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9712563 No.9712563 [Reply] [Original]

So im fairly young and im very intrested in human behaviour and the mind. I have been exposed to games music and movies through out my teens and they sparked the interest on human behaviour but i believe that books will let me explore the subject more. So i just think that i should not be wasting time time doing useless shit and should be expanding my culture. I have not read many books and i want to get into them so my question is what are some essential books and as previously stated i would prefer books about human behaviour but i would also like kust great books in general like lovecraftian stuff and good horror novels.

>> No.9712564

best start with the greeks

>> No.9712579

What is it about?

>> No.9712588

literally and unironically everything
everything starts with the greeks, its not a meme

>> No.9712618

incest, patricide, tragedy, cuckoldry, pederasty, western civilization

>> No.9712622

You have my interest. I would like to buy it but i am not in the best economical situation. So is there any website where i can read books for cheap or even for free? Thanks for the suggestion

>> No.9712626

yes, its in a site called irl - library

>> No.9712627
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Harvard Psych professor has hundreds of hours of his lectures up for free. Unironically changed my life m8.

>> No.9712650

I live in Portugal. Trust me i checked the library. But it is filled with Portuguese literature and almost no books that look interesting, just those shitty popular ones that get turned into movies, but i am an idiot when it comes to books so maybe i just didnt know what to look for. Thanks anon

>> No.9712656

I have heard about this somewhere. Thanks anon, will definitely check this out

>> No.9712657

don't you have something like the national library we have in zagreb
and zagreb isnt even nearly as big as lisbon, lisbon should have Godly amount of books

>> No.9712669

I live in Vila Real wich if you dont know is kinda far away from Lisbon so no books for me or maybe im just not looking hard enough. If i ever visit Lisbon i will keep that in mind and see if there is a national library.

>> No.9712677

you live in the most backwater place in portugal lol, maybe public library in braga?
you can always order books from online sites like amazon or ebay
you can sometimes even get random classics by just googling them

>> No.9712693

I think ill start buying them online like you suggested, but just important ones because i dont have much money to spend. Thanks anon

>> No.9712702

if you want psychological stuff you would love dostojevski - hes a master of that - and russians in particular
just dont bother with postmodernism

>> No.9712718


That's a funny looking dog. A very funny dog.

To answer your question try The Things They Carried. Its lightweight, well written, and gives profound insight into the 'horror' aspect of the human psyche.

War has pretty interesting effects on the mind,

I mean, hell, If I did a few days worth of research into the case files I'd have enough information to launch a suit

>> No.9712719

Seems interesting enough thanks alot anon for the suggestion.Why shoudnt i bother with postmodernism?

>> No.9712723

because its shallow crap written for 18 yearold women with no real meaning or value

>> No.9712727

Is it a war novel? I always wonderes how war could affect a person in a psychological state. Thanks for the suggestion

>> No.9712737

>how war could affect a person in a psychological state
Krleža - Croatian God Mars, its written from a faggy liberal perspective tho
but i dont know if that is available in any other langauge than croatian

>> No.9712740


Yes, its about Vietnam. Long war, drafted recruits, the whole nine. Probably one of the worst wars in history given technology + politics + social trends.

>> No.9712742

They often say mgs2 is the first postmodern game and i loved mgs2 and its themes but then again it is a game not a book so i guess postmodernism means different things for books than what it means for games. But sorry for being a pleb but what is post modernism? A quick google search just said something about deconstructing tropes that have been around for years.

>> No.9712746

I will check it out for sure. Thanks!
Seems right up my alley, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.9712760

its a large "artistic" and philosophical movement that is basically rejection of all normal things because they are oppressive and strangling, too hard to understand and enjoy by normalfags

in literature it means pumping out a shitton of meaningless belletristic for hormonized adolescents

contemporary vidoegames are postmodern because they lost all depth, story and originality, instead a ton of replayable money grabbers are being made one after another to kill some time for normos

>> No.9712766

Thanks for explaining it anon.

>> No.9712789

I really liked the book 'Incognito' by David Eagleman

It's about the inner workings of the brain and how our behaviour, perception and ideas are influence by it.

I really recommend it, I enjoyed it a lot

>> No.9712808

you had a very shitty life if a pop science faggot change it

>> No.9712825

Seems like my kind of story thanks alot anon!