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File: 148 KB, 1500x1000, George R R Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9716591 No.9716591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>A Medieval Fantasy novel doesn't talk about Taxes or other realistic things like A Song of Ice and Fire.
Explain this.

>> No.9716596

Not again. Also Aegon VI "Targaryen" is Blackfyre via mother side and Danys is crazy, Quaite is allucination.

>> No.9716602

Any proofs of Aegon VI being a Blackfyre

>> No.9716603
File: 32 KB, 423x393, Aragorn-in-the-Return-of-the-King-aragorn-34519545-423-393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My board of directors, you pay taxes to no one.

i crie evrytime ;_;

>> No.9716609

Dany destroying a fake dragon vision. Aegon VI is the son of Serra Blackfyre and Ilyrio "the cheese joo" Mopatis

>> No.9716615

Can I just say that I'm really glad people like this fat fuck exist? It makes identifying plebs and discarding them from your life so much easier.

>> No.9716626

But they don't even talk about taxes in ASOIAF

>> No.9716627

I'm pretty sure someone already posted this shit.

>> No.9717069

Yeah they do you fucking pleb

>> No.9717269

If you're going to keep making these threads, at least use a different image...

>> No.9717335
File: 409 KB, 919x528, Gimli_-_FOTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9717348
File: 256 KB, 834x610, gits-rise22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next great fantasy series might as well be all about a bank and its loan collections, debts, and futures speculations.

Why not?

>> No.9717376

He's trying to force a meme. Are you new to 4chan? This shit happens all the time.

>> No.9717410

They don't though, GRRM uses two asspull explanations as to how shit gets financed in ASOIAF:

>Casterly Rock is literally a goldmine
>The Iron Bank of Bravos funds multiple throne claimants (which makes no fucking sense but morning found her squatting in the grass, her fat pink mast jutting proudly from her breeches)

>> No.9717412

They don't talk about taxes with the detail of cunts and pink masts.

>> No.9717416
File: 61 KB, 471x624, 1493263627531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just believe!

>> No.9717417

Why didn't George show tax forms in Knight of the Seven Kingdoms? Where is Jorge's world building Taxarillion?

>> No.9717423

I'm still not entirely sure how the Iron Bank even works. I mean, where does it get its money? It has to be part of a network of banks, right? That's how banking started in the first place, with the Knights Templar allowing kings to store their treasure in the Templars' literally worldwide (known world) network of castles and access its value as credit at any other Templar castle. Banks wouldn't have money to lend if people didn't deposit it first, so where does the Iron Bank get all its money to lend if all it ever does is collect debts and take no deposits?

Am I just confused?

>> No.9717427

I honestly want an explanation of how peasants are supposed to survive a winter that lasts years and why anyone in the Nights Watch, a group situated at the frozen end of the known world and comprised mostly of criminals, would willingly defend a realm that doesn't give a hot fuck about them against savages and frost necromancers.

>> No.9717518

But he did in the second novel

>> No.9717566

Let's not even entertain the thought of this novel being realistic

>> No.9717580

The latter point is sort of addressed. The Night's Watch started as a way for knights and nobles to regain honor, so life in misery was worth reclaiming your name (in theory), but in practice, it's just become the dumping ground for criminals, and so you end up with a notorious amount of deserters, mutineers, ect, like in the first book in Craster's Keep.

As for peasants surviving a years-long winter, yeah, there's no way. I guess maybe years of growing seasons would let you have a decent stockpile, but even if enough food lasted and kept to get people through the winter, shit like fruit wouldn't. People would be riddled with scurvy and whatnot.

>> No.9717598

Makes sense if they have the money to spare, since whoever wins will owe them and presumably not be able to pay them back easily. Since the Iron Bank seems to have a fair amount of pull around the world, reneging on your debt as the new king of a fragile and war-exhausted country would be bad idea, so the Bank can extort the new Westerosi govt. for political favors (and more money) for some years.

>> No.9717820
File: 174 KB, 756x1056, 1498561529590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he our guy?

>> No.9717944


>His book series isn't a several thousand page build up to a zombie apocalypse

Why is GRRM the best writer ever?

>> No.9718006

Its too late to write about them

>> No.9718013

He was

>> No.9718020

He is (for /lit/)
He was (for /tv/)

>> No.9718255

>Reads fantasy books
>Calls others plebs
Oh, I'm laffin

>> No.9718261

You made this thread before, motherfucker.

>> No.9718269
File: 7 KB, 289x174, Bilbo_baggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a dangerous business, evading your debts

>> No.9718270

guh this guy pisses me off with that catchphrase. Taxes are boring why would tolkien have bothered to write about aragorns tax policy when he was busy writing about aragorns slightly less boring adventures in middle earth

upvote if you agree

>> No.9718277

> reads Game of Thrones books
> calls people pleb

Lmao try again at life you fat neckbeard fuck

>> No.9718663


Iron bank started as an old mine where traders kept their wealth for safekeeping, and it built up from there

>> No.9719274

That still doesn't explain how they became so rich

>> No.9719362

Lending money? Are you dumb?

>> No.9719401

You would have to lend money at exorbitant rates of interest, literally usurious rates, to become as rich as the Iron Bank purely off of lending out their initial investors' money.

Then again, Martin's world is so relentlessly grimdark and edgy that turbo-Jewery taking place in it isn't surprising.

>> No.9719459

I just finished reading the series.

Literally the only mention of taxes is in the fucking epilogue of the last book lol.

GRRM what a fucking hack

>> No.9719576

That's one more than that fucking hack Tolkien

>> No.9720370

He'll be king of Westeros

>> No.9720595

It doesn't make sense to back MULTIPLE claimants though. Like if you're George Soros or a Rothschild or whoever, you're not going to finance the campaigns of both Hildog AND Frunkpf because you're effectively losing money on whoever loses.

>> No.9720658

I thought they were only backing Stannis

>> No.9720735


I can't recall a single instance of taxes being discussed in any depth, but I can recall at least two dozen instances of this fat fuck slobbering out descriptions of food right down to the last gory detail

you can tell from the tone that he was jacking it during the food scenes and the sex scenes were just for show

>> No.9720746
File: 1.21 MB, 1440x2199, have a you, friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
