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9707510 No.9707510 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite transgender writer?

Mine is the same as The New Yorker's, Ernest Hemingway

>> No.9707513


>> No.9707520


>> No.9707521


>> No.9707533

>Burly man who got into frequent bar brawls and wrote masculine/traditional themes
>Gender-bending progressive
What did they mean by this? I'm honestly getting tired of these liberal "academics" ascribing their beliefs to anyone they feel like.

>> No.9707537


>> No.9707543

Hemingway had identity problems due to a lot of fucked up shit in his life - one minor example being his mother forcing him to wear girls' clothes as a child.

That this somehow made him transexual is so ridiculous and base a claim as to unveil The New Yorker's own bigotry, but at this point what can you expect. People have been trying to revise Hemingway as somehow feminist or intersectional for decades, first by revising Hills Like White Elephants and The Snows of Mount Kilimanjaro. Next they'll claim Lady Bett as a feminist icon.

>> No.9707546

>mother forced him to wear girls' clothes, emotionally scarring him for life and eventually resulting in his suicide

>> No.9707547

Hemingway is kinda sweet desu. I'd say he even writes like a girl most days.

>> No.9707552

>the new yorker
>the year of our lord 2017

for what purpose?

>> No.9707558

>eventually resulting in his suicide
Electroshock Therapy damaging the linguistic synapses in his brain led Hemingway to kill himself. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if what you said IS actually the mental gymnastics routine these people are trying to pull off.

>> No.9707642

You need to be intersectional to be deserving of reverence these days. They're doing what they can to save Hemingway.

>> No.9707658

>People were just bullying academia about this kinda stuff in the /leftist/ thread
God dammit new yorker.

>> No.9707660

>mother forced him to wear girls' clothes, emotionally scarring him for life
bullshit. that was a standard for the time, and usually only for toddlers, basically because dresses looked pretty and when kids are that young it doesn't matter anyway. people who think that damaged him, are the kind of people who buy gender specific chew toys for their dogs.

Hemmingway was a whiny bitch who overcompensated and then anheroed when he realized that didn't make him any less of a hack.

>> No.9707723

It's ideology. Progressives feel personally threatened by masculinity and sincerely believe that it is responsible for social evil, so they take every available opportunity to demean or subvert it. Hemingway is a respected and famous cultural figure whose writing is explicitly about the pursuit of a masculine ideal--politically, this is very dangerous to progressives in the same way that the Beatles and Hollywood films were dangerous to Stalinist apparatchiks.

In the recent past the favorite tactic of progressives was simply to insult his writing on technical level and degrade his popular persona. When I read A Farewell to Arms in high school, my teacher showed every class she taught his famous childhood photo where he's dressed like a girl. The group discussions were dominated by girls sneering at his war passages and depiction of women ("How can anybody take this seriously?") and many took issue with his "annoying" choppiness.

And yeah, this representation of Hemingway as a hypocrite and bad writer does appeal to the "Did you know John Lennon beat his wife and wasn't Lou Reed?" crowd, but it hasn't been enough to upset his status as a cultural giant. His influence on Western literature was too big and his style was too popular. The New Yorker can't exactly proclaim Richard Ford and Raymond Carver to be interesting writers but Hemingway mediocre.

So now the tactic is a bit slier and, in my opinion, more effective--progressives are using the Hamilton method and rather than degrading Hemingway, they're going to appropriate him for their political ends. They're going to reshape him in their own image and then promote this new representation both to fellow progressives and Hemingway's readers. Hemingway's achievements are now progressive and transgender-friendly achievements. When you read Hemingway (like every high schooler does), you are being given a path toward embracing progressive politics. Hemingway is no longer a figure to be resented and mocked because he's now an argument in favor of liberal values. The narrative has shifted

>> No.9707757

smart boi

>> No.9707770

How the fuck did academia become so hyper liberal? It's ruining the arts

>> No.9707781

Smart persons started going to academia, eventually driving out the retards.

>> No.9707793

>Hemmingway was a whiny bitch

How many wars did you participate in?

>> No.9707794

Where else can you find a job that requires no quality control, little effort and doesn't demand realistic or practical implementations?

>> No.9707795
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>> No.9707796

academics are members of the managerial class rationally acting according to their class interests.

>> No.9707797
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>tfw after a lifetime of uncertainty and fear you become a published and widely read author
>as you grow older your legacy is morphed and manipulated by cultural marxists
>long after you're dead redacted versions of your works are known across the globe and you're celebrated as one of the foremost black transsexual gay jewish authors that ever lived
better to die in obscurity

>> No.9707798
File: 538 KB, 1752x2376, Ernest_Hemingway_at_the_Finca_Vigia_Cuba_-_NARA_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except unless they start editing the texts themselves his novels are all still going to be no girls allowed masculinity machines. reading hemingway as an impressionable teen made me start lifting. no amount of new yorker articles recontextualizing his life is going to change the content of his books and how they are received.

>> No.9707799

The sad thing is this is how academics actually think

>> No.9707802

Because smart people go into business.

>> No.9707805

>acting according to their class interests

Except most academics are Marxists who foolishly promote that ideology not realizing that they would be first up against the wall if commissars Tyrone and Juan ever actually mobilized the proletariat.

>> No.9707806

Which books did you like?

Ive only read The Sun Also Rises and disliked it

>> No.9707811

this unironically is a fear of mine

>> No.9707812

Expect most Marxists don't teach Orthodox Communism, they teach neo-Marxism which sets them up as infallible Philosopher-Kings.

>> No.9707814

Academic institutions depend on public funding. Left-wing parties and politicians have been historically in favor of using public money to fund government programs.

Also, blame the German philosophers and their influence on international academic institutions during the 18th to early 20th century. Marxist thought has it's roots in Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, among others (Including Rousseau).

>> No.9707816


>wrote masculine/traditional themes

A Farewell to Arms is about the idea that heroism in war is a complete fucking joke. The main character gets a medal because he ran across a battlefield to get booze. Then he ditched the war effort so he could marry a nurse who proceeds to have a miscarriage and dies.

For Whom the Bell Toils is about how them blowing up the bridge is completely fucking useless and the fascists won anyway.

The only book he wrote where masculinity actually helped the main character was The Old Man and the Sea. In every other book it just leads to misery.

>> No.9707822

>unless they start editing the texts themselves

Oh, it's coming, anon

>> No.9707827

I've come to believe fascism is the only thing that can save civilisation from victim-o-cratic sharia transgender dystopia in which the only culture is fat positive burka twerking

>> No.9707829

Hemingway a CUTE

>> No.9707831

>his mother forcing him to wear girls' clothes as a child
wasn't dressing boys in dresses an incredible common practice for like centuries until very recently?

>> No.9707835

That may be true but as long as Marx is being taught in any capacity Orthodox Communism will linger on the margins and continue to attract the more edgy students.

>> No.9707843


>> No.9707844
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>Academic institutions depend on public funding
They wouldn't if they didn't mismanage their endowments, your tuition fees are spent on paying
literally nobody's $100k/yr to work for 30 hours a week teaching highschool level ethnics.

>> No.9707879

your a joke

>> No.9707883

>tfw you will never be a tenured professor who teaches class twice a week and making your TA grade every paper that comes in and make 100+k/yr "editing" a twice-annual second-rate scholarly review

>> No.9707889

liberals ruined western civilization

>> No.9708105

Him being a closet homo is not rad anymore, so they had to change it to "gender bending".

>> No.9708113

hemingway is gay as fuck dude, if you didn't know there are tons of "masc" gay guys

>> No.9708114

he was a pansie

>> No.9708117

liberalism is what makes western civilization western, if everyone was still under the spell of puritanical christianity the west would be indistinguishable from the orient

>> No.9708123


Hemingway wasn't gay, he was impotent and anhedonic.

>> No.9708124

christianity made western civilisation western, liberalism is the ideology of capital.

>> No.9708136

Unironically kill yourself for being so stupid

>> No.9708145

christianity is oriental, liberalism is getting back to the true european values of classical antiquity

>> No.9708154

>true european values of classical antiquity
ie. pederasty

>> No.9708157

>he was impotent

that's why he was a power bottom

>> No.9708164

in case you didn't notice the roman catholics never stopped pedoing kids right up until present day

>> No.9708165
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Hemingway is a respected and famous cultural figure whose writing is explicitly about the pursuit of a masculine ideal
wtf I love Hemingway now

> "Did you know John Lennon beat his wife and wasn't Lou Reed?" crowd
Could someone give me a quick rundown on John Lennon?

> They're going to reshape him in their own image and then promote this new representation both to fellow progressives and Hemingway's readers.
You may be in exaggeration. The tweet OP posted is quite absurd, but who is to say this is anything more than some halfwit writing for some clickbait publication?

>> No.9708169


[Citation required]

I'm pretty sure Hemingway just lost the ability to enjoy anything which is why he killed himself. He has the perfect life and it didnt do anything for him.

>> No.9708175


At least then you wouldn't be a virgin

>> No.9708184

wait, do ppl actually read a gay mother fucker like hemingway as an unironically male role model or archetype? lollllll

>> No.9708193

did u not consider he couldn't get it up for hos because he was a fucking fag? come on bro next you'll be telling me macho hairy leather clad motorcycle goons are straight lmaoooo

>> No.9708194


Where did you pull 'male role model or archetype' from my post?

Hemingway is a case study in depression, is what I'm saying. Serious, physiologically motivated, depression. People tend to confuse lack of sexual interest with being homo

>> No.9708211

Is there any evidence that he was impotent, or is that just because of Fiesta?

>> No.9708212

>had a tranny kid
>was weirdly obsessed with masculinity
>constantly depressed
And the kicker
>killed himself
Probably a tranny desu

>> No.9708221


TSaR he writes himself as a limpdick.

>> No.9708223

the masculine homosexual is the foremost threat to the cultural marxist politically correct jewish order. The jews tremble at the prospect of a new Band of Thebes. Aryan civilisation will be ruled over by an aristocratic homosexual bodybuilder elite.

>> No.9708232

>"Did you know John Lennon beat his wife and wasn't Lou Reed?"
It's funny because Reed was posthumously accused of beating his first wife, calling Donna Summer a nigger, and calling Bob Dylan a kike

>> No.9708236


So basically /lgbt/s brand of white supremacist women hating gays?

>> No.9708238

yeah peter theil type dudes who couldn't get laid in college and so commit to a lifestyle of sucking big fat dicks out of spite

>> No.9708255

Is it really that unbelievable to say that some people actually just didn't like his writing style?

>> No.9708263


What happens if you go into one of these classrooms and tell them you don't agree in a polite and non-condescending way?

>> No.9708269

They let you make your point.

>> No.9708353

You don't, because It isn't worth the fallout and you're most likely arguing with a adjunct; a person of no worth anyway.

>> No.9708356

you get 10 points added on your final grade for classroom participation, what else do you expect? a special award?

>> No.9708358


You get good grades, because in reality academic professors actually appreciate people who can think for themselves and make coherent arguments to support their views.

>> No.9708370
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t. higherschools who are really looking forwards to community college

>> No.9708397

so your parents talked u out of leaving the farm and heading off to university eh? worried you might become a homosexual ten minutes after meeting a jew for the first time? understandable.

>Social Theory and Analysis
>Level: Graduate
>Course Description: This course covers major theorists and theoretical schools since the late 19th century. Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Bourdieu, Levi-Strauss, Geertz, Foucault, Gramsci, and others.
>Class Participation: 50%
>Class Discussion Leading: 25%
>Response Papers: 25%


>> No.9708406
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Are you disagreeing with me? lets settle this the old fashioned way, with bike locks and hoodies.

>> No.9708409

>Class Participation: 50%
what the hell
that's way too much weight for what is essentially the professor's discretion

>> No.9708410

you didn't know every class everywhere gives you points for class participation, clearly you are an uneducated mong, kys, also i've competed in combat sports for years, buy a ticket to nyc and pick a gym, i'll be happy to beat your ass

>> No.9708414

Dude, don't make fun of the anthropology student, that's fucking low.

>> No.9708415


I graduated university years ago. Have you even been to college?

>> No.9708419

His mom took a little longer to unbreech him and he indulged a strange fetish from time to time. That's all they have go on, but for an internet psychologist with a million cliches at hand it's more than enough

>> No.9708422


There needs to be a new city to hold the cult of literature. New York is too corrupt and political to stand anywhere near real self expression.

>> No.9708427

This is why I never submit my works for publication. They'd easily get printed but it'd be a sort of prostitution to open yourself up to be misunderstood.

>> No.9708431


>Mary V. Dearborn’s new biography, “Hemingway” (Knopf), is hardly full of revelations. With the witnesses almost all dead, and the archives combed through as if by addicts looking for remnants of crack, how could it be?

One of those articles where the New Yorker actually sinks below the middle brow.

>> No.9708434

He Was

>> No.9708436

The New Yorker has some hilariously bad articles theses days senpai, this doesn't even approach the list.

>> No.9708438

No, it isn't. Those values are decidedly undemocratic

>> No.9708446

>anthropology student
>smarter than a farmer

>> No.9708448
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> The original of Catherine in “A Farewell to Arms” was an American nurse named Agnes von Kurowsky, whom he loved passionately, only to have her reject him with a chilly Dear John letter, in which she told him that she was “still very fond” of him but “more as a mother than a sweetheart.” He fixed the facts in the novel by having her die for love bearing his child. Revenge on reality like that is what literature is for.

>Dearborn sees clearly what was clouded then: that a large part of Hemingway’s decline in his last years was due to an inherited bipolar disorder coupled with a penchant for self-medication through alcohol.


>> No.9708454

>the Greeks

>> No.9708455

I'll always remember the look on my father's face, when after breaking his back on the farm to send me off to the state college for the agricultural program, I told him that I had switched my major to English and didn't intend to come back to the farm.

>> No.9708456

>>Class Participation: 50%
That's higher than the poetry classes I was forced to attend, what the actual fuck m8.

>English major
>didn't intend to come back to the farm
Emphasis on the intend.

>> No.9708462

Stoner wasn't a bad guy imo

>> No.9708467

The only example and they were anti egalitarian

>> No.9708468

Hemingway was a KGB recruit.

Doesn't get much more progressive than that.

>> No.9708471

That's true though. Hemingway, behind the macho posturing, was a weak-ass pussy who was into femdom and probably a closet fag.

>> No.9708478

>wrote books about being domineered by women
>insecure macho posturer

>> No.9708483
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To be fair, there are cracks in the hyper-masculine surface of his writing. This is not to suggest that he was gay or transgendered, just that there are contradictory elements in his writing. I think it's fair game to look at these, as long as we don't try to project insights from his writings back to Hemingway the person. I mean it's pretty sloppy criticism if the whole point is to glean something onto the biography of a writer.

>> No.9708488


You could say that. One of his most famous novels is about a guy watching others fuck the love of his life because he's impotent.

>> No.9708508

>he didn't catch the subtext of self-loathing and insecurity in Hemingway's writing
>he believes in the public persona he created while ignoring the fact that he literally killed himself like a pussy
>he doesn't realize that macho-ness is a shallow materialist ideal peddled by liberals to cucks and fags to keep them mindless consumer sheep

>> No.9708510
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I mean, I'm being generous. From my talks with people in academia that do queer readings of Hemingway, they usually focus on the queerness of his writings and try to avoid biographical information as much as possible. Of course, people outside of academia have a hard time distinguishing the difference, and there are some people that like reading biographical info into books, but they're usually not taken as seriously.

I do think that one problem with academia right now is that you'll probably find a queer reading of any author you can imagine published by somebody, not because of some sinister SJW plot to rewrite the Western canon, but rather just because of the incentive to publish to get tenured positions. If you're the first to publish a queer reading of a famous author, that looks good on your CV. I'm not trying to discredit all queer readings. A lot, especially with an author like Hemingway are pretty convincing, and even in mostly heteronormative texts, it's worthwhile reading against the grain. It's just frustrating that getting published in academia is largely dependent on being the first to do "X" reading of "Y" regardless of the quality of the reading. A lot of queer theory readings are really compelling, even if the theory isn't my personal wheel-house, but it's clear that a lot of things are published to be placeholders on CVs.

>> No.9708516

>liberals propagate masculinity
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9708517

>his wife killed him by damaging jis brain

Could he have written another book if he hadn't been murdered?

>> No.9708528


>> No.9708532

>queer readings
Just destroy this planet already, God. Kill is all.

>> No.9708533

>killed himself like a pussy
>as if 99% of the population wouldn't be scared shitless of shotgunning themselves in the face

>> No.9708538

Right, we know it's him but I thought the impotence was just a metaphor

>> No.9708550

queer theory is cultural marxism

>> No.9708551

Davina Foster Wallace

>> No.9708560

>tfw no subcon twink programmer harem

>> No.9708871

No need to edit the texts. Youve obviously never heard of Garden of Eden. It's as transparently gender bending as anything written today.

"He had shut his eyes and he could feel the long light weight of her on him and her breasts pressing against him and her lips on his. He lay there and felt something and then her hand holding him and searching lower and he helped with his hands and then lay back in the dark and did not think at all and only felt the weight and the strangeness inside and she said, “Now you can’t tell who is who can you?”


“You are changing,” she said. “Oh you are. You are. Yes you are and you’re my girl Catherine. Will you change and be my girl and let me take you?”

“You’re Catherine.”

“No. I’m Peter. You’re my wonderful Catherine. You’re my beautiful, lovely Catherine. You were so good to change. Oh thank you, Catherine, so much. Please understand. Please know and understand. I’m going to make love to you forever."

>> No.9708900
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I mean, most queer theory is explicitly anti-Marxist, but go on believing in weird right-wing conspiracy theories. Or better yet, don't. They're pretty trash-tier, and even the most cursory introduction to lit-crit or critical theory would make that abundantly clear. This is a /lit/ board. It's funny how adversarial the board has become to academic discussions of literature. Like yeah, not all lit-crit and critical theory is worthwhile, but discounting it wholesale as teh "cultural Marxist" boogeyman kills discussion of literature, and cuts you off from a wide world of discussions about books. If you really think you have a problem with what you deem as "Cultural Marxism," do close readings of it. Find the faults you see with specific theorists. Actually try to engage with it. The right complains that they aren't welcome in academia, but instead of actually making valid criticisms, they just throw a hissy fit and flip the table. There are legitimate criticisms to be made of most literary criticism and critical theory today, and making said criticisms is the way that the field advances itself. Even if I may disagree with some (or many) conservative opinions, I would much rather have conservative write well thought out criticisms of specific claims and arguments made by specific theorists, because crying "on no it's the Cultural Marxists" doesn't get anybody any further. It just furthers a divide that the right complains about.

>> No.9708913

You're right, you need only edit your iq so that you're dumb enough to buy this interpretation of the text.

>> No.9708943

What are you on about? Garden of Eden is, among other subjects, about a girl who's greateat desire is to be a man.

>> No.9708972

That's it?

Wow, he wore a dress once when he was 4, what a faggot? ....lol?

>> No.9708980

Your most primitive anti-semitic conspiracy, though more evil, isn't much more primitive than a lot of what comes out of the upper echelons of academia.
These people are only getting back the sort of shit they spew imo

Why should we meet them with coherent theories when the response will be along the lines of
>can't know nuthin'

The two sides have reached an impasse now that extreme skepticism is considered proper even in discussing concrete circumstances.

>> No.9708986

these people are literally preying on CHILDREN out there.

>In 2011, internet journalist Daniel Villarreal advocated queer acceptance by writing: "I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT." [26]

>> No.9708990

>a 'literally who?' Said something
Ok pal

>> No.9708996

he was always extra manly because he felt like he needed to prove his manhood, because his mom used to dress him up like a girl.

>> No.9708997

>Your most primitive anti-semitic conspiracy
What are you talking about?

>can't know nuthin'

This sounds like you've never actually read post-structuralist or post-modernist theory. It doesn't suggest that knowledge is impossible. It seems like you only know a weak straw-man version of lit crit.

>> No.9709000

Basically this.
Also, what does your claim have to do with "Cultural Marxism?"

>> No.9709001

wtf i hate men now :^)

>> No.9709047

What is the purpose of a queer reading and why is it valuable to anyone?

>I mean, I'm being generous. From my talks with people in academia that do queer readings of Hemingway, they usually focus on the queerness of his writings and try to avoid biographical information as much as possible.

>> No.9709055

Obviously not

>> No.9709061

>What is the purpose of a queer reading and why is it valuable to anyone?

undermine western civilisation through muh victimhood culture.

>> No.9709066

>people don't know this is pesto

>> No.9709070

What would the purpose of that be? It's not a very good end into itself

>> No.9709081

that's been the left's game since the 60s. If it doesn't make any sense that's because leftists are mentally ill.

>> No.9709091

I never said a word about post modernism or lit crit. You must be in need of a dictionary or a good pair of glasses

>> No.9709093

The death of Christianity led to the explosion of new political ideologies around the mid-19th century. Liberalism is basically "love thy neighbor" taken to a reducto ad absurdum where everybody is equal.

>> No.9709113

Damn, some people in this thread need some fucking Jordan Peterson.

A good starting point are his podcasts with Joe Rogan. These are dense enough you'll probably require multiple rewatches:

After that, I'd move onto his actual lectures on his youtube channel. He also has a good reading list on his site:

He's a tenured academic with good publications so you can't shill that he's a uninformed or unintelligent.

>> No.9709122

>He also has a good reading list on his site:

Peterson is a faggot don't listen to him read this instead:

read this instead m8

>> No.9709132

No, that's not it at all. That's only one minor part of it. No one has substantively responded to the article. It doesn't claim that he should be considered transgender or an icon for the movement. It argues, with pretty convincing evidence that no one here has refuted, that he was much less rigidly masculine than popularly imagined and very much, at the very least, intrigued by the idea of gender swapping.

The evidence is compelling. In addition to his repeated motifs of impotence, there is also his fascination later in life with dying his hair and making his wife cut hers short, along with the really obvious exploration of gender swapping in the late, posthumously-published Garden of Eden. Plus, the whole catching his son cross dressing and telling him that they come from a "strange tribe" thing.

Something "queer" was going on with Hemingway and gender. Doesn't make him gay or trans, but the article doesn't say that it does. Dismissing it out of hand as so many in this thread are doing would be as stupid as calling him gay because his mom dressed him as a girl would be.

>> No.9709136


[helicopters intensify]

>> No.9709178

The purpose is usually to highlight either contradictions within a text or to show where a text doesn't completely conform to gender or sexual normativity, usually to point out that a text is much more complicated than past readings had suggested.

Is this really what people believe? I don't see why recognizing that not everybody is entirely straight and that there are other modes of expression "undermines Western civilization." Shit man, the Greeks were ostensibly the progenitors of Western culture, and they were hella gay by modern standards.

I'd generally consider myself of lefty academia, and this isn't my goal. I can't think of many colleagues that wish for that either.

>> No.9709207

>Shit man, the Greeks were ostensibly the progenitors of Western culture, and they were hella gay by modern standards.
This is mostly revisionism by modern academia. Scientists did not believe this hundreds of years ago.

>> No.9709219 [DELETED] 

>I mean, most queer theory is explicitly anti-Marxist
Stop being anti-intellectual. The every beginning of your post shows that you don't know what the term "cultural marxism" referes to, yet you classify it as "conspiracy theory". (How a mere term can be a conspiracy theory is beyond me, by the way.)
Keep reading your anti-scientific theories on gender, they are more your speed.

>> No.9709230

Don't forget he also died the same way several Trannies die as well.


>> No.9709516

Must it end positively to promote

>> No.9709519

they don't blow their heads off with shotguns

>> No.9709537

Yes, the cultural Marxists are responsible for every cultural judgement I don't agree with

Wasn't he a closeted bisexual and did a lot of "macho" stuff to make up for it?

>implying liberalism and democracy are compatible

>> No.9709637

Grade weighting at the graduate level doesn't work like it does at the undergraduate level. Making participation worth between 25% and 50% is pretty normal. Most classes consist in readings, seminar discussion, class presentation(s), and a final paper. Grades also don't mean the same thing. An A- can look really bad when you're passing your transcripts around looking for a tenure track position (well, in a Master's program, they matter less than in a PhD program, but I digress). Anything lower than an A- means that you really didn't understand the class, and anything lower than a B- is a failing grade (well they take away your funding, teaching opportunities, etc. and make you pay full graduate tuition to continue in the program, so unless you have lots of cash on hand or like the idea of even more crippling debt, you effectively fail out). Participation will usually be 100% as long as you talk a few times in class about the readings and don't miss any classes.

>> No.9709673


>> No.9709738

>The purpose is usually to highlight either contradictions within a text or to show where a text doesn't completely conform to gender or sexual normativity, usually to point out that a text is much more complicated than past readings had suggested.


>> No.9709748

you get sent down to the diversity office for re-education the nurse gives you some pills you are supposed to take after dinner and you have to attend a seminar about toxic whiteness and male privilege.

>> No.9709759

I mean, what do you think literary studies are all about, if not about revealing new complexity and angles of understanding a text?

>> No.9709797

as someone who just weeks ago was spending probably an hour per day digging through his carpet looking for imaginary crumbs of crack, the metaphor is apt

is there any author whose archives have been picked so clean?

>> No.9709832

hahaha fuck off

>> No.9709836
File: 71 KB, 600x290, IMG_0172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9709863

oh god, watching joe rogan participating in a discussion involving derrida is just too much, i can't go on...this place has just gotten too retarded, this site is now youtube comment tier

>> No.9709875

derrida was merely the french joe rogan

>> No.9709989


why did you save that photo?

>> No.9710690

How many of you autists actually read the article, instead of getting phenomenally triggered for 150 posts, about the strapline?

>> No.9710694

Do you think anyone on this board reads anything?

>> No.9710696

>Read the New Yorker
I don't think /lit/ is their target audience; 60 y/o middle class housewives.

>> No.9710701

Good point, but surely it would be conducive to better discussion if instead of flying into a mouth-frothing rage from the worlds "Hemmingay" and "gander bonding" being next to each other?

Does it mater, though?

>> No.9711747

>What did they mean by this?

Shit I don't know man, if only someone would write an article about it for the New Yorker.

>> No.9711831

>transgender author
>famous for being an hero