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9716793 No.9716793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for? Are President Trump's other books any good?

>> No.9716846

It's honestly maybe 5/10 tops, and I say that as a Trump supporter. It reads like Trump talks, which is pretty self-explanatory assuming you hear Trump speak on a frequent basis. Even Schwartz said himself that the book isn't a good piece of writing. Now it just has a cult following for no real good reason other than because it has the word "Trump" on it.

>> No.9717624

Basically this. Although the second chapter is a pretty interesting breakdown of the dealmaking process.

>> No.9717629

The way Trump spoke in the 1980s was a lot more cogent than he does now. Just look at old clips from when he was testifying to Congress in 1991. You're going to need to explain more than that. Is there any systemic attempt to approach deal-making? Are the anecdotes informative, or at least entertaining? Do you glean any insight into the way Trump operates? There's an entire camp of people who believe the exact opposite of you, that Trump is terrible but this book is useful, so it would be nice if you did something better to contribute to the discussion.

>> No.9717662

As a real estate investor myself, I'm not sure how helpful the anecdotes are. They don't really go into detail, so you're left with platitudes. I'd get the audio book and listen to it, but I'd never waste the time reading it again.

>> No.9717668

Wow how douchey are you? If you're OP, I assume you already have the book (so read it).

If you're not OP, you should go ahead and buy the book.

You sound so entitled. Case in point:

>>You're going to need to explain more than that.

That anon doesn't "need" to do anything. He shared what he felt like sharing.

You're a massive cunt.

>> No.9717676


>> No.9717734

>It's not my job to explain.
Nobody said that it was your prerogative in any sense but practical. But if you're not here to have a discussion, why did you bother participating in a discussion? I hate self-righteous faggots that try to debase conversations when somebody tries to hold them accountable for their opinions. Fuck off if you just want to hear the sound of your voice.

>> No.9717770

I think you're maximum projecting.
Again, I am NOT the anon you requested more information from.

>>But if you're not here to have a discussion, why did you bother participating in a discussion

1. Discussion is not demanding answers. It's discussion and asking questions like a normal, socialized human being.

2. I bothered participating because your obnoxiousness roused me to action.

>>I hate self-righteous faggots

Then you must hate yourself. Welcome to the club, brother.

>>debase conversations when somebody tries to hold them accountable for their opinions

What do you think we are discussing here? The Holocaust? How "accountable" should an opinion on Trump's Art of the Deal be in your estimation?

Your entitlement shines through the most in this sentence, because it involves an accusation that other people are "self-righteous" just as you describe your own lack of manners as an attempt to hold people "accountable" (again, for the Art of the Deal, no less).

>>Fuck off if you just want to hear the sound of your voice.

No you.

Also I can't hear my own voice on an Indonesian bootleg loudspeaker forum.

You're an even bigger twat than I thought.

>> No.9717781

>typing this much hypocritical garbage to justify why people shouldn't defend their opinions
the nerve of this douchebag. go pick up a hobby like reading if you have his amount of free time to type absolute drivel

>> No.9717785

>asking questions
Go read the offending post. There were at least three questions. You can't even get your opposition right.

>> No.9717789

What part of that post justifies "why people shouldn't defend their opinions"?

My issue is with your fucking mong manners, talking like it's an inquisition. Dude you're so fucking far gone up your own ass you don't even see the irony in this post.

Why don't you go pick up a hobby other than guzzling cum you shit spouting autist?

>> No.9717790

There were three questions preceded by a cunty, interrogation style demand.

learn2readingcomprehension, mong #2

>> No.9717792

Keep typing about manners while calling people a shitposting cumguzzling autist. Some people should seriously purchase a mirror. Complaining about me not asking questions when I can count at least three reasonable questions in my post. Did I remind you of the suave, fit intellectual who fucked your girlfriend? I don't get it.

>> No.9717794


You scrubs are challenging the Grand Wizard. Turn back before it's too late. You might still have some time left to tug each other off. Don't stroke too hard though; you might get it in your eye.

>> No.9717797

learn to post without using spoilers like the spoiled hipster brat stereotype that permeates /lit/ you retard. go tone police somewhere else like plebbit where you belong
>how dare you ask somebody to back their opinion you douchebag
>*proceeds to shit up this thread with paragraph after paragraph of rambling nonsense*
Seek help

>> No.9717799

You are rude, you cock swallowing ass.

There. Also I love my mirror. What I see in it is beautiful.

I ain't complaining about shit, you downy tard. Keep bringing up your shitty questions and not the criticism of your edgy hard ass attitude. Get the fuck outta here so you can get socialized before its too late and you end up peeing in mason jars.

>>Did I remind you of the suave, fit intellectual who fucked your girlfriend?


no, you remind me of my mental little brother who I feel a lot of pity for.

>> No.9717803

>learn to post without using spoilers like the spoiled hipster brat stereotype that permeates /lit/ you retard. go tone police somewhere else like plebbit where you belong
>>how dare you ask somebody to back their opinion you douchebag

Blah blah blah blah redundant and unfunny

>>how dare you ask somebody to back their opinion you douchebag

Bored with this argument.

>*proceeds to shit up this thread with paragraph after paragraph of rambling nonsense*
>>Seek help

No u.


you still reading tho[\spoiler]


>> No.9717806

>I ain't complaining about shit, you downy tard. Keep bringing up your shitty questions and not the criticism of your edgy hard ass attitude. Get the fuck outta here so you can get socialized before its too late and you end up peeing in mason jars.
You sound like a phenomenally well-adjusted young man who isn't bitter or antisocial whatsoever. I can tell from the redditspacing.

>> No.9717811

paragraphs upon paragraphs of pretentious nonsense that ruined this thread

desperate samefagging

get a life you kekistani faggot. back to rthe_donald with you!

>> No.9717824

I haven't read it in years but I remember liking it.

Maybe I should reread it

>> No.9717828



Yes, posts filled with blowjob insults are so pretentious.

>>You sound like a phenomenally well-adjusted young man who isn't bitter or antisocial whatsoever. I can tell from the redditspacing.

Lol alright my dude. Yes, the reddit spacing really reflects how I am in real life. To be serious for a second, you realize we're all on here for a reason right?

Anyway I clearly won but I'm tired so PEACE

>> No.9717853

>my dude
>throwing out insults like candy
>muh [denonym] [activity] forum meme
>spoiler faggotry
>projection of NEET vices
>thinking arguments are about winning and not about learning
You won at one-player game of ruining the thread and looking like an absolute jackass. Congratulations, you're a living meme, and you're about to reach metastasis because the stench of Reddit is unbearable in your posts.

>you realize we're all on here for a reason right?
I'm here to talk about books. You're here to complain about manners for paragraphs on end. Faggots like you should be unironically gassed. Come back when you're willing to engage in a conversation like an adult.

>> No.9717864

just because its a book, doesn't mean its literature and , thus, /lit/ related

>> No.9717879

This but also
You sound like a huge douche

>> No.9717882

stop samefagging

>> No.9717890

I liked it
high tempo wheeling and dealing.

I didn't agree agree with how he ran things in Cincinnati with that dubious but efficient manager but whatever.

>> No.9717900

>my dude
>throwing out insults like candy
>muh [denonym] [activity] forum meme
>spoiler faggotry
>projection of NEET vices

Your obsession with these memes is as silly as my use of them in derailing this thread and triggering you (which obviously succeeded).

I'm only posting again because the idea of you carrying on thinking I am a memester is kind of unbearable, which I am shamefully admitting is stupid, but still. Seriously dude, all that unloading I did was in good fun, but on a serious note you need to be a little more introspective in the sense that if you want to know what other people think, you shouldn't feel like they owe you anything. And this is all coming from a very serious and non-aggressive place. I'm not trying to "tone-police" since it's clear from my posts that I wrote insanity. It's more like a head's up.

Take care dude. Rest assured if there is another Art of the Deal post I will assume it is you and ruthlessly derail it. jk

Let go. That way leads to more suffering.

>> No.9717915

Keep typing more paragraphs. I'm sure you have nothing better to do than to troll because I'm sure nobody is authentically as cringy like our resident memester over here.

>you shouldn't feel like they owe you anything.
I don't think anybody owes people anything. I do believe in common sense though. Why post drivel when you can post something... complete?

>It's more like a head's up.
Your long-winded and belligerent "heads up" was unnecessary and did more to destroy the thread than any possible faux pas that I may have committed you fucking retard.

>very serious and non-aggressive place
Oh. Okay. It seems like you're unfamiliar with social cues and basic communication skills.

>> No.9717952

who would've thunk it

a thread about trump's book

and it's a complete shithole

clap clap republikeks at it again