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9715321 No.9715321 [Reply] [Original]

Who here actually did the "exercizes" in Prometheus rising? Any tangible benefits? And additional recommended exercizes?

>> No.9715348

Write what they are

>> No.9715358

Fuck off and read a book for once in your life.

>> No.9715364

I tried them from the "Thinker and Prover" chapter and it definitely brought about a level of self awareness. Didn't try for the other chapters.

>> No.9715450

This, post them or a few

>> No.9715468

Are you serious? I read Angel Tech and so thought it was shit, which is why I ask.

>> No.9715506


To explore the Thinker and the Prover, try the following:

1. Visualize a quarter vividly, and imagine vividly that you are
going to find the quarter on the street. Then, look for the quarter
every time you take a walk, meanwhile continuing to visualize it.
See how long it takes you to find the quarter.

2. Explain the above experiment by the hypothesis of "selec-
tive attention"—that is, believe there are lots of lost quarters
everywhere and you were bound to find one by continually look-
ing. Go looking for a second quarter.

3. Explain the experiment by the alternative "mystical"
hypothesis that "mind controls everything." Believe that you
made the quarter manifest in this universe. Go looking for a
second quarter.

4. Compare the time it takes to find the second quarter using
the first hypothesis (attention) with the time it takes using the
second hypothesis (mind-over-matter).

5. With your own ingenuity, invent similar experiments and
each time compare the two theories—"selective attention"
(coincidence) vs. "mind controls everything" (psychokinesis).

6. Avoid coming to any strong conclusions prematurely. At
the end of a month, re-read this chapter, think it over again, and
still postpone coming to any dogmatic conclusion. Believe it
possible that you do not know everything yet, and that you might
have something still to learn.

7. Convince yourself
(if you are not already convinced) that
you are ugly, unattractive and dull. Go to a party in that frame of
mind. Observe how people treat you.

8. Convince yourself (if you are not already convinced) that
you are handsome, irresistible and witty. Go to a party in that
frame of mind. Observe how people treat you.

9. This is the hardest of all exercizes and comes in two parts.
First, observe closely and dispassionately two dear friends and
two relative strangers. Try to figure out what their Thinkers
think, and how their Provers methodically set about proving it.
Second, apply the same exercize to yourself.
If you think you have learned the lessons of these exercizes in
less than six months, you haven't really been working at them.
With real work, in six months you should be just beginning to
realize how little you know about everything.

10. Believe it possible that you can float off the ground and
fly by merely willing it. See what happens.
If this exercize proves as disappointing to you as it has to me,
try number 11 below, which is never disappointing.

11. Believe that you can exceed all your previous ambitions
and hopes in all areas of your life.

>> No.9715587

I ended up scrabbling around in gutters finding lots of mangled quarters and getting no sex. Thanks

>> No.9715601

Don't forget the one about smoking weed on a Sunday while watching animal documentaries

>> No.9715663

So a lot of naval gazing then. Seems like it could be fun, but you could better find tangible results elsewhere.

>> No.9715670

Angel Tech is shit. Prometheus Rising is better.

>> No.9715870

didn'T do. about 2/3 through

>> No.9715888 [DELETED] 

Gave up when i saw i had to play with somebody's baby. How am i going to do that?

>Any benefits?
When i was in the /x/ frame of mind as a teenager i did something like it, i summoned pretty women walking around, and saw lots more skin than i usually do just for imagining it to be so and keeping victorious count. I could summon domestic atmospheres by feeling a particular way about them. It doesn't always work, but the initiate is inclined to believe it's his personal weakness about doing the rituals. Do they work? It depends on you. They will if you believe them to work.

>> No.9715906

My high school English teacher was DEEP into RAW and Western esotericism generally. Gifted me a copy of The Illuminatus! Trilogy, got my girlfriend involved in 'philosophy camp', etc.

Anyway, he'd have his classes try these exercises. Participation was spotty, but the students tasty took then and him seriously always benefited.

I've tried the quarter one a few times. It does not take long.

>> No.9716132

Hahaha. It has been more than ten years since i did this stuff. RAW was awesome. The exercizes are about making you think for yourself. It's not about stuffing a pill of any color down your throat. Prometheus rising can be considered a selfhelp book, but unlike the rest of that genre it doesn't impose a system on you. The guy was genuinely trying to awaken people curiosity and consciousness, and he offered numerous very well tailored exercizes to do so, with loads of warm humor.

>> No.9716638

he fucked your gf dude

>> No.9717050



>> No.9717658

I liked the exercise about exceeding your expectations and thinking the universe was conspiring to help you. After the mind control/ brainwashing chapter the book made zero sense to me.

What is some other green pill lit that isn't in those goofy ass comic charts?

>> No.9717667

>And additional recommended exercizes?

read mantak chia

>> No.9717682

>naval gazing