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/lit/ - Literature

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9721982 No.9721982 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/erary confessions thread. It's that time again. Repent and maybe Hindu Allah will forgive you.

>> No.9721988

I don't mind YA fiction. In fact that and a graphic novel is usually my go-to after reading something challenging. I binge-read Watchmen and The Ocean at the End of the Lane after finishing Gravity's Rainbow because I didn't want my reading routine to go out of the window but I also felt like I needed some time to recover. Both were pretty good books actually.

>> No.9722009
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- the tolstoy v dostoevsky shit is stupid. everyone knows dostoevsky is the better of the two.

- nabokov was probably autistic.

- the color pink is enough to give me a hard on like seriously just the color alone.

- travel literature is GOAT

- i'm writing a cyberpunk novel about the acquisition of hentai and how 2d girls are illegal in the future because everyone must be forced into procreation as our chances at fertility are at an all time low and people need to fuck people (and this is due to people being obsessed with 2d women or guys or whatever, they're too perfect and humans just don't do it for humans anymore). trust me it's gonna be good. if the book had a soundtrack it'd be chopped and screwed remixes of europop.

- my writing desk is covered with my post-it notes than it is with me typing t b h f a m

- the last ten books i received were actually won from competitions with picturehouse cinemas and bfi's sight & sound and other social media based competitions. it's pretty good getting free things.

- i get the temptation to write a book that's basically various stream of consciousness imagery based on the things i'll see on a day to day basis, nothing narrative based but simple things to appreciate beauty in the mundane like how tidily a leaf will fall or how cables and wires become so intricate. nobody will buy that shit though so i'll wait until i'm 88 and then maybe it'll come across as profound and wow he really did appreciate everything what a kind goodman

>> No.9722023

If you add more obstacles in the way as to why people aren't fucking so much (maybe a test is established as to whether you're worth having the right to get yuh fuck on, i.e. Have you ever tainted your body with tobacco, alcohol or other forms of narcotics? Any answer means no sex for them or something).

Basically restricting sex is a kinda cool idea. It's been done before in books like The Handsmaid's Tale but it sounds like yours is less about empowering muh grill power and more about everyone getting fucked over.

>> No.9722040

I couldn't follow much of Dubliners. Maybe I need to re-read it.

I dog-ear my pages so they reach the exact line I finished on.

I'm working on adapting the Exegesis of Philip K Dick into a screenplay. It's to be a biopic on the later years of his life portrayed in a similar tone to his books, especially Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, i.e. what reality is the true reality, etc. I hope to pitch it by the end of the year.

I'm monolingual but trying to learn basics in French.

Metro 2033 is a good pulp novel. I would argue that it's better than most of King's work.

>> No.9722048

i shitpost in cormac mccarthy threads with the same pastas even though i've not read his books yet. dont want to either, seems like i've hit the nail on the head.

>> No.9722135

Ocean at the end of the lane is genuinely very good. a Solid 7/10 imo by alt-genre fiction standards. reads and feels like a lullaby

>> No.9722137

>not reading Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow simultaneously, then moving straight to the next massive complex tome immediately after

>> No.9722155

It thought it was trash.

>> No.9722163

i am repulsed by science fiction

>> No.9722171

I would be surprised if anyone did that. Genuinely they would have some form of respect from me.

>> No.9722173

I post about every book from IJ, to Iliad, and everything in between, but I've not read any.

The last book I read was John Green's Looking for Alaska.

I started with Dan Brown, not Greeks.

Never read Literary Fiction.

Am an atheist, but the shit they get on this board saddens me, and I fight for them but lately I've began to see that there is no argument for Atheism... What should I do?

>> No.9722179

>What should I do?
leave this board and never turn back

>> No.9722180

I think the people who hate The Iliad either haven't read it or they never finished it, in which case they have no fucking excuse and they shouldn't be allowed here if they can't follow something as simple as The Iliad.

>> No.9722185

Why don't you read, anon? It's actually quite enjoyable. Try the easily accessible like going through /lit/'s starter kit (despite common contrarianism, those books are good and light enough to be enjoyed with ease).

If you don't like it, there's other boards for you to visit. I don't really understand why somebody would frequent a board if they weren't at least interested in partaking in that activity.

>> No.9722201

I only read cliff's notes of books longer than 200 pages.

>> No.9722204

Any recs for good travel lit?

>> No.9723154

Orwell's down and out in paris and london,
Thoreau's walden
Twain's roughing it
Bill bryson is enjoyable beach reading albeit i tend to be envious of the places he visits
Michael palin is also good, sahara, brazil, fordlandia, etc.

>> No.9724089
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i don't think anyone reads poetry or short story magazines anymore unless they want to be published in them. we're all just collectively jerking off into the soup.

i deeply regret majoring in stem. i should have just gone for a degree in english and taught high school somewhere rural with a pretty national park nearby. now i feel so entrenched in the capitalist machine that i'm not sure how to disentangle myself.

no matter how good a book is i start to get anxious and enjoy it less when the book is almost over.

i wish i had read norwegian wood earlier in life. i might have gotten laid more.

karl ove knausgaard is the greatest writer of the past 20 years

>> No.9724652

>- the color pink is enough to give me a hard on like seriously just the color alone.
So considering the image you selected, you had a boner while typing that post?

>> No.9725259

I started reading it the other day and I'm loving it so far. Genuinely surprised with how brutal the violence is. I expected there would be violence because, obviously, it's focusing on the last few days of a ten year war, but I suspected Homer would keep the gritty details vague. I actually winced at some of the details, like early on, the descriptions of a soldier being stabbed in the ass and having his bladder pierced, or the man who was stabbed in the back of the neck and his tongue severed, how he could feel the copper on his teeth. That shit just makes my toes curl, it's genuinely grotesque.

I don't know how a poem focusing on war and Gods being shitty to each other could be considered boring. I know that doesn't touch the thematic progression of true honour and nobility, but even then those themes are a lot more interesting than the thematic developments I've read in other literature.

>> No.9725304

that show was genuinely ace, kubo and the two strings but ten years before

>> No.9725311

I read Walden once and loved it so much that I thought I would try living in a cabin in the lake district but the cabin I found had no running water and I ended up booking a hotel nearby for the week instead.

I found out I like to read about nature in the comfort of my own home rather than being in it. I also don't like the rain.

>> No.9725331

i enjoy cracking the spine of a new book. i really try going for it if the book is only about 100 pages because it's harder for those to crack. i know people on /lit/ hate it but i find something satisfying about it.

>> No.9725389

I read more manga and light novels than I do literature because I can read about two to three of them in a day.

>> No.9725603
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>> No.9725649

i actually threw up in my mouth a little

>> No.9725662
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pic related

I think Michael Palin is underrated on /lit/, despite his success in the mainstream with his travel books and documentaries. Such a charming personality too.

>> No.9725712
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I find nowhere to talk about my ideas but my close friends, and only then when I have had a fair bit of alcohol or weed.
I have a weird complex where i can't talk about a topic if i perceive that someone listening knows more about the topic than i do (it causes problems at uni, but i probably can deal with it more there by asking questions i think i know the answer to and getting watered down answers that canfirm what i thought)
My friends are all in STEM (most in their honours or phd) and willing to listen to me bullshit thorough ideas, but its limiting.
Im scared to post here even.
Im drunk now, had dinner with girlfriends parents and her dad kept buying me beers, and just explained some borges to my closest friend who was entirely fascinated.
The drunker i get the more likely I am to bullshit to anyone at all, i once (was told anout the time i) yelled at some 2nd year BSci for hours about phenomenology for hours because he was too polite to break off the conversation.

I love this board, even with the pol shit, it encourages me to learn more.

>> No.9726367

Looking for Alaska

>> No.9726385

I unironically think SFF is a really significant and worthwhile genre that actually yields a great number of works with serious literary merit.

>> No.9727200

I think it's amazing how science-fiction writers visions of the future are almost coming true with the type of technology they depicted becoming a reality now