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/lit/ - Literature

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9720483 No.9720483 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she end the Bell Jar is a positive note? Was that other girl supposed to represent her?

Did she make the right choice considering her position?

>> No.9720485

The right choice as in killing herself I mean.

>> No.9720642
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Who is this aryan semen snorter

>> No.9720762

>Why did she end the Bell Jar is a positive note?
Didn't her husband edit all her work? I know her mother forced her to release it under a false name. I'm guessing multiple concessions had to be made to satisfy her family and appearances.

>> No.9720768

She did get better for a while. Some of her later short stories start showing her breaking down again. Get the Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams collection if you want that side of things.

>> No.9720773

Plath copied most of The Bell Jar from a well-known news story concerning a young girl's suicide anyways.

>> No.9720774
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>Didn't her husband edit all her work?
Scratch that, he just burned or "lost" most of her works and prevented them from being published because they showed him in a negative light.
>In 2017 it was revealed that letters written by Plath between February 18, 1960 and February 4, 1963 claim that Hughes beat Plath two days before she had a miscarriage in 1961, and that Hughes told Plath he wished that she was dead. The letters were sent to Dr. Ruth Barnhouse (then Dr. Ruth Beuscher).[
>tfw ywn abuse a literary qt

>> No.9720781

>Plath copied most of The Bell Jar from a well-known news story concerning a young girl's suicide anyways.
And yet it borrowed so heavily from her actual life it estranged and shamed her peers? Was bordering on libel? Sounds legit.

>> No.9720825

>a positive note
I didn't get that at all, it seemed ominous as if she can backslide into the shit again at any moment in the future, and that is her whole future.

>> No.9720851


Good lad. At least he knew how to keep a bitch in check.

>> No.9721091

Literally both of his wives killed themselves. It's suggestive. And how did the literary world respond? By showering him with awards.
>Hughes's Birthday Letters topped the best-seller lists immediately. This was arguably due to public fascination with a persistent mystery surrounding the lives of the two icons. Within a short period of time the collection was awarded the Forward Poetry Prize, the T. S. Eliot Prize for Poetry and the Whitbread Poetry and Whitbread British Book of the Year prizes.

>> No.9721146

This. Near the end she worries that her outlook is only temporary and that her depression, referred to as the bell jar, will come over her in the future.

>> No.9721165


It's possible to be an asshole and a good poet at the same time. See also: Ezra Pound.

>> No.9721171

Honestly, esther is a very unlikeable main character.
She deserved worse.

>> No.9721180

how was Ezra Pound an asshole??

>> No.9721320

>it's another woman writes about being a woman episode

>> No.9721431

She reads like someone with depression.

Go figure.

>> No.9721436

>After hearing of Hemingway and Welles fighting during a screening of one of Hemingway's plays, Pound sent Welles a package full of mule feces and a fiercely antisemitic letter that was signed off with 'Heil Hitler.'[22]

>> No.9721787


>> No.9722164

Absolutely banter.

>> No.9722261
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Geniune autism detected.
I decided not to talk about depression on this board since it seems to have an amazing amout of prejudices about mental illnesses, although it's supposed to be at least a little read.

I'll just mention the second wife of Ted Hughes killed herself after killing her daugher (Ted Hughes' daughter), And in 2009 the son of Sylvia Plath killed himself. Her daughter is yet to kill herself maybe.

And yeah, it's weird how psychopaths can also be artists, since art is refuge of the lonely. Not sure what to think of this yet. We study Plath and Hughes in the same semester on my college.

>> No.9722513

she do it so it feels like hell.

This board is basically an alt /pol/, so don't worry about stupid posters too much.

>> No.9722566
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>mfw my pleb gf freaked out because she could remotely identify with Esther

>> No.9722605
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>ywn engage in genuine discourse back in a time when there were real intellectuals and real ideas
>ywn be part of Hemminway's and Joyce's secret club in paris
it hurts to live

>> No.9722612

I genuinely wonder how much of his fame Pound owes his work and how much can be attributed simply to his anti-antisemitism. It's an easy road to infamy after all...and frankly his poems aren't that good if you ask me.

>> No.9722640

I hate the bell jar. I hate the story of the well-off, successful young lady who ends up in a mental hospital she describes as a "country club". It's nothing like that in real life. It's the poor and the incompetent who suffer abuse at the hands of mental health professionals. This rich white girl story totally sands the edges off the reality of mental illness.

>> No.9722867

Sylvia Plath you fucking pleb.

>> No.9722884

hmmm maybe she wrote in another time and place than today

>> No.9722887

I hate that privileged bitch esther

>> No.9723167

>every girl you see ends up committing suicide
Hughes was a true literary great

>> No.9723178

How do you carry around this much ressentiment all day?

>> No.9723245

>pound an asshole