.

>> No.9725693

I'm 25 so I'm taking my time with things. I don't want to rush anything and I find the longer I live here the less intent I am on writing anything or really even saying anything verbally. Major contrast to how I was living in an urban setting (pressure to "succeed", "make it" etc)

Sure do.

>> No.9725694

sounds survivable but a bit annoying. which are the worst bugs? any clean bodies of water that you can swim on?

>> No.9725695

*unzips duck*

You first, homo

>> No.9725697

>I dwindle people down to subhuman levels for enjoying the sweet fruits of urban life
kys philistine

>> No.9725698

>Why not do this?
Well, you aren't doing this for some reason.

>> No.9725700

>It's not like police comb random blocks of forest each day looking for survivalists.
what about ramblers?
whats an average day? do you pay tax?

>> No.9725706

Deer Flies / Horse Flies are the worst for sure at this time of year. But I haven't been affected yet. I spend a lot of my time in my cabin, which is shaded and thus cool and pretty comfy for the most part.

>> No.9725720
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Hah! That's my pic. I get out and camp as much as possible. Am about to head off to Spain to try and walk the GR11, should take roughly one month. Am stocking up on reading material at the moment.

>> No.9725721

>I enjoy inhaling diesel fumes, listening to the jabbering of Africans and Arabs and also the sound of pneumatic drills, emergency service sirens and loud motorcycle engines, smelling rotting food, urine and the musk of suited neanderthals, tasting the one-minute-microwavable meals each night, feeling the sweat of greasy Nigerians as they rub against me in the subway

You know the Philistines were actually very culturally and artistically advanced for their time, and are only condemned as being otherwise in the popular vocabulary due to Roman revisionism. Or, you would know that, if you hadn't swallowed the concretecuck and volunteered to dwell in whatever multicultural dronescape you presently inhabit.

>> No.9725723

Just avoid popular hiking locations. Find secluded, privately owned woods where no one ever really enters.

>> No.9725724
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More campsite reading spots.

>> No.9725730

Fuck horse flies dude. You think it'd be bad enough that they're large as a bee. But the fact that they bite as well makes them fiendish.

>> No.9725734
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>> No.9725736

Wha- what do- I mean... it just keeps honking at me... I'm at a loss here.

>> No.9725738

With what money?

>> No.9725740

Why wouldn't you just buy some dirt cheap land in a flyover state? what your describing isn't sustainable.

>> No.9725741

>what about ramblers?
Ramblers don't tend to ramble at 2330 off the path...

>> No.9725742

Wake up at 8:30am, jog, work out a little, tend my vegetable patch, eat a light breakfast, read for a few hours, take a walk, work on upkeep for the area I occupy (reinforcing the roof, clearing away thick foliage etc), read further and maybe write a little, eat a large meal, relax, sleep....I also have a laptop which I charge here in town and take back with me, but I only use it when I feel like playing Rome: Total War for like an hour. I pay tax yeah but it's cheap.

>> No.9725746
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>> No.9725748
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because liberals have fores guards and when those paper pushers with power fantasies find you, they will tell you to fuck off and gib me money. If you settle for good in the forest, they will tell you that it is not sanitary and if they agree with your plan, they will threaten you to pay up the tax to live here, otherwise you will be judge, all your accounts frozen and pay a fine and go to jail.


>> No.9725751

How old are you? Do you have a job?

>> No.9725753

>Fuck horse flies dude.

The loneliness hasn't become that intense yet, though I may have to consider it in time.

Montana Anon here. I have to go grab some stuff but I'll be back in like 1 hour for a short time if anybody wants to post questions in the meantime.

>> No.9725756
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Late twenties. Yep I have a job but it's flexible. I am giving myself a few more years of freedom before getting a proper job and entering the next phase of my life.

>> No.9725759

is the water filter system from the Infowars shop?

>> No.9725766
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>is the water filter system from the Infowars shop?
No idea what infowars is. It's a sawyer squeeze if you're interested. Light and super easy to use. The only down side is that the bags are quite tricky to fill from running water. I only tend to use it a lower elevations. Higher up in the mountains I just drink straight from the streams.

>> No.9725775

Not to mention their 2.5 in wingspan might evoke some jealousy.

>> No.9725786

Mostly because I want a gf and family. But I do idealize this kind of living. I was member of a very traditional boy scout group and we lived 2 months in the wilderness. Cool stuff. Would be even easier if you live semi-connected to civilization like Kaczynski did. Problem would be regulations. You need to be connected to a sewage system or pay shitloads for a camping place. Living as a tramp illegally will be hard after a while.

>> No.9725806


Bugs. Disease. Supplies. Medicine. Animals. Humans.

Plenty of reasons that's a bad idea.

>> No.9725813


>> No.9725825

Get a job and save money by living ascetically you NEET faggot.

>wasting money on some paper certificate

There's plenty of land to inhabit for free retard

>> No.9725827

What job? Just curious what kind of job lets you take a month off.

>> No.9725828 [DELETED] 

Libtard 101

Go back to /r/books

>> No.9725832

>the woods are fake and the city is real

your brain on symbols

>> No.9725833

>he swallowed the Cuntpill

Enjoy your mortgage, normie dinner parties and disappointing brood you fucking faggot.

>> No.9725838

>he needs medicine to survive

Untermenschen need not apply.

>> No.9725849

Not all countries have isolated rural locations, anon.

>> No.9725853

m8, get a fire blanket for beneath your fire. those rocks won't cut it, and you'll start a root fire.

>> No.9725859

>voluntarily living in one of those countries

More fool you buddy

>> No.9725865

I don't mind.

>> No.9725870

I'm an arborist. I either work short contracts or just quit. Due to the transient nature of the industry no one bats an eyelid if you just up and leave, most companies are genuinely surprised that I actually bother to hand in my notice. Also if you good you can even get hired back by the same company pretty easily.
I get where you are coming from, but not in this part of the world. Everything is wweett. Plus I only ever light small fire, just to have something to stare at. In that pic the fire was the biggest it every got. I don't cook on it so it doesn't really need to generate any heat.

>> No.9725875
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Being an urban hermit is pretty nice as well desu.

>> No.9725876

There is literally an argument for every counterpoint in this thread. you fags will never agree on anything. It's amazing.

>> No.9725880

fuck you too mate

>> No.9725886

m8, I live in a country that probably gets more rain than most in the world. a fire blanket is not that expensive, and it does not matter the size of the fire or the wetness of the surface. it'll not only make your fire more efficient to heat you instead of the ground, it'll stop you fucking destroying the forest and leaving traces of your presence. there's literally no reason not to invest in one and a whole lot of reasons why you're an ignorant dick for not investing in one.

>> No.9725891

literally me
i'm probably the greatest mind of the XXI century
but here I am, scratching my balls

>> No.9725933

even rosties goes in the woods

>> No.9725944

You can't even speak English yet you're already spouting /r9k/ buzzwords. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.9725945

ok kiddo.

>> No.9725957

Where are you from? Sounds like a great job dude, congrats.

>> No.9725966

what tent tarp is that?

>> No.9725972

And why would I DO this? I'm not working, nor doing anything else. I sit home isolated 24/7 - it's same as being at a rural location. Except the air isn't polluted, but what does that really change? - I won't get lung cancer in 30 years? Like I care what happens to me in 30 years. When I read, I constantly check analysis, book recommendations, translations, referenced concepts etc. on the internet. Besides, something might kill me in the a rural area. Especially since I'm allergic to bees, I need to get an immediate injection into the booty when I get stinged.

>> No.9725979

I'll bet we can agree on the galactic dimensions of your faggotry.

>> No.9726020

>Not publishing your incoherent scribblings for $25 on kindle and starting a gofundme

>> No.9726022

Epicurus was right

>> No.9726024

Also drop acid or eat magic mushrooms every few weeks or so

>> No.9726035

>why aren't you a neet next to a tree

>> No.9726051

Trying to get a stash of money built up first. If I get 100k I can live off the interest the rest of my life. Before that I need to kill the student loans. Also want travel money. Which means I need a job, which means gotta live in a shitty. I can have freedom in 5 years on the assumption I actually manage to get a job.

>haven't been innawoods in 4 months
>best I can do is sit in the park and ignore the hobos
>no job anyway

Feels bad man. I'd like to live innacabin innawoods if it had internet.

>> No.9726067

you're going full earlyretirementextreme?

travel is a meme btw

>> No.9726090

>not get a bike (or even more lit, a horse) and live the nomad lifestyle

Get out on the steppe, you fool.

>> No.9726106

Bike as in bicycle? Are there tires that can handle riding through rocky terrain for months without much maintenance? It would be pretty cool to ride through China and the surrounding countries.

>> No.9726121
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On the one hand, I love nature and solitude. The best reading I ever do is outdoors. I especially like exploring all sorts of abandoned or isolated places.
On the other hand, even camping for a could couple of nights is a chore. It's either too hot or too cold; I need to carry a literal bag of medicines with me all the time and I need to make sure I don't run out of any of them; I am allergic to insect bites; I have no idea which berries, mushrooms, water sources are safe; I get lost easily without GPS; I don't really have any survival skills; I need hot water and a toilet. If i was ever to go live alone in the woods, Chris McCandless' ghost would probably laugh his ass off as I twist my ankle and slowly succumb to bee stings in some bushes half a mile from the nearest strip mall.

>> No.9726130

In the UK now, might have work in Scandinavia after the summer.
Trekkertent Stealth 1

>> No.9726133

Don't you have fermented milk to drink or something

>> No.9726148
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Well, a lot of people have actually traveled across continents on bicycles. I know of a guy the biked through Europe, Sweden to Istanbul.

But I meant a motorbike.

*pillages your city*

>> No.9726160

live off the interest of 100k?

i feel like thats pretty hard if you want money for hose repairs and stuff, insurance, books, food

>> No.9726162

>no access to fast food
>no access to Youtube
>no access to scantily dressed women in public
>no access to Blacked, Dogfart etc.
>no access to high-speed underground transportation

What's the fucking point? Nobody needs to be a writer in 2017.

>> No.9726169
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Mongols are finished, stop LARPing the middle ages.

>> No.9726171

How long have you been an arborist for? Have you ever worked as anything else?

>> No.9726175


read up on this lad, he's making it.

>> No.9726203

>all that projection
>all those buzzwords
>all that inaccuracy

So just disassociate already. It's hard to take the juvenile platitude seriously when you're crying frustrated bitch-tears on an internet forum, the zenith of modern consumerism banality.

You only have an education as the result of a modern society and also largely due to urbanization, but you didn't consider that, huh? You only had time to confuse your myopic opinion of urban society and obvious misanthropic mental disorder with reality. I hope you've realized that the only result in which the multi-cultural urban society doesn't become the totality of the human race is one in which we all kill each other first, and that there's simply no more room for people who think like you in any particular future of humanity.

Good luck completely disconnecting, though. I honestly hope you make it out there.

>> No.9726211

>muh lentils
>you guys, I don't actually eat lentils anymore haha
What the fuck? I love lentils. Why would anyone think it's "weird" to eat lentils? They're one of my favorite foods.

>> No.9726217

>not being a trust fund kiddie

>> No.9726218

lentils are a meme food, you fell for it

>> No.9726232

>Why would anyone think it's "weird" to eat lentils?

>> No.9726241

Roughly 4 years now. Yeah I did a few other jobs when I was younger, bike messenger in London, photographic assistant, plus an assortment of part time bits and bobs. It's a bit of a family tradition for the men to tear about doing odd things before hitting 30 then they tend to settle down and get serious.

>> No.9726264

How did you start out as an arborist?

What do you intend to do in order to "settle down and get serious"? Retrain as something?

>> No.9726275

>who was Tolstoy
>who was kaczynski
>who was emerson

Just because I ate a McDonalds in 1998 doesn't mean I need to spend my life amongst the human garbage festering in modern Western cities in order to pay back the small pleasure it afforded me.

>> No.9726278 [DELETED] 

I need 15k/year in a small town in france, without a car.

aslo, without a job, people are reluctant to rent you a home, so you need to pay several months worth of rent at the beginning

>> No.9726299

This guy is in damage control

Q: How can you be retired if you still make money? (Definitions of retirement, financial independence, and semi-retirement)
A: People used to work in one vocation until they grew old, worn down and nonproductive. Then they would be retired, “put out to pasture” so to speak, and get a pension. ERE shares some of these qualities but not all of them. Different generations have different definitions of what retirement means to them. The confusing part is that we use the same words to describe different things because ERE is still so uncommon that no common words exist. First, the concept of working only one career is outdated. Second, not many will be lucky enough to receive a pension. The point of ERE is to reach financial independence (FI). FI means having enough investments to pay all your expenses for the rest of your life WITHOUT needing to work. If you think of this as saving enough money to start your own trust fund, stipend, or a big annuity for yourself, you got it. (Many people who pursue ERE manage their own funds). Being freed from having to work to pay the bills, many EREs [plan to] retire from professional life in the sense of no longer working in that career. (For example, I was a physicist, but I no longer do any physics, I don’t even think about it). This usually means taking up some other activity that is more meaningful to them but which would be hard to make a living from such as raising children, saving the world, rock climbing, making art, open source programming, writing, etc. It doesn’t mean doing nothing. In that regard, some people say that I still work because I have this website. If you want to call that work, fine. Whatever rocks your boat. I call it a hobby and so does the IRS (I pay income taxes on my writing, but I don’t take any deductions). I have no idea how much “work” I put into it. Sometimes 0 minutes per day, sometimes 50 minutes (if there’s a particularly interesting forum discussion), some days none at all. But then every few months I spend a week hammering out a longer article for some magazine on a pro bono basis. Work work work ;-P

PS: To add to the confusion, “semi-retirement” is sometimes used to describe a person who derives some income from investments but not enough and thus needs a job, typically part-time, to make ends meet.

>> No.9726302


Q: You can not be retired if your spouse is still working.
A: Why not? Is there a rule that states that either both must be working or both must be retired? I suspect part of the confusion comes about because married couples used to run all their finances jointly. This made sense when there was only one income earner. In our case there were two and we entered marriage with very different levels of wealth. In addition we had different goals. Therefore we kept our finances separate. This avoids a lot of arguments about whether or not to spend on something. We only need to agree on things we buy “for the house” and are free to buy things for ourselves without consulting the spouse.

Q: You’re not retired. You’re just a stay at home spouse.
A: The difference between a stay at home spouse and me is that I am independently wealthy and don’t need my spouse’s income/handouts. In other words, I am not a “dependent”. I pay half of the household expenses with investment income from money I saved and my wife pays the other half with money she earns from working.

>> No.9726306

Short course in college. It's the sort of job you can only learn while working. It's also the sort of job the has built in filters. You're either the sort of person who can use a chainsaw at the top of a tree or you aren't. No idea about settling down. I have started the testing process to become an air traffic controller so I'll see how that goes. Otherwise I have friends who could help me get a half interesting office job. Something that I can get my head down and work towards the earliest retirement possible.

How about you? Working on anything fun?

>> No.9726309

>Working on anything fun?

No. Just slaving away in an office waiting until I crack.

>> No.9726319

/outlit/ is best /lit/

>> No.9726320

In a nutshell, engineering is making certain simplifying assumptions of the real world and building a piece of technology by combining separate parts to build a functional whole. During this engineering process, the degrees of freedom, that is, the play between its components is reduced as much as possible. This is possibly due to the limitations of the brain power or comprehension of the human engineer. As a result, most technology only has a few degrees of freedom. Some of the most complicated devices, like nuclear bombs only have a few dozen (this is a lot).

The 20th century saw many fields get engineered. I will discuss three of them. The first field to receive the engineering treatment was the socio-economic system. As a result, communism was a new design that led to enormous suffering. Fascism was another. I am not going to go into details, but socio-economic engineering are all based on the idea that humans are essentially “particles”, and so if we have enough particles and we know the “microphysics”, that is, the laws governing individual particles, we can predict, design and create large scale human behavior. Some of these designs failed. Other designs have so far been successful. If you wonder why you prefer particular brands, you are the result of one of the successful experiments.

The next field to be subjected to engineering was physics. The result was the nuclear bomb and the power to wipe out human civilization. Through a fantastic show of diplomatic skill, game theory, and forced collaborations, politicians avoided getting us all killed. This was possible because there were few degrees of freedom; here, that is, few nations had the bomb. Now that more and more nations become club members, the problem is getting more and more complex. I hope it does not become unsolvable. Although the inventors of the bomb knew the consequences, game theory clearly states, that the risk of the other guy “cheating” when you don’t is much too large. Therefore I fully support development of nuclear weapons … on our side, because the human level of civic mindedness is too low. To put it in other words. I am sympathetic to the anti-nuclear crowd, but the problem is that I do not think that the anti-nuclear crowd of the opposing side is anymore effective than ours. It’s the complete picture that counts. Now, despite scientists refusing to take responsibility for their actions of creating the bomb, politicians avoided mutual destruction.

>> No.9726323

This was not the case for financial engineering. Financial engineering is the synthesis of new contracts by combining existing contracts. Like with all technology, it’s use depends more on the user than on the inherent qualities of the technology. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Incidentally, people kill more people with cars than with guns. I digress. Financial engineering could have been used to greatly reduce risk in the system. Unfortunately, the choice was made to use this protection to “fight bigger wars”. This is not much different than from what happens in collision sports (Without any direct knowledge, I get the impression that Wall Street recruit a large number of ex-jocks?) when better protective technology is introduced, like helmets and padding. Better protection does not lead to safer play. Rather it leads to more risk taking. While the small injuries are reduced, it tends to increase the likelihood of rare but dangerous events, which were previously avoided by playing it safe, as the smaller injuries were bad enough. This is the problem whenever the goal is to win.

The reason nuclear war did not break out was that there could be no winner.

The next field to be engineering is biology. Whether this will lead to the equivalent of communism (like Darwinism lead to eugenics in Germany, the US, and many other “scientific” countries), or the equivalent of everybody having his own bomb is a matter to be determined. Imagine that the genetic kits that Freeman Dyson imagines being part of science fair projects being used to make something similar to, oh say, a computer virus. A genetic virus constructed by an clever teenager lacking the wisdom and full intelligence/appreciation of the consequences of his actions. The difference between biology and computing is categorical. A computer virus may destroy your files. A genetic virus might destroy your food, or your life. It is in my opinion a huge problem, when technology is invented by people with little wisdom (in general anyone younger than 60) when it comes to human experience and have that technology be used by the very same. An pragmatic solution would be the nuclear solution: Let the young invent the technology, but hand over its use to the wisest generation.

Perhaps there are some technologies that should not be used. Unfortunately, it would seem that humans have not attained the required degree of wisdom to make such choices in advance. However, to our defense, as humans, it seems we are able to make the right choices reactively when we are standing on edge of the cliff. Let’s just hope that this strategy of no foresight will keep working for a long time.

Originally posted 2009-08-09 00:23:03.

>> No.9726326


>> No.9726373

This, my friend, is a good idea.

>> No.9726405

I don't think you can write a good book with that life

>> No.9726425

Pussy, nigga.

>> No.9726504


If possible. I want to take a few months off between each job as well, though. 5 years is best case scenario, 15 years is worst case. So at worst I retire by 40. At best by 30. I was also fooling with partial retirement, so you get more freedom upfront but have to be in the workforce longer. So a few months or a year off here and there, or just work part-time or online. Instead of waiting to enjoy it all in old age.

>travel is a meme

My version of travel is just wandering around. Backpacking, bikepacking, etc. No tourist shit. I'm a realtraveler tm. The world is too beautiful to not see it. That said, I would never go to a shithole like Africa or Paris.


I've never lived on more than 10k USD a year. I can get 15% after tax returns (/biz/ here). So that's 15k a year. 10k living expenses, 5k travel budget. And I may work on and off just for lulz, so any extra cash would go to luxuries, travel, and savings for emergencies or large purchases. I'm currently living in a large city, USA, on 6k a year. It's "pretty hard", not impossible.

Also insurance is universally a rip-off. I pirate everything, use the same laptop for 5+ years, and buy everything used. Minimalist/anti-consumption and extremely frugal.

I don't even need running water. Just give me some source of electricity and internet, enough to run a laptop. I don't even need a fridge, washer, etc. I'm willing to eat squirrels (they're pretty good actually), lentils, homemade bread, and whatever I can scavenge or grow. Just need that initial money in the bank.

Well, hopefully I can sell a novel, get movie/tv series royalties, hit it big, become a millionaire, and go hermitmode with a very nice cushion in the bank. One can dream. But I'm gonna get there on my own the hard way if I have to.

>> No.9726518

It sounds pretty fucking beta
>baw i can't fight against the real world so i'll become an isolated hermit cocksucker

>> No.9726531


I don't want what they're selling.

>> No.9726542

Bro, the best way to critique civilisation is to live in the monstrous city itself.

>> No.9726555

It's not the police or government you have to worry about. It's the crazies that went out there because they had something they needed to hide. Like murder.

>> No.9726571


As opposed to crime-free utopias like Chicago?

>> No.9726578

that's exceedingly rare. most crime is between gangs or thefts gone wrong.

>> No.9726579

So you have to worry about crazies there, too? And it's arguable that Chicago barely classifies as anything more than a large zoo sometimes.

>> No.9726713


>> No.9726729
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1484047691626932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can handle the real world
>actually handles sequestered artificial social simulacrum of the real world

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9726745

I actually know a guy who does this. He's pretty cogent. The stuff he peddles is even more sensible than Alex Jones.

>> No.9726746

i want to do this, but what about raising kids/making enough money to raise kids?

>> No.9726752

i like having a bed and 4 walls. i mean, i really, really like it.

>> No.9726763

lawfag here, im going to be working for a huge firm

I'm going to be raking in $$$$$ and im going to hoard it all besides what i spend on the cheapest apartment and the cheapest food. I won't go out with my coworkers because I don't care if they hate me (I'm quitting ASAP anyways). after like 3 years im going to jettison all my worldly posessions (aka store them at my parents house) and run off with my car, camping gear, and credit card. I'll find an unpopular place to camp that costs exactly $0 to stay at, and live there and work on my chef d'œuvre for as long as possible.

I'll resurface around 2030 in Montana

>> No.9726781

Nice bourgeouis affectation, kid
You might leave it behind once you turn 24 or your trustfund stops fulfilling your needs

>> No.9726782


Ironically and unironically kill yourself

You literally are naive if you don't think asseating and brownosing (i.e. going for "drinks" with your normie colleagues) plays a huge role in keeping a job in Big Law. Also if you sell your soul by working in Big Law to begin with you will never have a sincere, genuine hermit experience. You'll just be a Lawyer shitting in a field.

>> No.9726783

this is what i told myself. im finding it difficult to get out - shit traps you in the least expected ways

>> No.9726790

Who's gonna notice?

>> No.9726794

Are you doing it anon? You MUST be, with that condescending attitude.

>> No.9726796

are you seriously anti-natalist? i understand it rationally, but find it pretty hard to get there emotionally

>> No.9726800


>be 22
>desperate to find a job to escape NEETdom
>end up working 8-5 in a dull office job
>feel restless and depressed
>on verge of resigning several times
>wage increases each year
>now three years at that job
>still restless but feeling my will sapping away
>pointlessly waiting for some external circumstance to force me into resigning and living innawoods

I guess a lot of people feel this way. And many (most?) people who do quit end up being the type of low-intelligence trash who take drugs or drink alcohol etc.

>> No.9726807

You will more than likely get some college sexpot intern pregnant and convince yourself writing in a comfy suburban house in the southwest would have the same merit and spend the rest of your life here on /lit/ posting pure hate in critique threads.

>> No.9726808

Wait...but that's NOT the case if you work in the fat food industry or any of the large corporate industries out there? Cognitive dissonance?

>> No.9726818

How is it hard to get there emotionally? Just watch a little television or go outside.

>> No.9726819

Nothing to do with emotions. In fact, appeals to emotion are the primary means of encouraging people to become pro-natalist. In other words, it is your savage Will-To-Reproduce which is largely at fault or maternal / paternal longing. Hundreds of thousands of children are born each day, the vast majority into poverty, often extreme. Is this rational? Is this logical? No, it's due to savage instincts. Personally I have transcended all such savage instincts, including the instinct to reproduce, eat meat, struggle to gain validation from my tribe (society), engage in penetrative relationships with womenfolk and treat life as an arena in which "enjoyment" or "happiness" (whatever that is) is the fundamental reward for fighting tooth and nail with your fellow apes. I am a pale rational virgin who gets high on morality and the pursuit of aesthetic perfection (whilst knowing such a pursuit, while being noble and so on, is also futile).

>> No.9726822

i get that youre fucking around, but you also misunderstood

because everything my parents have done is to put me in a better position to do what they did

>> No.9726823

Because social contact

>> No.9726831

There is no "better position" in life. We all live, we all die.

>> No.9726836

No it isn't you poor sod. The average fast food worker only agrees to take on the job in order to survive on the minimum wage it offers. They are, in the eyes of society, worthless human beings and therefore natural outsiders. You, however, have presumably slaved away for years (!), ingesting the necessary glossary and all the subtle ways the legal system (which is largely governed by a small coterie of privately educated elitists whose ethical and logical ideals are largely those designed to maintain a distinct upper class set of values and social ranking system) so that you can earn a lot of money doing the kind of work that is often almost as disgraceful as being a stock trader or investment manager whose goal it is to do anything in his means to make money for his firm and who justifies such foul behaviour by claiming he has a family to feed, status to uphold, ambition to pursue (you), or that a rival firm will do it if he doesn't. To compare your own reluctant form of employment to the reluctance of a McDonalds janitor is absolutely laughable. You are a sellout and a fraud. Do you realize how many disgusting amoral ass kissers work in an industry like gambling, law, private equity and then quit at 30 with a ton of money and the conviction that despite absolutely selling their soul and resigning any potential to be a decent human being they can still go "le travelling" in Vietnam or go live in a religious community in Shitistan and make up for their sinful ways by living relatively ascetically until the time comes when they realize the attraction of money and "status" was and is more powerful than they were previously willing to admit? Kill yourself right now mister.

>> No.9726842

>better position

How new are you pal? Better how? More financially wealthy you mean? You're dumb if you still cling to objective or socially-validated (read: meme) definitions of "better".

If your parents are of any worth they will respect whatever decisions you make as an adult. If they don't they are either manipulative or distrustful. If everybody thought like you the world would consist of generation upon generation of children being pressured to possess more, earn more, achieve more than their parents. Resources are sparse enough as it is pal, give the world a break with your meme ideologies.

>> No.9726845
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Do it. You will be shot dead by a criminal, teenagers, or even a hunter with an opportunity to commit the perfect murder. Too bad they'll only find your dumb ramblings.

Someone has already done this anyway. Pic related.

>> No.9726846

First, I'm going camping occasionally so I can at least get used to the lifestyle and troubles involved.

After that, once I've saved enough, I'll go to a country that actually has forested areas and do just that.

>> No.9726849
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>> No.9726851
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>> No.9726856

>You literally are naive if you don't think asseating and brownosing (i.e. going for "drinks" with your normie colleagues) plays a huge role in keeping a job in Big Law
They don't fire you if you do your work, it looks bad. They might ask you to leave after two years, which I can deal with.

>You will more than likely get some college sexpot intern pregnant
I'm celibate.

>> No.9726861

Which country?

I am putting together of the best states and countries to live the /lit/erally /out/standing lifestyle. Taken into consideration are potential for isolation, cost of living, climate and so on.

So far this is the list:

1. Maine
2. Montana
3. Hungary
4. Alaska
5. Russia
9001. United Kingdom
9002. Florida

>> No.9726864

im not saying better position in some transcendent way. im saying from their perspective, and what they meant is more comfortably wealthy. both of you faggots relax

>> No.9726868
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i left for a while, what did you cunts do with this thread?

>> No.9726875

So you feel indebted to your parents? After THEY decided to bring you into their life? YOU feel the need to fulfill their fantasy?

Maybe you should read a bit more before you start posting like you know anything worth a shit.

>> No.9726876

>First, I'm going camping occasionally so I can at least get used to the lifestyle and troubles involved.
work your way up to backpacking for 2+ weeks at a time
if you can do that you can make it

>> No.9726882

>They might ask you to leave

Not sure which country you live in but I work for a big law firm in London and the work culture here is one of intense social expectation. They pay for my suit to be cleaned, found me a flat near work, pay for a gym pass etc but in return I have to work long-ass hours, go out for drinks several times a week (and / or "lunches") and I've pretty much been forced to go skiing with "the team" earlier this year where every newfag lawyer was expected to suck up to the senior guys the entire time. Quiet people have been pushed out or demoted in such a way that made it clear they weren't wanted / needed, so they eventually quit. Big law is pretty much just banking for moderately intelligent members of the elite. You either suck up or die. I would recommend getting a job on the legal team of some environmental firm or charity if you want to fly under the radar and quit. Otherwise they will smell you a mile off and they won't like the scent one bit. One guy I knew who I got talking to because I saw him reading a pdf of a novel on his pc at work literally had his desk cleared and his shit left at the receptionists desk because he wasn't "suitable material" for the company.

>> No.9726896

youre a retarded faggot. i said that it was hard emotionally because of that. i feel an emotional attachment to my parents and dont want to hurt them. thats not to say i never would you psycopath

>> No.9726910
File: 26 KB, 463x325, 0303282398383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I became an avid outdoorsman like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person goes backpacking like zero miles a year. If you go backpacking 5 miles a week a day, you are 5 miles above the average person

-Don't force yourself to go backpacking. Commit to go backpacking 5 miles a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like backpacking more and after a month or so you should be packpacking 50-100 miles a week for pleasure

-Backpack a variety of trails at the same time. When I backpack a difficult trail or one that makes me tired I find another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I backpack mountain routes and through dense forest.

-It isn't a race. Backpacking slowly won't make you tired that fast. Try to acknowledge what trails are for you to walk fast and which aren't.

-Buy the best gear. When you buy gear from your own money you'll feel the need to use it to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with gear highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.9726911


>> No.9726923

I'm not even in law. But the people who work in those industries are STILL supporting the same machine the attorneys are, albeit after a different manner. Believe what you like, though, because you will anyway.

>> No.9726943


>who justifies such foul behaviour by claiming he has a family to feed
Can be used to describe fast food workers' roles in perpetuation Corporatism. Not saying I don't sympathize with them, but in order for your argument to be consistent, this must be taken into consideration. Why is it that to you, a lawyer's
>justification of their actions by claiming he has a family to feed
is not acceptable, while a fat food worker's
>justification of their actions by claiming he has a family to feed
*IS* presumably because one dedicated years to studying their profession and one took the job mostly out of convenience? Please help me reconcile this discrepancy.

>> No.9726947

>i feel an emotional attachment to my parents and dont want to hurt them
So you feel like not doing what they told you to do is hurting them? Wow, that sounds like a pretty shitty worldview. You always have to do exactly what your parents expect of you because otherwise you are hurting them, sounds like a living hell.

>> No.9726953

Then what ARE you in faggot? You sound awfully defensive for someone with apparently no blood on their hands. These people are RELUCTANTLY serving as tiny cogs in the system in order to simply stay alive. You, sir, are STRIVING to serve as a big old cog in the system so that you can earn more validation coins in a faster way. It's like placing dynamite in a house and then lighting its fuse despite the fact you """""intend"""" to live there eventually. It's like a vegan working in an abattoir to save money to build a cow sanctuary.

>> No.9726954

im not autistic and my original post was a bit of an exaggeration, i more meant that i would kind of 'feel out' the bare minimum expenditure level. i have no qualms with going out for drinks but im going to actively avoid participating too fully in city life. One cocktail is a weeks' worth of rations.

USA btw, and my impression is that it's really uncommon to get canned. As I said, I think they drop the "no future" line on you somewhere in your 2nd or 3rd year if you're a zero. You only seem to get canned if you literally don't do your work or grossly overstay your welcome. Firms definitely value culture, but firing junior associates certainly doesn't help them with recruitment--people talk.


lawyers are the same as meat packers; they just have more scarce skills. People have innate abilities, and from there its all about hours invested vs. earning potential. Yeah I went to school for 10 more years than they did, but a school day is short, and I'll earn in 5 years what they make in a lifetime. I don't feel good about it, but how can anyone feel good about being put through the capitalists' meat-grinder? I just want to get in-and-out asap

>> No.9726962

>workers are JUST AS GUILTY as the people who make the decisions are
L-O-fucking-L M8
A janitor can't help what happens in board meetings. Also, a majority of people are ignorant as to what is going on around the world and who is responsible for it. If it's hard for investigative journalists to get the truth you are goddamn right it's hard for the average layman to.

>> No.9726990

listen, faggot, if the workers of the world truly united, us lawfags would be out of a job tomorrow. the onus is on the third-world proletarian masses to throw off their chains. what do you think a junior associate even does? we'll spend 80 hours doing document review to produce a memo that a partner will throw away after skimming. go after the guys in business- oh wait, you've already identified the core problem: >>9726836
>a rival firm will do it if he doesn't.

but no firm can do it if the proletariat would knock it off with the malthusiast bullshit, grow crops, and stop streak-breaking one another to survive.
>but they arent capable of that kind of collective action
exactly, the incentive systems of capitalism are fucked, and the only way to survive is to participate. you just have to let it burn itself out. I'm helping to speed up the disintegration process, what are you doing?

>> No.9726994

>Can be used to describe fast food workers' roles in perpetuation Corporatism

Except it can't, because fast food workers are not actively seeking to engage in high-level amoral behaviour to sustain their families. What these high paying fund managers, traders, speculators etc are doing is earning a massive ton of money and making sure their children are educated at high-fee schools and living in expensive homes full of expensive items which require large amounts of capital to sustain. It is a phoney notion of sustenance. The average fast food worker however is living a bare bones life merely carrying out the orders from the top of the food chain, a chain wherein they occupy the bottom and most pathetic position. You are struggling and expending great deals of energy and time in order to be at the top of said corporate food chain, all the while telling yourself that you are somehow strongly desirous of having nothing to do with it. Actions, my friend, speak much much louder than words. The fast food worker has, in a sense, come in from and belongs to the socially-exterior position you yourself claim to want to occupy, and due to being so at odds with the values and terms of navigating that society they simply exist on its periphery, scraping a living to get by. You, however, exist at the very centre of that same society, getting fat off its gluttonous ideology, earning validation from those who treat everything that is exterior to society as irrelevant and perverse, who revel in making money, in the faulty notion of "progress", who spend their working lives maintaining and expanding a legal system which fundamentally serves to protect a coterie of elite families and their immediate circle of sycophants (protecting the top of the food chain) and making the world more and more a place where folk like the people in this thread feel the urgent desire to escape said system and fuck dried bark in rural Arkinsaw instead.

>> No.9727001

>implying the free market only offers one type of job , exclusively under big corporations
Where do you live, exactly?

>> No.9727004

If you exist in a capitalist system you are helping prop it up, brainlet.

>> No.9727009

>because everything my parents have done is to put me in a better position to do what they did
Everything your parents have done is to put you into a better position to breed?

>> No.9727011

So, you're working from the premise that ALL lawyers not only participate in immoral behavior, but actively strive to become lawyers exclusively with that intention? Between that and your autistic explosions
I'd say you are [TRIGGERED]

>> No.9727014

>People have innate abilities, and from there its all about hours invested vs. earning potential. Yeah I went to school for 10 more years than they did, but a school day is short, and I'll earn in 5 years what they make in a lifetime. I don't feel good about it, but how can anyone feel good about being put through the capitalists' meat-grinder? I just want to get in-and-out asap

This is exactly the kind of base rhetoric which makes so many of us gasp in utter disgust at the state of the world in which have been forced to exist. Rather than confront poverty and remain ethically uncompromised you prostitute yourself in the delusional belief that your moral hymen will somehow grow back. Believe me kid, it doesn't, and it won't. Heh.

>> No.9727021

When did I ever imply that? Did you even read the thread? Context will help with understanding arguments.

I bet you cried until your eyes dried out when minimum wage was raised.

>> No.9727022

>the only way to survive is to participate

Literally the antithesis to this entire thread faggot. Go live your normie life and leave us intellectuals the heck alone.

*zips up tentflap*

>> No.9727042

id prefer to remain morally unstained, but i dont have the means to buy a plot of farmland and I'm not really interested in going on a hunger-strike against capitalism.

and how did you purchase this tent? was it an inheritance from someone else (who bought it)? Or did you take the 'moral high ground' and steal it?

>> No.9727051
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>capitalism invented trade systems
My dude...

>> No.9727053

My premise is that spending several years, often a decade (!!), studying and wasting time merely to earn "a ton of money bro :D" so that you can quit in a couple of years (you won't) and regain your dignity is so massively stupid that I am surprised you even possess the quixotic gullibility required to convince yourself otherwise. You are literally sucking up to the devil (the "big law firm" you mentioned) in order to meet G-d quicker than the rest of us, who instead choose to suffer like true believers, our hands pale with unblemished virtue, our eyes like the eyes of children, our voice that of the oppressed. You will be 32 years of age one day, a little chubbier, a little wearier, a little balder and less driven, and you will wonder why the heck you allowed your ethical standards to remain so low for so long. Meanwhile I and others in this thread will be in our isolated cabins gazing stoically at the distant sunset, our eyes raging with virtue and passion and our gaunt frames symbolic of the ascetic ideals we have pursued in order to be true to ourselves and our convictions. I will let you be the judge of who is "better" or more "successful" in this case kiddo.

Read this and get back to me cuckboi:


>> No.9727057

>The workers don't have a choice but to work for le ebull corporations
>and even if they did they're too dumb to realize ALL large corporations are corrupt
Is what I am getting from your posts

>> No.9727060

It's amusing that you don't realize you are talking to at LEAST two different people, but address them like it's all the same guy.

>> No.9727063

Then you should work on your reading comprehension

>> No.9727074

In my eyes and in the eyes of my fellows you and the other legal worker in this thread ARE the same person, in that you are merely Agent Smith-esque clones existing primarily as embodiment of the very system so many of us are willing to eat coyote shit and drink our own (and each others?!?!?!) urine in order to escape.

>> No.9727079

Troll confirmed. Or you're just shitty pants on head retarded.

Get a job.

(I'm the guy who told you capitalist systems are propped up by those who participate in them. Like you, paying for internet right now.)

>> No.9727090
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I just spent a few days at Tahquamenon Falls. It was great.

>> No.9727091

>my tent is so old that it was not produced under capitalism, nor was it purchased with wages earned under capitalism
there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. you either drop out (all the way, pussy), or you're a participant

something like 70% of associates are gone by year 5. besides, law school is only 3 years and its hardly the vocational training you make it out to be. It's broadly applicable to other fields.

Your post is bizzare btw, I'm not sure if you're going over-the-top in an effort to be funny, but it's really not working. From our conversation (as well as from your responses to your other interlocutors), I have to say that I'm pleased as punch to have received the education that I did, because it has left me leagues ahead of my peers (read: You) on /lit/

you sound like a 19y/o who pulls memes from facebook

>> No.9727093
File: 8 KB, 275x183, averagelawyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ugh, don't mind me, just drafting yet another document for Exxon to make sure they aren't sued for spilling all that oil into that Nigerian aquifer. But believe me, another year and I'm outta here, hitting the road, nothing but a dream and a backpack hehe. I know I said that last year, but then the promotion came up and I figured, hell, why not get these suckers to pay me a little more in time for my big adventure! Next year's gonna be the year I leave all this behind dude, I promise!"

>> No.9727107
File: 9 KB, 288x175, hermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you work in Law?

>leagues ahead

And there we have it folks. The truth comes out at last. You are so culturally indoctrinated that you honestly believe yourself to be superior to individuals like me (alpha NEET virgin intellectual) and guys like Christopher Thomas Knight (pic related), who are literally too intelligent to be memed into such pretences. Good job bro, you just wasted valuable time walking into a trap that you had somehow avoided until now. Now your leg's caught, and we're all sitting here ignoring your cries for help.

>> No.9727110

The guy from the /his/ thread is retarded. If you don't want to pay US taxes, you're free to give up US citizenship and leave the country. Hence it is not like rape at all.

>> No.9727113

Ahh.... now that's what I call comfy.

>> No.9727114

Rape apologist detected.

>> No.9727120

If you don't want to get raped, you're free to give up consent and leave the premises. Hence it is not like taxes at all.

>> No.9727130

You're not making any sense. When a person gets raped they're normally held there by force. If you're free to walk away from the "rapist" and doing so will not cause the "rapist" to go after you, then it's not rape.

>> No.9727131

>>9725554new faggot return nigeria

>> No.9727133

Because I've been a city boy my whole life. Sure, I could adjust to the rural life eventually... but the adjustment period would be unpleasant and probably take a few years. I'd rather stay closer to civilization and try to make it rich. If I actually become rich, I'll be able to have the best of both worlds - do the rural thing, but with all the comforts and conveniences I desire at my beck and call.

>> No.9727135

>Good job bro, you just wasted valuable time walking into a trap that you had somehow avoided until now. Now your leg's caught, and we're all sitting here ignoring your cries for help.
cringe. also,
>education is only formal

>> No.9727142

>I'll be able to have the best of both worlds - do the rural thing, but with all the comforts and conveniences I desire at my beck and call.
its obvious that youve never spent any time outside, because city-lite is just a worse version of the city and the country.

>> No.9727163

I just decided to browse around /his/ a while for the first time ever because of this post, and because of how long people have been mentioning that history/humanities/philosophy belongs on /his/, and holy shit is that place cringey and awful as fuck. /lit/ may be pretty bad but I'm glad we created that containment board.

>> No.9727178

Not sure I understand.

>> No.9727199

Leave the town you say, leave yhte town even thuogh i have nothing to eat? Big Pete rumbled and stumbled up and down the steps of his ultra-urban living environment, sampling the existential fear that was to be heard though doors and also for some reason in the elevator shaft where he sometimes liked to paly poker with a group of mutated intelligent rats that inhabited some of the empty apartments. He would hang on the wall wiht the rats and they would tape the pokercards and chips to the side of the elevatorshaft using tape, each card and chip and it would take a long time and would take all the fun out of the game but they did it because everyone was caught int he trap of having expressed that they thought it was mindful and anti-mdoern to paly the game in this anti-pragmatic way and now they didnt want to look like PUSSIES infront of their friends/fellow rats so they preferred being miserable to being honest. One of the rats called Gilles Deleuze lost all his money in a poker game and then recommended for everyone to becoem starving artists when he previously had been a scucesful investor, this was only due to his having lost in the game now, everyone knew. So they hung there in the elevator shaft and suddenly an idea fell upon Gilles Deleuze to set up a tent int the woods and lead teh rats that were gathereed locally and generally in urban environemnts and lead them back into nature in a rato-fascistic, transcendentalist movement taht stressed the rats' origin in nature, but then the elevator came crashing down and crushed everyone inlcuding Gilles Deleuze the rat brutally, and Gilles Deleuze the rat uttered with his last words, "Yes, this is like a representation or a metaphor of...." but then he couldnt finish, not because he was dead but because the time he had left wasnt enough to add obscurantist words and everything to what he was saying so he chose to rather not say anything at all and die in "peace"

>> No.9727211

if you live the simplest lifestyle possible, it can be fun out in the sticks. otherwise, it's hell, and you're just going to mad that you don't have x and y and z and faster internet to boot

/his/ is awful

>> No.9727228

i have about $250k saved up - is that enough to live the /outlit/ lifestyle?

>> No.9727247

yes, as long as you dont fall for the property jew. if you invest your money in a mutual fund you can live off of the returns

tax kills

>> No.9727268

you mean buying a piece of land and having to pay property taxes?

>> No.9727272

>You only have an education as the result of a modern society and also largely due to urbanization, but you didn't consider that, huh?

(He must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after he has climbed up it.)

>> No.9727273

>you're just going to mad that you don't have x and y and z and faster internet to boot
Well, if I'm rich I can actually get most of x, y, and z. And I can just go back to the city whenever I get sick of the country.

>> No.9727303


>> No.9727519

Nice story. Better than most of stories here.

>> No.9727551

>won't collect rain water because it's against the law
What the hell.

>> No.9727610

>muh minorities

Kill yourself. You just sound like a racist pig rejected by society, go to the woods. Stay there and never emerge

>> No.9727757

p sure its bs. someone linked the article once and iirc it was because he diverted a stream to fill a private cistern

>> No.9727770

>no access to Youtube
Not a big loss. I feel like there's nothing really worthwhile on there to begin with

>> No.9728058
File: 36 KB, 720x301, PaddleFaster-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel as though you would be at the mercy of rednecks and backwoods hicks.

>> No.9728063

technically you could do this in your moms basement.
its really not that cool and would be considered very pathetic if it was more common practice.

>> No.9728170
File: 15 KB, 260x291, legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're this fucked why not just joine?

>> No.9728225

state cucks hate the idea that a human pollutes their ''clean water that the state provides nicely under the threat of prison for not paying taxes''.
Those people claim that it is not sanitary to rely on rain water

>> No.9728228

>the liberal fantasy of education the plebs through the revival of the academia is a good thing

says the liberal

>> No.9728231

>pale rational virgin

Oh, so you've never experienced the completely irrational impulse to fuck a girl's brains out. You honestly think you live above your emotions? You think you can escape the animal inside of you?You're just rationalizing your ineffectuality mate.

Having children is literally one of the most aesthetic things you can do, if you're attractive that is.

>> No.9728454


I know laws love loose wording, but that's not even a stretch.

>> No.9728483

Because chances are that even IF you can handle the outdoors and even IF you have enough money to sustain that life, the grass-is-greener feeling will set in soon enough. And if you plan to do it forever and not just as a fun cool sabbatical, you cut off a ton of important choices permanently and if you're suddenly 35 and crave having a family, you'll live out the next 50 years lonely and resentful that somehow no woman wants to raise a child with a poor hobo on a diet of moss.

>> No.9728485

Being rich doesn't mean you can just put up your feet and not give a shit about anything forever

If you sincerely want to get rich, you have to work your fucking ass off in the field you're in. The only rich people that exist who didn't work their ass off are sons of billionaires. clearly you're not one

secondly, if you want to make that money last for the rest of your life, you can't just give up the moment you have millions in the bank. that is something you have to maintain and build on or else you will be a miserable cunt paying off massive debt for the rest of your life.

>> No.9728676

I'd never be able to take a shit comfortably in the woods

>> No.9728874
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>collecting rainwater is illegal in the US
literally couldn't make this shit up

>> No.9728933

Fuck off nigger

>> No.9728949
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>> No.9728964
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Try Romania. Lots of mountains and woods, bad roads--bad enough to discourage tourism and civilization, plenty of wildlife including wolves and bears, not to mention very few people own firearms--that doesn't mean you won't be hacked to pieces with axes or knives by poachers or illegal woodcutters. No, really, it's a pretty peaceful country and you might find a lot of sympathy with the locals.
Hungary has better roads but no mountains. Russia has a lot more wilderness for you to choose but the local authorities might not be too keen on the unwanted attention an American weirdo camping innawoods all by himself is going to bring them from the government.

>> No.9728976

>Climb a tree
>Sit on a sturdy branch
>Shit from the tree
You do have to wear a roll of toilet paper on a rope necklace and that looks pretty stupid. Other than that, it's pretty great, anon.

>> No.9728985

Pretty funny image, thanks anon.

>> No.9728994

Too many gypsies

>> No.9729067

Im entertaining a similar idea myself, just swap law for engineering. However I'm neither creative or hard working enough to produce anything of artistic merit. I just want to live my life according to my ideals insofar as that is possible.

The dream is to work remotely from some geographically isolated cabin and maintain a healthy daily routine.

>> No.9729090
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Gypsies, much like stray dogs, live mostly in the cities.

>> No.9729122

Fuck off RIDF

>> No.9729129

i checked it out a little while ago too. its fucking horribly gay

>> No.9729151
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>very few people own firearms
Is this supposed to be good?
I'll consider Romania if it is easy to get a gun. I already hold a sport shooters license form Germany. Would that be transferable? Is it possible at all to own guns in Romania without citizenship? Probably not.

>> No.9729206

>people voluntarily sleep on the ground

>> No.9729220

>puts down a toni morrison novel
>cracks open the latest new yorker
>downloads an npr podcast
>goes to a free summer concert series
>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey, like back when real men shaved with straight razors
>wears an untucked gingham shirt not over a t-shirt and catholic-colored topsiders or over-polished menswear wingtips
>waits three hours for a text from the new small plates pop-up restaurant
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to watch all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how good the new rap album is
>goes to a coffee tasting
>orders a kindle and hard copy of the latest kwame ngobongo novel but listens to it on audiobook during his commute
>goes to four spinning classes a week
>talks about how busy life as a creative is
>buys a groupon for hamilton
>lives in new york city

>> No.9729237
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>gf can't pay bills by herself
>can't squat on some acre owned by another man
>that's illegal
>don't have a way to town
>quit job, so no money to afford food or other necessities
>can't read or write with dirty balls on an empty stomach

>> No.9729240

>he didn't finish reading Fahrenheit 451

>> No.9729249

Montana is so fucking enticing.

>> No.9729250

Read about cree camping laws in Spain. There are fewer sparsely populated areas than the US so you'll have to be careful to avoid being caught by rural agents.

Best of lucks for you anon!

>> No.9729371
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My goal in life is having 3+ children and living on a farm that supplies me and whoever else lives there, with a small surplus.

>> No.9729397

I have a job opportunity in a rural town. I think I'd flourish out of the city, but I can't shake the fear that I'd be going there to die.

>> No.9729425
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>> No.9729434

Just leave later, stupid

>> No.9729458

That is my plan.

>> No.9729478

>living based on fake ideals and childish naivety and going out of your way to avoid reality
i genuinely enjoy camping but i doubt most of /lit/ does and i could never permanently live like that

>> No.9729537

>cree camping laws in Spain.
It's cool. Wild camping _isn't_ legal. But the law was put into place to stop people setting up multi-day camps along side roads. You are actually allowed to bivouac or pitch a small tent between the hours of sunset and sunrise, roughly 2000-0800, as long as you only stay one night. Barring some national parks along the route where you have to camp above a certain altitude and there are limits on the number of people.

>> No.9729554
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The real reason I wouldn't do this is that it would feel like a dereliction of duty.

What are we here for, if not to improve the human lot and do our best to build the perfect society?

Think how far mankind has come, and the trials we've overcome. There are more to come, certainly - but there is honour in tackling them. Our urban societies are far from perfect, but it is the strugge towards that perfection that sustains us. Most likely it's unattainable, but that doesn't matter - what matters is that we try.

Don't hide away from an imperfect world by trying to return to a long-gone more primitive stage of evolution. Embrace the world and its imperfections and take part in the great project that men have been working on throughout history - that of living together, laying brick upon brick until we've built utopia.

Tomorrow, we begin together the construction of a new city.

>> No.9729565

[citation needed]

>> No.9729570

Because the worst part about being homeless isn't the bugs, animals, itchiness, free time, the heat, the cold, the lack of diversity, the loneliness, or any of the other typical shit. The worst part about being homeless is sitting alone on the bus watching everyone too afraid to fucking sit by you because you might lose your mind or worse, ask for a favor.

>> No.9729571



>> No.9729580

I'd ask him the same if I could.

>> No.9729583

Fuck Kant and fuck white people.

>> No.9729631

first step:

stop watching porn

>> No.9729799


>> No.9729833
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I feel like I dedicate very little time to literature (2h a day) and should expand on that, but I already have so many hobbies that it is very hard to keep doing all of them, I'm currently doing:
>German and Japanese

Literature for me is the most important of them, followed by Philosophy, Learning Idioms and Practicing the Piano. What is your opinion /lit/? Should I abandon my other hobbies and focus on the most important ones? Should I just dedicate less time to those secondary activities instead of abandoning them completely? Sometimes I feel like anime, games and drawing are a waste of time, but sometimes I feel they are quite nice. I'm so confused.

>> No.9729839

Ignore this post, it should have be on the Stupid Questions thread, sorry.

>> No.9729852 [DELETED] 

You're very cool and educated.
Do you work if yes with what?

>> No.9729876

In US National Parks it's not.

It varies by park, but generally you're free to camp anywhere in the park for free so long as you follow certain rules like moving camp every couple weeks, not shitting in rivers, etc.

It's called dispersed camping.

>> No.9729961
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>Should I abandon my other hobbies

>> No.9730210

Canada is great too since you can camp on crown land, which is damn near everywhere.

>> No.9730423

>Is this supposed to be good?
It's good if you're one of the few who does. I hear of foreigners coming here to hunt so I suppose it can be arranged as long as you pay up.

>> No.9730516

>having a bad trip out in the woods by yourself

why would you do this

>> No.9730536

bad trips are for spooked out people or someone who took way too much

>> No.9731123

You're either a good troll or just a completely and utterly fucking brain dead, assblasted mega permavirgin nerd, but then again these both aren't mutually exclusive and I'm inclined to believe you might be both judging by this post >>9727107

>> No.9731298

You've got a nice thing going, man. How do you make money?

>> No.9731449

not that poster - but wouldnt this life work pretty well if you got good at translating?

>> No.9731876

Oy vey good goy remember you have a duty.

You were born in this world and your future was already chosen bc of your genes and environment.

Kidd not everyone can succed and live a happy life, your duty is to sacrifice your life in order to create something bigger.

No not our pockets goy oy vey we will create utopia for your kids kiddo so stop being so egoistical and ungrateful.

Be happy that your shitty life contributes to something greater while we have fun.

Really fires up my neurones, what did he mean by that?

>> No.9731890

What is this weird persona you're affecting? I get that it's like an anti Jewish thing but really you don't see that sacrifice and building for the future as necessary? You're just a fucking waste.

>> No.9731893

check out yang chu - ancient chinese stirner

>> No.9731901

not that poster, but aha you spooked cuck plz leave this board or ur bait

>> No.9731929

t. Jordan Peterson
Could you please stop shilling your be a good goy ideology

>> No.9731969

Better prose, story and characters that 99% of /lit/.

10/10 would pirate the epub.

>> No.9732009
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>having a bad trip
Change location. I wasn't having a good time in a field after two tabs of acid, but then I went for a swim and laid back to watch a storm roll in. It calmed me down and I became something else

>> No.9732030

yeah, changing my surroundings or what i'm doing almost always reverses how i'm feeling. if you can't move, put on some music you like.

>> No.9732054

I would do this, I was genuinly planning to, but then I met my girlfriend, and now I want to stay with my girlfriend so I have somebody to fuck every day

>> No.9732068

>The air of the cities is emancipatory
It frees you from the burden of knowing the very earth we all came from? Disgusting.

>> No.9732070

Just wanted to post in is thread to call you a fag

>> No.9732081

strange how that happens regardless of intoxication. If I can't sleep at night, leaving my room and sleeping on my couch tends to help.

>> No.9732109

this is just a conspiracy - couches are comfier than beds

>> No.9732121

You're the one who wants to fuck off faggot. So do it already.

>> No.9732128

>everyone should agree and reach a consensus.
you have to go back to pleddit.

>> No.9732158

Just do whatever the fuck you want lol why you fighting so much?

>> No.9732160

So...leave? What's the problem?

>> No.9732461

>inb4 "m-muh internet addiction"

t. Retard posting using the internet. what are you even doing here, mongoloid?

>> No.9733573


man, a lot of us are in the same boat. no jobs are inherently meaningful to us, save maybe writing. the things that would be 'fun' would take too much effort to ever actually be so. we all want to just enjoy the flow of life comfortably and with plenty of time to read/write/learn shit. with technology, the options open to do this are changing regularly with some doors opening and others closing. we just want to know what's possible, otherwise wagecuckery starts to feel inevitable.

>> No.9733976

What hatchet do you main? Are you a moralord?

>> No.9733979


>> No.9733988

soul-crushing, soul-damming, soul-destroying,... how bad can your adjective use be?

>> No.9733991

Thoreau eventually had to move back into the city from Walden. It was just too hard. Humans are social animals

>> No.9734073

>Humans are social animals

Wrong. Normies are social animals. Walden was a hack, anybody know that. This guy >>9727107 hates Walden and for good reason.

>> No.9734153

Yeah, but non-normies arent human.

>> No.9734168

id like to but how do i survive
Any tips besides the usual become a pro writer

>> No.9734251

Become a professional badger.

>> No.9734280

>shit in a hole
>bugs constantly stinging you
>get blinded by smoke everyday
>have no human contact
>no easy access to sport facilities
>no pussy as no woman would go back to a fucking wood

Remind me why I would get out of the city?

>> No.9734304

>real world.
In this case being the artifice of human civilisation

>> No.9734507

You can't even get out of your basement.

>> No.9734938

literally non problems.

>> No.9734958
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>duty in the current world

>> No.9734989

What is sitting away from the fire so smoke won't get in your eyes.

Damn these weak willed city slickers are pissing me off

>> No.9735041

Yes-yes goy, you are a much required cog!

>> No.9735099

Being alone is possibly worse than being around people I hate all day

Besides I only work 37.5 hours a week, don't do any overtime and don't give a single fuck

>> No.9735221

>Being alone is possibly worse than being around people I hate all day
you will never have a deep thought in your life

>> No.9735265


The same reason the homeless aren't allowed to do it. The government calls it "illegal camping" and you can get arrested for it.

>> No.9735300

I'm embarrassed for you

>> No.9735317

Maybe in cucked parts of Europe.

>> No.9735345

Common misconception. A lot of the countries where "wild camping" is illegal allow you to bivouac or pitch small tents during sun down.

>> No.9735395

Did you read the OP?

>> No.9735410

>I have a few hours of rest before policemen come and destroy my camp

this is freedom according to normies

>> No.9735420

I did, no where does the OP say that the camp isn't allowed to move.

>> No.9735423

Why do you think the woods aren't the world but the city is?

>> No.9735436

>Most likely it's unattainable, but that doesn't matter - what matters is that we try.
Where does this meme of making a futile effort against one's self-interest come from? It's sort of perverse to uselessly sacrifice against all better judgement.

To me it seems mostly celebrated by Americans.

>> No.9735461


>> No.9735580

This is shitty bait.

>> No.9735591

Get a mail order bride, and take her to this desolate paradise before she decides to leave you. Make her think that the two of you are just going camping for a couple days of course, otherwise she won't join you.

>> No.9735651

>bitches get upset about learning
>still want to contribute

>> No.9735659

Life is too comfortable.

>> No.9735748
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I like the general idea, but not so much the woods.

I'm just trying to find a comfy small town in where I can eventually settle down and teach. Cities are too alienating and close to the world.

>> No.9735788
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>visit town once or twice a week to pick up food, drink and other necessaries
not hunting your own food top pleb

>> No.9736358

its expensive to give up US citizenship, there is a large extortion fee for trying to be left alone

>> No.9736447
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Read how? Your paper books you lugged out there that will be mildew bricks in a week, or the electronics you can't charge or plug in? Camping is an endless pain in the ass for more than a weekend. I'll work the worst soul-crushing McJob I need to in order to have electricity, a bathroom/shower, a safe home for my books to stay dry, a fridge and oven, etc. A better plan (since in your scenario you somehow have enough money for supplies despite no obvious income) is to move to the country/small town where houses are cheap (or rent is) and live quietly there. This is where I read:

>> No.9736468

Have you read Anne Hebert? I loved Kamouraska and Shadow of the Wind.

>> No.9736775
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>being proud of being an evolutionary dead end