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9709212 No.9709212 [Reply] [Original]

How come nature, more so than the city, is so conducive for the arts, particularly writing?

>> No.9710245
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Cities are part of nature.

>> No.9710246

Nature is often ugly. If you happen to live in some kind of national park, then great, but go to your nearest forest, it's probably just a bunch of weeds and trees that all look the same. A city at night is much more beautiful 9 out of 10 times.

>> No.9710258

move somewhere nicer faggot

>> No.9710306

>cityfags actually think this

>> No.9710313

Thinks sausages grow on trees/10

>> No.9710327
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>> No.9710336


Because we tend to associate nature with a spiritual feeling, while the city just feels man made and thus duller.

>> No.9710346

I feel that there needs to be a balance. Cities are so incredibly human and alive. They are vibrant and full of culture. There's a reason why the "city slicker" stereotype exists. Unless you're some introverted autist who can't socialize, you're missing out on an essential part of the human experience by avoiding cities. The social aspect that isn't found out in the isolation of nature. Urban environments have their place alongside nature.

>> No.9710355

nice try, man, but you're not fooling anyone

>> No.9710359
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I actually feel like cities at night offer more artistic reflection. You can get lost in the streets, and every alley and every house hides a secret

>> No.9710384

I think it's because cities represent death and destruction while in nature everything is alive and colorful. The three years I spent in New York City were the most boring of my life. I socialized frequently with a variety of people, explored museums, restaurants, and everywhere else that is supposed to be 'fun', but never was I able to detect much life. It's as if the artificiality of the environment rendered all of the inhabitants artificial. After leaving the city and moving to the mountains I immediately felt a change in me. My emotional life flourished, I could once again breathe, and my mind was no longer inert.

>> No.9710452

Comfy af desu

>> No.9710504

Goes back to the Romantics, Wordsworth and Coleridge, who made a deliberate attempt to link poetical imagery with natural imagery. And it kind of stuck.

>> No.9710515

Agreed. I especially love train stations in the big cities. Everyone there is so busy and has a completely different story.

>> No.9710566

Cities are depressing. Great for pessimistic writings, but then again its hard to write when feeling depressed.

>> No.9710627

Fresh air.