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9714705 No.9714705 [Reply] [Original]

Interested in:
- Cognitive anthropology
- Biological anthroplogy
- Rites of passage
Preferably something recent, will probably ask /his/ too and maybe even THAT site

>> No.9714713

The Interpretation of Cultures - Clifford Geertz
The Ritual Process - Victor Turner
The Origins of Consciousness - Julian Jaynes

>> No.9714729

also interested, especially books about early man

>> No.9714736

I am thankful for your contribution
I'm thinking I should look if I can find what textbooks universities require students to read

>> No.9714751

report back if you find something interesting

>> No.9714806

The Chrysanthemum and the Sword - Ruth Benedict

>> No.9714844

I recently found the book "The Complete World of Human Evolution" which seems to fit what you look for. Have not read it yet.
Other books you might be interested in "The Invaders", "Evolving God", but both are very specific (one about the role of dogs, the other about religion). And I've only read "Evolving God" and thought it was ok.
There was even a free book about the role of autism in human evolution which I found to be extremely speculative. I am open to that sort of thing but I thought the connection of autism and cave paintings odd and (the book) unconvincing.

As for more general anthropology I found the "secret of our success" enjoyable. I also read "mixed messages" which was a mixed bag but still worth the read.

I am looking forward to reading "The Tangled Wing" which is highly praised and is about biological anthropology.

For cognitive anthropology I found Terrence Deacon but heard that he is notoriously difficult to read.

I also have some interest in the environment and anthropology and have read "The Biggest Estate on Earth" and 1491 and 1493. As well as a book in my native language about cultural perceptions towards nature. I intent on reading "How Forests Think".
I will but I am unsure when I will do that. For now the above will do.

When have done the search I will be sure to make a thread about it, but how would you find it?

>> No.9715043

probably won't but thanks anyway, lots to read in the meantime