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9709283 No.9709283 [Reply] [Original]

>"I hate irony!"
>"Well, that's great and all, but the Wardine be cry part is some of the worst writing I've ever read, with the exception of your literary idol Stephen King, who you made students read at Emerson. It sounded like you've never heard a black person talk in your life."
>"Oh, well, uh, that was the point. It was ironically bad writing that was meant to ironically mimic how white people who have never heard black people talk before."

>> No.9709288

>t. buttblasted pleb that would shit himself before offering any criticism to the man himself if he were living

>> No.9709290

That is unironically how some really uneducated and poor black people talk.

Feels bad that people on /lit/ are so sheltered they accuse unsheltered people of being sheltered when they correctly describe certain aspects of unsheltered life.

>> No.9709292

Grow up.

>> No.9709294

I always thought the narrator of that part was supposed to be retarded.

>> No.9709304

>t. buttblasted pleb who can't stop whining
you grow up. delete your thread and go read.

>> No.9709309
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Any good books about a weak male who marries a woman and her son from another marriage starts to run the show at home?

>> No.9709376

dfw was retarded so

>> No.9709396

infinite jest

>> No.9709405

Your diary after you give into the fear of dying alone

>> No.9709409


>> No.9709422

everybody just assumes it is a black person

>> No.9709507

I thought the chapter was entertaining because I had to grow up around people who actually talked like that. It sucks trying to have regular conversations with those people

>> No.9709510

well yeah but a retarded black person I mean

>> No.9709517

i thought because it's set in the future (for 1996) it anticipated ebonics would degenrate further

>> No.9709569

It was neither meant to be good writing, nor a message itself taken apart from the whole. It is plain to see that it ties into later themes on dialect vs. prescribed grammar and subjective experiences of the characters if you went on past this. What are you, an atheist?

>> No.9709581

It was neither meant to be good writing, nor a message itself taken apart from the whole. It is clear that it comes into later themes on dialect vs. prescribed grammar and cultural differences of the characters if you read on past this. What are you, an atheist?

>> No.9709593

This. it's not ironic. it's faulknerian or joycean submergence in dialect. it's either niggers or dfw being a racist i can't tell you which because i've never seen or spoken to a rela black person

>> No.9709596

It wasn't meant to be good writing or a message unto itself taken apart from the rest. It's obvious that it ties into later themes on perspective and prescriptive grammar and individual cultural values of the characters if you had continued reading. What are you, an atheist?

>> No.9709794

>I've never seen or spoken to a real black person

>> No.9709928

as far as ebonics written by nerdy white dudes go, i thought it wasn't too bad. why ya'll mad, it's a lot of whiteboys don't speak hood.

>> No.9710284

The Luck of Barry Lyndon

>> No.9710322

Amen, I have several black friends. They do talk like this. They replace expressions like "going to" with "finna" and they say nigga constantly. Like every other words.

Also, my black friend just robbed a house last week. Not even joking. Fucking nignogs, man.

>> No.9710337

Why didn't he ask one of his black friends to proofread that passage?

>> No.9710402

No, it isn't. No one would say 'Wardine be cry' because it's grammatically incorrect AAVE. They'd say 'Wardine be crying' - or, Wardine is always crying. 'Wardine be cry' would mean 'Wardine is always cry', which doesn't make sense.

>> No.9710417

people who think the book isn't aware of it's own irony obviously missed the fucking point (the whole book is ironic as fuck, it's practically its core value as a meta-piece)

But yes, that is more or less the poitn of the Wardine passage, to reveal that language is flexible and that a lot of the jargon in the book is reflective of a certain level of society that is distanced from reality (think ETA in relation to Enet House where Clenette, wardine's friend, now works as an incredibly minor background character, as a cleaner no less)

>> No.9710430

They probably say "Nigga said" and then start mock crying.
I'm truly jealous.

>> No.9710528

I thought it was redneck trailer trash

>> No.9710541


nice humble brag asshole

>> No.9710634
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>> No.9710721

I will never not laugh at the greatly deserved ridicule of this hack fraud. DFW will be remembered by posterity as the most incompetent snake oil salesman western literature has ever produced.

The only sincere act of his life was when he kicked away the chair. His life was nothing but a series of ironies and lies predicated on the the joke that is new sincerity. The big punchline was the creaking of the rafter and the piss trickling down his leg to the floor.

his epiphany that the only viable thing for him to do was to kill himself was the best thing to happen to literature in 30 years since he began writing because behind all the self aware gimmicks and self help books and the drugs and the audience pussy there was no discernible talent

>> No.9710725
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>> No.9710801

>because it's grammatically incorrect
If they were talking grammatically correct, it wouldn't be realistic black dialogue.

>> No.9710814

He means it's incorrect Ebonics, which does have rules

>> No.9710911

>being a prescriptivist
>ignoring the existence of dialect

>> No.9711827

you havent read it.

>> No.9711966


you are all forgetting the narrator is also an uneducated little girl who probably is just learning to speak.

>> No.9712130

tbf, neither have I, I'm just European, there are only white people in some parts of Europe.

>> No.9712139

Wow, nice to know an Internet scholar like you knows how all black people talk. Also even if it's not a perfect representation, it's not awful either. Again, I've been around uneducated and poor black people and when I read this passage I didn't particularly go "Oh my!", I just went "Oh".

The negative and uncomfortable reception this passage gets is just proof to me that a lot of people on /lit/ are hilariously sheltered, lol.

>> No.9712164

more like Dumb Fat Wanker lmao

>> No.9712197

Given that it's supposed to be an urban black girl talking, it doesn't sound like any urban black girl I've ever heard

>> No.9712759

rofl xd