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/lit/ - Literature

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9711646 No.9711646 [Reply] [Original]

A university education in English/Writing is a useless waste of time, provided you already have the ability and willingness to

1. Read
2. Think Critically and Creatively
3. Write down your thoughts

What is preventing you from contributing to society while writing/studying in your off time? Why do you need to pay someone to discipline you and spoon feed you ideas when you are capable of doing it yourself? Prove me wrong.

>t. A self loathing student and aspiring autodidact

>> No.9711653

>Prove me wrong

The argument of an autodidact for sure

>> No.9711671


>The argument of an autodidact for sure

Enjoy sitting in class listening to a sack of dust repeating things you already know, friend

>> No.9711674

I concur most wholeheartedly! That's something libartfags will never understand.

>> No.9711684
File: 309 KB, 398x622, 1460049946567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're narcissistic pretentious arrogant faggot

get out of /lit/.
never come back.
right now.

>> No.9711692

You still haven't proved him wrong.

>> No.9711696

In some countries you get paid for attending classes and those are not demanding ones

>> No.9711697

Enjoy failing in another desperate attempt at an identity.

>> No.9711706

Yes true this thread has literally never been made before so its up to us to prove this newfag wrong instead of him using his special autodidact skills of independent research to interrogate his argument himself.

>> No.9711711


Welcome to /lit/! I see you found a funny picture in one of our "horrible book covers" threads.

>I think you're narcissistic pretentious arrogant faggot

all of the above labels (except "faggot" maybe) are classic attatcks from those who have been confined to public education all their lives. Any idea that deviates from the norm or is not part of the "planned course material" is immediately written off as being that of a narcissist/egoist/arrogant idiot etc.

Keep up the good work, anon, you will make a fine professor one day.

>> No.9711717


>First published in 1966 at the University of Strasbourg by students of the university and members of the Internationale Situationniste.
A few students elected to the student union printed 10,000 copies with university funds. The copies were distributed at the official ceremony marking the beginning of the academic year. The student union was promptly closed by court order.


>> No.9711719

Its the same for every field, you can teach yourself. If anything, classes are needed more for literary, and historical classes, because you learn more when you discuss the topics. Since there isn't a concrete, specific answer, it would be beneficial to discuss the work

>> No.9711720

howis he narcissistic?

>> No.9711721


>consulting peers is not a form of independent research

>a discussion is had once and the matter is therefore resolved

keep trying

>> No.9711727

Sadly, employers don't see it this way.

>> No.9711731

>the butthurt libartsfags in this thread

>> No.9711732

Hardly 'consulting' and yes the matter has been resolved plenty of times, except if you're a newfag and you haven't seen it resolved.

Here's the consultation: look up 'autodidact' in the archive

>> No.9711735

How do you get your text green?


>> No.9711739

Possibly the newest newfag I've ever seen, if not trolling.

>> No.9711744


>Why engage in active discussion when I can just read from a "textbook"?

Jus because your ideas are not worth contributing to this discussion doesn't mean that mine aren't as well.

>> No.9711760

>English textbook


>> No.9711769

Okay, let's do it.
i'll bite the bait.
Just because you asked nicely.
>A university education in English/Writing is a useless waste of time.
Define waste of time and productivity in literature.
>provided you already have the ability and willingness to... read, think critically and creative and write down your thoughts
Anyone can do this anon. These are basic human functions.

However, being sophisticated about it takes experience (travelling, reading other works, everyday experiences, etc.). Hence why a course could help refining, because it gives you general direction, and from there you can pick your own way.

>What is preventing you from contributing to society while writing/studying in your off time?
You're in literature, which is supposed to be entertainment. You can't bring productivity into it because it's counterintuitive to the definition of art.
It's not an assembly line.

>Why do you need to pay someone to discipline you and spoon feed you ideas when you are capable of doing it yourself?
I don't know, maybe because some things you'll never be able to figure it out yourself?
If you limit your perspective to one vision, you'll be mentally incapable to see new horizons.

Incorrect. You're attacking the public education, dismissing it as utterly useless in favor of your own world-view and self-education.
It's like you know what's the best for you and you're able to make the best decisions
(have you ever took a management course? Noone makes the most optimal decision.)

It's the same as saying: i'll do this the right way and everyone's wrong.
eyyy lok @ me i can red im samart im dfierent i dont netd teachers to teech em stuf d;dd;;D:d;d;d;d:D:D;

you're lucky you haven't chosen STEM.

now fuck off, you made me bite your sissy bait.

>> No.9711772


This. Do yourself and your parents a favor and get a job.


With enough personal success most any university and emploey will offer you recognition and employment.


Enjoy buying your identity at the price of 1000$ per course

>> No.9711778

>try to get recognized for your writing
>no one will care because you don't have a degree

>> No.9711787

Yeah man, i'll take some engineer courses administered by myself!
sure, nothing can go wrong, right?
Sure i'll get a job after i'm finished, right?

>> No.9711793


Unfortunately most students do not get the experience necessary to make this kind of education relevant. Aside from family vacations, early life trials and what's read in adolescence there is nothing that kids out of high school can reference from their personal lives, making anything they write an inevitably empty but well structured piece. Granted, this is not the case for mature students.

Contributing to society means getting a paying job. Read: writing in your off time.

>cant figure it out yourself
make friends with smart people, involve yourself in literary circles and consult them. That way you get solid opinions from people in the field without having to pay for them.

>> No.9711804


If you write something worth reading, people will read it. The only people who would dismiss good writing for this reason are academicucks in the field whose only qualifications are being from a wealthy family and completion an MFA.


Read: English/Literature

>> No.9711811

Don't bother, people in this board can't read.

>> No.9711817

>Enjoy buying your identity at the price of 1000$ per course

Not sure how this is supposed to be an adequate response but that's what I expect from an autodidact.

>> No.9711847

>Unfortunately most students do not get the experience necessary to make this kind of education relevant.
>make friends with smart people, involve yourself in literary circles and consult them.

Here's the problem: If you limit yourself with education and/or smart people, you can't write certain things such as poverty or incarcerated because you need to experience these things first or second hand to understand how it properly works if you don't want to sound like a white collar bourgeois.

It's called research. Academics do that too.

>> No.9711864

>Hence why a course could help refining, because it gives you general direction, and from there you can pick your own way.
vague. are you saying an hour spent privately reading and writing is not as fruitful as an hour spent listening to a lecture? this is supposed to be the meat of your argument. the internet is the academia now.

>> No.9711876

You shouldn't be paying for an English / Writing degree in the first place.

>What is preventing you from contributing to society while writing/studying in your off time?
That's such a disgusting way of looking at things. Society is doing fine and the system is largely set up to fuck the worker. As an individual, there's no imperative to work if you don't need to and as a society there's an imperative to demand more from your job, medical, and the products you consume.

Capitalism has run unchecked for almost the past 50 years.

>> No.9711879
File: 108 KB, 1024x853, 24c9efcee2f2c6e2bd685265fb6621590fb1ce0137465073b1f5b758f2d5ebad_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why there's a "COULD"
Here, i'll spell it out:
Some lectures can be better than privately reading and writing
Some lectures can be worse.
Sometimes the combination of both can achieve higher results than the isolated variables.

And no, Internet isn't the academia, because it lacks the peer review method.
You can put literally anything into it, including this random picture.

>> No.9711892
File: 293 KB, 452x622, Guy Debord with knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a job.
u wot m8?

>> No.9711904

With the internet and some motivation, a college course on writing is completely useless. Every benefit gained from a class could be gained with little to no money (though probably some more work).

You could save money and travel around South America with nothing but clothes, a phone, and a laptop - putting yourself through your own course with peers online, where you all put money in for an instructor to review your work.

I don't know if this is what OP is saying, but it's the reality. The internet has created a new world and we still haven't fully acclimated to what that means.

>> No.9711906

Holy fuck that essay is next level

>> No.9711909

so you don't have a strong case for why an academic environment confers unique benefits to students
the peer review method is not an essential component of the academia, access is. universities used to be ivory towers where people would spend an excessive amount of time isolated from the outside talking about various esoteric subjects purely out of personal interest, now people do it here.

>> No.9711922
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>What is preventing you from contributing to society while writing/studying in your off time? Why do you need to pay someone to discipline you and spoon feed you ideas when you are capable of doing it yourself?

Stop bullying OP.
You know Desire is mimetic. You know they think they are doing the best they can. You know that they know what they want but don't know whether thy want what they want. So just stop bullying them and instead open a Lacan/Girard thread or something.

>> No.9711923

>it's like you know what's best for you and able to make the best decisions.

That entire response was written like a genuine moron. Do you think a teacher knows what's best for each one of his students? Do you think university is meant to optimize for the individual, or optimized to make money from a group of people?

You don't need a management course to tell you that you don't make the most optimal decisions lol. Most classes at most colleges are a waste of fucking time. You're proving that.

>> No.9711945
File: 280 KB, 543x415, IMG_4780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I thank you for bringing this essay to my attention

>> No.9711956
File: 13 KB, 250x174, IMG_4787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>course could help refining

Wow that word in that context is very very spooky anon

>> No.9712049

This is plainly stupid.
I'm sorry, it is.

Here's why:
If you open the access and withdraw the peer review system (You just said that access is a higher priority), it violates the scientific method, therefore, it is no longer science.

Let's imagine a fahrenheit 451 universe where instead of books being burnt, universities, colleges and study institutions are. Now everyone has to study what the fuck they want.

Let's say i want to manufacture H2SO4. (assuming you've learnt what this is)
So now, without any knowledge about chemistry, i'll follow whatever the internet says.

Let's say someone thinks the contact process is the most common, but it requires a huge plant to execute,store and handle. Fuck it. I'll do the dirty ol' method of using lead chambers.
Now let's follow the wikipedia instructions and without any calculations (assuming you know what's geometry), let's make a storage tank, lead-lined reaction chambers, coolant tank, furnance to burn pyrite, nitrogen oxide mix tank.

So, now, you say: fuck this, it's too complicated and move on to the lab method.

Your place pyrosulfite into the beaker and pour muriatic acid. In a hurry, you inhale the fumes of nitric acid, causing hydrolisis of your hydrated skin and burning your lungs and resulting in a painful sensation.

Assuming you live,Nitric oxide gets released into the atmosphere, harming everything in its way. who should you blame for your own incompetence? The internet? Yourself? But you're ignorant, you didn't knew these things. You've missed a small detail that lacked practice and years of study.

No they don't, but here's a nice thing: The more you know about the variables related to your decision, higher the accuracy will be.
If a teacher spent almost 10 years studying the subjects in matter, then he has a much higher probability to make better decisions than a complete ignorant person.
Internet doesn't give a shit. You can write anything and there's no way to assure it is right or wrong.

Colleges and universities have to follow certain procedures and method to make sure they minimize errors. Otherwise they get punished and uncredited.

You can apply this to websites, but who's to guarantee you're not being alienated for their own agenda?
Who's not to guarantee the colleges are doing the same thing?

To be honest, i'd prefer trusting scientific institutions, despite the fact they falter and can be lobbied.
At least, you can change it through academic work.

I'm good, wasted too much of my time, cya.

>> No.9712084

>Your place pyrosulfite into the beaker and pour muriatic acid. In a hurry, you inhale the fumes of nitric acid, causing hydrolisis of your hydrated skin and burning your lungs and resulting in a painful sensation.
I don't believe that a person who knows enough chemistry to perform this reaction would be stupid enough to not realize that the products are gaseous and that he'd need proper safety equipment and a fume hood to do this without killing himself. If anything, an autodidact community can enforce strict standards and form collective investigation groups if they wanted to, preventing this kind of haphazard crap in the future and democratizing knowledge and expertise.

>> No.9712095

you confuse the scientific method with academia, do you think. there have been academic institutions before the scientific method was formally articulated, and in the first place people have been practicing science before the scientific method was formally articulated, scientific method itself is rooted in empiricism and principle of cause and effect, which themselves are rooted in human nature and have existed forever.

>> No.9712100

>If anything, an autodidact community can enforce strict standards and form collective investigation groups if they wanted to, preventing this kind of haphazard crap in the future and democratizing knowledge and expertise.
almost sounds like a wiki

>> No.9712112
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>> No.9712118

Holy fucking shit. Underrated af. I'm genuinely surprised why more anons aren't losing their shit to this. Kek'd.

>> No.9712154

i got it too but i didn't post

>> No.9712593

Because it's just a fucking question and the straw man calling straw man is like a waves on the beach son

>> No.9713367

I have that book. It's terribly dated. As am I.

>> No.9713493

>3. Write down your thoughts

more important than it seems

>> No.9713539

>terribly dated

I think there are still parallels to be drawn between slavery and unquestioning student obedience in academics.

I'm not trying to bully people here and as I said I myself am a university student. If english academia furthers your pursuits, then by all means.

Maybe I'm just jaded because of the quality of school I attend, though it's generally highly regarded, but I think at a certain point you either decide you like literature or you don't. From that point isn't it just a matter of applying the three steps outlined above? In my previous English lecture all discussions on works were inevitably stifled and my peers, who I hoped I could rely on, were mostly unengaged and unwilling to argue opinions that diverged from the prof's readings and viewpoints. It feels like fear dominates these institutions and I'm sick of it, would rather save money, travel and write my ass off and then that way if I fail at least it was worth the ride.

>> No.9714628


>> No.9714649

Continue the discussion here.

>> No.9714661

>narcissistic pretentious arrogant faggot
>implying this isn't the quintessential /lit/ poster

>> No.9714686


>> No.9714850

I'm not a communist. In short it's the fact that the government is supposed to be an extension of the people, but it's mostly dictated by the few.
That should be illegal. People need to die for treason. The consumer and worker needs to realize his power. The free market ultimately reigns.

Auotomation means basic income. Basic income means culture, community, innovation.

It's happening nigger.

Second response:
You basically just walked in a circle with that argument and ended it with
>well I'd rather trust the easy teet that's already established.
Anything can be an academic institution.

Moreover, people can band together and crowdfund personally vetted tutors. see:

This isn't even an argument for being an autodidact, though that's possible even with STEM.
>read multiple textbooks
>google shit you dont understand
I'm talking about a better alternative to a uni class.