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/lit/ - Literature

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9723628 No.9723628 [Reply] [Original]

How American do I have to be to get the references in this thing? Planning on starting next week.

>> No.9723776

It's Pynchon-lite, so generally not too difficult. I just finished it last week but don't know how to answer your question about references, so maybe I didn't get too many of them. Lot of stuff about TV and 60s hippie stuff, but it's more goofy than anything else. Not what I'd call a compelling narrative but there are of course many, ahem, episodes of spectacular writing throughout. I like how he uses flowery language and crafts really long, complex sentences, so if you like that too, you'll probably enjoy it. If you want to have an emotional connection with a linear story and non-60s-80s TV stereotype characters, perhaps not.

>> No.9723825

not really, you'd probably get more of the references (desu, and san) from being exposed to this weeb shithole because one of the characters is a jap

dont marry feminist hippies