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/lit/ - Literature

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9712286 No.9712286 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite Book Thread

>> No.9712287

How is highschool going?

>> No.9712296

Are people older than 17 allowed?

>> No.9712308

I constantly change my favourite book as I continue reading.
My last three favourites were:
The Foundation part one

>> No.9712310
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I actually find his writing to be incredibly charming, the stories are very well written and have a fun and oddly whimsical nature to them.

>> No.9712570
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>> No.9712574

not op here

whats ironic is that i started relating to and understanding that book only when i left highschool,
didnt even like it back in high school

>> No.9712581
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Nice anon. Catcher is the ultimate pleb filter, anything to the contrary is class propaganda by the enemy
>>9712287 that's right I'm talking about you faggot


Moving on, my favorite book of all time?
Maybe this/ picrelated

>> No.9712586
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Crossboarding brainlet here.

If could recommend similar ones (as in no frills and straight to the point writing style, historically minded without being arid, etc.) that would be sweet, it's literally the only novel that kept me hooked from the beginning to the end.

>> No.9712590

>If you could recommend similar ones*
I totally a word

>> No.9713187
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>> No.9713199

try tun huang by yasushi inoue

>> No.9713202
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>> No.9713209

That sounds pretty neat
Thank you famalam

>> No.9713258
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>> No.9713410
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Daily reminder that Catcher is a fantastic book and anyone who dismisses it as "edgy angsty teen shit" is objectively wrong

>> No.9713422
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>> No.9713452

Kafka - Prozess

>> No.9713627
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>> No.9713679

Wow spot the redditor was a little too easy in this thread.

>> No.9713710
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CitR only gets better as i get older it seems

V was my first "hard book" and it's hard not being able to still consider it my favorite book. Foundation was my Junior high book it introduced me to gibbons long before i knew shit about rome

pic related for mine

>> No.9713777
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>audio book narrated by Michael Rowley
>sounds like an old time transvestite
>my face when Holden being narrated as an old time transvestite

Listen to whoever narrates this one though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IUzOnHaTEE&t=8187s It changes the entire experience. There's even a comment that simply says, "this book sucks" and no one disagrees. It's the narration that makes it.

>> No.9713783
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>> No.9713790

Just remember to let me put the "devil" back in "hell" every now and then.

>> No.9713792

Mmm. Good one.

>> No.9713794

Loved this one.

>> No.9713807
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it is the quintessential teenage angst novel and it's considered a literary classic for a reason.

>> No.9713848
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>> No.9714112

Reading this right now. SotT was sort of underwhelming as I assumed the stories were more self contained. CotC is shaping up to be pretty excellent though.

>> No.9714138

the great gatsby

>> No.9714972

There's a hell of a lot in the first book that only makes sense upon reading the rest of it. On my initial read through I preferred the later volumes, but after having read the whole thing multiple times it's the first book I like most.

BTW - keep one eye on the names of the characters. Are they named after Catholic saints, or are they Latin, or are they Greek. Because that classification has plenty of meaning to the story.

>> No.9714992
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>> No.9715301
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Underrated IMO

fav is pic

>> No.9716676

Anything by Hobbes really.

>> No.9716768

Story of the Stone

>> No.9716875

I feel you bro.

>> No.9717100
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These two.

>Oathbringer won't be out till Nov.

>> No.9717107
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>> No.9717115

the sun also rises

>> No.9717140
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>> No.9717259
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This book is EVERYTHING to me.

>> No.9717284
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This or Labyrinths

>> No.9718053
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Changed my life

>> No.9718143

Objective: Moby-Dick
Personal: Good Omens

>> No.9718149

Jesus there are so many fucking plebs in here

>> No.9718157

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.9718183
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This, but I change my mind constantly. Others in the running: Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest, and Women and Men (not even memeing)

>> No.9718185

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9718197

Objective: what he tells /lit/ to look intelligent
Personal: favorite book he actually finished and understood

>> No.9718199
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The Child Thief for me.

I haven't had many books resonant with me on such a strange level.

>> No.9718429

How many times have you read your favourite book?