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/lit/ - Literature

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9714800 No.9714800 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I don't usually come to this board but I've run into a lot of problems in life and I don't know where else to turn. Due to some circumstances, I am homeless and the only internet connection is at the library. I want to at least try to improve myself and my brain in the mean time, but I destroyed my memory from years of drug abuse. Does anyone have any tips on how to retain more information from reading? Should I use notebooks and write important ideas down and expand on them? Thanks for the help /lit/.

>> No.9715016

Read the Bible, sounds like you need to.

>> No.9715547

I honestly planned on it. Was looking for an orthodoxy bible but there aren't too many resources in the library and I prefer hard cover so I can take it with me.

>> No.9715580

Anything you do don't read the Bible, it's all lies.

>> No.9715586

Thanks for the non-help, faggot.

>> No.9715606

I don't know too much about that. Maybe you can wait a few years and hope that your memory returns to its former glory. Or you could try to relive your entire life in your mind to get your memories flowing. Taking notes is a good idea. Teachers at school always tell you that you remember better when you write things down. You could also try to read books several times.

Also, read the bible like that other guy said. I really enjoyed Romans. It explains a ton of morals, and tells you what to do and how to be a good person.

Best of luck!

>> No.9715673

Ty very much anon

>> No.9715704

what kind of drugs?

>> No.9715727

I can safely say deliriants as well as benzos+alcohol were the main culprits in destroying my memory. I regret it but there is nothing I can do about it now. I'm just trying to at least work on myself while I have nothing.

>> No.9715732

Notes. But make sure you do it every day for at least an hour.
Try reading foundational texts as well. You need to internalize the messages in the foundational texts through daily study.
Turning your life around starts with building self-discipline through study and destroying your old habits.

>> No.9715736

lmao so many excuses for a homeless guy.

>> No.9715778

Were you the guy earlier who got Butthurt over being called a faggot? Get over it. At least I'm trying to do something to better myself.

>> No.9715781

what the hell are deliriants?

>> No.9715792

Anticholinergics like massive doses of Benadryl.

>> No.9715861
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thank you

>> No.9715874

You're welcome. Thanks for being in my thread!

>> No.9715905

i also have trouble concentrating. lots of alc and uppers. also i have tinnitus. but i think its getting better. try the healthy fit lifestyle. sleep, exercise etc.
additionally write, or maybe record something to you. plan an instrument, read aloud. do some brain exercise, some math and most of all: don't give up. you are still more interesting and knowledgeable than all the normies.
keep it up bro
brain plasticity is real

>> No.9715956
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Do you like dogs? If you are already homeless the Cynic philosophy might be for you. Look in to Diogenes. Cynicism doesn't require much. It's all about virtue.

That, or you could consider Stoic texts, Discourses, Enchiridion, Letters from Seneca, Meditations and so on. They are really life affirming and positive.

>> No.9715977

Tattoo notes all over your body so you don't forget things.

>> No.9715989

Don't have much of advice to give you. I just want to sincerely wish you good luck.

>> No.9716005

Stoicism is good advice, not so sure about the Cynics though.

>> No.9716042

I really appreciate that anon. Thank you.