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File: 28 KB, 460x276, ariel-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9708363 No.9708363 [Reply] [Original]

any good books with the main characters being narcissists or psychos ?
con artists are a plus.

>> No.9708376
File: 118 KB, 500x623, highsmith_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highsmith's Ripley novels.

>> No.9708383
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Makes The Underground Man seem charming.

>> No.9708392

American Psycho is the holy grail of this.

>> No.9708412

Shakespeare Richard III
Marlowe Jew of Malta

>> No.9708552

Filth by Irvine Welsh

It's about a narcissistic cop in Scotland. Excellent read, though you'll have to get used to Welsh's writing style and use of phonetic Scottish dialogue.

>> No.9708569

Richard III
American Psycho
The Secret History

>> No.9708689
File: 20 KB, 220x334, 220px-DWCity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9709534

The Bible

>> No.9709770

confederacy of dunces

it explains mlady, fedoras, pol and the like, a visionary feat.

>> No.9709779
File: 521 KB, 1920x795, Patrick_Bateman_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to say.

On that note, does anyone sometimes wonder just how BEE managed to shit out American Psycho? All his other works are mediocre at best, but American Psycho is unironically a masterpiece. It's the "voice of a generation" for Ellis' generation, and nothing else comes close. Is it just that every writer, even a shitty one, has at least one truly great novel in them?

>> No.9709783

Harry, A History by Melissa Anelli

>> No.9709789

This lad gits it. Filth is truly a fucken beast eh a novul pal. The protagonist is a proper weapon. Amagine begsbie but with a badge. Utter mental Ken?

>> No.9709796


>> No.9710102

can I just say "AHAHAHA" to having Ariel Pink as the post image. I see him around in LA a lot, he's a manlet with a hardcore Napoleon complex. Great music, tho.

>> No.9710392
File: 20 KB, 256x400, Trump_the_art_of_the_deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9711598

Broken Empire series. It's fantasy though

>> No.9711613


He's a character. Used to be in a Buddhist monastery.

>> No.9711822
File: 29 KB, 274x400, Diary_of_a_wimpy_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9712317


> Narcissist
A Confederacy of Dunces

> Psycho
American Psycho
Child of God

>Con Artists
A Perfect Spy (see also narcissist)
Dead Souls (it's old and Russian, so depends on how you feel about that)

>> No.9712320

tartuffe by moliere

>> No.9712323

My Twisted World

>> No.9712366

catcher in the rye

>> No.9712371

>con artists are a plus.

Confessions of Felix Krull

>> No.9712392
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>> No.9712435

>Used to be in a Buddhist monastery.

>> No.9712576

I was in a Ariel Pink show at my hometown once and he went completely mental he started screaming at people and kicking them with his high heels. A fair amount of people left at the middle but just because he sucked at that show.

>> No.9712996

Highsmith wrote many more novels than just the Ripley ones. Definitely a good place to start. But then there's The Confidence Man by Herman Melville.

Not really, though. Maybe it's just a preference, but I don't think his caricature of a narcissus, or con man are to be taken as reality. The idea that this is the "holy grail" is just a stereotyping of a character that in life will have much more complexity, more subtle attributes, and more room for compassion than a morally simplistic reader would like to give.

I feel like I shouldn't say this, but The Brother's Karamazov by Doskey.

Why all those fucking clippings Ivan? Why?

>> No.9713010


A weird homo who is mentally ill? Who could have imagined that.

>> No.9713045
File: 158 KB, 478x463, 1496819582411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he went completely mental he started screaming at people and kicking them with his high heels.

serves you right for being at an "ariel pink" show in the first place.

>> No.9713053

If you enjoy his music, do yourself a favor and don't see him live.

>> No.9713085

Sorry, got it wrong. He was in a Hindu ashram. Just Google "Ariel Pink Hindu ashram" and you'll find some articles that mention it.