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9722387 No.9722387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

These so called "middle class" ladies don't really show a much higher level of sophistication than that to be found in those rats that hide in decaying slums. I know it, I have been closely observing them for decades. How can people convince me that they are any different when those women practically have the same level of genius and inventiveness of any grunt that only knows to blast primitive and repetitive music all day and nothing more? Because it's exactly what they do.

And those differences they claim for themselves don't really stand out, at least, not enough for me to be able to tell them apart as true individuals. They are just all part of the same blob of mediocrity and brutality that corrupts and slows down what should be a proper civilization, where arts, science and cooperation flourish with the seasons.

Social classes are nothing but a façade that the wealthy and mediocre use to hide the fact they have nothing to offer by themselves, and that they are not really that different from what they call "scum". The only human differences that matter are those that are found in the spirit.

>> No.9722406

well duh

>> No.9722410

is this an /r9k/ thread? we are simply against women and would love to contribute to women hate

>> No.9722412

Kys faggot

>> No.9722415

No, my post is against the upper classes and the nouveau rich in general.

>> No.9722418

im white, inferior idiot

>> No.9722424

Thanks for showing me your atrocious reading comprehension skills.