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9710026 No.9710026 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the last living WoC author you've read?

>> No.9710029




>> No.9710031

I don't even know what gender my authors are.
I don't want to say something as obnoxious as "I don't see color" or some shit, but goddamn, books are really THE medium were gender and ethnicity don't matter. The quality of the work is literally in your hand to see. You could print a book without author or title and it wouldn't change my enjoyment (or lack thereof) of the book at all.

>> No.9710047


i probably have far better taste in female writers than that stupid middlebrow bitch in OPs pic but this post is total reductionist horseshit.

>I don't even know what gender my authors are.

lmao yeh okay m8 sure thing.

>> No.9710052

Toni Morrison. Can't name any other ones.

>> No.9710055

reading any living authors is pleb shit for posers

>> No.9710062
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>> No.9710067

Nella Larsen, I had to read "Passing" for an introductory literary criticism class that I had to take.

>> No.9710069

Missed "living" in the OP, whoops. Never read a living WoC

>> No.9710071 [DELETED] 
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>women authors

>> No.9710231

Marjane Satrapi and Zadie Smith

Instead of getting defensive with muh feminism, you should actually try reading some. Will give you new perspectives on things, and means you can talk to women without coming across like a colossal dick.

>> No.9710239


>zadie smith

your taste in female writers is shit. get off my lawn.

>> No.9710241

>and means you can talk to women without coming across like a colossal dick

To what end?

>> No.9710243

Never said she was any good, just that I'd read her.
I read a decent amount of female authors, but OP's request was fairly specific.

>> No.9710249


so you recommend that men wade through female writers that you yourself don't even consider good just so they don't come across like a "colossal dick" to dumb pleb women who like them? kindly stop this nu-male retardation.

>> No.9710251

When did I recommend her?
OP said name the last living female PoC writer you read, and I did.

If your reading comprehension is that piss poor you need to pick a new board.

>> No.9710255


yeah this thread sure is hard to parse i dunno if i can make it brahhs i betta go..

the point is that you're recommending shit that you personally don't even think is good you fuckin idiot.

>> No.9710262

I'm not recommending shit, I'm recommending reading women authors. Not all women authors are shit.

This is the exact attitude I was critiquing.

>> No.9710263

>when women make the mistake of including "straight" in their list of bad attributes and you're still allowed to read Thomas Mann, Auden, Byron, etc

>> No.9710271


>I'm not recommending shit
lol are you delusional?

>Marjane Satrapi and Zadie Smith
>Instead of getting defensive with muh feminism, you should actually try reading some.

how does this not read as a recommendation to check out zadie smith again?

>> No.9710282

"Reading some" being a reference to feminist/ female writing. Doesn't have to be Zadie Smith.

Although I will say that a mediocre Zadie Smith novel is more relevant to modern life than something like Moby Dick is, as great as Melville is. Just saying it's important to have a rounded reading history. Not sure why this triggers you so much.

>> No.9710297


>"Reading some" being a reference to feminist/ female writing. Doesn't have to be Zadie Smith.

lmao enough of this you fucking flaky nu-male faggot. you time waste by recommending writers whose work you don't even consider good because you don't want to seem le insensitive.

i don't even have any blanket ire for feminist works, that isn't what i'm annoyed at. i'm annoyed at anon like you who feel the need to prop up shit that you barely even rate in the name of good boy diversity points. just put forward work that you personally stand by.

>> No.9710303

because the op asked the last colored woman he read and he answered

>> No.9710304

>Although I will say that a mediocre Zadie Smith novel is more relevant to modern life than something like Moby Dick is, as great as Melville is.
That says more about the poor state of modern life than anything else.

>> No.9710308 [DELETED] 
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it says more about the poor state of his literary taste than anything else.

>> No.9710323

Tsitsi Dangarembga

>> No.9710363

I actually think White Teeth was a pretty decent novel. The structure was off, and it petered out into a bad ending, but considering she wrote it at 25 I'd say it's a damn sight better than anything that this board has ever produced.

She accurately captures the London diaspora across three generations and created some very realistic characters. Provided an insight into a community that, as a white guy, I've only encountered from the outside.

>> No.9710397

Yeah, guy, you really are the epitome of a sad Britcuck. The capitol of your once-great empire is being occupied by third world savages who are raping your women at alarming rates and you're pretending to have in interest in their subhuman monkey see, monkey do culture for goodboy diversity points. Fucking pathetic, dude.

>> No.9710399

Nah, you're advocating for pure reductionist horseshit

>> No.9710445

Ahhh, I see. In that case, what I meant to say was "fuck off back to /pol/"

>> No.9710500

Never posted there, you pathetic numale. You represent the failure of English man. Do you see that when you put your jigaboo fiction down and look in the mirror? You should. Be a man.

>> No.9710524
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>Read less straight white men
>Instead of read more anything else

>> No.9710542

Octavia butler when she was alive probably. ... some of jemison and that ilk because it was free in the hugo packet, but mostly that was a "lol didn't read" endeavor

>> No.9710546

>reading living authors
why? you just have to pay them, when all the rest are fair game to be pirated. maybe they'll wind up good dead authors if we starve them.

>> No.9710552

Fuck you

>> No.9710564

I don't think I ever read anything by nonwhites. Life is too shorts for mediocre whiny literature.

>> No.9711263

this, holy shit why does it have to be negative. why not open myself up to everything instead of shutting out what's politically incorrect

>> No.9711269

She's still alive?

>> No.9711270

This is great. Who else gets by? There are so many gaybois in the canon


>> No.9711282
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>he thinks any authors ever were straight

>> No.9711395

Yeah I've asked a few """progressive""" friends why it isn't literally racist and sexist to factor in race and sex of an author when choosing books to read, and they never have real answers for me.

>> No.9711397

Get back on your meds faggot

>> No.9711416

Try Borges

>> No.9711438

But anon I can't relate to anything else

>> No.9711465

all great geniuses throughout history have been bisexual

>> No.9711479

I read a YA fantasy book from some African woman. It was a decent time waster, had some cool African magic stuff going on. I don't remember the name though.

>> No.9711489

Not even Dumas?

>> No.9711491

>more relevant to modern life
how to spot a pleb

>> No.9711494

Suzan-Lori Parks. Her plays are pretty cool.

>> No.9711498
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no discernible plot. protagonist is an obvious author self insert. about half the book is comprised of literal tumblr posts about microaggressions

>> No.9711500

There's no such thing as a bisexual. "Bisexual" men are gay, and "bisexual" women are straight.

>> No.9711658
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None. I've never read any, and that is why I am the true patrician.

The rest of you you...indelibly marred unwashed masses. I'd weep for you were it not such a waste.

>> No.9711690

Where do I even find a translation of the Mahabharata


>> No.9711708

>Complaining about author's self insert
>Book literally about author's experience with race


>> No.9711738

The person who wrote this is obviously a brilliant political thinker.


>> No.9711779

>I claimed that she is a great political thinker

>> No.9711788

Why should I read less?

>> No.9711794

The only time women do anything good outside of raising children (and sex so I don't get any replies calling me a fag) is when you can't tell a woman did it.

>> No.9711796

>Although I will say that a mediocre Zadie Smith novel is more relevant to modern life than something like Moby Dick is, as great as Melville is.
nu males pls go

>> No.9711829

Asa Akiira

>> No.9712213
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>a mediocre Zadie Smith novel is more relevant to modern life than something like Moby Dick is
>it's a damn sight better than anything that this board has ever produced.
>Provided an insight into a community that, as a white guy, I've only encountered from the outside.

Congratulations, you're as well adapted to the modern world as a tapeworm is to an intestine.

>> No.9712228

women and black people are all stupid normies and therefore have a limited understanding of what it means to be human.

>> No.9712257

holy shiiiiiit HAHHAAHaAA

>> No.9713212


>Living WoC

I don't think I've ever

I'm sure some random article online I've read was written by one, but an actual book? Never.

>> No.9713233

Don't think I've ever ready any. Read a few non-white males, but not females.

>> No.9713294

I've never liked this image. Not because I disagree with the point it's trying to make, but because anyone who honestly thinks reading 4000 pages of Harry Potter is the same as reading 4000 pages of actual, quality literature, is fucking retarded.

>> No.9713318

she's telling straight white men to read less shitlord

>> No.9713326

>"bisexual" women are straight.
>this nigga is holding out hope HD/Woolf/Highsmith/Sand will fuck him
it's a bit late even if she weren't gay, whichever waifu you're doing this for

>> No.9713327

Arundhati Roy

Reading Ministry of Utmost Happiness right now. Say what you will, bitch can write.

>> No.9713850

>reading authors who aren't dead

>> No.9713862


There was this guy on here, called capsguy (because he always wrote in all caps) who refused to read anything published after 1950. That was his way of filtering out junk.

>> No.9714101

>implying i actually want to talk to women without coming across like a colossal dick
you don't need to have a nu-male mentality to love or fuck quality women

>> No.9714105

she's telling people to read white men who are less than straight
which means she thinks homosexuals are below heterosexuals
which is problematic as fuck

>> No.9714230

Hayashida Q. Unironically the best seinen mangaka.

>> No.9714246

Toni Morrison.

Had to read Beloved for a Civil War Literature course that was, with the sole exception of Cold Mountain, focused entirely around minority literature. Even the discussion of Cold Mountain was largely focused on shit like toxic masculinity. As a STEM major, I hadn't ever actually encountered leftist indoctrination in uni until that point.

Beloved was pretty good, though. Sure as shit better than Fire on the Mountain and All Other Nights.

>> No.9714249

>Dorohedoro is by a woman
Would not have expected that.

>> No.9714285
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very interesting

>> No.9714417

Where's the comma?

>> No.9714426

Rupi Kaur here on /lit/

>> No.9714446

I personally think Song of Solomon is her best work, so you should check that out

>> No.9714495

Toni Morrison is a massive troll and a closet reactionary. Everything she ever wrote is a rant against giving crazy women 'rights'.

>> No.9714526

Nice try but Schopenhauer was a huge faggot.

>> No.9714756

>tfw I can still Borges, Bolaño, GGM, Paz, Cortázar, Pessoa, Vargas Llosa, Bioy Casares, De Assis, Mishima, Kawabata, Akutagawa, Abe, Murakami, Murakami (Ryu), Tanazaki, Soseki, and others

And I could still read non-straight white males

>> No.9714856

Bisexual men are bisexual

Bisexual women are straight attention seekers

>> No.9714879


>you can talk to women without coming across like a colossal dick.

Luckily I can do this without reading shitty non-straight-white-male authors.

>> No.9714884

>Song of Solomon

Reads like a parody. I didn't know whether it was supposed to be funny or serious, every page.

>> No.9714886
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It's ok anon, you still have time to swallow the final pill.

>> No.9714939

you can recognize strong and empowered women by how frequently they hype themselves up

>> No.9714975

Penguin's got a good one. you can forgive the thousand page abridgment because literally nobody reads it unabridged.

>> No.9714990


>> No.9715002

Just read Mishima and watch them squirm when they hear all that veneration of masculinity, nationalism and violent self sacrifice is from a gay Asian manlet

>> No.9715011

>"Dumas was black, Tarantino said so" mem

>> No.9715076
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I skimmed some of this specimen's new memoir, Hunger, at the library. She basically blames her monstrous size on having been raped as a teen, then complains for a while about how difficult it is to be fat in the world (you know, the stigma, having only reasonably sized chairs and airplane seats, getting lectured by her doctors about her size). She dismisses exercise and the fit person's "gaze." She admits that diet and exercise are the only way to go, but refuses to do so because...it would make her sadder? Than being massively overweight?

>> No.9715103
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>> No.9715166

>he thinks it's from tarantino
when will /tv/ leave? they're bigger faggots than a dumas fils book has

>> No.9715169


>> No.9715172

that sounds madder than hamsun's hunger. kind of tempted to read.

>> No.9715232

>this thread
why do you hate women and minorities so much?

>> No.9715265

we don't, anon. we hate living people.

>> No.9715308

the fact threads like this always get such horribly racist and misogynistic reactions PROVES why such performative displays of not reading white male authors are still needed. the fact the most comfortable members of our society ie. straight white MEN, still get so enraged by a completely voluntary choice that does not pertain to them at all proves reading only women/POC/Queers pledges are still a highly radical act.

>> No.9715328

Because they hate me.

>> No.9715351

read more straight white men

>> No.9715369


White people do not make up a majority of the world, so...

>> No.9715424

I will if they finally get their act together and write books about subject besides being a whore and periods.

>> No.9715437

Start with the Greeks, then read all there is to read of great European(male) literature, then when you're dead you keep reading them, and keep expanding your mind, and then at some point in the afterlife you can start dabbling in contemporary(anno Domini 2531) female written flicktion books where you'll read about their first period or their first boyfriend or how they became lesbian and so on.

>> No.9715465
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>the fact threads like this always get such horribly racist and misogynistic reactions PROVES why such performative displays of not reading white male authors are still needed.

please stop smelling you own fart

>> No.9715473


>> No.9715666

I'm black and I'd never read any books written by blacks, except maybe Thomas Sowell. Other than that all of their topics are the same. The only person you need to read is Nee-etch

>> No.9716130

Are there literally any good ones? I mean, I guess Toni Morrison is up there with the best Coloured Women authors, but are there any other that exist?

>> No.9716140

Do russians count?

>> No.9716230
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read a few asians not too long ago. banana yoshimoto, han kang, natsuo kirino

thinking about getting that too. i quite liked the god of small things

>> No.9716232

they are technically POC

>> No.9716250

What I'm trying to say is Borges, Bolaño, Cortazár, Vargas Llosa and Bioy Casares were straight white men.

>> No.9716394

who the fuck cares?

>> No.9716430

This is quite possibly the dumbest criticism I have ever heard.

>> No.9716460
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>> No.9716479

>why do you hate women and minorities so much?

their inferior

>> No.9716485
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>Reading female authors makes you better at talking to women.

What is this /r9k/ shit?

>> No.9716539

>Do russians count?

Once they get past twenty it gets a little iffy. Especially if they've been drinking.
And they have.

>> No.9716644

I'm not English, I'm a citizen of the world. Rape happened in England before the immigration and after, we'll deal with it like any other criminal case. And England was never "great", you dumbass chauvinist. Deal with it

>> No.9716655


Honestly the more you post the more accurate you're proving him. You sound palpably bitch-like.

>> No.9716656

That's not an argument

>> No.9716664


I know. It's an observation.

>> No.9716666

I'd like to see you go be "citizen of the world" in Pakistan or Nigeria. Wonder how that would work out for you. You're a numale pussy and deserve the worst for trying to justify the rape of your women by third world savages in places like Rotherham.

>> No.9716671

Then leave the conversation as you have nothing to contribute, if you refuse you just prove that you are nothing more than a little 6 year old boy stomping his foot on the ground, "NO"

>> No.9716675


Lmao you are such a fucking soft cunt.

>> No.9716677
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see what I mean?

>> No.9716693

>I'd like to see you go be "citizen of the world" in Pakistan or Nigeria. Wonder how that would work out for you
Non sequitur. Just because a country may not endorse global integration, it does not make my position any less just.
Rape is never justified, you can't use that as an argument against immigrants just to further your agenda, a crime is a crime is a crime, which is dealt with by the law enforcement system that all Western countries have. Pinning the ultimate blame on immigrants as a whole is the mark of an intellectual coward and a bore, who refuses to look in the mirror.

>> No.9716723


>Just because a country may not endorse global integration, it does not make my position any less just.

Just non-conducive with reality on the most basic of levels. You're the kind of eternal idealist mark who gets jumped for his wallet and then goes off to ponder about the nature of theft on an existential level instead of learning to be more street smart from then on.

You're a white progressive too, aren't you? You have that kind of naivety about you.

>> No.9716724

You're the epitome of a weak faggot. Inbred savages from the middle east are pimping out 12 year old English girls in your country and you think you're some noble man of the modern age for defending them and declaring yourself a "citizen of the world"?

You are scum. Understand? Stop justifying your weakness to others, act like a man, and start defending your people. Pathetic cuck.

>> No.9716738


>> No.9716748

I've never even posted on pol. Does thinking I have help you justify your absurd level of pussification?

>> No.9716753
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He's right, you chump. And furthermore you're too clueless to see that you're actually practicing a very subtle form of ethnocentrism in your denial addled refusal to note the fundamental differences that most immigrant men hold about their views and conduct toward women.

The younger men who are flocking in to your country don't see women as any kind of equal - particularly white women - and all you apologist idiots will do whatever you can to refuse having this conversation because you are petrified of being tarred and feathered as "bigots" by other weak-thinking dunces who are just like you.

RIP white people there are some quality white men still putting up a fight but your people have been too waylaid by weakness and faggotry these days to make it. Shame; I quite liked you lot.

>> No.9716761
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She's right. POC and Women WILL get the attention they deserve, even if by force.

>> No.9716914

He wasn't black but strangely since Django Unchained a lot of people (amerisharts) claim he was

>> No.9716967

Yeah? Well, fuck england then, fuck europeans, we deserve to be extinguished, the brown masses deserve to take over by the virtue of their stronger seed, I don't even care anymore. Fuck conservatives and fuck nazi's, I will make sure to protect every muslim I see from a hostile white bastard.

>> No.9716988

You should get your t-levels checked and stop consuming soy. You clearly have a deficiency in the ingredients that make a man.

>> No.9717256

good point

>> No.9717287

>implying I care about being a colossal dick to women
I've told my female friends that I am better than them and they roll their eyes
Women are the most disgusting thing on this earth, the vast majority of them have no spine and no brain.

>> No.9717326
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>>9710026 (OP)
I don't care about what gender or race an author is, save in its relevance to the discussion they shall embark upon. Otherwise, I care only for topics of discussion and an author's ability to converse.

If you refuse to read an author based on their race or gender, you are a pseud. It should be the topic of discussion and what they have to say which leads your interest.

Encouraging people to "Read less straight white men," is basically a campaign to revel in ignorance, for, even the translations of foreign geniuses into English will most likely have been done by a straight white man.

Honestly, what does sexual preference have to do with intellect anyway? This is one prominent reason I consider most homosexuals, trans, and non-binaries shallow. For most of them, sex is always at the center of affairs - a true perversion of intellect.

Likewise, for anyone who lives in Europe or North America, you're essential arguing for a disconnect from one's own cultural, linguistic, and scholastic heritage - an absolutely ludicrous and barbaric notion. One which tells me you lack understanding in what brings cultural cohesion to a people. Rather, you should be encouraging immigrants and minorities dwelling in historically Anglo regions to read more straight, white men.

I consider cultural studies, especially literary ones, to be of immense value to all involved, however, the onus is on the immigrant to appropriate the culture of the native and not the reverse. Otherwise, the migrant is no migrant but an invader who should be sent soundly packing.

In any case, the last WoC I've read is Tracy K. Smith, the current Poet Laureate of the United States of America, I believe (that she is the last WoC I read, that is). I like her, as a person. I am unsure, however, how I feel about her poetry. I'd like to spend more time ruminating on it.

>> No.9717331

solmaz sharif

>> No.9717377


>> No.9717382

>says he's never read any
>passes judgement


>> No.9717388
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>mfw Schop btfo all these nu-cucks 100 years ago

>> No.9717400

Nice to see another STEM major on this board. On topic, Toni Morrison is also the last one I can think of.

>> No.9717402

I was gearing up to call you a pretentious faggot since it seemed obvious you were from the beginning of your post, but the following talked me out of doing so:

>Otherwise, the migrant is no migrant but an invader who should be sent soundly packing

Reasonable on the surface. The thing is, though, very, very few non-Europeans will ever care about European art/literature, and those who act like they care will only really be doing so because they are cunning enough to realize that they will receive benefits from whites for playing that game.

And why should they be expected to care? Why would we want them to care? It's absurd. This is not their culture, and we shouldn't be culling their ranks and bringing people in so that they will appreciate what we have accomplished.

Not that that happens anyway ... instead we bring them in to a system that teaches them to hate whites and view us as evil, while the jewish media exacerbates this further; and now we're seeing our once-high-brow culture being destroyed by jewish degeneracy because we gave it up and are now no longer in charge of it.

No. It's not going to work, and it was never supposed to work. Non-whites, and jews especially, need to be removed from white societies before whites blend into the mud hordes. And we need to take back our culture and reestablish the notion that it's ours alone and that no one else should ever be expected to care -- because they won't.

>> No.9717420

Your attitude is not reasonable at any depth.

First of all, it is a jaded perspective. You operate with a mindset like a game theorist. You should watch Adam Curtis' documentary, "The Trap."

>why should they be expected to care
Because they've voluntarily elected to immerse themselves in it perhaps???

>bringing people in
I'm not discussing the current "refugee" issues in Europe. I have no desire to merge the topics.

>jewish degeneracy
I should have known. I release you from this conversation tin-foilian. You may return to your Alex Jones and David Icke videos.

Good riddance.

>> No.9717430


Except that you've already shown that you consider racial harmony more important than protecting young girls. We all know about Rotherham, it's a matter of public record, not some right wing conspiracy.

>> No.9717435

>they've voluntarily elected to immerse themselves in it
And how long do expect to maintain this fanciful delusion of yours? These people hate you, and they're being taught to hate you.

Stop acting like a pretentious, idealistic fool and wake up to reality. It's you who's wearing the tinfoil hat here. Other people don't think like you and they don't share your values. Jews especially, a group of people you clearly don't know the first thing about.

>> No.9717437

Oh god. Is this the same guy? No wonder.

>> No.9717449


I have no idea what you're talking about chum.

>> No.9717470 [DELETED] 
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>I should have known. I release you from this conversation tin-foilian. You may return to your Alex Jones and David Icke videos.

You haven't studied anything about the global banking cabals. I can tell because the mere mention of this topic in even the most tangential of ways flips a switch in your rube mind and you instantly convince yourself that it's all some tinfoil hat rhetoric from people who could only ever proffer YouTube videos as their sources.

Do you seriously think there aren't any works of substantive scholarship that you could read on this? It's only YouTube ever level fare at play, is it?

Nervous pseuds like you are legitimately enraging. I wish I could teabag every single weak-minded white boy pseud like you - at least then you'd know what it is to have some fuckin balls.

>> No.9717475
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>I should have known. I release you from this conversation tin-foilian. You may return to your Alex Jones and David Icke videos.

You haven't studied anything about the global banking cabals. I can tell because the mere mention of this topic in even the most tangential of ways flips a switch in your rube mind and you instantly convince yourself that it's all some tinfoil hat rhetoric from people who could only ever proffer YouTube videos as their sources.

Do you seriously think there aren't any works of substantive scholarship that you could read on this? It's only ever YouTube level fare at play, is it?

Nervous pseuds like you are legitimately enraging. I wish I could teabag every single weak-minded white boy pseud like you - at least then you'd know what it is to have some fuckin balls.

>> No.9717627

Am i the only one that feels like black women are being made to be looked at as clowns with this whole agenda?

>> No.9717637
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I don't read any living authors at all.

>> No.9717639
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Reading nigger females ever

>> No.9717642


post the substantive scholarship O enlightened one

>> No.9717650

Incel: The thread

>> No.9718068

One of us is, indeed, pretending.

Surely, I know more immigrants than you ever will, and have taken the time to know them and speak their languages.

>these people hate you, etc.
I told you, I am not speaking on the current refugee crisis in Europe. I'm looking at a much larger and much more permanent phenomenon while you run around wailing at the top of your lungs about the kind of issues which only entertain a generation.

>esp Jews
I speak and read Hebrew. I've studied their history and the linguistic relationships of Hebrew to the other Semitic languages. I've studied these cultures. I've read the Tanakh, the Talmud, the Zohar, and the Quran as well. I know many Jews. I have friends who have studied in Israel. This is only one of the five languages I speak. I am the one, of the two of us, who knows about Jews. The "Jews" you "know" about are a mythological entity dreamed up by man-children, and those who wish to control man-children, to explain away every ill in the world. They are the equivalent of boogeymen, and no intelligent man puts any stock in the ideologies they pervade.

You really don't have a clue what I've studied, nor will you ever understand what I do about economics because your attitude toward these matters is plebeian, and plebs don't ever learn the first thing about real scholarship.

>It's only ever YouTube level fare at play


>weak minded, balls, etc.,...

Expected speech from a typically emotionally-driven animal. Also, who said I was white?

>> No.9718072

An expected post from a woman-poster.

>> No.9718121
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Does he mean that the "4000 pages" of HP with big font, triple spacing, etc., is actually much less in terms of more meaningful measures of the amount of content (character count, word count) than the 4000 pages of classic literature?

>> No.9718136

>wailing at the top of your lungs
How can you even pretend to accuse anyone else of that after your period-gushing tirade? Do you have any self-awareness?

>writes long-winded posts about himself
>emotionally flips out while accusing others of emotionally flipping out

This is why you were labeled a pretentious faggot out the gate -- look at how you go out of your way to feign erudition. You are a weak and unlearned man. It's no wonder you have no clue what's going on in the world around you.

>I speak and read Hebrew
And there we have it.

>> No.9718161

Go back to your grave, Butler

>> No.9718168


>> No.9718172

Misha Lapkin is really great author. this is his first text http://www.proza.ru/2017/07/03/964

>> No.9718173


>their inferior

Yeah, you seem like a genius.

>> No.9718392

Dumas pere was black. He lived long enough for there to be photographs of him, even if you don't trust his contemporaries' accounts. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but there's no way he'd pass as white.

>> No.9718580

Pynchon wrote V. at 23-25, in comparison Zadie Smith is fucking trash

>> No.9718617

unfair comparison, seeing as >muh pynchon is a once-in-a-generation autistic savant

>> No.9718648

You know, I can't recall ever reading a WoC before.

I must be a massive racist misogynist

>> No.9720300

>you are a weak and unlearned man

Projecting hard, kid. No amount of telling yourself this will make it true.

>and there we have it

Yes, you do. I don't have to rely on your shoddy excuse for "scholastic" sources for information (sources you have yet to provide, btw).

>> No.9720324

I just read her poetry on Poetry Foundation. Are there better poems than the four she has listed there? They are bad.

Can anyone enlighten me as to the meaning of her poem Vulnerability Study? The symbolism makes no sense to me at all.

>> No.9721656
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That's cheating because most good authors of either gender are dead as door nails.

>> No.9721673

Plenty of mangaka are women. I can't name anybody because I don't actually read.

>> No.9721700

Daily reminder that Shakespeare was a woman of colour

>> No.9721705

You should try fixing your relationship with your mother

>> No.9721885

They have low iq compared to white men

>> No.9722578

Read Half a Yellow Sun for senior English a couple years back.

Now I refuse to read anything written by black women.

>> No.9722590

Yoon Ha Lee

>> No.9722593


and then everyone clapped xD

>> No.9722596

Anyone who thinks they're knowledgeable about Serious Literature and hasn't read any Arundhati Roy needs a word with themselves.

>> No.9722614

A poem by rupi kaur. That was enough

>> No.9722622

>reading living authors
>reading anything written by a women or a black
this board truly has fallen to reddit

>> No.9722638

>new perspectives on things
But I don't want a new perspective on things.

>> No.9722673


Maya Angelou. First and last.

>> No.9722697


I've found that nothing lowers my regard for the female sex more than reading their work.

The greatest achievements of female literature are Harry Potter, Twilight, and the Hunger Games. Just let that sink in for a moment

>> No.9722768

Woolf, Shelly, Austin, the Bronte's.

>> No.9722776


>> No.9723472

This but unironically

>> No.9723498

>women like feminist men
Holy shit I'm fucking dying, feminist """men""" are cucks

>> No.9723507

Borges was white. So was Cortázar, and García Márquez, and Rubén Darío. Actually, every good Latin American author had a negligible to nonexistent amount of non-white blood. Hmmm really makes me think

>> No.9723524

>read less straight white men
>just read white women from new york teehee we'e not privileged!

>> No.9723533
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>implying the best one of them, Machado de Assis, wasn't mulatto

You dun goof'd.

>> No.9724531


>> No.9724535

Doesn't sound like you've read much of their work because those are nowhere near the top.

>> No.9724544


>> No.9724561

Michelle Alexander.

Gotta love how a thread posing a simple question "triggers" every defensive kissless mouthbreather on this forum. Nothing wrong with reading WOC writers as well as dead white men.

>and means you can talk to women without coming across like a colossal dick
I agreed with you up until here. I am a hardcore feminist but I never discuss it with new women (especially when I am trying to fuck). To me there's something really vulgar about using a genuine intellectual interest I have in something like feminism to score brownie points with a girl. If this is your motive than you are reading woman writers for the wrong reasons imo. Honestly just acting funny / douchey is 100x more effective. I will only really talk about that kind of stuff with close friends (men and women) who are literate enough on the topic to have a good conversation.

>> No.9724568

>If this is your motive than
Time to go to sleep I guess.

>> No.9724573
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>I am a hardcore feminist
You're a fucking cornball is what you are m8.

>> No.9724578


>Nothing wrong with reading WOC writers as well as dead white men.

It doesn't matter who you read. If all you read were "dead white men" you could still read literally thousand of good books. There's nothing blameworthy or praiseworthy about reading authors from a particular ethnic group.

>> No.9724584

There's literally nothing sentimental about actual feminist theory and you would be aware of this if you had ever bothered to read a single paragraph of it.

No shit, you literally just rephrased what I said.

>> No.9724595


>if I call you out for talking like a cornball that means I've never taken the time to seriously read any feminist theory before
bro you are so intensely hardcore wit it damnnnn

>> No.9724616

/lit/erally who?

>> No.9724618

> talk to women without coming across like a colossal dick.

so, you mean, be ignored by them?