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/lit/ - Literature

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9711635 No.9711635 [Reply] [Original]

I thought this book would be fun. I read 45 pages in and I hate it. I don't know what I expected.

>> No.9711780

How old are you? Sincere question. A lot of younger readers probably aren't gonna like it, if only because they won't get many of the references.

>> No.9711798

How intelligent are you? Sincere question. A lot of intelligent people aren't going to like it, if only because they realize how idiotic reading a book where the only thing the fans can say about it is "it has lots of clever references!"

>> No.9711802

Lol no way it's one of the funniest most insightful books ever right up there with my favorites hitchhikers guide to the galaxy Kurt s vonnegut and Neil pratchett and terry rr Martin!!

>> No.9711807
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lmao if you're over 18 years old and think this is a good book... buddy

>> No.9711809

You have very bad judgment.

>> No.9711838

Literally anybody here could have told you that this book is shit.

>> No.9711942

I found it somewhat enjoyable, though I woudn't read it again. I'm in my thirties. There are many reasons OP may not like it, I just suggested one.
I think the hatred for it on this board has become a meme, at this point.

>> No.9712158

I actually really enjoyed it. If you persist, you may find that there's a little more depth to it than just pop culture references (contrary to what everyone and their mother will have you believe). Without giving too much away, I think it does a really good job of critiquing how people form relationships online. If this book had existed when I was 18 I think I would have had some radically different ideas about the value of the time I spent talking to strangers on the Internet. Also there's an Arthurian legend motif that I thought was kind of cool.

>> No.9712223

It's not a meme, it really is a completely idiotic book for the dumbest sort of nerd (like the kind of nerd who isn't good at science, math or programming, but just knows a lot of nerd fiction.)

>> No.9712249

>I thought this book would be fun.
>I don't know what I expected.
Well clearly you did have expectations

>> No.9712350

> If you persist, you may find that there's a little more depth to it than just pop culture references
That 'little bit more' is obvious on a cursory first reading. The main character's avatar is named 'Parsifal.' It's like how the spaceship from The Expanse is called the Rocinante--this is a clear reference to either Cervantes or Rush or both and it's a blatant culture/pop culture reference that anyone with a bit of literacy picks out and thinks about four times before finishing the chapter where the reference occurs.
You're either a paid shill or a genuine retard.

>> No.9712384

The writing is trash and it was specifically manufactured to cater to the kind of people who will buy things because they reference things that they already like. There is no defense of the like three pages spent doing absolutely nothing but listing videogames and tv shows that fucking everybody already likes and talks about as if it was esoteric nerd culture nobody outside of a select few would understand.

>> No.9712558

It is fun. It's hardly literature but it's not hard to see why it"s gonna be Spielburgs next movie

>> No.9712676

Spielberg, the jew, is a whore

>> No.9713245

where the only thing the fans can say about it is "it has lots of clever references!"

>what is allusion
>what is James Joyce
>what is Dante Alghieri
>what is your joke is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.9713530

Enjoy Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sponsored by HTC Vive.
>create interesting setting and set piece for literary message
>doesn't do anything with it
>references everywhere
>YA reading level
>tacked-on romance that feels forced
>formulaic structure you can see a mile away
>doesn't even have a twist

Why bother?

>> No.9713715

This book insulted my younger self's intelligence.
Maybe if I had read it at 9 or 11 would I have enjoyed the fedora-tipping edgelord protagonist, but by the time I started Ready Player One, I had already experienced everything on the author's checklist: I had listened to 80s music; I had a crush on the Mary Sue; I had felt betrayed by society while learning about the 'real world', and the truth behind childhood fables; I had played World of Warcraft.

Everything I hate about my former self stares back at me in the content, the setting, the prose, the ideology of this shitty airport pulp fiction. The worst part is someone gave it to me as a gift. It compels me to shitpost whenever I see it. Not worth reading the title.

>> No.9713793
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I thought this book would be fun. I read 45 pages in and I hate it. I don't know what I expected.