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/lit/ - Literature

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9722546 No.9722546 [Reply] [Original]

1. I really hate how you have to produce things in your free time or do"worthy" hobbies or else people see you as subhuman. People terrorise me by turning everything in to work, whether it's reading ("Read these old and boring books and claim you enjoyed them!"), learning programming ("Use these overcomplicated learning methods and languages or else you're dumb!"), or literally fucking anything else. Only being solitary can lead to relaxation as socialising is obviously the most Darwinian activity of all, where you are mostly judged on your genetics.

I fully trust my intuitions and intellect and my no bullshit outlook on the world. But the snakeoil salesmen and pseudo intellectuals never fucking shut up about how you should read

2. What the voices in my head have been saying today (first two to be said in a mock female voice):

>Eww, like, he's not Chad!
>I don't hold the door open for betas!
>The train is going to Wimbledon. The Wimbledon tournament is taking place. It's like pottery, it rhymes.
>Consummate jailbaitcore
>Consummate milfcore
>Consummate kinocore

3. I realised that so much of what I think about doing is mere preparation when I should be doing stuff, and learning, doing, and judging should all be done at the same time or almost immediately. I'm sick of feeling like I have to constantly be in "preparation mode". This is linked to point 1.

4. Why is it that all normies fit in perfectly with each other while I have zero social life and am the ugly loser loner beta at work? Is it due to my ugliness and betaness? Life is so easy for normies. I actually read a Schopenhauer quote which said worthwhile people don't fit in with the masses at all. I'll use that as hope but let's be srs, it is coping.

>> No.9722804

you're totally wrong and projecting

>> No.9723192


>> No.9723410

brah, sounds like you need to hit the gym