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/lit/ - Literature

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9718003 No.9718003 [Reply] [Original]

I just started The Iliad, my dudes. I'm enjoying it so far but I've heard so much disdain for certain passages (ship catalogue, referencing the names of every soldier and something to do with some games in a cemetery?). So far so good though. What was your initial thoughts after a first reading of The Iliad? Also, out of curiosity, which books have the passages people seem to dislike the most? (I don't intend on skipping them or anything but I feel I should know which book they're in so I can mentally prepare myself if I need to).

>> No.9718007

it's a fun action adventure and people complaining about the ship catalog are a bunch of pussies

>> No.9718012
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> you will never hear Homer recite intricate passages of The Illiad, possibly sung in a large booming voice
> you will never hear the names of your ancient ancestors referenced as they are called to battle, the audience cheering because they're so proud of your ancestors

>> No.9718025
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>that last part

>> No.9718054
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> tfw we don't even know if Homer really existed
> tfw only two pieces of his epic poetry survived out of possibly 12

>> No.9718095

Tried reading it three times now and I just can't get into it.

>> No.9718108

I had some trouble getting in to it because of the language (i had the old german translation by Johann Heinrich Voss from 1790) but i really liked it after maybe 30 pages. Especially the fighting parts with the gods are remarkable and the mourning after the death of Patroklos

>> No.9718127

Book two best book

>> No.9718135

Which translation should I pick? I found one in verse for that extra masochism but I'm not sure it's the best choice.

>> No.9718138

imo the Schadewaldt translations are way better

>> No.9718150


>> No.9718156
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I like Pope

>> No.9718167

This, just read the odyssey. You'll need Wikipedia to read both anyway.

>> No.9718175



>> No.9718186

illiad is really annoying for me. I recommend you to read the best russian author - Misha Lapkin and his text http://www.proza.ru/2017/07/03/964

>> No.9718191

Not an argument.

>> No.9718193

stop shitposting in all threads>>9718191

>> No.9718196


>> No.9718205

>Book two best book
Song of Partoclus is best book idiot

>> No.9718209


>> No.9718230

What argument is there to make when your initial post is just objectively incorrect?

>> No.9718244

The only objective truthful statement.

>> No.9718249


>> No.9718325

Way better than the Iliad

>> No.9718330

top lel

>> No.9718335

The Iliad is shit compared to the Odyssey.

>> No.9718344


>> No.9718350

When did /lit/ start hating The Iliad so much? Why do you guys dislike it so much?

>> No.9718351

The Iliad exalts the nobility of Honor.

The very first word of the Iliad is “RAGE.” The “RAGE” of Achilles when his honor is violated and his rightful prize and love is taken from him by his very own commander.

Right here we see Man versus State, as Achilles is the superior warrior, and as he takes all the risks, he ought get the reward. That is the Natural Law of Zeus, for after Achilles Natural Rights are violated and Achilles quits, Zeus sees to it that the Greeks begin to lose, as Zeus’s will was done.

Long before Atlas Shrugged in Rand’s cheap novel, Achilles quit the Greek army.

Achilles quits for the sake of Honor, refuses to return when offered millions times more prizes, arguing that once honor is taken away, mere money/prizes cannot buy it back. He also reasons that all the wealth in the world is not worth him losing his life in an arena where his honor was taken away. When offered honors and awards, Achilles states, “I receive my honor from Zeus, not from corrupt Kings."

And too Achilles returns to fight for Honor, so as to avenge the death of his friend Patroculus, knowing full well he will die.

Simply put, Achilles is a man who lives and dies not for mere prizes, nor perks, nor tenure, nor titles, nor money, but for honor, and honor alone.

A few hundred years later, Socrates would invoke Achilles while facing death at his own trial. Socrates was offered perks and prizes and life if he would only recant his teachings that “Virtue does not come from money, but money and every lasting good of man derives form virtue.”

But then Socrates asked, “Would Achilles back down from battle if bribed by physical wealth?” Socrates reasoned he would be dishonoring the Great Achilles if he ever recanted his teachings.

The Odyssey is just a cool adventure tale.

>> No.9718361

>Spamming 500 different names in a few pages

>> No.9718366

>The Odyssey is just a cool adventure tale.
I agree with everything you wrote, but this is just wrong. The Odyssey has as much do with honor as the Iliad.
Though I would say that, unlike the Iliad, it doesn't revolve around rage but around patience.

>> No.9718371

> implying that is representative of the text as a whole
> implying the poem wasn't frequently spoken and the names didn't serve as a way to pay respects to audience members' ancestors

Sounds like you've missed the point of it, anon.

>> No.9718375

Yeah I agree, that part was a shitpost jab at all the Iliad haters itt.
I love them both, but prefer the Iliad.

>> No.9718380

/lit/ is full of plebs who don't read and people struggle with The Iliad more than The Odyssey because of muh greek names and muh ship catalog. See post here: >>9718007

It's like they're the same cunts who hate Moby Dick because of the chapters on cetology, despite the importance those chapters bring to the novel as a whole.

>> No.9718383

>Sounds like you've missed the point of it, anon.
Top lel. This from the faggot who reads for his self pseuding masturbation.

>> No.9718387

> implying the Iliad is challenging in any way to read

Looks like you're the pleb faggot.

>> No.9718390
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Because vast majority of /lit/ can't handle the name dropping or metaphorical/poetical descriptions. English language just can't into A E S T H E T I C. I mean get on our level (nordic sagas) where each chapter introduces the whole lineage of each family, most of who aren't even relevant to the story. I also doubt burgers will ever get what means to have a truly beautiful prose.

t. icelandic person who read the Illiad in english

>> No.9718391


I'm halfway through reading and that expanded upon my understanding. Thank you for that post.

>> No.9718398

>t. icelandic person who read the Illiad in english
Obviously not the Chapman translation

>> No.9718401

>Autisticaly memorizing 500 different names

>> No.9718406

I assume most people here are being contrarian and haven't actually read it, with only a few examples to clutch onto that OP outlined as to reasons they supposedly don't enjoy The Iliad.

The Iliad is genuinely too much fun and those moments OP mentioned are only like 2-3 pages long. I've read more meandering shit in other pieces of literature.

>> No.9718407

Actually it was a translation by I. A. Richards, was bretty gud for a prose translation.

>> No.9718409

Speaking of epic poetry, has anyone read The Mountain Wreath?
It's a Serb epic poem written in the deseterac (then syllable verse).
Read it.
t. serb

>> No.9718417

You're not even trying anymore, anon.

>> No.9718426

You're right, I do not suffer from autism.

>> No.9718427

this man speaks truth

>> No.9718431

could've fooled me

>> No.9718441


I was going to suggest an app with annotations or reference guides to the iliad, but I couldn't find one.

>> No.9718445



Unfortunately this is only book 6. I wonder if it would be possible to get a volunteer effort going to produce an audio rendition of the entire iliad?

>> No.9718498

Would they have performed the poem with just a single melody repeating? I suppose if you're listening to the story/rhythm of the voice then it probably isn't so repetitive

>> No.9718532


Maybe, maybe not. I'm guessing they didn't have the budget to do a proper rendition, all they were trying to do was get the words to sound right. The scales leave plenty of room to improvise, but academics are terrible at improv. This is why I want a new and fuller rendition. There weren't any real rules for Rhapsodes, and all of them had powerful and commanding voices.

>> No.9718579

honestly im stuck halfway. been about 3 months i havnt got the courage to read it

>> No.9718581

>others view theMountain Wreath as a manual forethnic cleansingand fratricidal murder.
I'm honestly not surprised.

>> No.9718583


So are most of the historical parts of the bible.

>> No.9718621

So you're saying that Serbs are just like Jews, power-hungry murderous scum that uses pseudohistory and fables to justify their crimes and territorial expansion?

>> No.9718695

The second half has some if the best parts. It's when you get to see Achilles in action.

>> No.9718728

No, Serbs are like Jews in the sense that we are God's chosen people.

>> No.9718744

>ship catalogue
its like 5 pages, and its like the second section
why would you make a thread about a book youve read 1/20th of, you stupid faggot

>> No.9718747

Really kickass action scenes. The catalogue of ships is the only tedious part and you're already through that.

>> No.9718750

OP was asking what other people thought of the book. You would understand that if you read the post, you stupid fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9718775

Beats all the shitposts and threads about books OP hasn't even bothered to read, i.e. "I just read X, how was it" or "I don't know if I want to read this"

Plus, OP isn't asking for spoilers or extra attention, he's curious to know what others thought of The Iliad. With all the hostility towards this book in this thread, you'd think /lit/ hated it.

>> No.9718795

A greater understanding of greek culture will help you in all boring passages. I recommend you watch this series as you read.


I would still skip catalogue of ships. You just need to know the meaning behind them.

>> No.9718802

The Iliad and Odyssey together is basically Machiavellis The Prince. The honorful will die but live forever, while the sly and cunning get to go home and fuck womenz.

>> No.9718813

Great book, people hating it haven't read it or haven't the attention span to finish it in which case they're embarrassing themselves.